This AMAZING NEW Intersection Design Solves HORRENDOUS Traffic! (Cities Skylines 2)

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welcome back to City skylines 2 with me biffer here in the city of kettlebridge where we're going to take one of the most famous intersections Junctions whatever you want to call it in the world that is predominantly known for being American and we're going to make it British and make it work to solve all of this traffic look at all this traffic we have in our city here it just goes back and back and back and it's just getting worse over here this is just absolutely nuts we have visited this Junction over and over again and certain times of the day this will all back up as well we've got the mod for the traffic lights we've got dedicated Lanes we've got everything going on and whatever we do it just doesn't seem to work so we are going to use what is known as the Michigan left we've got a lot of comments here that are asking me to use the Michigan left we've got L8 Productions Biff you can try migan left your next traffic fix video video now we've got mods you can do it correctly we've got late Productions again now you just have to test the Michigan turnaround we've got Mark made not whatever that says can we do median u-turns which are Michigan lefts and we have August that says looks like a median U-turn a Michigan left would be super beneficial so that is what we're going to try now now being a Michigan left um and being American how's that going to work on our roads here where we drive on the left hand side of the Road right hand driving our cars that's going to be the interesting thing well to show you what a Michigan left is we need to just briefly jump into our test World which I'm going to set up to drive on the other side of the road and then yeah then we're going to make the thing British and just before we do that a word from our sponsor instant gaming if you like saveing money on games instant gaming have fantastic deals on right now please use my affiliate link you can see it on screen and it's in the pins comment below this link can be used for Steam 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that one did just then thank you very much I'll pay you the 50 Quid later for doing that exactly when I said it and you'll get cars despawning so it's not really working too well you might throw a roundabout on this but it's not taking very long for traffic to build up backward so what is the Michigan left well what we want to do is you want to try and remove one of the conflicts that's going on in the middle of our Junction here and to stop all these u-turns in the middle as well which is slowing traffic down so what we would do is this road here we would take a larger road so we're going to take a six Lane Road here and we're going to upgrade this one and to get it in the center you want to turn off your snap to zoning cell length there we go and we're going to do this just on the main road now once all the vehicles have worked out something's going on uh what do we see here so now we can see a U-turn has been added at the top here so we've got two lanes that will still go straight on little bit wonk there but that's fine two lanes go straight on here and we've got vehicles that can come up and do a uturn and to make this work effectively what we want to do basically is to stop people turning left at the Junctions that's why it's called a Michigan left so what we're going to do is we're going to take this tool here we are going to ban leftand turns there we go no left hand turns no left hand turns no left hand turns no left hand turns there we go excellent so what do vehicles do now to turn left well let's have a look at a vehicle that was coming up here what they would do is they would go get a sneaky feeling and this car is going to show us how he's going to do it let's watch this car so instead of going up here and going left what they're going to do instead when the light changes here we go they're going to go ah they're going to go straight on they trick me one of these cars is going to go left let's follow this one yes they're going to go into this Lane they're going to do a uturn and now they can go straight over so that is the same as turning left and that will work from any direction so they can go straight on if they wish they can turn right or they can take the U-turn to come back and go across um what if you're on the larger Road and you wish to go left well then you'll do the same let's follow this truck here I've got a sneaky feeling no he's not going to do it maybe another one that comes down in this Lane this one here let's follow this one no the red car he's going to do it I can just tell there we go so we went straight on and there we go he'll come down here I think he's actually using it for a U-turn to go back the way he came but you get the idea they can go up do a U-turn then they can get into this Lane and go down there and that works really well so now you've taken out that point in the Middle where everyone's getting in each other's way which is really what we're trying to do and to keep things moving um we could also adjust the traffic lights in mods but even in vanilla it's working really well you haven't got that conflict in the middle anymore because you'll notice in the vanilla lights you always get the opposite sides going at the same time if you had a leftand turn they they'd be Crossing in front of each other but now we've got the Michigan left their cross is their crossing over is further down here so it just takes away that conflict in the middle which is fantastic look at this police car here oh no it's not a police car oh he's an undercover police car doing a Michigan left well done so that's a Michigan left well now we need to turn that into the British version which I don't know what we're going to call this one I don't think we want to call it a Michigan right let's maybe consider that name a little bit and we're going to put this to use in the busiest Junction in Kettle Bridge let's load that back up again okay here we are back in Kettle Bridge our busiest Junction I mean even when this hits Rush Hour the traffic that comes across the river is going to be immense as well this is absolutely nuts okay so we need to do a couple of little things to work on this Junction before we can implement the Michigan left so up here this Junction is too close that is where I want my Michigan left turn well we're going to call it the kettlebridge right turn aren't we of course yes cuz we've got a switch this all around so I want all of this to be one long segment of Road maybe even further up here is where I have my turn so that means this little road here we're going to have to remove so I'm going to use like a little alley or something like that we're just going to cut that back delete that bit delete that bit there we go we're going to lose the odd house but that's just a bit tough we'll remove that path there excellent coming down here I don't want my Kettle Bridge right to be here I'm going to want it down here so we'll keep that in mind I'm not sure whether I'm going to need to disconnect these from the center here or not um these key walls we'll see how that goes but this is what we've got to work with so let's do some Road upgrading so let's do this side first of all we're going to remove that path there excellent um let's just grab an upgrade so we're going to go for a six Lane with a median divided Road we're going to turn off the snap cell length in the middle and we're going to start here and you can see immediately when you add that it starts to add in this Kettle Bridge right which is what we're looking for but we want that further back so we're going to go there and I really want it in there so again I'm going to grab this alley and I'm going to say cut it there and upgrade that section and then we'll delete that excellent there we go that is where we want the turn coming this way uh we'll do the same we'll upgrade there and there and we're not going to quite get the turn it's not going to work because there is actually even though this is pedestrian only things like buses as you can see this bus will come down here uh rubbish trucks and that sort of thing will go down there so it gets a little bit confused so I want the turn to be in the middle here so again I'm going to grab this alley hopefully hook into there somewhere let's just turn off snapping uh turn off Anarchy I should say and I'm just going to bring that into there just so we can place there we go I have to use anak to place it that's fine if you were doing it vanilla you could take a bit longer and sort that out yourself there we go excellent and again you can see we've got the the turn so now we've got this big long stretch which is what we need because when it gets to rush hour this is going to get busy with a lot of cars coming down here and we want enough space for them to queue up to the junction to give these ones that are doing the new kettlebridge right some space as well we're going to leave these two connections here we'll see how that goes I'm just going to dzone also any houses that are right up close to it here and I think that should be okay these ones coming in here now this is a very small road coming in and I know that this gets super busy because if we have a look up here yeah all of the roads coming into this main road from this section are all pretty small I'm thinking of making this a larger Road we're just going to go for a standard four lane road with a median again it's going to mean the house is going to be rebuilt it just means that we're getting an extra Lane coming in as well which is what I want for people that are going to come up here and turn left and then we've got this last connection here which again is far too close we don't need that cutting all the way through if they want to get up there they can come up around the top and Connect into here so I'm just going to disconnect this as well there we go and you can tidy all that up if you wish right excellent um and this road coming up here I'm just looking at this one I'm thinking I'm going to upgrade that is a five Lane asymmetrical it would be quite good if this whole section was the same we could probably just make that a little bit St like that yeah we'll see how that one goes as we get there excellent so we have mods in effect here so I want to just have a look at the traffic light setup that we've got and just set this right back to 100% vanilla so we're going to do that uh we're also going to uh reset the lane Direction tool there we go excellent and we've got exclusive pedestrian phase I'm going to leave that on because we are going to use that one so I'm going to save that so there we go that is the Basics now we need to stop people turning right because we know when you're driving on this side of the road turning right is a conflict so the way we're going to do that as we have everything set back to vanilla I'm hoping I can just do it with that let's just go there there yeah that's going to work if you've set your lanes to do anything different using this Lane Direction tool down here you'll have to open that up to change them but we are doing no right turns like that and that might be as much as we need to do at the moment I just want to check out what the lanes are doing here so we should have a dedicated straight on straight on and this one does left and straight on but I might just adjust those yeah we're getting a dedicated left yeah slightly different over here because it's only two lanes so the game but that might just be enough for now and then if we need to tweak it with mods we can but at the minute we're doing everything totally vanilla we are going to speed this up to 8 speed and we're just going to keep an eye on this Junction here and this side of the road there we go because this is going to get super busy all of these vehicles coming down there excuse me Crane and all of these vehicles coming this way so let's just see how this goes okay already we can see the traffic on the left over here has gone down which is good the traffic here has gone down the direction right next to us let's just go up a bit and have a look what's happening over this side that has gone down which is great so it's really just this line from over here okay I'm just noticing something these cars over here are turning right um which is something that they shouldn't be doing if they want to go right they should be turning left swinging around there and coming down I'm not quite sure why they are doing that because that is sort of messing up the traffic down here and causing more traffic behind them there's definitely no right hand turn on there as we can see when these cars go in a sec yeah there we go that is straight on only so that is a bit weird I'm going to put this on again and see whether it stops them I'm just going to give this a few seconds as it sometimes it takes a while for the cars to work out what's going on when you've made a change so I'm just going to watch this for a minute okay yeah it's worked I just had to redraw this road in I don't know what was causing that problem but they will only go straight on or straight on and left if we look from this direction which is good uh we've got a few other little traffic things building up so we'll have a look at those in a moment I am going to disconnect these two key walls here because unfortunately the way the game works at the minute they would just leave this place blank in here look at there's no space to go across which is causing tail backs here which is not what I wanted so let me just do that like this there we go excellent I'll tidy this all up a bit off camera but now they're going to use all of this space here and also on the other side we needed to make sure we used a median road cuz what they were doing was they were coming across and they were doing their own migan left or kettlebridge right I should say which is not what we want in here and is this working yeah look we can see they were going round at the top this motor bik's doing that he's coming over he's coming over yeah so he's now going down there which is excellent and we can see vehicles are using it here as well these cars have just come around I'm sure some will in a minute what about this one down here oh okay yeah this is something else that's causing issues is Crossings which I don't really want any Crossings like this we've got the main Crossing down there so you can see how if you're using these in your city let's get rid of that oh there we go right click thank you very much and do it put traffic lights in there it has although I think yeah we can't remove those traffic lights they're automatically put in but I'm thinking these will always now Stay Green CU there's no Crossing there I've seen that happen before so we can just sort of ignore that there we go so that should go down now a little bit quicker so that is set up as vanilla what are we at now we're in the middle of the night although it's quite light so I'm going to let this run and see whether once we get past all of these cars getting past where we've made our changes and they're all happy with what's going on that it can actually cope with rush hour traffic which is the biggest thing you know starts about I think it's about half 7 8 something like that in the morning game time so back in a sec okay we haven't quite hit the rush hour yet but just another little tweak you could perhaps do down here um which is we adding in a Michigan left for people to turn around here no we're not we're adding in a kettlebridge right I'm going to call this by the correct name if it kills me but look at this we've got a roundabout right here so do we really need to add in that turn here adding to all of the traffic no we don't so we've got three lanes coming in here to be honest are we going to keep it three lanes all the way down to here cuz our roundabout might not be up to capacity what is the largest roundabout we can fit in there we can upgrade that which is good so then I'm thinking we're just going to get our six Lane divided Road add that in there oh auto save just have a very quick sip of tea there we go so now what we should see is people coming down here utilizing all of this space utilizing the whole of the roundabout and hopefully if there's no traffic coming down here which at the minute there isn't this should move along a lot better so you can see how you can use the kettle Bridge right uh you can vary up depending on your own circumstances so again we're going to let this just run a little bit oh people are using it down here excellent we'll let this run a little bit and I'm hoping what I want to see now is I want to look at these vehicles here and see why they're being held up so people are turning left from that Middle Lane which is a little bit odd but sometimes the game is doing odd things like that but it's not too bad as long as it's not backing up too much getting up towards our little Kettle bid right nearly said it wrong there there we go before the lights change then that is okay with me [Music] me and now we're approaching the sort of rush hour time of the day but you can already see that there's barely any traffic down here I mean backing up to there is okay it's a busy Junction backing up to here is okay well our turn is now back here so as long as they're utilizing all the lanes which they are is good it's not backing down the highway anymore and all of the track that it was causing around all of these areas has now gone which is just absolutely fantastic so in this circumstance the new kettlebridge right using vanilla traffic lights yes I do have because I know some of you would have noticed I do have the exclusive pedestrian phase on I'm just going to put a caveat in there if you were doing this 100% vanilla I would remove all of the crossings from here and I would just put bridges over so that's my excuse for using the exclusive pedestrian phase without that the lights would change quicker so it's a downside for me because the lights are changing a little bit slower but we can see that it is working very well are there any other parts of the city that have traffic jams no of course not yeah yes there are yes there are unfortunately over here we do tend to have one or two traffic jams um but they are clearing up is that traffic we have a traffic accident I'm just thinking whether everything is just running so smoothly at the moment that we don't need to add it in anywhere else which is just absolutely fantastic why don't we wait for rush hour to really get in full swing and then we'll see where the traffic is over here cuz believe me it is going to kick in any moment so I thought that was an explosion down there or something yeah it is going to kick in any moment so we'll be back for that so there's no traffic at all over here on biffing toon Springs our main island we've gone all the way through the rush hour and that is great over here where we put our uh kettlebridge right that is working really really well but as you probably saw in the distance we've got traffic over here on this Junction so cars are struggling to get through and the vehicles are all backing up down there and that has continued since the rush hour so we're just going to take a quick look at this and I think we can help so I'm going to upgrade this road here to a six Lane divided Road like this so we're going to get the same um roads going in each direction we're going to just delete that same amount of lanes I should say going in each Direction uh let's hook this up again where it was there we go excellent so that should help going down there and then turning right we've got three lanes now that we we have three lanes we could go into before this just doesn't seem a large enough one-way Road here we could go up to a four which I'm wondering if that's going to split two in each Direction sort of really not quite let's go up to a three and see whether that will help if we go like that and then we'll go down to a two maybe we'll do two there and one there so it sort of expands out and see whether that helps of all the vehicles getting out and we do have traffic lights here this is all vanilla setup I haven't messed with the the traffic light mod at all yeah so now we're getting two lanes that can be used for turning right out of this road which is good they are going to hit this traffic light up here which again is totally vanilla yeah we can see both sides are going at the same time and people are crossing at the same time and all of that sort of thing but I think yep that solve the traffic going down there and not cause any other issues excellent let's just take a quick look across our city make sure everybody else is Happy apart from the rent issues we're working on that we're working on that there's no traffic up here and there's no traffic over here either excellent so we have successfully taken the very well-known American intersection turned it British for our city of kettlebridge if you enjoyed this please leave a like be sure to check out uh timberborn on screen we're getting indie games back into the channel as well as City skylines and thank you very much for watching have a great day bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 128,953
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Keywords: cities skylines 2, lets play cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 performance, cities skylines 2 Biffa, cities skylines 2 traffic, how to start your first city, how to make money, how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities skylines 2 gameplay footage, cities skylines 2 gameplay biffa, cities skylines 2 release date, cities skylines 2 making money, cities skylines 2 mass transit, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 mods, cities skylines new city
Id: j5f-AFhtDSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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