This Sword Made Me IMMORTAL.

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what would you do if you were given a singular sword that you could use to slaughter any player you wanted a Minecraft great sword that's so rare only a select few players on the server possess it would you use it for the good of the server in defense of the innocent and new players or would you use it to slaughter everyone and gain as many hearts as you could before becoming Immortal welcome to an amazing life steal server with custom items armor mobs and more and if you joined right now and do redeem taken you'll be able to get a custom sword right off the bat it's a great deal and I'd highly recommend hopping on and getting it right now there was a just an update that was added on This Server it's called The Seasons update and basically it's winter and I'm freezing because it's it's 23° Fahrenheit oh God damn it I don't have any Flint flint and steel to light this with either maybe if I burrow in the ground it'll it'll make it better oh we're going up in temperature cave nearby heck yeah there is boom Oh R okay well in other news I don't really have anywhere to go because my base is destroyed and the Ender Farm is destroyed as well I think I think I may have leaked the coordinates in the last video so that's not good and I need I need food so cooked pork chops are less than half the price actually okay either way we're going to need a base and I I do have an elytra so I kind of want to make this one far out choose a random direction to go in I don't even want to show which direction my base is in uh just because I don't want people raiding it I kind of want a long-term base don't have to make a new base every single video either way this seems like a pretty good oh God luckily this armor has uh regenerative abilities at least when you're wearing the full set okay I think this is as good a spot as any let's mine down and make our base somehow it's 10° F where I am I'm feeling like maybe I should probably buy a totem or you know I was looking at these heart capsules thinking maybe I should buy them but $8 million I guess that's not very much money in the grand scheme of the server but still damn all right um and I think as well coal is like pretty cheap here good okay perfect light that's good and really the only function of this base is is just going to Red toore my items not much more than that I don't really need anything else too much and I am thinking that I want to buy at least two or three more totems that is a lot of totems okay we'll buy three uh that way when we go to uh warp PVE okay so in order to get this God level sword we're going to need to mine red Stone and Lapis and kill as many of these mobs as we possibly can every mob we kill and every block we mine we've got a 0.3% chance of getting a gem Ingot and we only need [Music] two so looking like we are almost done all right it is that time all you people who consistently watch my videos you know what we're about to do feather client and I have have partnered up to bring you these three cloaks as well as this hat it's the B taken Fedora the B taken Blue Moon the B taken Galaxy and the B taken night sky all right and this just got released so I thought I'd include it it's a little miniature pet planet that just sits there and orbits around you isn't that cool go to feather Baken if you'd like to purchase one of these items or comment # Baken feather in the comment section below for a chance to win one as well okay we found a soul gem everyone one singular soul gem that actually did not take a crazy amount of time and just in case I die I do want to put this in my ender chest uh just to make sure that we have it cuz it's very valuable here no soul gems yet the Icebreaker apparently spawned I didn't even notice wow that was fast everyone just killed him instantly no more gem ingots so far okay we got a polar bear okay did we get a okay we didn't get a gem Shard I was going to try and kill uh mobs but they aren't really spawning I think you get a higher there's a higher chance of getting a gem Ingot with the mobs but honestly like I they don't spawn very often I think we should just continue with this okay hold on we got a soul gem we got one more Soul Gem and if we go in our under chest that makes two two total let's go to home okay and then crafting this thing is the easiest thing in the world all right there it is crazy amount of attack damage really slow attack speed because it's so massive okay apparently we are too hot right now cool down in some water maybe lch it up a little bit okay the water must have heated up that's not good okay you know what I think we need to get out of here anyway let's do RTP and oh man look at the ground there's like different it's like all orange all right let's see if we can't find some sugar cane all right looks like we have some right here looks like we got some more right here yes we uh we almost have the amount we need almost forgot we have an elytra places really really fast [Music] like okay I think that's everything uh let's go home home and then home and then we're going to start really heating up here we're actually probably going to start taking damage and they'll start taking damage and it's not it's not good it's not healthy for you okay let's just put all this uh lapis in here A bunch of Enchanted lapis as well as some normal lapis bunch of enchanted Redstone too all right so now we're going to do/ shop mob loot bang 64 yes sir um and then we can literally just craft uh some books just like this and honestly that that should be good that's over over good actually to be one more time just cuz I'm not willing to to buy any wood it's too expensive and so we can just mine some there are some things I'll buy and some things I won't things are very expensive so I don't know like certain things are [Music] okay dude one torch in here Heats me up like crazy it's just Rising it's rising so fast it's going to get to like 80 or 90 yeah there we go 90 oh my God it's going higher we get even closer it'll uh go to over 100 and we'll start sweating yeah wow you don't want to be too hot that's for sure put these here as well to make it look a little better and then if we go to shop again and we can uh we we buy this just subtract this all the way down it's like 500 bucks for this we just want four obsidian's quite cheap so we have four obsidian if we go over to ores we want um just two diamonds pretty much should uh do it and then we should have the bookshelves necessary for it there we go boom okay and now we can enchant our soul gear not only the soul sword but also the soul uh all the soul armor too if you if uh if need be and I think the need definitely be we want to make this stuff as good as possible if we were going to get Max Hearts take off that elytra put one of those totems in there okay I wonder if we can use enchanted lapis uh for what we need to do we can wow we can use enchanted lapis well that's just perfect and with the amount of money we have I feel like there's a chance yeah we can just buy bottles of enchanting buy like nine stacks of those solid $27,000 honestly that's worth it let's just do this get tons of levels all right uh we have a decent amount of levels and that's looting three which honestly we don't really want or need it's not going to help us that much in the long run what we do want is like sharpness or something but for now let's see if we have uh if we have oh perfect prop four with like Unbreaking three or something per usual I feel like this always happens every single episode we'll make uh we'll enchant armor and it it just gives me honestly I don't even know if we need need we yeah we don't even need the furnace we just buy Stone buy like three stone do this make some sticks all right make sticks this should work perfect that's a grind Stone right there we can unenchant this chest plate with some more levels here too fire prop three oh come on blast prop four what about this sharpness three new but we will take sharpness one prop four perfect let's go okay that's blast prop four okay blast prop on the leggings that is absolutely necessary oh come on really see the problem is Souls gear is really hard to get and I can't get another thing to combine this with so we kind of have to unenchant it okay we'll just go with prop four we can uh try and get it on the boots we can try and get blast Pro on the boots oh okay you know what it we're just going to keep that okay that's fire prop three we don't we really don't want fire uh fire prop especially three that's just pure and utter three okay literally just went prop four that is it rest three three we're going back and forth here a little flipflop okay blast prop four what about auction house I'm rich is there oh God seven soul gems for1 billion dollars that's that's crazy what about the zombie spawner see how much that goes for 15 mil uh okay what is it on the shop what can we buy oh wow that's cheap dude a zombie spawner goes for two I could afford a zombie spawner I'm not going to we'll get some uh some more bottles of enchanting okay that is perfect okay so for the sword it's it's also going to be kind of um uh sharp four or bust crap dude okay I guess guess we can try Unbreaking three just Unbreaking three you kidding me okay what do you think about this you guys there we go okay well it's just going to work now that is absolutely astounding sometimes my genius it surprises me sitting here Jitter clicking all right that should be good yes let's go let's freaking go oh we got another thing too okay okay okay we need books we got books perfect I don't want channeling oh I'll take that I will definitely take that should we take that we should take that just in case boom and we get loyalty 3 with it all right now here's the part that I didn't really think about we got to go get iron this actually sucks getting iron is one of my least favorite things to do let's do it it's got 32.5 attack damage as well now it's crazy the sharpness doesn't like amplify it very much but it it it definitely adds something all right Perfect all right let's get a little bit of iron here oh you know what the prices for iron on This Server are still wild 7.7 th000 uh dollars for one iron ingot no I'm not paying that well okay we have [Music] 17 okay getting a little bit [Music] more okay that's oh we already way past it by the way home home smelt this stuff up real quick uh we can buy some coal and while we're here another thing I just thought of that we are going to need is let's buy the coal first buy 64 another thing we're definitely going to need is going to be number one obsidian of course number two is um these $19,000 sure um and then we're going to need oh God that's a lot of money and then uh some glowstone as well okay there we go perfect all right three iron blocks got four like that make an anvil boom perfect little uh little combiner there perfect little Anvil all right first things first let's combine ourselves uh up to sharpness 4 throw on this it only UPS it by. five that's pretty lame actually that's it wow that's that's not as good as I thought huh maybe next time I'll just stick with sharpness 4 I mean if it's Just5 like really uh 16k so if we do combat 20K per totem oh I don't even have enough money for that okay uh never mind never mind well oh God I should get it though it means we're going to have to make a bunch of money though we might be able to go to the PVE Arena and mine some stuff and sell it for a little bit of money I don't think it's a crazy amount but it should be just enough to like get us bu maybe uh maybe get us just a couple totems um okay let's try let's try that and then we'll also like um by doing that we're also hopefully going to get a couple Souls gems um because we want to get full Soul tools too okay let's do it have this new command it's called SL dungeons um and you can see all the all the dungeons that are going to come into play pretty soon but let's go to the ice one let's do this hold on player wants to trade with me oh my God what can I give them in return for such an item how about an Unbreaking three book there you go a all right let's keep on mining okay that is three gem ingots craft a Soul's pickaxe okay that is perfect we're going to buy a ton more uh bottles of enchanting all right oh Unbreaking three but we only got Unbreaking three which which is not exactly what we wanted so we're going to try again here so I'm actually curious to see if we go mine what we will actually end up oh God why are there so many mobs all of a sudden God damn all right let's try this ready bang all we're going to go back to mining oh it totally [Music] was okay we also got a gem Ingot by the way [Music] that's a uh gem Ingot right there the final one to get full Soul armor that's pretty crazy let's go craft us uh a shovel and I got sell all of this lapis and uh and Redstone and buy some totems all right I think we have about 140k left and we uh we bought this many totems which is pretty pretty insane for 20K a piece all right that'll do all right unenchant that one perfect okay yeah that'll do all right that is full Soul armor and tools which is just purely insane it's a crazy amount of uh amount of stuff we have the amount of money this gear would go for is just absolutely Bonkers okay so something that makes me very nervous is the fact that I don't have any golden apples and I can't buy any like they don't sell it in the shop so I'm kind of stuck without it the only thing I have are golden carrots um so I guess the best thing we can do as of right now is just warp to PVP let's do this let's get some hearts you guys um just a regular old sharpness 5 sword that way if need be we could just switch through cuz this one has way faster attack speed like exactly double actually attack speed compared to the soul sword so it'd be good to have two just in case this one also has knockback too and this one doesn't this one's going to be a hell of a lot better for Crystal boys just dropping oh okay oh thank you thank you very much he just dropped two hearts to me that's going to help incredibly nice of you come on dude you suck that does some damage come on goodbye that is a decent amount of Hearts right there already decent stuff I think I will oh my God four e gaps that is perfect this guy giving me spawners oh my God piglin brute spawner 64 we got this together oh my God that is some serious damage damage damn okayy look it's Craner guy oh that is a good amount of totems right oh oh God I'm not great at fighting with the soul sword it's kind of hard to get used to the [Music] H let's just there we go do that [Music] okay we're getting a really good amount of Hearts here you [Music] guys all right let's switch to uh regular old Minecraft sword oh hold on there decent amount of gear there all [Music] right my bad kind of feel bad for this one [Music] guy just give some of the you know what all of them I don't need any of those how are they still fighting [Music] all right um one hit boxes [Music] [Music] here get some regen up [Music] [Music] oh perfect we got a shield you guys as well that's going to be useful too for [Music] sure I feel bad but sometimes you need you you need Hearts you know what I mean and right now I've got a very very solid amount see the soul sword is is good but it's just it's slow is the problem oh my God I'm at 1.1 million I must have collected a bounty holy crap we are very rich right now let's go back to like the spawn sort of area I feel bad for killing the noobs but oh hello thank you thank you this guy just gave me a bunch of really good stuff oh hello all right we're currently about nine away from getting Max hearts on this Minecraft server which is pretty crazy the sword makes it really easy oh hello [Music] hey Goodbye Oh this guy had good stuff what are we at 23 Hearts that's PR I think the max is 30 um so 23 is not bad we're getting close this gear makes it easy honestly oh hello player oh wow there's a rank on there Orca rank Jesus the dragon egg for 35 what is that billion Jesus dude the final seven hearts are kind of hard to get here I could ask um this guy if he wants to go Crystal okay I think I'm ready for this alt Q all q q all right all right bang bang let's go let's go let's go let's go here wait let me get in my oh crap it's too late to get in anywhere all right ready 3 2 1 go [Music] how much damage did he take there Crystal might be nerfed on this server you guys I think it might be no he took a lot of damage there oh okay there we go so that is that is it we were doing Crystal but I kind of switched to to sword all right I'm going to set a B on you for 100 million Jesus it's a lot of money you know I really would like mending on all this stuff oh God it's scuber it's scuber 782 what are we at now 25 Hearts total to 25 that's pretty good andom moment boss has spawned uh do I have pearls we do have pearls oh nothing crap oh they increased the bounty on me what even is that e to the 10th that's like over a billion dollars could I kill myself for that [Music] wow all right ready did I claim the Bounty oh I didn't damn it didn't work hold on I have an idea you know I'm sure this is not allowed all right you guys ready 3 2 1 bang oh there we go wo all right $1 billion on my alt and let's just put everything in uh in my chest here just like this and then what we can do is uh type in SLB pay been taken 10 1 175 41 0 0 bang all right all right that uh basically that means we have a lot of money that's crazy billion dollar that may have been unethical but I don't care that that's a lot of money okay let's see where we are on battop oh there we go we are officially third on bowtop because I got that Bounty that's just crazy oh that's mostly leviathan's money he just put a huge bounty on me he had to have cuz he just he just went down and balanced a crazy amount too damn hold on a minute ready ready ready oh God this guy's godsword okay as long as we're still in combat I'm all [Music] [Music] good where the hell did this guy Pearl to where the did this guy go what a no God damn it dude GH that heart was mine homeboy is just gone damn it that is a pretty fat L homeboy just killed me in like one hit that was super humbling to be fair this guy also has that sword all right we got this we got this we got [Music] this all right we almost got uh Full Hearts Let's Go All right guys with observation we are at uh Max Hearts right now all right thought I saw bro jump there for a minute yep goodbye oh he logged damn oh my God we guys we are one heart away oh it's Leviathan we don't kill Leviathan leviathan's pretty cool all right this a really long lasted fight [Music] hold on I don't even need this kill anymore all right well I think 30 Hearts is the max I'm 99% sure of that so we've got 30 Hearts which is the max amount of hearts that you can have in this game 30 Hearts max amount of Hearts you can have plus this amazing op Souls sword which pretty much just a select few players have as well oh and we got uh $10 billion too which was a little side quest in this video is actually insane the amount of money that is but yeah we are uh we're done that's crazy
Channel: BeenTaken
Views: 171,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: been taken, been taken lifesteal smp, been taken server ip, been taken smp, been taken minecraft, been taken tavernmc, beentaken, been taken tavern, been taken server, been taken minerival, been taken face reveal, been taken armor, been taken away, been taken warden armor, lifesteal, lifesteal smp, lifesteal smp public, lifesteal smp season 5, lifesteal smp ip, lifesteal season 5, lifesteal smp season 1, smp, smp minecraft, smp live, smp sports, smp floor, been
Id: omxs4R2uJ50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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