SURRON Ebike Gets Pulled over by the Cops in California

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[Music] okay it's 750. all right guys this is the video i've been wanting to put out if you guys can hit the like button and we can get past 100 likes on this video alone i will buy a light speed battery 72 volt but anyways this video is me and my buddy vince getting pulled over by the cops this bike does have pedals it has street tires on it bac 4000 right in the front have a luna cycle seat pro tapered bars the bikes completely stock other than that all right enjoy the video guys i've been i've been watching everybody and they're just like staring at you [Music] okay [Music] oh told me to get in the bike lane so i got to be careful now hey bailey we'll pull over here we both equal each other out how fast you get up on that uh i've got it too it does 44 44. yeah cause it has the off-road mode it has an on-road mode yeah yeah it's pretty fun and we just wanted to take this thing out and uh i wanted to get some footage of it okay i hardly ever drive this thing but it's i mean it's got like 500 miles on it it's way too loud it and it's stock that's not stock pipes the pipes aren't stopping yeah that's what makes sense yeah you gotta have turn signals and stuff on this tube it didn't come with turn signals 73 should have it you got the control there for it it didn't come with the did you know that i i didn't i didn't do anything to it i'm guessing anybody used i bought it used when you are on the street it's required to have certain stuff the exhaust ticket right now is a little over six hundred dollar ticket it's a non-fixable ticket so that's it's not a twenty-five dollar correct ticket this is a six hundred dollars you're paying you're getting a lot of complaints because people riding their cars whether it's neighborhoods yeah you know how loud this is going in the neighborhood i'm sure your neighbors aren't too happy with it okay but i'm not driving around my neighborhood either but you're driving i'd almost pick it up i'd almost pick it up with my trailer let's go home okay yeah we're like on the road for two or three minutes we live right now that's why that's why you know i mean i'm not i'm not i'm i i don't take it out and i don't take it lightly then you give me a pack if i have to i'll get my trailer and pick it up i just want to go home okay i'll prom okay i appreciate it all right well i'm gonna start getting on my way back because i gotta be in the bike lane so you'll beat me uh i'll meet you i mean what's that uh 750 and it's a class three hey there's a sticker on the back back here somewhere like right underneath all right guys okay thanks i appreciate it i i want i feel bags i wanted him to ride it so i can get some footage of it so and uh be careful on that thing too man thank you coming yeah definitely this this actually got me out of street raising i'd come out here on blackstone all the time and now i just i ride this thing back and forth to work and i sold my cars cheaper too yep it's like 40 cents to charge the whole thing i love it uh it was 38 or 36 i'm sorry 38 after tax but it's worth it i have i've only bought gas once for my other car this whole year absolutely but i appreciate it man i feel bad because you know i wanted to take him riding so uh we can get a youtube video out of it so are you on right now that was about as short-lived as it's gonna be yeah that's gonna make for an interesting video man you know how many views you get with that one what did he tell you he he pulled up right next to me like closer than we are right now and he basically said you need to be on the sidewalk he said how many watts is it and i said it's 750. is it 750. 7 500. the the the limit in california is 750 watt at least you didn't get i would have felt like so bad because i really wanted you to get out i felt so bad man if he would have gave you a ticket take it out but i'm real careful about when i take it out i never come the way we just came yeah but i mean it's almost telling me i could get some stingers for it but it's just weird that he said he had to have turn signals so did it actually really come with turn signals or no 73 did hey man he was cool yeah i mean to let me go he could have gave me a ticket and like he said these pipes they make you fix it you can't fix it too original this part yeah you can't i mean it's basically a trailer queen i i don't really ride it unless i'm at night or by myself down those sites you know i go downside streets and stuff because everybody looks yeah we gotta we gotta be careful on the way back because uh i don't wanna run into him again and be on the streets he said to be in the bike lane so i'll probably stay on to the shoulder but i'm gonna try to keep speed a little bit maybe a little slower than traffic but uh i'm not gonna be hauling ass over there yeah just beat me over there take it yeah man what a day [Laughter] you're in trouble man hey man one thing that you guys don't know about us just getting pulled over is that when i got the vinnies i got rid of my backpack and i said okay no big deal but let me just get my wallet out of my backpack well my wallet isn't in my backpack i think it's sitting on my computer desk so if he wanted to ask for my license even though he knew i was riding the bike i think these these tires really help but uh holy crap man that could have been bad because i have no identification on me whatsoever damn stuff in this tree hurts dude oh my god i hit my nose so hard that was great though every day with vinnie is interesting oh man i can't stop but just smile and laugh i mean no one got a ticket so that's why i'm laughing i mean if he would have got a ticket you know that would have sucked because i felt bad because i was the one that uh we were trying to ride for the last three weeks and we were trying to find a day and he wanted to go on monday and i want to go on tuesday and of course today's tuesday we didn't really have a game plan on where we were going to go other than probably uh the park over here the woodward park anyways and that was short-lived i think we were on the road for three or four minutes but hey you know the cop let us go he knew it was an old bike too i i get that his pipes were modified but still it's an old bike i mean what are you gonna do uh so i beat vinnie back and i made it back with 56 battery so i will probably uh sit here for maybe i don't know 20 or 30 minutes you know try to get the bike up to close to 70 and make it back that guy could have gave it to me yeah he seemed like he was at first he seemed like he didn't care that he was like oh that's a ticket you're gonna get it that's kind of how he came off to me i'm just dude like i i wanted to record it but i also wanted to get out of there because i don't have my license yeah so i would that's why i was like you know what i better probably get out of here before he asked for my id after he asked for yours and then when he started asking me questions i was like all right i better get out of here all right let's get some juice in this bad boy let's see where our voltage is at before we start charging so our voltage before we start charging is 59 percent we're at 59.8 volts and we started charging at 336. okay so the time right now is 438 and we are at 65.9 volts let's just say 66 volts flat and we're at 88 so if you can't see that 88 i'm just gonna say 66.0 volts not too bad
Channel: MrCentraldriver
Views: 1,916,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sur ron pulled over, sur ron, ebike pulled over, sur ron cops, e bike vs cops, sur ron ebike, ebike, sur ronster, 60mph ebike, laesk8, dillon thomson, onyx electric bike, emotobros, ebikes, electric bike, e bike, electric bikes, sur-ron, huck cycles, super73 r, sur ron x, e bike group ride, dillon thompson, super 73, ebike laws, e-bike, fresno police, surron, onyx rcr, sur ron police chase, sur ron running from cops, surronster, sam pilgrim, sur ron police, top 10, road rage
Id: 7ET3ES7hVrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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