Why Your City Isn't Traffic Free & How to Fix It! (Cities Skylines)

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in today's video we're going to be using the tools that you are given in the vanilla game to expand our City's infrastructure to decrease traffic and bottlenecks like this one that we're about to come upon now and future proof our city for expansions which we're going to have a lot of when we start building our airport so lots to dive into today look at all this traffic on this Junction here and I found out why the traffic on this little intersection is so bad so let me show you what we found out we're following this truck I love following around the city like this seeing what's going on it's all those darn donut vans look at them taking Donuts everywhere I don't know right let me show you what we're going to do and just before we do that here's a word from our sponsors nordvpn Hugo's back and he's decided to join the circus you can't work out if you'd rather be a strong man or a juggler but one thing he does know he needs to make sure his online connection is secure you and his data is protected from hackers malware and phishing scams now that's where nordvpn comes in so as it's the school holidays we've been away for a nice holiday and I wanted to use the free Wi-Fi that they made available for us so I'll have nordvpn on my tablet on my phone and on my laptop I'll just do a quick connect so when I'm using their free Wi-Fi I feel nice and safe and there we go we've got a nice Connection in the United Kingdom you can use any of these other countries that are listed here if you so desire and then what I always turn on is the threat protection over here so one click and that is turned on there we go and we're protected against malware trackers and ads and malicious downloads as well so absolutely fantastic thank you nordvpn Hugo loves the peace of mind that nordvpn provides him and he's ready for whatever the circus life brings his way with nordvpn at his back so go to my Link at nordvpn.com biffer right now and get the nordvpn two-year plan with four extra months free it's risk-free with nord's 30-day money-back guarantee it might just be the best decision you'll ever make for your online security so the vanilla game does come with some very helpful tools there's this one here which I actually just call the in-game tool for traffic routes which is fantastic let's just turn all of these options on down here so as you can see this Junction here is super busy there's lots of people queued coming from various places getting all over the place and this is pretty slow all the time so using the in-game tool if we just select this entire Road there we go where everybody's coming off and going down here we can sort of start to get a view of what's happening so lots of traffic coming down here splitting between these two sections going over to I don't careville and then heading into Hugo slavia the main part of the city now if you start turning some of these options off we can start to see what that is made up of so no pedestrians they're not going to be walking down that road that makes sense also the same for cyclists private Vehicles we do have a lot of private Vehicles now what's interesting question is the ones that are heading over into I don't careville and also down to Bradley Heights we forget how big this area is if we have a look at this Zone uh it says 6 000 people there actually I think we need to increase this to take in the other areas that are also down here and I think that is suddenly going to jump right up there we go so almost 10 000 people live in this area and it's also made up from a lot of offices from industry from industry right right near the residential and the commercial as well so a lot of action going on over there and if we just zoom in and have a closer look at this Junction we can see that most of the pedestrians uh the private vehicles are heading down into that direction but where are they coming from or some are coming from the main city but not too many most of them if we follow this highway background here so summer coming on this Junction here from the main city most of them are coming from outside the city there we go there's lots of they're moving down this highway here and coming through this Junction and the same is to be found when we get to so public transport cargo not too bad two trucks again a lot of trucks heading over here to keep all of our commercial and our industry going and they're coming also from outside the city that way and outside the city this way with only a few coming from inside the city well what can we do to fix that now that we know that this Junction here is pretty much a bottleneck in our city and it's not going to get any better there's people coming in and out from all directions well there's all sorts of different style Junctions you can use but in the vanilla game I would really go for giving more choices as much as possible and when I say more choices what do I mean well the highway coming in for over here that heads all the way through hugoslavia I think we need a bypass to come off down here or a bypass in inverted commas which at the moment we wouldn't be able to do because we have reached the limit of the tiles that we own over here and for those of you follow in the series we have reached the maximum number of tiles ignore this because we've added the 81 tile mod so now we actually have all of these tiles available and you lovely people agreed that a lot of them go straight to 81 tiles we could go for 25 tiles which is I believe the vanilla maximum on the remastered version on the console so one two three four five across this way one two three four five across that way that would give us 25 by 25 if we sort of stick to this section ignore these extra ones out here and then we'll see what happens in the future so I think we are going to purchase all of these down here excellent and then I'm also going to grab these ones along the ends here I mean we've got the money so why not so that one two three four five and you know what one two three four I'm as well grab these other ones around here as well and just finish off this whole 25 by 25 area and then that unlocks these two squares here which is going to be where our airport is so we really need to think one two three four five one two three four five yeah I've done it right really to think about the access to all of this right let's go back to looking at our bypass so let's just sort of plan a little bit here I'm going to use some let's have a look wool roads nice and small don't cost too much so we know the vanilla game is going to pick fastest route so we've got to be a little bit careful anybody coming down this way if they see this as the fastest route through they are just going to take it but to get to up here I'm pretty sure if we can sort of Branch off this way uh we should be okay so I'm just sort of gonna let's put on our here we go contour lines excellent so we can keep this road I'm going to take this contour line here I know we've got up and over a bit of a hill there but we can work on that and I'm trying to just sort of keep this as straight as possible to get over here somewhere so I'm thinking if we sort of go around there and straight through here then that should be okay [Music] so now to stick within our 21 tile limit and by the way this road is going to be upgraded to I'm thinking of this one here so what's the limit on there speed 100 wow can you hear that rain it is throwing it down this one is speed 100 as well that is about the fastest we've got even these two lanes of speed 100 yeah so it's probably going to be this one that this is going to end up being upgraded to which can head through there yeah excellent and we're going to hook that into this uh sorry not sorry I did it off camera because trying to hook in a trumpet interchange like this in vanilla actually it wasn't as hard as I thought I thought it was going to take longer than a lot of messing around but we're okay um I'm just gonna apply the lane mathematics to this we've got three lanes coming in and to get a dedicated Lane going off I'm going to downgrade this in here to two lanes all the way through yeah that's excellent I thought it wasn't gonna let me because of the bridges we'll do that going the other direction as well there we go that will help a little bit and I didn't think I did too bad with that all with my own hands not placing a single pre-made asset there fantastic we do get the little problem down here where the lanes converge that we'll get this sort of you can go straight on and turn around but that's just the way it goes but everything's got Lane mathematics again dedicated Lanes blah blah blah so then that sweeps through here so now I'm gonna upgrade all of this down here to this Road okay let's see what we can do here I think I want it crossing over at the top of this road uh let's just grab the road that we're using there there we go probably don't need to be too high one two three it's gonna cut the power line isn't it there we go we'll get in there and then give that a little bit of extra space and then I think we're just going to hook it straight into here so we're gonna grab let's get a number two lane roads foreign [Music] there we go pretty sure that would be okay what have we got down here so we've got some dedicated Lanes going off and also some other lanes doing more than one thing no traffic light probably got traffic lights here which is a good idea traffic lights at the top I don't think we're necessarily going to need those I'm going to turn those off and I imagine we're going to get traffic lights down here I think we'll just let those run as they want to and then we'll see how busy that gets and we need to upgrade any of those to give dedicated Lanes we will and then hopefully what we're going to see is this used a lot more man live that is a bit of an up and down there I will sort that out off camera so yeah we need to sort of keep an eye on this again it's going to take some time but also using the in-game Tool uh we turn all of these back on again there we go already look if we attach to that road we can already see that the gamer said Yep this is a good route to use let's have more people using that which is fantastic and if we go all the way over to the other end and just grab one of these there we go that'll do and we can see where they're coming from so it's people and trucks and stuff coming from in here some are going to start using this road which is good oh all of that I think is definitely going to reduce the strain on this hopefully sooner rather than later right so what else can we do to help with the strain well let's have a look at Bradley Heights over here this lovely area that we built a few episodes ago right along the Waterfront looking very swish with their shopping and their little things going on down there yeah looking very nice but how many people live in Bradley Heights alone let's just take a look we click on there so we've got 4 000 people at the minute they can come up this road around here and this again is how they get on the highway so could we add some access along here somewhere to help these lovely people get on the highway [Music] and then I want this to curve down here somewhere we do have our elder care and our child care and I'll be honest they've been sort of plopped on there and not much else done with it but what we're going to do is we're going to give them a nice dedicated road to themselves in the middle here [Music] we go nice little dog park there so the power jumps across everybody's still getting the effects of the elder care and the Child Healthcare Center good good now just looking at this I've removed the roads I put on before we do have a bit of space here so I think I'm gonna add in another little mini trumpet interchange and I'll see if I can time lapse this one and show you how I do it thank you [Music] [Music] thank you okay there we go got the lane mathematics in we've got a bit of space here from getting in and out of this Junction I could move that back a bit but as it's working fine we'll leave it for now but normally I wouldn't say have them this close together um but we've got some space to maybe have the lane come off further up yeah now this road here um I'm trying to sort of think I don't really necessarily want to plop it into here I'm just wondering how busy this it's gonna get and also for expansion for later on using all of this space here so I'm going to bring this road down into here remember this way back when we've got this little road here and all these individually placed rocks before I use propline tool as one of the only other mods that you said you would allow me to have in the game if I change this and then we are going to remove some of the Rocks because this is going to come down now and attach into there so again we're just working with the spreading out the traffic and all that sort of thing so let's just do a bit of work here with the terrains we're going to use this tool the slope Terrain [Music] and that should be sloping it down I'm wondering whether all of these things in here are stopping up in half of it let's just remove some of these oh man there's a lot and a bit of fence and we can always sort that out again later right let's try that again right click there left click from there oh there we go we're getting a nice wind down again there we go getting a bit of ah oh my goodness me and I've Got No undo option whoops there we go we sorted we got there in the end so then I'm going to bring that down straight into there just like that excellent so now we've got left and right and all sorts of things going on and that is a reasonably straight that's a reasonably smooth road we could maybe back that up a little bit excellent I think that's looking a lot better so now people can come around here if they wish and head up there so what we can do already the game is pretty quick at spotting new places to go and yeah there's already people coming up and down these roads which is fantastic how's this one going down here a little bit of use yeah it's not been that long in game a little bit of use here as well excellent so we've added lots of extra options so we're gonna let the game Run and see whether this addition through to here and that addition through to there spreads out the traffic so now we want to make sure that we've got access to over this way so as much as this is a lovely looking Bay this is going to be where our airport goes and we're gonna need a big piece of land so I'm not entirely sure how large this is going to be yet I'm thinking that it's this island will just be extended out this way a bit so the plane sort of come in this direction rather than you know coming over the top of um the rest of our city so yeah let me know what you think in the comments below that's gonna be a future episode where we work on that because we've got other infrastructure and plans that we need to work on but that is the idea all people are using this loving it loving it yeah that is the idea and then maybe we can have another intersection over here that brings people in and a nice sort of touristy area lots of mass transit in this area excellent right what was next on our list so this was quite a simple one to fix it was actually mentioned in the comments but we've got this purple metro line coming from Bradley Heights going all the way up here to the swannal campus of hugoslavia and then we've got another line that comes from there all the way down to Lilac Meadows um if we take a look at those so where are we where are we it's this one here so that's gonna be that one it's got no use at all and this one has got barely any use either no it's gonna be this one here yeah so combining those two lines into one I think will work a lot better so we're gonna delete lilac to beat them and it's gone and then we are going to extend just grab our tool in here there we go and this one we're going to extend this one here drag stop to move it thank you very much holding all the mouse buttons at once we're gonna pop that one in over here unfortunately we can't do it there's like only one side to this not two sides so we're gonna pop that in there and then we're going to just make sure that there are stops on both sides here there we go excellent so that is now Bradley Heights to I've lost it now lineup so let's rename that one that is this one here yep so Bradley two lineup excellent so we'll see whether that gets any more use this rubber ducky Loop here is absolutely Rams do we need more trains on here where is this stop so this is over at Bradley Heights I mean this almost now is becoming sort of a loop but I like the separate lines to cross over we'll leave that running and we'll see how that goes so back over here at Bradley Heights we are getting a little bit of Porky bulky Lane switching in here uh where people want to come on want to come off want to avoid all of this so I am going to just pause that and move this all back [Music] thank you there we go let's just see how that goes so now we should have enough nodes in there I'm just going to see how many nodes there is when the game on pauses so what if we got we've got one node there one load Edge you know what I'm going to add another node there as well I'll just remove this one okay and then I'm thinking I'm also going to downgrade this for the lane mathematics as well [Music] so it just should be a little bit easier when they come on and we've got the extra Lane for going off there in fact what we could do so one two three four I'm gonna um one two three no we're gonna leave that like that and then the other one I'll do as well I'll do as much as I can I kind of bothers redraw that now we'll just leave it like it is yeah I think that's going to work a little bit better plenty of nodes in between these two Junctions and that is what you need so the game's been running for a few minutes we've still got quite a bit of traffic in this Junction so let's just see whether we can help that out or not um have I upgraded this Row one two three four to a four lane like I have here there's no way of stopping them going straight across unfortunately so that's always going to happen um two Lanesville going each Direction yeah so what I'm going to do is use that in-game tool again which we're going to grab here select this row which I think is the one selected yeah and see where most of these people are coming from so if you follow this back a lot are coming up from this Junction over here then we've got some coming down the highway but they're mostly coming from this area and then we've got a few that come a bit further down and then once you get all the way down the entity where our new Junction is it really isn't as much as it was before so a lot of these people are then coming off all right it's actually showing nobody at all coming off there but yeah a lot of them must be coming off rather than going straight down because that is a lot less so that tells me we need to increase our connection between these two areas so people aren't going up here and round and back in again so what it seems like is happening there's a lot of vehicles coming from down here coming from the island over here and they're choosing this route up our couplet instead of coming off of this way and going up there to the end turning around and coming back to our industry they're choosing to go all the way up all the way around all the way down there so to me the way the game works they're probably thinking that that is just a faster route because it's faster those faster roads all the way around these roads down here if we just pick these ones and I've just used a standard oh they're the ones with the trolley bus wires that is why they're 40. uh miles an hour kilometers an hour whatever we're using so do I need the trolley bus wires going up there I think I do don't I yes I do darn it oh that's why they're seeing this road a slower because of that speed limit well darn it there isn't going to be much I can do with that we're going to be sort of stuck with what we've got I think I'm lucky my brain here thinking why have we got trolley buses coming up and down here I don't think we have have we let's just have a quick look at our roots so that is I'm pretty sure that is all buses yes trolley buses do not have trolley buses coming up and down here unless we've got what's this we've got here family and bus exchange Ferry Depot get out the way Intercity bus depot yeah so we haven't got a Depot down here so maybe then we don't need all these trolley bus wires where do they end are they end here oh is it was it as a turn around spot that isn't needed anymore I think that's it so I'm going to remove these trolley bus wires that are here we don't need them which means we can then use a faster road which is then Gonna Change the way the traffic goes [Music] excellent I might just upgrade that to a three piece as well which means I upgrade that to a two-piece no we'll leave it like that that's fine and when everybody's worked out what's going on we might just find that this all goes a little bit quicker yeah that wasn't going great was it I've upgraded all four of the on and off ramps to the two lane rows instead of the three just because of the way the lanes will line up which means this one is now going much better and I've just added a traffic light into each side unfortunately it's vanilla so we can't like sync the traffic lights together or anything but I think overall this is going to go a lot better it's going to take a few minutes to get through the Havoc that we've created but once we get there it's going to be great so we'll let that carry on and see what happens the other thing I would like to do is try and get rid of all the truck traffic coming up here if we just pick I think I've already picked it this piece of road here we've got all this truck traffic coming in this way we've got all this truck traffic coming in this way and it's just sort of causing Havoc with this Junction there's so much coming in heading off around the city but if you remember we have access to this train line over here which is working fine now we were worried when we first set it up there was a bit of uh problems with the passenger and the cargo trains but they're all working nicely with each other which is good so I'm thinking we could snatch a little Junction off of here we've got some space before we get to the edge of the tiles that we've unlocked yeah we can move that roundabout down a bit and bring something over here um I'm sort of thinking whether to have it in the middle here so everybody coming down this way can get to it and everybody coming up this way could get to it this cool little island here I like that and then maybe they'll see that then as a quicker route instead of going oh this is yeah trolley bus turn around so we're gonna have to need to fix that again aren't we okay let me just move this down here there we go gives us a lot more space to play with sorry you're gonna disappear and we appear somewhere else and then we're gonna bring this line I just think I want to bring It Off as quick as we can down here Oh I thought that was going to be good nearly good but not quite as good as I thought okay we'll take that out um I'm going to grab the height of this side I think let's go like that we're gonna grab that one and we're gonna just bring that up so it's the same height there we go and then we're going to take that right click there and just smooth it up so hopefully now if we run that to here and then right across here it will say can't build because there's water oh there we go we can build I want it like that much better much much better [Music] I'm thinking of putting it over here somewhere um let's just come back up again we'll go 10 11 12. oh there we go excellent so now we're in that spot there so basically I mean we could have two cargo train terminals back to back that load up from each each of these highways and that will sort of separate and keep everything away from everything else um uh if we go for four lane road I haven't really sort of done something like this for a long time so if we went for something like that we've got the Block in the middle for keeping everybody away from everybody else and then if we go like this we can easily hook that into there and then we can have a little Junction coming off going into there and then a little Junction coming off and going into there I think that should be okay I might need to just move that back a bit just also give us a little bit of space to play with I'm also going to flatten the land out because I noticed it weren't flat so we'll grab the middle of that road everything looks fine okay good so we'll place you there we'll place you we're gonna have to go back I can't I just can't destroy them up and I'm gonna end up destroying the rock anyway because I need my train line to go through there and I can't move The Rock The Rock is gone I'm sorry stop thinking about the rock that is the end of the lock right so yeah we're gonna bring those there hook that up into that somehow so let's have a look at our road Junctions maybe a little something like this [Applause] and like this there we go and then I'm gonna just do I've done the lane mathematics up there we're going to downgrade those to two lanes so now we can bring these both in as a four-lane road and yeah hook them up some sort of roundabout I'm going to use this one again because it's nice and fast I've lost where we are so let's just get this one going across here what I tend to do just try and get these lined up in the middles like that and then you can sort of go from the center piece which is good foreign [Music] there we go excellent so yeah don't worry about the hulky bulky shapes of the Rose and things like that let's just unpause this and see how much extra traffic we're gonna get coming down there to take our train route rather than I'm just wondering whether we could hook that up the other way do we need to I don't think we do yeah rather than going through all of our highways people are coming down here already oh we need water and electricity let me just sort that out there we go so something is also happening or so I didn't think of people are going to use this as a cut through to get from here to here rather than using this as a cut through to go from one side of the city to the other hopefully with the size of this roundabout it doesn't become too much of an issue if we use our in-game tool and grab that there we go we can already see some cargo is going to be going out will this increase so I'm gonna oh let's turn all of these on I'm gonna leave that running for a little bit we've got private Vehicles turning around there and leaving as well okay and we'll see what happens while I'm waiting for that I'm just looking at this intersection thinking what have I done wrong 65 traffic this whole thing has all backed up and this is a vanilla thing well it's not a vanilla thing you can do this at any time mess up like this so I've upgraded all these rows to the faster modes but not the ones going underneath look nobody is taking the roads down there because they are seen as slower everybody's coming off and going straight Acron across coming off going straight across what a Wally so now I'm going to upgrade these under here there we go we'll do the same going the other way and literally within a couple of minutes we'll start seeing people going through under here instead of Over the Top by the way I added in a pedestrian bridge over here because obviously this little pedestrian thing down here doesn't work anymore because there's no Crossing there we go so any minute now oh there we go we've seen one look at that he said I'm not an idiot I'm not gonna go up the top and round I'm gonna use the fast straight on road hopefully more will start doing it and our traffic will go up or I mean our traffic percentage will go down yeah you know what I mean you know what really helped was downgrading these to a lot slower modes these ones here and now suddenly everyone's diving out and going down that way oh my goodness why didn't I noticed that before and then I could ideally do with giving these little people here some dedicated Lane action so we're gonna grab that road there upgrade that so we've now got dedicated yeah sort of dedicated going off the same as we've got there oh and that will solve all of our ridiculous traffic problems that we've had that I made in this area okay we'll leave that to run for a bit right so I'm just working on a couple of things here let's get some power through here for our water otherwise that'll be a big problem there we go so ignore this little load I've got going up and over the top which has already got rid of all this traffic down here because this Lane was chock-a-blocked this Lane was chocker block and they were all just getting in each other's way because some want to go straight on some want to come off so I've added this over the top and it's just cleared all the traffic down there I'd like to do the same for this Lane uh if we could get that to come into here let's go up just see whether this is going to be actually possible to do but then we get dedicated Lanes there so then if we speed this up anybody wanting to go straight on comes down here and just bypasses this Junction all together and anybody else that wants to go up here that's fine for some reason they're using like the outside Lane getting in each other's way but I think they will work that out eventually and then hopefully that just alleviates the amount of traffic that's coming up through here as well these are all going straight on yeah I think that will help but as before we need to give it like five or six minutes that's gone all the way down that was just Chopper's block Choppers block is a chucker's block as chock a block as all of this oh I know we've got traffic from all up here because we have all the sports centers and things and we have we do have bus transit up here don't we yeah we do um is that not powered oh that's not powered I don't know whether that makes any difference or will it not be used because it's not powered let's hook in some power we've got power coming into there there we go let's just take a look at that yeah passenger zero oh my goodness me I bet that was causing another load of issues so hopefully we'll start seeing some people coming in and out of this and stopping all of this car driving that we've got going on down here which this is like a terrible this is like a terrible Junction this is really bad so don't build Junctions like this what you want is get that down flat like that we want this come on do not snap thank you very much like you snatched just as I just thought I went to draw it you snapped so if we could do something like that that should alleviate all of that problem there and then what we can do is we can grab this downgrade this again back to what it was before and then we just want a little bit of an upgrade where they come on so you've got the two extra lanes and there as well and hopefully that will just keep all of this moving if we had a bit of traffic manager here we could solve that and of course we're still waiting for this to go down hmm just wondering whether we could just extend this a little bit further yeah that's about as far as it's going to go just to keep them all moving and hopefully people aren't whizzing around there instead of just going straight up and straight down which is what we want excellent let's just give this a little bit of time and there we go a few minutes later all hunky dory everything's moving nicely which is exactly what we were aiming for yeah it's meant with me just to add in a few more horkie bulky lanes and things but we're dealing with vanilla traffic so that's what you have to do sometimes oh so much better with the traffic getting in and out of this road up here which is good and now we've got power here we go through to our Metro 550 people and more going through this traffic is up to 82 so let's just catch up on the Metro so previously we had one line that went from Bradley to beat him and then one line it went from beadham to Lilac and it had hardly any use at all now this combined line Bradley to Lilac has 352 passengers and it's going great guns I think I'm even gonna add another Metro on there just to keep you people happy so that's now making me think what other lines could we consolidate we've got this blue one that comes up here which is actually part of our new purple route that we've got should I extend it all the way out to here or not do you know what I think I will let's have a look how many people using the blue one two people is that it that is the blue one isn't it okay yeah we're gonna do that that line is gonna go excellent then we're gonna extend this one all the way over to the island there we go excellent and then we'll make sure we've got our stops in here that looks like it to me brilliant so now we have to change the name again so it's going to the Isle of Roy so this is now Bradley Bradley to Roy sounds like uh fantastic uh name for a line we're gonna oh it's already upped it to six so we'll leave that one going and see whether that goes up from what is it at the minute 352 I'm sure that will increase so we're up to sort of 80 sometimes it's 84 sometimes we dropped down to 81 and the reason this thing here gets so busy I put a traffic light on it and I'm going to take that off it's because a lot of people were coming down here and using this to turn around and go back down again so I've added a little turny around the point on here just to see how that goes and once this sort of traffic goes down yeah look we're gonna see more people choosing this so that is a little bit annoying that they're wanting to do that oh look so many more cars are going to be going around here instead and as soon as they do that that means this little add-on I've added here for the industry will flow much better again I've like bypassed everything and coming down here so they're not being forced to go through all the traffic that wants to come off but I think with this little turn around a bit once that starts working I don't think we'll need this anymore so let me just run that for a bit and see whether because it's all backed up over to here look see whether that all goes down so we're hovering around 85 I would say and we've added in a ton of infrastructure from new bypasses new system interchanges new service interchanges new cargo train lines New Roads going in and out of all sorts of places do you think this is going to be enough to keep us going until City skylines 2 is here and maybe into the future who knows and to cope with an airport being built in this area let me know in the comments below check out City skylines 2 video on the screen and I will see you very soon for the next one take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 121,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines hotels & Retreats, cities skylines industrial evolution, cities skylines brooklyn & queens, cities skylines dlc, cities skylines, cities skylines update, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, everything new cities skylines, Cities skylines tutorial, city skylines, biffa plays, biffa plays cities skylines, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis, cities skylines no mods traffic fix, citites skylines vanilla traffic fix
Id: eLvgC2MuYuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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