How I Built My Base In The Void In Minecraft Hardcore

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is it possible to build a base and live inside the void a place where you can't even place blocks and can die in literal matter of seconds oh oh my yeah well what if I told you there is a way to build an avoid are using shelters yes I'm not kidding because for some reason when you drop a shulker in the void it just glitches and floats which makes a little platform oh oh no stop it stop stop what if I just drop another shelter drop a couple more shelters and a couple more I can make the platform bigger oh I'm so smart and with that my plan is to make this platform huge because I want to make this void base I have everything I need to survive in it like storage Farms food a lot of space mob Farms trading holes everything just just everything and for that I'm gonna need to make this platform bigger and I mean a lot bigger so to speed up the process instead of me bringing every choker from the end I made a shelter Farm now I just need to break bedrock and drop the shulkers come on move move after a couple hours of suffering later I'm already one sixth of the way there it's already looking insane but before I get back to work I have a problem if I go down to the void base right now the shulkers would just shoot me and that that's not good to be honest I thought invis would fix that problem but uh apparently shulkers can still see you oh no oh no I gotta get out bro what wait how so now I need to somehow find a way for the shulkers not to shoot me when I'm down there or the void base might not be possible oh my God so after experimenting for hours in a creative world trying everything I can think of trust me I tried everything I think I finally found a way using boats yep boats you see whenever you place a boat on top of a shulker for some reason it makes a shulker not be able to see you ah loser stupid stupid stupid and with the little trick of using a chicken I can place four boats on top of only one shelter just break should just land straight on the shelter and boom now the shelter can't even shoot me ah stupid stupid all right and after about 30 minutes the platform is fit now I can walk on the platform without getting shot from the shulkers a billion times but to finish the rest of the platform I still need to break all this Bedrock above which is gonna take days to do old manually and I I don't have time for that so I built an automatic Bedrock Breaker oh yeah what what do you think I was gonna do and now with this machine we should be able to break all this Bedrock automatically less than a day but let's just hope it works because if it breaks I have no idea how to fix it and I kind of don't want to spend another four hours rebuilding all right turn it on okay it's on oh okay I think it's working oh yeah it's working it's working oh yes just like that this whole line the Bedrock is broken but before I turn on to break the rest of the Bedrock I just need to add all the Pistons and the slaps aha now I'm just gonna go AFK while I go eat dinner let's hope it's not broken when I come back break oh I don't think it did oh yep this whole layer Bedrock is broken it looks so weird now I just need to repeat that four more times until all the Bedrock is gone after staying up all night breaking rebuilding AFK and repeating that four more times to the point where I was literally going insane but because I did it I now have a giant hole in the ground this just looks so weird all right shulkers first Aha and now to finish the platform I just need to add all the boat for that I'm getting to eat a ton of wood bye bye you know you guys are probably feeling bad for these chickens but I can tell you at least they're not these chickens I I think I made too much and after a little over five hours the platform was finished I have so much space it's still kind of crazy to think I'm literally standing in the void um I'm not saying it all right it's time to make this face a actual bait but I'm not just gonna slap some storage on it and call it a date heck no I want this base to have everything a proper base need like storage Farms food filter trading all entertainment every single thing but I still have one big problem how do I get back up because if I didn't have my light run Rockets I would be stuck in here forever oh wait oh oh no I got you I got a spare electron I'm not that dumb okay so I need to somehow build a way to get back up but because I can't place any blocks down there water and ladders won't work yeah but if maybe I use scaffolding that that might work all right I made scaffolding I'll just build it all the way forward so it falls down wait what did it just phase through the platform oh yeah it's just phasing through the platform oh my gosh okay scaffolding might not work but what if I tried chorus fruit when I eat it it might PP me back up to the surface okay what bro it doesn't even teleport you okay I know a lot of people are probably thinking just throw an ender pearl back up but the problem with that I'm too far down yeah okay I think I came to the conclusion that it's gonna be way harder than I thought so I'm gonna have to think outside the box and what's outside the box is this ender pearl stasis chamber device okay that might sound dumb but but hear me with this device when I throw ender pearl in this water this Soul Sand makes it not touch the ground and keeps it floating so if I just go down to the void base and shoot the target block with my bow shoot the target block with my bow shoot the target block with my bow shoot the target block yeah just just like that it will power the Redstone and flip the trap door impacting the ender pearl and instantly teleporting me back now I just need to remember to always bring my bow down with me and now with the working way to get up and down it's time to add all the amenities to the base and I think it would be smart if we start off with the easy things and work our way up to the heart because building a base in the void should be impossible the first amenity I'm gonna add is a font a Wii and cow Farm to be exact but the first thing we need to do is find a way for them to get down there because yeah okay I knew that was gonna happen I just I just wanted to do that okay what if I just lead them all and jump off with my lytra oh aha now we just need to somehow land Them Softly just go down slowly okay land softly lands off Lee that at least we got one okay what if I try to fishing rod similar how I get them out of their cage I just seen a break they're full oh okay that didn't work wait how did I not think of this I could just splash slow falling on them oh my gosh I'm so dumb hey look it works wow I should have thought of this in the first place I totally didn't kill over 12 cows before this Shrine stupid things that would never work I totally didn't do that all right now I got cows but you might be thinking now I need to build a cage for them so they don't just free roam around oh wait did I forget to tell you that mob's on the void base for some reason don't don't move like they're just stuck I think it has to do with them standing on boats or something but I don't really know or care because now I can just hit them in the corner and they can't move stupid and I think I want to add a chicken and pig farm too because more animals equals better base hey look at that we got a farm the next thing I'm gonna add is storage because I need a place to store all my items but because you can't place shelters or chests down there I might know some different methods I can use first is a llama many people don't actually know this but you can actually put chests on but the problem is it only has three inventory spots bro who do you think I am give me my chest back next up is a dong same thing as a llama you can put a chest on but instead of only having three slots a llama has way more much better but there is one problem with the Donk it's annoying heck no foreign carts with chess this this might actually work it has a ton of space stackable and looks clean so I think I'm gonna put a bunch right here and I know you guys are probably thinking why not use boats with chess and yes that would work but you need to shift every time to open them and let's say you forgot One Time One Singular time everything would be rude and I I'm not risking that also you can't tell me minecart chess looks so much better look at this foreign all the mine carts are placed now I got so much storage oh wait I can't forget armor stands they're gravity blocks so I'm pretty sure they'll work in the void base too put on Armor I'm never gonna use but it makes it look better are the void base is already looking insane I only added storage in a farm I still have to add so many more amenities like Mall farms in and weird stuff just wait to see what the void base looks like at the end of the video bye bye all right this next amenity I'm gonna add might be a little hard but once I have it in the void base it's gonna be sick and that is a villager trading home I want eight villagers to be exactly come on breed breed I always plan to bring the villagers down is by using the platform because the platform is literally made out of boats I can just put the villagers inside the boat then just drop them onto the base I'm so smart all right the first Builder down oh yeah way is it possible to start a raid in the void I have a villager right here if I just get bad oh man I kind of want to quickly test this out okay I got bad Omen let's see if it works please don't don't break the void base okay just fly down is it is it gonna spawn oh what wait it doesn't even do anything oh my gosh well um all right I want this trading all to have two Librarians for books bro what the heck two armories for armor two Fletchers four stuff yeah stuff stuff like stuff and two Fletchers to trade for emeralds bye bye oh wait I can't forget the best villager one that has the best trades in super Jeep the wondering Trader you thought I was actually gonna say good villager but Yes actually I I want a wondering Trader in the void base so after searching for an hour waiting for a Wandering Traders fun for two hours nothing it didn't spawn oh my gosh this is gonna take longer than I thought and after trying everything to make one spawn faster okay so that's a high chance of spawning next to Village Bell so I'm just gonna wait for one to spawn here yeah I'm not kidding you after waiting for another three hours 32 minutes and 12 seconds still nothing spawned bro it's like hiding from me and after trying a new Belgian still no wandering Trader in sight I'm just gonna work on the next amenity while waiting for one to spawn only because I'm wasting so much time but I'm also now hungry and guess what the voice base has no food nothing so I need to find a way to get unlimited food down there but cars why don't you just bring food down to the void base well yeah I can do that but I want to wait to get food while inside my base so I won't just starve to that and I know it might sound impossible but what if I told you there's actually a way using what I call mushroom caps because apparently they're actually called mushroom cow and I and I just kind of learned that Yeah by using a mushroom a mushroom cow using a bowl you can actually get unlimited soup yes unlimited but the problem is the mushroom cow only spawns in the Mushroom Island which is a very rare oh coral reef oh my gosh this is the big coral reef wait what it's not stopping this is huge it just nuts oh okay people are definitely gonna think this is fake bro what a mushroom Island what are those chances bro I swear it wasn't what oh there you go and after traveling through the nether back to the base where nothing nothing went wrong okay bro oh my God okay slowly slowly oh hey oh oh my oh my gosh oh please please don't I put them in the void base wow that was that was easy food fun fact I have to always remember not to log off of my void base because if I do when I log back on I will instantly face to the platform and die so yeah I have I have to remember that oh oh my I'm with most of the amenities added there's still one thing holding this void base back from being a s tier base and that is having no Marvel you see every top greatest bases in Minecraft has a mob farm for XP mob drops and just the flex and I want to add one to the void base but how it should be impossible what I'm thinking is maybe if I break another small area of bedrock and build a giant Mob form above it making lots of mobs drop into the void where I have a collection system aha well I hope that would work all right break this Bedrock which is gonna take me hours but lucky for you there's a thing called editing bam wow it didn't even take me that long now we just need to make room to build the Mob form above it and of course I'm gonna use TNT I'm not gonna manually mine this all who do you think I am huh [Music] foreign [Music] I'm just gonna build a simple flush Farm it's super efficient and pretty easy to build all right I got most of the materials except The Observers and I think I can just grab some from the tunnel board machine because I I don't use it anymore all right all right as I was going to start building the mob farm something finally spawned oh my gosh finally a Wandering Trader spawn bro I gotta trap him before he runs bro yes finally you don't understand how long this took me finally I can add a Wandering Trader to the void base even though I'm probably never going to ever trade with him but still now the villager trading Hall is now completed yes while I'm building the moth Farm did you know this is one of my first few videos literally I I only have six videos which means if you subscribe before a 500K you'll be a part of the 500k club that proves you've been here since the beginning so don't be dumb subscribe right now all right the mob farm is pretty much done now we just need to place all this water down so the mobs can fall down the boy all right now I need to build a collection system so I can get the loop because that that's the whole point and to build the collection system it's actually pretty simple first drop the shulkers second Minecart Hoppers to pick up the items and then just boats on top and just like that we got a collection system I kind of just realized I should have built the mall Farm closer to the void base because uh there's no way for me to get the loot um oh my God I'm so simple fix so instead of breaking and rebuilding the whole entire mob farm closer all I need to do is build a little pathway but to do that I need to break this whole line of Bedrock simple fix more like painful fix so after three and a half hours of suffering later yes it took me that much time just to make this stupid pathway so I can just grab stupid mob Loop yay but with that I now have a mod Farm the first ever void mob farm and probably the last because no one would be stupid enough to do this except me and the last few things I need to add to finish the void base my pet dog say hello to your new house second is all my diamonds if you didn't know I literally broke the world record for most diamonds in Minecraft yay now if my void base actually breaks I'm gonna be more sad with that I have now completed the void base yeah it might not seem like it but this video took forever so like And subscribe if you enjoyed it and uh watch this video right here it's another banger actually go watch it
Channel: Carvs
Views: 6,210,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft smp, minecrafthardcore, minecraftserver, minecraft 1.19, wadzee, sandiction, survival, Carvs, hardcore, therealcarvs, therealscarvs, carbs, carves, Beppo, Ezy minecraft, minecraft end, minecraft void
Id: 8oyeywSdbhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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