Why I Hate Netherite

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that was me dying to a player in full netherite armor I was humiliated so from now on I'm going to find a way to get rid of all the netherright on the server in my first step form a team that can help me with this tag luckily there are some players that have been wearing strictly diamond armor since the start of the server I asked these players the team and they were hesitant at first but eventually gave in so together we formed a team called the ANC soon after they wanted to hold a meeting discussing our plan but this was really really quick meaning it could just be another scheme to humiliate me but if I ever want to prove myself to the rest of the server I have to take this risk so what exactly is like the goal of the group here our goal is to kill everybody another everybody we see another is gonna die we keep it all and then at the end we host a big event where we destroy all yes and then we gave each other a diamond to signify our obedience to the T if you lose this diamond you're out of the alliance if you wear another right or lose your anti-net coalition membership you will be kicked and you will be a Kos bill on site our plan was simple find a way to collect all of the netherway on the server and throw it into the void ever to be seen again but it's our only chance to restore balance on this server our First Act our team split up into two groups the first group would go into The Nether and destroy all Nether rate at y-15 leaving the rest of the server unable to obtain any of this resource I would be in the second group where we would be actively searching the server for any player who has another right gear if we find anyone we would kill them and collect all of their another right items and save them for the finale so with our plan ready all we had to do was set it into motion Group 1 was fast at work in the nether confiscating almost three stacks of ancient debris in just their first debt meanwhile in group two we turned up nothing in the few days that we're running around the server searching for players almost no one had logged on it seems like the server members knew of our strategy perhaps we could have a Trader on our team our plan wasn't working great so far so we set up our second ad tomorrow to like launch this entire thing out we're gonna have a coming out part of our new team our new Mr every team right everybody's going to be there and we're just gonna destroy all of them once we once we announce our new team I announced in the Discord that we would have a gathering it spawn in a few days where we would announce our team's goals for the server just from this message everything seemed fun but little did the people coming to this Gathering know this would only be a trap in order to collect their netherride and as the day of the Gathering creeped closer me and my team prepared for the work collecting shulker boxes of spare gear and resources it was now the day that we would Reign Terror on the server but before officially going to spawn me and my team held one more meeting to finalize our plane Avengers Assemble but something was off during this meeting lettuce K was hiding in the corner the entire time almost as if he was planning something soon enough we figured out exactly what he was doing what's that lettuce you really tried very much oh my God oh my God I think we need to get out of here get up to the Ender Chest pull up to the where the ender chest is no just don't just leave just leave we'll go to spawn just K had betrayed us all and created a new team who would fight against our and even though we were treated lettuce K's New allies were close behind make things worse this battle was a 4v6 with no other options all we could do was fight over here [Music] they have enemies they do so much damage bro [Music] onto it weekly running out of gear in this 4v6 but if I wanted any chance at proving myself and my team to the server I couldn't lose this battle so in an attempt to spread the enemy team out I spawned in my two secret weapons nice nice nice focusing lettuce again these Withers would hopefully allow us to pick off enemy players and not just kill them but take their netherrite gear [Music] on me nice nice nice wave your side and after this first kill things only got easier I got two stacks no Pros nice let us die nice I'm going for him again we actually just won that oh my God we had won the battle and secured countless not the right item but the war wasn't over yet we wanted to get rid of all the netherrite on the server we would have to go even harder meaning we would have to destroy the root of the problem getting rid of all the ancient debris in the nether making it literally impossible for any player on the server to get netherright again luckily we knew the one player who had coordinates to a raid which has gunpowder for TNT but unfortunately psycho didn't want to give the chords out for free sadly for him he didn't really have a choice give us the chords to the thing or we will kill you give us the gunpowder and give us the chords to the totem Farm I don't want the chords I can I can like lead you there if you want and after taking his armor and tools psycher had nowhere to go and no way to escape so we forced him to take us to his raid farm and just like that we had all the gun powder but there was still one more illegal Farm we would need a Wither farm this would allow us to spawn in Withers if we ever got in a bad situation although we couldn't get the withers we still had the raid Farm which gave us all the necessary materials to craft tnt allowing us to collect the last pieces of ancient debris on the server and there was just one more thing we had to do to get rid of it all the rest of the netherrite was either on a player or in their Ender Chest meaning we cannot go about this passively anymore if we want to get rid of all the netherway on the server we would have to bring every player together and let them make their own decision tomorrow is 7 PM EST we the ANC will have an event in the end we'll portray this event as a peace treaty trying to end the netherai Fiasco however this is far from the truth once everyone is here we're going to spawn back in the Ender Dragon and trap everyone inside we will then ask if anyone has netherrite either on them or in the Ender chat say do who will demand them hand it over and if they don't hand it over well hold on to admit we know it's gonna happen Okay because this could quite possibly turn into one of the biggest fights on the slots okay with our plan set in stone me and my teammates had only 20 hours until we would have to prove ourselves to the entire server so me and my teammates prepared traps to set in the end and even made a shrine where we've been dumping all the netherrite into the Vault but if this event failed me and my teammates will be labeled as nothing but trash and as the date creeped closer and closer we did our best to prepare for this could be battle collecting shulker boxes of XP bottles potions and spare gear it was now the day of the event we had everything we could need and if I ever want to prove myself to the server this was the time to do it I had to prove that I am not to be messed with but real quick if you could take a moment to subscribe that would be awesome now let's go destroy some netherright but just as we are gathering people for this event wait guys I just gotta ask come with me for a second so you know I was coming here to look for uh if you guys made anything right if you break this uh what the heck bro psyker had found our pre-placed trap before anybody even got there and because we killed him just the other day there was nothing stopping him from telling the rest of the server what we were up to so in an attempt to save our plan me and Willie decided to play it off as if it was not ours but saying one wrong thing here could totally screw us over meaning we had to be very careful dude did you put that there's like her I thought this was you guys we didn't do anything psycho was off our butts and the server was piling into the end there was one problem if I wanted to respawn the ender dragon and drop everybody in there my teammates would have to create a distraction and Lead everyone to a corner of the island all right everybody follow me Follow the Leader follow the leaders what are we doing all over the mark Potter follow the mark okay let's go let's get this I'll save them do you get to get my car it's now trapped leaving me my team in complete control oh my gosh guys I just wanted to say I just want to say you're my prisoners now okay no running no running everyone come here though we're actually gonna do something and you're not gonna die if you collaborate okay listen so for the past like month or whatever you know we've all the A and C the whole another right being taken off the server and all that now is the end of it you're trapped in the end There's No Escape you're dead if you don't cooperate you see this over here you see this over here right the thing you fell down come over here everyone follow us all the nether that you have it's going down here I need to get all of mine I need to get all of mine what if I grab it that's a lot does anyone have like it was amazing everyone off their netherright and throwing it into the hole it was almost as if the server was reunited once again for the first time in a few weeks everyone was peaceful and as the last few items of netherite were tossed in the hole the lever was pulled from now on out it's gone the deed was done and everyone on the server put on diamond armor just how I wanted it to be and if you like this video consider watching the one on screen now where I survive a week on one inventory slot this was insane subscribe
Channel: SlordFighter
Views: 270,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft smp, minecraft hardcore, awaken smp, lifesteal smp, Infuse smp, minecraft traps, SlordFighter, I Killed A Stacked Player Using Only A Snowball, parrot, spoke, clownpierce, infamousjj, parrot smp, smp, slots smp, sharkilz, fantst, Beating Minecraft with One Slot, Prince Zam, I Survived A Week On 1 Heart, I collected the most illegal items in 7 days, slordfighter texture pack, how i permanently lost my inventory slots, I destroyed 117 netherite sets, moktod, willsion
Id: dW8DdoGnzg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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