This 35 MPH eBike is Perfect? - Philodo H8 Full Review

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I have no idea but I do know all about this h8 so let's break it down so we're about to hit the road and then the trails and if you stick around long enough I'll break down my pros and cons and summarize this bike up and what I really think but first let's break down what this is all about and First Assembly for the most part it went pretty fine I did have a hard time getting this cage on so I'll give it an average assembly once I got past that it was very typical and very straightforward anybody can do it but I did have a small challenge there now as far as the bite goes itself and what it has typical e-bike with a lot of the standard features but this one is a dual motor mean a thousand watt power here that thousand watt power here 2 000 total all-wheel drive which is a lot of fun we're gonna be talking a lot about that it does have other features like the cage so you can bring stuff with you and strap it down adjustable seat headlight through push button controls including a horn 21 speed bike with a cell phone holder shocks and if you ask me this is a cool looking bike I have very much enjoyed the look of this bike but let's go hit the roads so hitting the road with the h8 and if you're new to e-bikes at first you might look at I didn't go oh that's big it's heavy and you can be a little intimidated but once you hop on these you realize you're in complete control you really feel good I never feel unsafe or like I just got on something that's too big and other people I've had tests that feel the same way so this bike is no exception to that you're in complete control you feel very good even though it's got these big old tires on it if I want to play around I want to Swerve I can have fun I'm in control there's a lot you can do and even as I get up to the high speeds and I'll show you later it can still do that really well so overall very well built bike I feel very in control everything is put together really well so very happy with that now it does have the shocks so you can lock them in or you can have them unlocked meaning if you have a smooth road you can just lock it in and it's just a straight bike but if you have a situation where the roads are rough and you want to absorb some of that impact you can do that so I'm gonna be hitting the trails here in a little while so you'll see the difference that that can make and how you still feel comfortable on trail roads now something that's important to understand on these bikes is the Pas system or the pedal assist and what that means because bike to bike it can be very different how it works and with this one it supports you up to a mile per hour range so you can see I'm in pas1 the lightest setting as far as e-bike support goes and it is having me go at 6.9 miles per hour so I am still working I'm still pedaling I'm getting some exercises right now my heart rate is up I can tell but the bike is supporting me at that level now if I hit up you can see that really quickly I'm going to get to the next stage which is around 14 miles per hour and every up through four it will do that five seems to be uncapped meaning when I get to five it will help me but then it goes faster than I can pedal so it's more of a top speed option so if you're gonna go fast and have some fun five is great but it's more of a throttle option meaning you're going to use a throttle right here and you might pedal at intersections or when you have to slow down to get back up to speed faster but then you're just going to use that throttle to maintain a top speed because it's going to go too fast to Pedal but you have good options as one through four if you want exercise A and E like functionality now being that this is a higher powered version bike you want to know if it's going to handle different situations so I'm gonna give you a couple tests right now one from a stop what it's like so I'm going to put a pas5 so I have all the power then I'll do a 15 on so you see what that's like so hitting Full Throttle you can see it's a little slow to start but once it gets to about five six seven miles per hour then it really starts to take off and you're gonna see in no time up I'm at top speed it's already at 30 miles per hour let's say you're doing around 50 miles per hour and you want to go this is what it looks like one of the reasons I was really interested in this bike is I want some with a little more top end speed and in my 52 miles so far it always gets to 34.7 miles per hour it's capped there but it has no problem reaching those numbers so I can go longer distances faster and I have very much enjoyed that but you can see that hill in front of us I'm gonna do a series of tests to show how much speed we lose going up the hill because lesser powered e-bikes can lose a lot of speed and you're Crawling by the top another thing other e-bikes really struggle with is going up a steep hill from a stop so let's give this a test throttle only little slow to start but now really pulling through it fastest Flat Road obviously but handling it pretty darn well it does have easy light and Horn controls which I appreciate sometimes you have to like hold a combo here on some e-bikes to get your lights turned on and off with this just that button turns my light on and off and the horn is right here nice loud horn I mostly use it to mess with my kids but it's there for safety reasons as well it works really well but let's head to the trails and let me show you what's up there and this is not sponsored just my opinion I paid for this myself but if you do think you might get this I have a link in the description please check it out it helps the channel and keeps the reviews coming so I've arrived at the trails and I have unlocked my shocks so it's actually absorbing some of the impact and it is important because there's Roots I'm going over there's bumps and different things that I don't want to feel through this bike as I'm riding it or knocking me off the trail and I'm feeling very connected to this Trail uh really enjoying the experience I do have the shocks or the dampener set pretty stiff so it's still pretty firm with what it's doing I could set it softer if I need to but I don't really feel like I need to but it's nice to have that flexibility uh Power wise I have more than enough to do what I want to do here and the all-wheel drive is proven to be beneficial not that it's necessary with these big tires other e-bikes could do this pretty easily as well but when you're going up a hill and you want to you know hit that throttle and go it's nice to have both Wheels pull you to have that power from both wheels too so you have that acceleration that fun Factor so it does add a little bit more and you feel a little bit more connected to the trail so overall everything's been very enjoyable as I you know cruise to these trails and have some fun not going too fast you don't have to listen to all that wind noise but if I wanted to I could but there was a huge route right there and lifted my body up a little bit as I hit it but no problems I could feel a bike take some of that impact I never felt unsafe at all felt completely in control uh and I will say that this thing is so much fun road Trail sand whatever you're gonna throw at it it's going to be able to handle this is one fun bike with plenty of power plenty control uh and just uh overall blast to ride um now I'm going through a semi smoother spine between the grass and uh again handling it with ease all right it's time for me to Exit these Trails but real quick a fun test downhill a little bit uh Sandy Trail here I want to get up and go let's see what happens if I hit that throttle [Applause] and 25.7 easy fun I really like this bike so now that we've hit the roads and the trails let's wrap this bike up in what I really think and to be perfectly honest I absolutely love this bike it is my favorite e-bike that I've tested so far in a large part of that is because it has the power and it has the all-wheel drive and I just feel like I can do more with that I can have more fun and I have a better top end speed to be able to go places that I want to that are farther away and I enjoy that but what I also like about that is considering it has more power and more going on and more engineering it didn't seem to send the price to the stratosphere so I very much appreciate that and at the same time it didn't compromise in other areas it didn't go with well I got speed but I'm gonna take away everything else it still has a rack it has a cell phone holder it has 21 gears the functionality and the screens and the change in the Pas and all that stuff it works really well so it's a bike that doesn't have a lot of compromise doesn't have a terrible price point compared to others but has a lot of power so it's just a good all-around package now I'm not saying it's perfect there are a few things I've noticed some things I would personally change is the rack I wish it had some straps to it some bungee cords that are built in another e-bike I've tested did do that and I really like that it was just built in another thing is the Pas system it's not terrible I don't hate it I actually kind of enjoy it but my preference is that it supports you through a power amount not a speed amount so where this supports you up to seven miles per hour 14 21 other bikes support you through a power level so it might say hey the bike's gonna do 20 of the work you're gonna do 80. if you bump it up it's 40 60 60 40. there's different splits so you can kind of choose how much do I want to work how much exercise do I want but how much do I want the bike to do and I prefer that Pas setup better but this isn't terrible it's still very enjoyable but that is one thing I would tweak if I could and I'd manage this bike myself the last point I'm going to make is that when I buy these e-bikes it's so that I can test them and put them on my channel then I sell them to free up money and get the next e-bike but with this one I don't have any plans to sell I've enjoyed it that much so until something better comes along that does the same things I've talked about but better I am keeping this one so I'm putting that in there just to kind of give you idea how much I really have enjoyed this and last thing this is a new channel subscribe share like if you could it makes a huge difference I appreciate it
Channel: LWT eBike Reviews
Views: 31,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all wheel drive ebike, fast ebike, awd ebike, electric bike, ebikes, philodo h8, philodo h8 dual motor fat tire bike 2000w 22ah, philodo h8 assembly, philodo h8 top speed, all wheel drive ebike good, philodo, ebike review, best ebike, fat tire ebike, ebike, ebike life, fast fat fitre ebike, most powerful electric bike, fastest ebike, electric bike reviews, best electric bike, e bike, best electric bike 2023, best ebike for the money, philodo ebike, keteles k800
Id: dsOd8eT3074
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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