We Couldn't Say No to This Flea Market Deal...

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what is up you guys we're back at our local flea market very bright Wednesday morning we've only got about an hour to get out here and find our stuff and leave I've got to go meet some guys at the flip house today uh but that gives us 59 minutes and 59 seconds to find the best deals possible what's up man it's so cute two Charlie Browns pulse cares and close cares I don't understand the whole Kohl's cares thing like most of the plush we found are cold cares does Kohl's really care that much this is I think a military sweater it's cool hats over here cool hats okay this got a skip Jack Southern Todd hello how are you very good very good this one's the Legacy hats that you like yeah and then two area two areas is this your stuff what you got on the shirts over here I got one I'll do that like this this sweater and then this t-shirt uh and then this thing it's like a long sleeve thing hmm yeah I'd probably pass on that what you got on your hats I don't know I think I'll just pass on the clothes I'll do these two hats for 10 bucks though you get a 10 bill on you about a I bought a storage thing that has restaurant equipment in it oh yeah and I have 1800 of those I have like 70 I think cases of different kind of glasses yeah you know if only we owned a restaurant only yeah maybe since we have the cups now maybe we should buy restaurants what if we put our support your friends sticker on there and support your friends cups maybe you'll get a restaurant vendor out here that will I mean it's a mile bottom for me all right sweating LED lights and I'm gonna see if it'll work for what we need for the house here like that I'd probably be good for the the one right above where the coffee bar is gonna go how much for how much for one of these lights do you have any change that would be so great thank you thank you appreciate it y'all have a good day yeah thank you don't you ever work you're always out here how much you want for the Superman shirt right there 15. 15 I'll do that that's cool Chase it looks new yeah it is where'd you get the Cat5 cable do you want that maybe two bucks I'll do that we might run some CAT5 on our I think this is used for like security cameras and stuff like that yeah so I'll just give you 20 for the shirt and the wire how about that oh okay all right thank you absolutely did you see that cool Superman shirt Dale Earnhardt Jr oh thank you I need a bag I'll take it though so it won't get dirty that's awesome thank you so much let's check on that Carhartt shirts way the KAVU bags okay yeah three of them that one is a rare one I had 25 on that one and then 20 on that one and those are eight okay I'll do The Eight dollar one somewhere oh yeah that's cool okay yeah I really like these oh she found it yep yep all right so I'll do two in there so yeah that's cute too yeah I like that color yeah no dots on that one it doesn't look as vintagey as these all right so 16 17 18 19. we throw this guy yet for a dollar yeah okay 20 bucks there you go thank you thank you it's running through their golf clubs in the trash what's up though oh it's a Caddyshack thing internal level it's a little switch don't turn off to finish it bro oh wow better not set that off in the night put you on for that three bucks I'll do that that's cool all right so we got these two things five all right what Pokemon thanks oh those I didn't even see those look at them it's Jigglypuff Nintendo that's Squirtle they're not amiibos they're just like figures like vinyl figures yes they're so cool though I don't know what these are we can make keychains out of these yeah what you got on your Pokemon everything that's Pokemon three dollars for everything how you make money out here with these prices I'll give you I'll give you five appreciate it buddy yep this is you probably paid 20 cents for them so imagine is this Pokemon yeah that's Pokemon I don't know his name here we go all right so these okay people love Pokemon I think this would be cool we could they make these little keychain kits so you could like screw like the hook into them and then make them into keychains especially the yellow one I forgot was that a Pikachu Pikachu yeah yeah he's the popular one cool thanks man I appreciate the deal so we're very excited to share with you guys these little Pokemon figures that Haley and I have been working on for a few days we ordered a little keychain kits and they worked out great yeah it was a lot of work like a lot more than I expected however I kind of made it harder than it was supposed to be okay so this is the bag Josh got from Amazon it has like a thousand pieces I keep sliding this thinking it's going to open but there we go a thousand little pieces and they look like this right right so Haley decided that this was the only thing that was actually gonna go on here so I was like trying to open that with a pair of tweezers and like putting this on here and it was so tiny and I was struggling so much and then Josh gets home and he's like wait did you use these and I was like what are those so I went to Lowe's and I got the eyeballs which are like these little things that you actually screw into the figures but then to attach the keychain to the eyeball yeah you're supposed to use these they're already open they're bigger and Josh did the first one there and then you just use pliers to cramp them down the first one in like 15 seconds you know Haley did all of them the very hard way uh unfortunately a couple of these guys are a little damaged this Charizard doesn't have the fire on his tail this Squirtle doesn't have his tail either uh but other than those I think everything else is good to go I don't know if my favorite is the Eevee I like the Eevee or I like this guy just because he's weird I think I like them YouTube it's like Jigglypuff very cute I like them you can't see the front of them I thought he was going to turn around we get it so five bucks into the figures I spent another 12 dollars on all the supplies for the keychains so we are 17 into 26 keychains I believe and I think we can probably get at least five bucks a piece got a lot of tools here have you ever heard of Tesla shoes they're like barefoot a hundred dollars for the whole table you got a shop back we need to need one of those for the all the drywall dust that I've yet to clean up foreign I'm sure it's worth it I'm just trying to think if I actually need all this stuff oh is this one of those like uh bullet things I made these like I think it's to like Drive Nails into concrete you put like a 22 bullet in there and it like fires it into the concrete I think Haley would be mad at me if I bought everything Something tells me um does a shopback work yes all right so what about shop vac the more I'm looking at all this stuff hey Josh have the toast you put it in a tote we buy everything all right so it was a hundred dollars for everything except the cars the guitar and the cooler I had a guitar guys what if I don't want the guitar okay well I'll keep it then uh what do you think Haley because I was gonna I was gonna get the shot back and the paintball gun and like four of the shoes they got DeWalt drills video games I'll do it I just think about how many times you're like we have too much stuff this is just it's fun 20 40 60 80. thanks man thank you all right let's load all right I'm never gonna need to buy another tool ever in my life that's right he made me yeah yeah he did with his price I couldn't say no yeah look a throttle control I needed one of those do you no I don't even know what a throttle control is I might as well are these included yeah okay who signed it [Music] I don't know take that hammer away from her now yeah I'll give her that electric chainsaw hey I'm Nick now you need to come back Haley are you mad at me like the spider paintball gun should be pretty good the shoes we got everything loaded up Haley thinks well we just made a terrible mistake everything loaded up because we have to go back we have to go back for like three more bins but I really do think it was a good a good deal I think it was a good deal for sure it's just a lot of stuff Josh is always complaining that we have too much stuff any Buys so much okay I just looked up the paintball gun the spider Sonic Pro Paintball Gun it sells for like 50 bucks in used condition so there's half of our money back right there and Haley was like yeah but there's so much junk but sometimes in life you have to deal with the junk to find the jewels and I think that's what we just did all right ah I needed a shop vac garden tools you could chop down the tree there you go you could get some hay I might as well at this point at this point shout out Glenn Campbell or whatever say miss all right is there anything in there that's full all right and when you have it we even have a little bit of room left over thanks man appreciate the deal that was good for you good for us we're good we're fine we're not overwhelmed yeah we needed them today hey you want some pitchforks no please please take them yeah I gotta you can have it if you want it oh really yeah okay Merry Christmas thank you and we'll shovel I'll take you if you don't yeah we we the guy said we had to buy everything and so we did we've already we've already got shovels and we don't need a pictures I went back and got it yeah we picked up stuff on the road all the time [Music] yeah we make YouTube videos about it okay yeah come out here and see what we can find just anything yeah we sell everything not pitchforks but everything is that uh yo this is for a living yep okay full time yep we've been I've been doing about four years since she's been doing it with me about two years all right okay yeah pretty cool yeah I got enough I need to get you to come over to my house I see you I see you all around a lot oh yeah yeah we're here all the time okay yeah if I ever get organized I'll uh get you over to my house I'd love to love to come pick what is it stable he wants us to buy he wants us to buy some plants not anymore we only have two cars you already fill them up hey they're my sauce good night what do you want for this I'll buy them just because they're for me yes thank you thank you thank you we're about halfway done at the flea market today as we make our way to the last row over here but if you guys are still watching and really enjoyed the video at all uh and you haven't yet please consider subscribing it's free just put the button down below and you get notified anytime we post a new video greatly appreciate it what's up all right beautiful people doing great doing great today's special buy something to get something buy something get something look at there we got all these words but buy something you get some man can't turn that down could you have a little uh Hermione Granger over here that's cool yeah [Music] it's a rechargeable batteries got some actual batteries [Applause] another battery charger these are some of those um camera batteries oh lithium this would be cool for our um it's like a timer so you plug it into the wall and you plug something into it and so you set the timer so it only comes on at certain times so we could use those with our back porch lights to have them come on at a certain time and go off at a certain time all right I think we got our pile here all right so we got batteries okay batteries you can do 10 for the batteries for the both of them okay that thing that's a buck that's 12. that's 13. that's uh eight that's 21. 22 and I ain't gonna charge you 15. uh you can give me 10. 32 32. all right so since I'm the cheapest guy you know that's true that is true 40. thanks man I just think there's anything we got some reefs they're two dollars a piece two dollars a piece yeah two bucks I seamless you say two two or three dollars sure awesome you get some yeah oh look at that milk chocolate milk chocolate snowman oh yeah you want one no you can open it up I'm good thank you that's good I'll give you this one and this one and all the games I don't need all the games how much for just this game active five what's wrong for these um you do have a lot of shoes yeah okay thank you wow you just run over myself sorry thank you how's it going it's cool it's only two dollars yeah it's an Old Salem yeah yeah maybe two bucks for that okay yeah it started off really cold you got change for a 10. I do okay about that Thomas Train this thing is got like the 1990 yeah we have 90s shows it as an error online and somebody put coins in but you'd have to cut it open to get the coins out so I told my wife I'm just gonna sell it for five dollars and let somebody have it yeah huh yeah I'll do that for five bucks maybe there's some yeah absolutely cool thank you you're welcome good to see you too we appreciate the deals it does have an error it's supposed to say it says like it's like where the year it just says 199 it doesn't say zero or anything that's interesting maybe some Thomas the Train collector will like to have that so we got everything out that we got uh from that guy's table 100 bucks for everything I was just going through looking for anything that like stood out as interesting I mean he had two of these older DeWalt drones those should probably be pretty good A lot of tools a lot of stuff we're gonna keep for personal use for the house this whole big bag of tools that uh we could definitely use at some point in our house but this really nice set of drill bits and drivers and everything like literally every everything you'd ever need for a drill so that came in handy there were a couple of interesting things though in the bottom of one of the boxes was this Casio G-Shock resist watch it needs a new battery doesn't work but this is the g7700 model and comps on eBay are kind of all over the place as low as like 20 bucks 25 bucks as high as like 80 or 120 I mean they're literally all over the place uh so I don't know if I'm gonna bother with getting a new battery for this maybe just sell it as is but I think we could probably get at least 40 maybe 50 bucks for it especially if we put a new battery in there so that was a really good fun we also didn't show this shirt yet this is such a cool shirt yeah I don't chase authenics made in USA literally dead stocks all over print is it single stitch no it's double stick double Stitch it's from 1999 15 bucks for that yeah that's crazy we didn't really show it in the video she just like put it in the bag and gave it to us but it's super cool great deal we'll see something else that was in the Box you guys already saw but the spider Sonics Pro that's another 50 bucks so I think we can make most of our money back uh from the table just with the paintball gun and the watch uh and then we've got all that stuff we've got oh the shop vac I did uh test the shop back out I used it to suck up all the drywall dust at the flip house the other day works great so that's I don't know probably like a 30 or 40 shop vac maybe 50 or 60 I don't know but uh I don't think we're gonna lose money for sure we got these Tesla shoes didn't you look these up and say these were like 30 bucks or something nothing like great but they were a Barefoot shoe and people are looking for those these days yeah we had some really nice FootJoy golf shoes those Adidas or golf shoes Columbia hiking shoes just a lot of personal use stuff that chainsaw that poulon electric chainsaws like 60 bucks I think so not going to make a fortune off this table but we got a lot of stuff we can use personally for the house and I think we'll make a few bucks as well we did a whatnot auction yesterday with some random stuff around the warehouse and we added two things from that hundred dollar table we got a lot of two Game Boy Advance games it was like I don't know Pirates of the Caribbean and Pac-Man or something the two those two games sold for 11 bucks uh and then we also sold the Bop It uh game modern version 2015 and that one also sold for 10 bucks uh and it looks like this one right over here the vintage ones uh like from the 90s self a little bit better than that but 10 bucks two sales already from the 100 table and we still have some really good stuff left like the watch and all the shoes and all that stuff but in that whatnot auction we also sold the other two Pokemon figures that we got from Zoe the Rapidash and Squirtle that were like not keychains they were like Standalone figures uh one buyer uh qnd2491 got both of those paid 11 for the Rapidash and six dollars for the Squirtle so just the Squirtle made all of our money back and then already in the profit with the Rapidash and we haven't even sold any of the keychains yet so before we wrap up today's video I want Haley to tell you guys about her uh Adventure my snake experience okay if you guys follow me on Instagram you've already seen it we're gonna have to walk and talk to us let's walk and talk let's walk and talk but I was just hanging out in here the other day listing edit like putting some stuff together and I happened to walk by my golf bag with a lot of clubs in it and I see a little head pop out and then go quickly in and then I started screaming and I was like Josh come look there's a snake there's a snakehead and he's still there to this very day still there so I pulled him out here like on our side out here where this little like lean-to thing is and he's he's over there oh he's coming out he's coming out oh he was about to leave sorry buddy we scared him all right I just tilted the bag a little bit Moe's back up that snake is literally right there he's trying to leave I think but Moses scaring him come on buddy I know you hungry I think we scared him back in there Moses being really loud with his stick chewing but we'll definitely keep you guys updated follow Haley on Instagram if you want to see the continuation of the snake Saga we may never see the snake come out of the back but we'll keep looking we'll keep checking every day until he's gone and then I doubt Haley will ever use that golf bag it might be a permanent yard ornament well thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you liked it hit the like button down below if you haven't already hit the Subscribe button down below as well thank you guys again for watching you're the best we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 153,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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