This 70 MPH ebike is DANGEROUS

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today we're going to review my custom electric bike what makes this bike stand out in the pack is its 70 mile an hour top speed it's horrible brakes and it's ten thousand dollar price tag so let's take it out for a review and run it through the tell happy circuit and see what this bike is made of under the hood is an aftermarket 72 volt 38 amp hour battery and it has an upgraded controller capable of pulling 12 000 watts of power this is not a hub Drive motor and there are no gears and here's the aftermarket pedals I put on it and some of you might be thinking this isn't a bicycle until you look at the bicycle brakes so often get out there and see how these bicycle brakes perform powering on the custom bike and my electric bike does have nine levels of power assist and a full twist throttle do not look at that one top secret we'll go ahead and start the Strava to see what kind of distance we get on today's ride thinking about titling this video the Lamborghini of e-bikes all right guys let's do the 20 Hill grade test we do have it on power assist nine I will not be going Full Throttle but let's go for it whoa front wheels coming up welcome to another absolutely beautiful day here in sunny California we're gonna get this thing out for a little bit of a ride and I'll talk you through it so the bike does have nine levels of power assist but I pretty much only toggle between two a nice on-road and off-road off-road will activate regen break and bring the bike to a stop tap that button again and it turns off regen breaks so you can just Coast now of course you can bump it down to like one which I just put it on one it's cool because you can like give this bike to somebody who doesn't have experience and they won't kill themselves by bumping it down power now I have it on four and you know you still get power but it's manageable bumping it on to six that's pretty powerful already honestly when I'm writing it I only ride on nine because you have access to all the power with the throttle you don't have to use it all but you can on this e-bike we have access to about 12 000 watts of power I don't know exactly what the bike weighs but I think it's about 120 ish pounds 72 bullets are on this 71.4 on the front and 60 on the back wow 137. a lot of that is the battery which has about 3 000 Watt hours of energy how is the suspension on it well it's not bad yeah it is oh that uh dragonfly hit me the rear shock is a little bit tight the front shocks are upgraded um they're pretty good so you probably want to know how fast does it go well we'll go for a little Cruise here that was not top speed we kind of ran out of room but I actually modified the sprocket on this bike to make it go slower top speed wise and give it more acceleration there's only one gear on this bike it's a 58 tooth sprocket on the back I used to have a 54 tooth sprocket on there that would take me about 10 miles an hour faster than what the top speed of it is right now [Applause] foreign bikes are all about acceleration once you get going over about 40 the miles per gallon just goes way down and you really don't need to go any faster than this anyway so the brakes the rotors they are in charge of stopping a lot of weight they work pretty good at first but they do experience brake fade typically this is where I do my 0 to 20 top speed ready go throttle responds immediately we will not be doing that here today so is this a motorcycle is it a bicycle I'm not going to answer that question where I live if you ride it like a bicycle it'll kind of blend in the main thing is it's fun [Applause] you don't get any exercise on that bike that's actually not true you don't really get cardiovascular exercise on this thing but it is actually kind of a lot of work to uh just manhandle basically the weight of this bike popping wheelies just doing all that kind of stuff it's they're saying actually will fatigue you a lot more than you would think foreign know I have another channel for this bike entirely called Juiced Joyrides I'll put a link to it down in the description box tell happy TV I've made more for like electric bicycles induced Joy rides is more for stuff like this now everybody always wants to know how fast does it go frankly top speed is stupid which is why I reduced the gear ratio to 58 tooth but let's go ahead and just give it a little bit of a pull here and see what it can do today even on the throttle regen break so it looked like about 63 or so it used to go 70 on my smaller sprocket but like I said top speed is just stupid on these things I rarely ride this thing faster than 40 miles an hour it just kills the battery way too fast and this Mike's frankly just too light and too small to feel stable going that fast which one looks more like a motorcycle now you might be wondering can you ride in the sand and take it out on the beach I'll show you in a few so check it out this little app right here I'll tell you how many watts I'm pulling so running at this speed I'm pulling 700 Watts right now this is like 400 watts this is like the same as any other e-bike almost every e-bike I review on this channel can pull like a thousand Watts it's giving us 900 watts 900 watts 900 watts 9 800 watts 700 Watts which is like less than what I'm doing right now this is 300 watts it just has more on tap I don't use it when it's not appropriate do the police care yeah I do no they don't not around here I think it's a lot more about how you ride than where you ride around here anyway can't it do stairs actually can it do stairs yes let's do a quick little 0 to 20 acceleration you can look at the thing here I'm not gonna be able to look ready go oh man it's it's pretty much limited by the wheelbase of this bike because like if you I can't even like open it up all the way so let's see how it does zero to top speed under throw only 12. he's 17 18 20. the battery's not even on full charge we'll do another one here that is like accurate very accurate speedometer there ready go yeah I can't like it's it's very very quick I'm gonna run here ready go yeah the front end just came right up and that's not even full charge that's only 83 79 volts 84 volts is even more powerful that's what this one is except this one has like even more upgrades on it I do think it really is important to ride these things responsibly especially around other bikes and pedestrians other people on other bikes pass me all the time on this thing I just cruised out here on the bike paths so this bike is awesome and it's my favorite bike no question it did cost me 10 grand to build this thing but it's not perfect there are downsides one of the main downsides to this thing is it's just loud the change loud another downside to this thing is you can't really park it anywhere you can't just leave it in a parking spot somebody could pick it up and walk away with it but if I ever bring it to a place where I have to lock it up on a bike rack I just have so much anxiety because it's so expensive another downside is range anxiety there are no pedals to give you assistance if you if you run out of range it's been about two miles into my six mile walk home right now this is making up for all the lack of exercise I've been getting on this thing and as I mentioned the brakes are pretty much bicycle brakes on here and they have good stopping power but ultimately uh this bike is kind of a lot of weight for those rotors to hold up to all of the heat dissipation that is created with all the power and weight of the spike another downside is it can be a little bit dangerous especially if you're riding wheelies and stuff I have laid this thing down one time doing wheelies oh my god let's assess the damage here scrape on the pegs then a little foot pigs pigs grape fortunately I did have my full leather gloves on today definitely got destroyed my pants have just become a little bit more fashionable dang it this is actually my saddest loss right here helmet did not touch there's a little mark on my hip I'll uh just leave it at that let's give it a bit of a launch here this is where the brakes Get Dangerous did you feel about not overheating the motor what a police I'm turning off so final thoughts on this e-bike is pretty much the most fun you can have on two wheels if you enjoyed this video you should probably watch this one next thanks for watching guys drop a comment give me a thumbs up catch you next time
Channel: TailHappyTV
Views: 416,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebike, electric bike, surron, Sur Ron, Talaria Sting R MX4
Id: j0c_dSjfvcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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