I Built a Split wheel Motorcycle, But will it work?

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The bible stuff is annoying, but ever since he stopped doing the bike review and bikes. It's gone down alot. All these Amazon bike comparisons. Kinda lame.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/saskrider1 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

I’m not sure what annoys me more, the random preaching in the middle or their complete inability to understand mechanical lever advantage and how that might just maybe make this thing bumpy. Every time I come across these guys’ videos, it’s the same thing- an interesting subject that I’m genuinely curious about, ruined by shoehorned religiosity and an unwillingness to put two damn thoughts into the whole thing.

Ugh. Sorry for the rant, it just gets me every damn time. I desperately want to like this, and it’s just… annoying and stupid.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dustyrags 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

A Cyclically Variable Wheelbase

What'll they think of next?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/oldfrancis 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

these are the days that I wish YouTube did not exist.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flatulasmaxibus 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies
so I've learned that anything that you can do on   a bicycle can be done on a  motorcycle well except this but everything else we can do  everything else then I saw this challenge accepted come on Craig I don't think that was a challenge Sean it was a challenge let's go make a bike and our bike of choice 20 something CBR 300 200 what is it 250. that's the bike of choice so here is our  diabolical plan step one draw an awesome picture   of the CBR okay fine I didn't actually draw it I  trace it but it still it turned out pretty good   step two pet a kit pet a kitten Dan you mess with  the steps again no not this time step three is   to extend the factory swing arm which happens to  be made of steel which is one of the reasons why   we picked this bike then take the wheel from the  other CBR and put it on the back we then need to   modify the front drive wheel with another sprocket  so we can drive the rear drive wheel and how do we   plan on accomplishing that a wizard I don't really  know actually uh this is kind of uh some redneck   engineering but I will say on this project we  will be using CAD no no not what you're thinking   though Craig and Dan but if we can accomplish this  this will be the first two-wheel drive Honda CBR   to exist ever in the planet but later we actually  might find out why no one's ever done this before   well then attempt to do some burnouts and if all  goes well that's where the real fun starts what   do you think Greg I like it I think that plan is  solid and if it doesn't work we're just going to   do something else it's a solid plan I saw someone  do it with a bicycle so we're gonna start correct   so Craig and I get to work we put the CBR  in the lift then I do this thing with my it and then we remove the rear tire from the other  bike I forgot we had that thing at this point   the process is looking pretty cloudy to me of  how we're going to do this the thing Craig gets   an idea twist it pull it great do you want to  know what I was thinking or are we taking okay   here's what I'm thinking we're gonna make our  own swing arm so we'll drill here and this will   sit there and then it'll come back and we'll  drill again this metal to lay on top of here   that this is it fixed yes does it Flex hopefully  not if it's welded questions so here is one of   our other concerns the bike of course has a rear  suspension somewhere in here and it's allowing   the bike to go up and down and absorb bumps  if we secure the third Tire directly to the   swing arm it might cause the rear tire to lift  every time the suspension is compressed but I'm   no physics magician so we're going to cross that  bridge when we get there right now we have right   now problems it's possible once we finish this  up this could be a new trend in motorcycling   T-Rex bike they might say in the future everyone's  doing it those guys started something cool foreign yeah I think there's a tool right here  it's his first day Dan let him alone so   here's the part of the build that I call  the part that I actually have to do some   work so while Craig was working on building the  swing arm extension I was tasked with perfectly   fitting the sprocket where the brakes used to  be and to do that we will be eliminating the   rear brakes from the bike because brakes are  for Chumps anyway so the front drive Tire will   have a sprocket on both sides the left one  being driven from the engine and the right   one driving the second Drive tire but in order  for this to work I have to make sure that the   drive sprocket is perfectly centered where  everyone in the Galaxy will die and here's a   really awesome Montage of me doing the thing  that I just told you that I was about to do [Music] you do it we all know you  use your drill as a hammer   too look at how high and mighty on me now [Music] foreign just use that there's a lot of  tools we're forgetting about yeah aftermarket swing arms can cost hundreds thousands  or millions of dollars well Craig was tasked to   build one for just 13.20 and when he came back  he had a cheeseburger in his hand it's real Team   Six that's right but if anyone could build  it it's Craig and I have a hundred percent   confidence in his abilities oh my gosh how did  that did you cut the where where did you where   was the hole supposed to be what's going on over  there I'm over here achieving Perfection and I'm   hearing about the wrong hole it was literally  the first measurement I made I screwed up the   whole bar is too short now well it can be tight  you don't have a lot of real estate to work with   right there you go real estate don't have a  lot of it so that only lets us two inches on   each side I'm gonna let you do the measurements  while I walk away while Craig continues making   the world's greatest swing arm you want to  watch the master over here I finished my part   early and started trying to solve the other  problem that we have which is how do we cut   these tires in half and have them still hold  their shape so I first cut some tires in half   it's tougher than I thought because they  wouldn't this rubber would not slide easily there's someone out there saying  that's not how you cut a tire in   half you idiot and to that guy please  tell me how you do in the comments so   my first idea is to fill the tires  with spray foam maybe that'll work oh it's expanding all right now we  let it sit we might not even need to   to do it like this we could just let's try  let's try this one and don't eat it Dan I   know you think it looks like whoopie pie  cream but it's definitely not [Applause]   well what's going to happen is it's going  to uh it's going to expand and when it   does that we're going to get a knife and just  shave it all off now Craig has another idea   look at this perfect oh my gosh now I'm trying to  think of a business where I can sell cut tires for   some stupid reason and this is Craig's idea rubber  mulch oh some more rubber more rubber how's it   smell it doesn't smell good my stupid idea was  cut an inner tube and pack the inner tube full   of this and then fold the ends over tuck them in  there call it good all right let me try it [Music]   somewhere in the world this is  someone's job I don't know where   I don't know why but someone spends  all day shoving mulch into a hose I don't know if it worked or not a lot of this is  going to fall inside of the rim the other thing we   got to figure out is how we attach the rim to this  and I think either screws or rivets the rim comes   up in here so it's almost we're making a a bead  lock so we let this one sit for a little while and   you can see it's not actually it's not actually  getting hard because it's it wasn't getting any   air so I'm going to pull this back see if that  helps it out at all we'll let it sit over here   but then this one it's looking pretty good this  is this is not the stiffest one I got to get a   different one there's one that's way stiffer in  this one foam you mean yeah this one's still too   soft so let me run out grab the stiffer stuff well  Craig keeps on working on that so Craig did some   welding Drilling and just moving stuff around  not sure what he was doing and it's in Craig's   contract for me to give him a 10 second Montage  every four videos so here's Craig's stupid montage [Music]   oh that's hot that's hot that and this everything  everything packed even me we gotta stick metal   together we're strengthening up the swing arm  and after almost two entire days of us working   on this thing things were starting to fall into  place like better than we thought it would it was   almost like it was meant to be and after we looked  at our creation and thought that's not bad [Music]   in all this building got me reminded of one of  my favorite Obama versus James one two through   three consider it pure joy my brothers  and sisters whenever you face Trials of   many kinds because you know that the testing  of your faith produces perseverance [Music] for the three-wheel motorcycle was a huge success  and possibly the greatest motorcycle I have ever   driven but the only thing that can make this thing  better would be if we cut both these back tires   in half so that's exactly what we're going to do  so what this thing's gonna be doing and I'm just   going to realize this is going to be constantly  changing the wheelbase so so right now the tires   are kind of fighting against each other that's  not gonna be a problem when it's only one wheel   on the ground but it's going to be like short  wheelbase long wheelbase short wheelbase long   wheelbase but a bajillion times a second you know  I mean a hundreds of times a second I don't know   what that's going to do I don't think it's going  to give you the ultimate confidence going really   heavy into a corner but uh who knows so let's  um let's cut these tires up and figure it out so I was told by a lot of people that this  would definitely not work and you know what   I mean maybe it won't work but as it was once  told to me from my grandfather I'm too stupid   to give up and if it ends up working I'm going  to want to show it to you guys and we've kind of   been cooped up in here for a long time we don't  go out very much but this year we're gonna go   out we've got some events planned out and some  trips and we're coming out to you guys and the   best way for us to contact you is for you guys  to join our super secret text group the numbers   right here just shoot at a text let's go back  to the build the most scientific way possible   I drew the most perfect line everything's got  to be balanced those are amazing lines they are   really good it's like a laser did it it's very  important for this thing to actually be rideable   and work these are very precisely exactly  cut that's why we set up a man with a laser but it didn't work out so we're gonna use the  Sawzall it's at this point I'd like to point   out the progression that our preciseness has  dwindled considering the stuff we've gotten   to shouldn't it be getting better yeah well  we're gonna take air out of them before you why   uh so it doesn't do something stupid  you mean like cutting wheels in half nailed it if I get more than it was [Laughter] a fresh Metal Blade there you go   who makes Sawzall blades like they used to tired  they used to make them better this kind of feels   like riding those SRS home those Yamaha SRS  home I'm all Buzzy and vibrating oh that's   what yeah that's kind of what this reminds  me of riding the fr500 yeah it's so true [Applause]   that's how you do it right there [Music] nailed it that is so perfect  couldn't have done it any better hello Craig Craig great thank you  Sean you in there Craig yes I am like that's our move right there really  busted up that valve stem didn't I I   don't think it's gonna hold air anymore yes  kids would be like here's your problem did   you check the value did you check the  valve stuff you check the valve Stone damn that's cush drive that's a good  thing yeah because there now that's off [Music] this is horrible you look very sparkly Craig yeah   all right so here's my idea here's the rim I got  this piece of I don't know what it's called pipe   hose pipe it's too big I cut it in half it gives  me a little more space a little more flexibility   if they like to Broken the bad part of the room  we can get this to go yeah get it like this get it   real tight on there get it tight everywhere drop  it down maybe zip tied or something like that and   then drill it rivet drill it so this thing here  is giving me a little bit of a fit so I'm going to   try this because I think it's going to be just as  easy and just as fast yeah it's just about enough   you're saying that thing's holding you back  it is absolutely this is taking more [Music] we doing the rivets yeah do you call  it a rivet Dan what did you just call   it a ribbit ribbit like a frog frog frog isn't  that what they call her Rosie the Riveter yeah   Craig are you Rosie the Riveter yep [Music]   hey like damn apples [Music] Butterfly  Effect I haven't seen Butterfly Effect   I've seen Butterfly Effects of a movie guy  I thought you were a movie guy dude I like   when the rivets fall down inside the back  through here and then get stuck that's neat I mean on a scale of one to amazing that's  about a 13 that's a decent amount of weight   right there Greg you do this wow we just  did a lot of work for me to flatten it I   think that's pretty good I'd say so man Craig  do you want to dump some rubber mulch in it   just for good measure dunk some rubber munching  double rubber that rubber mulch was a solid idea   oh I know just saying I know I had to cut a  tire off of a hay tether one time out in the   field with a pocket knife that was horrible  I've been there yeah no kidding do we have   a shop back here yeah we do yeah we do oh it's  a KTM so you know it's good KTM you know it's   gonna break so we got our trusted KTM vacuum  because you know you know it's gonna suck ouch all right foreign [Applause] [Music] was busy shooting rivets at  his eye and even tank traps   to hold the beat on the tire I was  busy doing other things [Applause] when you're not really fine  but you just can't get into   it because they would never understand [Music] there it is looks awesome it does look awesome  I guess there's only one thing to do it's gonna   work better than it looks too you think  so ah absolutely it's a little red yeah we basically have a 50 chance of it working  that math checks out how fast you think I'll   be able to go Craig I think these bikes top  out around 65 70. no they do more than that   you know somewhere around there yeah they'll  hit a hundred really without me on it they   won't I'm betting I can I'm betting I'll do  at least 30 miles an hour if you hit 30 I'm   gonna be happy and a little scared I'll  be the one who's scared does it not like   to go back up that felt a little goofy a little  bit why is it going up and down I I'm not sure why is it doing that I don't know it's almost  like one Tire's bigger than the other [Laughter]   it's turning better than it did before I think  we're on to something here it's turning better this is amazing we did it and it turned so well seven miles an hour well you probably won't be able to notice  the potholes anymore yeah that's the best   thing about it you don't even notice  potholes how fast we going seven wait a second what I got a question  there's only one way to solve it oh burnout it's catching no we can do a burnout we   can do this let's go back to the  shop watch how good it handles this thing shreds it's like driving a caterpillar [Music] let's see how fast we can go ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen  fifteen sixteen Seventeen eight sets   oh 22. next year I'm doing 20 my  miles an hour on a quarter amazing 25. 23 miles an hour in a corner 25 . so okay why is it bumping why is it bumping  up and down does it feel bumpy when I'm just   when there's no load on it it does doesn't it a  little bit really heating up them tires both of   them yeah all of it all of it it's legit man I  only did 30 miles an hour oh that doesn't help what if we strapped the suspension I was  thinking about it let's try it that works   though that is awesome so we thought  that using tank straps are strapped on   the back end would make a little bit smoother  gotta wear my helmet and my Moto glove yeah no not no not really but it really  didn't I think we need to do some   real world road tests so after installing  some rubber chips inside the wheels and   then capping both ends off with spray  foam and making sure that the timing on   both Wheels was still good we were ready for  the world premiere of the silly bike that we   made it needs a name comment below if you  have a good idea but the big question is   is the world ready for it okay let's do this  let's go motorcycle riding let's go motorcycling giddy up giddy up it's moving out oh yeah I'm just  riding a horse so as I rode the bike I realized   that I have finally bridged the gap between  motorcycle and jackhammer let's just dump the   balls out pretty quickly we realized that we were  losing rubber chips so we pulled over to fix the   problem [Music] my phone fell out we were bouncing  up and down so much my phone fell out of my pocket   that's not good so it's just shredding that and  now that's completely flat if one's flat they need   to make a bow flat because it's making it worse  I think we should get all the rubber out of them   come on Greg we gotta get this stuff out we're  gonna take it so professional to a dealership right I feel like we made the perfect motorcycle  I I think we really did we finally bridged the   gap between buck and Bronco and Honda CBR  it's almost like riding a Shake Weight   Ben make sure if I wreck this thing you don't  run me over that's all I ask you can hit him   just don't run them over everybody's in such a  hurry you filming Dan I'm filming Dan filming   other people film B filming Sean wow you guys are  getting you guys are getting real mad over here   you mind um come and look at a  bike real quick it's got a little bump to it when you ride as long as you can do  is to give it a visual outside real quick if   anything pops out of you all right cool we  took to the Honda dealership and had where   the mechanics come out and look at it and he  thought it was the stupidest idea he's ever   seen and he said he's seen many bikes like  this which I don't know if I believe that   but he didn't want to be on camera so we can't  show it so guys thanks for watching that wrap   up the video this bike will be back we will fix  it and next time we'll do a top speed run [Music]
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 5,757,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, caleb, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes
Id: -OWL0OEuqrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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