things that make you instantly stylish

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to my Channel or welcome to my channel if you're new here my name is Lany today I have a fun video for you guys that is entirely copied from her name's Mac but I'm trying to look at her Tik Tok official Mac rose on Tik Tok she did a really cool past I think like three videos she's done on Tik Tok where she talks about like if she sees somebody W like in public or if she sees somebody what lets her know that they have good style and I thought that this was such a fun video idea because we've all seen people out in public who have these key features that anytime you see it you're like they know how to dress they have good style it's nothing about following the trends or wearing designer or any of that kind of stuff it's just these like little things and I thought it was such a good video idea so thank you Mac for this video idea totally agree with every single one she said says but obviously I didn't want to just come on here and you know talk about what she said so I came up with my own list of ideas but you can check out her Tik Tok I'll play one here a giant pair of chunky glasses the ultimate style marker for me is when somebody makes a permanent or semi-permanent styling choice and they're like no I'm not going to pick a pair of frames that go with everything or a simple haircut I'm going to make a statement part of my Basics I agree with all of hers but let's go into some more before we get into this video though I did want to say thank thank you so much to Cotton for sponsoring you guys know I've been loving cotton they sent me some pieces that I picked out that I thought would be really good for the like upcoming gifting season I don't know I guess giving gifts first of all just something that always takes my breath away about cotton is when they ship you their clothes there is no plastic they literally ship them in like little tote bags no excess packaging just like what you need to get your package to you safely I got this like raspberry colored sweater is this not the prettiest color sweater you've ever seen and I have nothing like this and I normally stay away from a v-neck and I actually saw Sarah gray wearing this she works with cotton all the time they're actually how I found out about cotton was through Sarah she had this and she paired it with this really cool green necklace in one of her Vlogs and I liked it so much that I literally had to copy her and get it so another sweater I got is this more like gray charcoal one you guys know I've been talking about this color all the time this one's like a true Kwo sweater they're just the chunkiest nicest sweaters ever I just have like a little t-shirt on underneath and I'm warm enough but this is a different style but like that same kind of like woven knit I think that's such a nice one that's actually from the men's section too so get them for whoever we've got this adorable hat in this like beautiful raspberry color again I'm just trying to Branch out with color and it's making me so happy when I do these knits are just to die for I have a pair of socks from cotton as well so I didn't pick up another pair this time but beanie can't go wrong this scarf the longest scarf in the most perfect chocolate brown color like this pairing is so good and then even all my colors I got were so good like all so good together they're those deep rich colors that I keep talking about I love that this scarf is so freaking long but doesn't have any tassels I am so into a tassilis scarf right now and again so thick so warm you can like wrap it around your head if it's really really cold it's long enough and then it's got like the super cute cotton logo and then the last thing I got is kind of random but I think is such good so good for a gift I got the Stitch quilt first of all like just look how beautifully it comes wrapped it's like already ready to be given they have this in like the queen size and then also just like the throw blanket they're just not such nice quality materials I've been trying to like buy better materials not only to wear but also like to have around my house because I have a baby and you know she's digging her face and everything eating everything so I just love cotton materials and production and all that kind of stuff so this is just such a nice quality blanket that I will definitely be throwing on top of my bed and I'm so excited so those are some really good gifts you guys can get from cotton use the link in my description box to check them out let's get into what I think makes you stylish so the first thing I thought of after watching Mac's video was a thoughtful shoe or a thoughtful bag do you guys get what I mean already sometimes I just say one sentence and I have so many like things going through my head I'm like they get it they get it but I forget I have to like talk through it cuz I originally I was going to say just not wearing a sneaker but like that's not even the case because to me a thoughtful shoe can be something that so perfectly matches and encompasses your outfit whether that sneaker has like a pop of color or a color that matches somewhere else in your outfit or whether it's whether it's a silhouette that goes so well with your outfit or a heel or a flat or you know it can be any type of shoe and it can even be the expected shoe because that feels thoughtful now too because it has like its own you know fashion theory around it so a thoughtful shoe I'm going to put a lot of pictures so you guys get what I mean but then also a thoughtful bag not just grabbing you know your black shoulder bag that like goes with everything whether again it's a Popa color bag that like doesn't go with anything in your outfit or if it's a bag with fringe if it's a bag with it's almost like a statement your shoe or bag I would say it's like when you bought them you were being a little bit bold with it and every time you put it on it looks like when you wear it like there was thought into grabbing that bag or putting that shoe on even if it is your everyday shoe or everyday bag like a statement sneaker like a yellow sneaker or pink sneaker can feel that way it's just a sneaker I'm not going to get too much more into that because I'm going to talk about color later next would be for me a funky haircut or hair style I feel like mac talked about it a little bit for me anytime I see see somebody with bangs I'm like they've got style and it's kind of this idea that like your hair doesn't have to be beautiful it can be like edgy or it can be fun it can be funky whether you have like red hair or pink hair or blue hair or a bob or a zigzag part or bows in your hair like something that just like doesn't go with everything and is a choice somehow it's these choices like making things look intentional and like you took some some time to think about each little piece feels like you have style it can even be like a super undone hairstyle but like your cut is good do you get what I mean I'm going to have to show so many photos cuz I feel like mac was so good at explaining and I'm not next a red lip why does a red lip always feel like somebody has style even if like they're wearing the most basic outfit ever you know why because it's intentional you thought to put on that red lipstick that day also because to me at least all of these things no I'm not going to say that yet I'm going to wait till I get to the point there's nothing else to say other than a red lip put on red lip I immediately think you are stylish okay next thing I wrote is a weird color and I don't really mean a weird color but maybe just the color people don't normally wear and it's kind of what made me think of showing like this sweater in this video because I literally just copied Sarah I have no style but when I see somebody wearing like a more basic piece like just a big chunky sweater but they have it in a color that you normally wouldn't pick out like this sweater I don't even remember now but I think it came in charcoal and like maybe cream and then you know how things always come in one random color I am so not normally the person who picks the random color but when you see somebody wearing a random color out it like immediately stops you in your tracks because I feel like we're so used to seeing especially in the winter time we're so used to seeing the cream the black the gray the Navy which are all like my favorite colors but I think I need to just Branch out and find more like colors in the tone I like but that's besides the point even seeing somebody who's wearing a wool trench coat but like their wool trench coat is magenta or their wool trench coat is army green like it doesn't even have to be that crazy but there's something about it like you made that bold choice to get an everyday item in a different color than we're all used to style I almost just read the definition of style and I stopped myself because I find that so cringy and I think I've done that before on YouTube next wearing unflattering clothes or conventionally ugly clothes I always say this one but somebody in an all baggy outfit obviously like still styled a bit but isn't caring to show off their waist or their boobs or their butt or their belly I don't know what you want to show off style and maybe they don't look good to other people cuz I never said style has to look good but it tells me they have style especially anybody who like goes out at night goes to a bar or club and is in a baggy outfit there's something that's so good about that and like I admire it and I want to be that person 24/7 but I would only do that like maybe one out of 10 times and always those days when I would wear like the baggy outfits out that's when I felt the best I don't go out anymore an all baggy outfit and an unflattering outfit beautiful remember when like people would talk about how like high-waisted jeans were so unflattering like mom jeans were unflattering those are like so flattering to me I don't understand how those are unflattering what's unflattering is wearing like a potato sack like I wear next it's just funny like what we think is unflattering and what we think is flattering it all depends on times and Trends does it actually have anything to do with what is flattering and unflattering no cuz even body types go in and out of trend okay next if I see a tall person wearing platforms super high heels and is just towering over every one everything immediately I think they have style and this also goes with when somebody who is more petite or short wears flats and doesn't feel the need to wear super high heels style I just just love when people don't feel like they need to conform to what they told what they are told is flattering on their body one of my best friends is literally 51 sorry Izzy if you're 5'2 and I'm 5'7 and when we would go out at night I would like Bully her into wearing heels because I wanted to wear heels but I didn't want to look like a giraffe next to her and now we went to a wedding not too long ago she was still wearing heels but I was wearing heels and I was literally towering over everyone I was the same height as so I was 6t tall and like I loved it and if I saw anybody else doing that I would immediately think that they have style like you're just dressing for yourself you're not dressing for other people to feel comfortable like that's the overarching one for me is like you don't care what other people think when they look at your outfit or look at you that tells me you style also I was thinking about how Mac did these in Tik toks and I was like can I really just not shut up like I have to do everything on a YouTube video I never make Tik toks because I'm like I can't fit that all on a Tik Tok next what tells me you of style is a stupid accessory I don't know why it's making me laugh the way I wrote it but like you're putting on an accessory that absolutely does not need to be there you're wearing a skinny scarf you're wearing a beret you're wearing a fedora you're wearing a belt that's just like hung around your hips you're wearing crew socks instead of ankle socks you're wearing a fluette choker you're wearing a big giant necklace you're wearing I don't know do you get the gist you're wearing a bangle on up here on your arm instead of down on your wrist you took that extra time to put that accessory on for no other reason besides serving looks that is amazing and I love that so much a stupid accessory and my last and final one is one that really hits home for me wearing anything a straight man would make fun of you for and I say straight man because I wrote down things that I have only been made a fun of for by a straight man cowboy boots Beret Canadian tuxedo Bloomers a slicked bun he heels ballet flats loafers and those are just the things I can think off of the top of my head every single one of those I've been out before and a straight man has made fun of me for so if you've ever been made fun of for your outfit literally by anybody but I was just saying that because it's never a girl that says those things to me which I feel like is what people always think is that girls like say those things to each other but like online they do because that's all that follows me are girls boys don't follow me but in real life when I'm face to face with a man that's who makes fun of me that's how I know I have style though literally bring up Izzy again she always like our joke is always that I dress for the girls because girls always come up to me and say they like my outfit and boys always make fun of me woohoo and I wouldn't have it any other way never Brandon though don't get it twisted but that's it for this video thank you again to Mac for this idea it was so much fun honestly remember to check out cotton use the link in the description box and I have a lot of other like fun chit chatty type of videos for you guys that I'm excited to film so thank you so much for watching make sure to like comment And subscribe if you want to and I'll see you in a few days bye is that rude
Channel: Laini Ozark
Views: 377,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion, thrifting, style guide, 50 outfits, bestdressed, diy, aesthetic, pinterest girl, y2k, hauls
Id: zoeF11I3l34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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