Things That Make You Instantly Stylish

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lately I have been seeing videos on things that make you instantly stylish from so many different people I have loved seeing all the different things that individual people find extra stylish and eye-catching and I just couldn't resist joining the conversation I'm nosy I like to be involved I also think it's so fun to discuss what you think is instantly stylish with your friends and like Bond over your shared taste or find entertainment in your differing taste so feel free to share your takes in the comments and here are my takes if you wear any of these things you are instantly stylish to me and if you want to easily look more stylish here are some ways you can first up any head accessory be it a hat a headscarf a headband ear muffs even a bow anything it's just an automatic level up for me I think it's because having no hat or hair accessory is just sort of the default so anytime you step outside of that and make an intentional Choice instead that's cool to me it shows me you thought about your look I also think cool or unique haircuts are in the same category things like a pixie cut a bob a shag bangs any haircut that deviates from just like plain long hair that's all one length and isn't really cut to have a particular shape or Style Just immediately shows me that you have style because again you're making active choices about your appearance you're not just wearing the default fun day-to-day hairstyles like braids buns that sort of thing also hold a similar intentionality and I love that you can switch them up every day and that way they're less committed than a full-on haircut but they allow for more creativity and versatility another head accessory that really just deserves its own mention its own category is sunglasses they instantly make any outfit cooler I don't have a whole in-depth explanation or theory on this one it's just obvious sunglasses make you look cool and effortless and Chic always and they improve basically every outfit that's honestly one of my biggest style tips in general if you're trying to improve literally any outfit add sunglasses it will help the next thing I think makes you insanely stylish is not wearing an entire outfit of clothes that look brand new if you watch my videos it's pretty obvious I love vintage fashion I shop almost exclusively secondhand I love old things and I just find super Sleek clean modern anything to be kind of soulless it just has no story and no character you know because it didn't exist until yesterday so I love when an outfit has some key element in it that doesn't look brand new for this point I'm thinking about clothes that look stylistically old look vintage or retro but also clothes that maybe don't look particularly historical in design but look used and worn in like they've been places they've seen things they have a backstory you know they have lore because to me that tells me the person wearing those things has a story has experiences and it just tells me the person wearing it has an appreciation for history and context and not always just having the new thing because it's new you know and to me that feels more thoughtful and intentional and stylish plus vintage clothing is usually just so much more interesting to look at it's like with old buildings versus new ones like one of these has style and one of them has no soul and it's very very obvious which one is which I think a similar principle can apply to clothes the next thing I think makes everyone instantly more stylish is jewelry especially unique interesting ornate jewelry I feel like jewelry looks instantly stylish because your outfit can be done without it you know it's not a necessary step and if you were it anyway it's because you cared and you just put in that extra moment of effort to add those finishing touches that really make an outfit more than just clothes even compared to hats like hats might feel a little bold and silly but they can at least serve a functional purpose but jewelry serves no purpose except to Adorn and decorate and I just love that I love that humans invented that and when people take the extra moment to Adorn and decorate themselves it makes me happy next instantly stylish feature strong shapes in your clothing or outfits by this I mean clothing that instead of just generally taking the form or shape of your body has its own silhouette that extends beyond the shape of the body I'm talking voluminous poofy sleeves wide like pants big chunky heels anything that adds more shape to your look than just being person- shaped this again I think is because clothes that are generally the shape of your body is sort of the default and obviously your own body shape is your own default that's what you look like with no styling no outfit no clothes so making the intentional choice to wear something that creates a new shape instead of just taking the shape of what's already there and the shape that most people are wearing again it's just more unique it shows a distinct Choice a distinct point of view and it usually makes a statement which is also another instantly styl choice to me on that topic edgy or alternative fashion is also instantly stylish to me because it immediately tells me something about you it conveys a clear point of view it's rebellious it's not the default or mainstream point of view and it just expresses a lot of personality and fearlessness of doing something different of challenging the mainstream and to me that is so much of what style is about I mean I'm not really into edginess for the sake of edginess I'm not trying to be like being anti-mainstream is inherently better than being an Normie it's not but intentional Rebellion for the purpose of of progress slaps that's like the epitome of intentional style next up wearing elevated shoes I mean not elevated like heels or platforms although those could certainly count but I mean elevated like nicer Chic more stylish shoes wow stylish shoes make you look stylish amazing Insight Li I just mean like shoes that are meant to look polished and nice like sneakers are fine we all wear them I wear them all the time but they're just so regular to me and they usually look like they're for convenience not for style so I always think it looks more stylish to wear something like boots or loafers or mules ideally in a nicer material like leather or a good imitation of leather because they just look more polished more sophisticated and again like you thought about them before putting them on even if you do just throw them on to run out the door they don't look like the kind of shoes that you just throw on similarly intentional socks I feel like you can have the most perfect outfit in every way but if you have socks that are visible but not chosen intentionally to to be visible and be part of the outfits it can completely ruin it to me if your socks are going to be visible at all making them a part of the outfit that looks good with the rest of the outfit is Miles more stylish to me than random socks that look like they have to be there but no one wants them to be there you know the next thing I think makes people look instantly stylish is incorporating texture into their outfits there are so many different Beautiful Textures out there that are woven into the history of fashion pun intended and I feel like we don't take advantage of that as much as we could considering how many fabulous options we have mixing and matching different textures like a chunky knit velvet lace shearling fur wool linen silk I could go on there's so many more can add so much depth to your outfit and it also makes the outfit more of like a three-dimensional sensory experience not just a flat image it's like a drawing of an outfit versus a real outfit you can see from multiple angles and touch and interact with and texture just heightens that element so much which I think really brings an outfit and someone style to the next level next instantly stylish quality using a nuanced color palette to me this isn't about neutrals or bright colors being better you can have a nuanced palette using either of those but the point is to avoid going for the most obvious or matchy or even overplayed color palettes I think most of the qualities in this video that I think make you instantly stylish are pretty Timeless but this one is somewhat affected by Trends in that if a color palette becomes very trendy then it becomes very obvious are overplayed that said I don't feel like entire specific color palettes tend to become fashion trends that much it's more like certain individual colors tend to become Trends and also that certain color palettes are just always a little more common than others but regardless I think wearing an intentional thoughtfully color schemed outfit one that combines colors in New Or uncommon ways always looks so stylish for example to me a full outfit of like neutral Browns and beiges just feels kind of predictable kind of one note it's very matchy we've seen it so many times but if you pair those same neutral brown and beige pieces with like a pop of lavender that's something a little more interesting not something you see all the time and it just looks more thoughtful and intentional similarly using just a bunch of equally bold saturated bright colors altogether like bright red bright blue and bright green it again just feels sort of predictable and it lacks variation in depth and saturation so something I think looks more stylish is to take that bright red and bright blue but then pair it with maybe an earthy Brown and a pale sky blue that gives you more variation in lightness and darkness saturation versus muted and it just creates something a little more interesting and less repetitive there are really Endless Possibilities with this one because it's not about a certain color or a certain color palette it's just about wearing a unique color combo that feels well thought out the next thing I think makes an outfit immediately stylish is having some sort of stylistic contrast like an outfit that combines girly and edgy or vintage and modern or polished and Casual you get the idea I think similar to to the colors wearing an outfit that's all one established Style just feels more predictable more typical and less personal because it's drawing from a pre-existing style category but when you mix multiple style categories together especially ones that seem more opposite you can create something so much more unique and personal to you and express multiple parts of yourself with multiple different styles instead of just channeling one single Vibe one part of your identity you get to be multifaceted style that just feels a little more complex that can't be identified with an existing AE always feels more stylish to me that said sometimes something is unique and uh stylistically eclectic and multifaceted and then that becomes a trending aesthetic so there's that but the point is what I think is stylish is instead of trying to channel one aesthetic combining multiple Style Elements and parts of yourself in one outfit finally the last thing I think makes you look instantly stylish layering honestly the more layers you have in your outfit the more visual interest and depth and dimension it has and the more stylish I think you are I mean I don't necessarily think like throwing any and all pieces layed together works but that's why a well-crafted layed outfit is so stylish because there are just that many more pieces that you have to coordinate and make sure they all work and look good together so when they do it's just that much more impressive laring more things together also allows you to play with so many of the other Style Elements I mentioned like color palette texture combining things of different styles creating unique shapes so many of the other things we've talked about so far come together in this one and that's why a great layered look might be the most instantly stylish thing you can do like I said please share what you think make someone instantly stylish in the comments let me know what you think of my takes or if you got any new style ideas from this video and if you do leave a comment watch another video like this one that the algorithm personally recommends for you and things you specifically would enjoy so you should probably watch it and subscribe to my channel I heard you'll become instantly more stylish wink I can't wink but pretend I winked there okay [Music] bye
Channel: beepworld
Views: 338,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artsy style, pinterest style, pinterest outfits, outfit ideas, outfit inspo, thrifted fashion, artsy outfits, thrifted outfits, aesthetic trends, vintage, diy, trendy outfits, fashion trends, maximalist style, maximalist outfits, eclectic style, eclectic outfits, alexasunshine83, laini ozark, cup of jordy, well-loved, jenna phipps, steal the spotlight, yo' homegirl, karina gomez, alli vera, things that make you instantly stylish, things that make you instantly more stylish
Id: vTa2mm4Oxfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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