the best fashion advice you will ever receive

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foreign [Music] welcome back to my channel and welcome to my channel if you're new here my name is Lainey today we're going to do a video that I filmed already yesterday but I was so tired yesterday I was talking so slow like I am right now and tripping over my words and it was just so bad that I'm refilming it today but I'm gonna do it with the best fashion advice you've ever received I had you guys submit answers on Instagram so we'll be reading from that and a lot of them are from me and from my old videos which I thought was fun too just to kind of have one video where all like fashioned advice can live and if you're feeling slumped or like you're bored or frustrated overwhelmed with fashion also what I wanted to say is there's a lot in this so I want to do another video where we pick like maybe top 10 in the comments leave your top three and then I can like actually try them out on bod with my clothes before we get into this video too I want to say thank you so much to bloom for sponsoring this video I've got my greens this is a new flavor it's strawberry kiwi and I really like it it tastes like um a Capri Sun it's hard for me to even eat a nutritious meal taking care of a baby okay let's get into it first one neutrals are not just black white and tan they can be stripes and maybe leopard Etc neutrals are so personal and it depends what's in your closet and what works with everything in your wardrobe because for me like tan I have a hard time pairing tan with my clothes that I already wear because I wear more like black and gray So Tan would be hard for me but what I've realized is a neutral in my closet is obviously gray but also like burgundy I'm So Into right now and I find a way to incorporate it into any outfit leopard I've been saying that for so long leopard's in neutral next thing stay in your fashion comfort zone this one is something that I've said a million times not sure if I'm sure other people have said it I'm back in like 2020 I was filming these videos dressing outside of my comfort zone for a week and I was putting these outfits together and I was realizing that I wasn't even really liking them they were uncomfortable I was acting like myself in them you know just not good things coming from the clothes I was wearing so they were definitely more out there than like the pieces that I tended to wear before which were like crew necks baggy jeans you know sneakers just comfy clothes and I realized that like that's my style going out of your comfort zone is just doing things that make you uncomfortable that aren't yourself so no reason for fashion at least to ever go outside your comfort zone because you can like things and not want to wear it if you guys I'm gonna put a clip of me what I looked like yesterday I filming this video it is too freaking funny because I just look like absolute death and then yesterday my mom and Brandon teamed up to take care of baby and I got to take a three-hour nap and like I feel like a new woman okay the thing is and never care about the situation the outfit and others you need to care about stairs question mark paved streets I love this about asking questions what you're wearing before you go someplace not to care about what other people are going to think about you not to care about the dress code of the situation and I know that's like give or take but to care more more about what are you going to be comfortable in can you walk in stairs can you walk in cobblestones can you sit down comfortably in what you're going to wear can you stand a long time and what you're going to wear can you dance and what you're going to wear could you like lift your arms up and bring them down you know what I mean and I love that I think that that's so much more important than yeah what the people are that kind of stuff next thing we have if you don't look back at your outfit and think wgf was I wearing you're not having fun I always say this that it's okay to look back in a year and you were dressing trendy and be like ew with a hike you're having fun you were trying out new things why do we have to always like our old outfits especially like looking back at our parents or grandparents old pictures um and seeing like the stuff that they would wear then some of it is cool now and you can appreciate it or think like I would wear that and some of it you're like what the heck were you wearing and that's what makes it fun like looking back at old pictures looking how your parents used to dress you all that kind of stuff I'm all for dressing for the eras for the time period If Everyone likes my you're wearing it's boring one thousand percent um I always get comments on my channel where people are like what the heck like this is not it that's how I know I'm doing something if everybody likes my outfits I it's just boring there's nothing fun about that I like to dress for myself so that's okay if other people don't like it the most sustainable clothes are the pieces you already have love this can't say anything else about it even thrifting that's not a sustainable is just wearing it's already in your closet I try to practice this but I do like to Thrift try everything until you find what you love and never stop experimenting to find your style I love this this isn't necessarily even mean like going out of your comfort zone it's just trying new Cuts new colors and Aesthetics whatever I think that's so fun um like I keep saying the burgundy thing I never would have considered myself to like burgundy and I thrifted a little person I've been wearing it all the time and that's experimenting and I love it yeah experimenting doesn't have to be crazy it doesn't have to be I'm gonna wear the shorter shorts in the world um and that's experimenting with and it can literally be trying a new color like oh I always wear white I'm gonna try to wear black and you might hate it and then just don't do it again never wear something if it's itchy ten thousand percent if I never buy something if it's a g even if it's the cutest thing in the world you're not gonna wear it wrong shoe Fury so yesterday I had to look this up because I didn't know what it was my friend Casey something that this one it's basically just picking the wrong shoe for what you're wearing the unexpected shoe so yesterday I was wearing my peachy Den Mimi's and I was saying they're more like of a track style uh hiking pant jogger and the shoe I want to pair with those is a ballet flat and that is definitely wrong shoe Theory because you would think to pair like a hiking shoe or a sneaker with it and I think the wrong shoe Theory I love it so much because you can wear more like gear or maybe even like performance clothing I don't know what to call it and you can get away with it in day to day because you dress it for everyday wear there's a way to wear everything every day and wrong shoe theory is a way to do it so I love that and then it would be the same thing where if I'm wearing a maxi skirt that you would think is supposed to be really elegant and dressy pair it with a thick chunky sneaker or even a Samba a sneaker go to call Casey love run Theory do I think you always have to do it no but I think all these things are ways to kind of get yourself out of like an outfit rut like if you have your four outfits you wear all the time and you just want to wear something different think of one of these things and try it out and maybe you'll come out with a cool outfit that ends up being a favorite think about the effect you want to give off I've realized I'd rather feel cool than pretty I love this so much and I think you can switch it up all the time where you're dressing for again the effect you want to get up off and this could even be like do I want to look fun or do I want to look professional do I want to look hot or do I want to look cute because in those ways you really can't look both do I want to look hot or do I want to look a professional like you got to choose one and I agree that it'll give off an effect love that it doesn't look bad you're just not used to seeing it on your body I love this one so much because I think of how I talk about how I'm not really into a platform sneaker and this one irks people so bad they're like but I love a platform sneaker they're the only things that look good on me I think we're are used to seeing a platform sneaker now and especially transitioning from a platform sneaker to a low profile shoe can be hard because a platform sneaker has the effect of making your legs look skinnier it's a big chunky shoe at the bottom of your leg your ankle is going to look smaller it might even like elongate your legs and I'm not saying anything is wrong with those things that's what it does and switching to a low profile sneaker it might make your legs look shorter or it might make your legs look wider even though they're not and it's not that it looks bad you're just not used to seeing it that way anymore yeah and I'm all for not dressing just to like look the tall and prettiest and skinniest and I'm more dressing because I like the clothes I love that one so much iron and steam everything I love this one too do I do it no yell at me in the comments fix your posture too many fits are ruined by me slouching ten thousand percent this is again something I was talking about yesterday I always think of like dancers look good in anything or even models but I think growing up being a dancer I imagine how my dance teachers would walk with you know the best posture ever and like so elegant employees chin up they just knew how to position their bodies to look good and everything I also think this way with age around my Adrian my friend on Tick Tock you guys definitely know her she can wear anything and make it look good and I swear it has to do with the fact that she was a dancer is a dancer and she has that POI she has that elegance and that confidence to just look good in anything she also just has really good outfits too though but okay sandwiching methoding or layering advice did I say methoding sandwich method so I looked this one up yesterday too and it's basically just what you would think it would be sandwiching your pieces so it can be with color Fabric or fit so you could do like a black top a white bottom and then black shoes because black white black um and then you could do it with like baggy tight baggy or tight baggy tight so like a tight tank top a baggy jean and then a Samba because it's a tighter shoe I think it's fine I don't think you have to live by that rule I am a baggy bag baggie type of girl but it's a fun one to think about if you're struggling again with putting on your clothes putting together an outfit I'd love to purchase identical pieces but take inspiration from the overall style slash outfit I love this so much I've said this a thousand times on my channel when you're being influenced to buy something don't buy the one everyone has from the exact site and everyone and their mother is getting it from or the dupe try and find a similar thrifted version whether it's the cut the color uh just the feel of what is trending and you're gonna like it for way longer because you're not gonna see your version all over the Internet over and over and over or in real life I never see things like that in real life though so on the internet and it'll just be more sentimental to you feel more personal like your style not like something you were copying this person said that I don't have to wear only clothes that flatter my figure and they said you gave that advice of course I still can't read I live by this every single day I do live by this fashion rule I rarely dress to show off my assets whatever somebody might think that is because what one person thinks my assets are aren't what I think my assets are um I just dress because I like the clothes not because they fit my body well anything I like ill-fitting clothing the best okay next if you wouldn't consider buying it from a regular store don't Thrift it this one it's hard because you're like oh it's such a good find and this kind of goes in with this but um if you're like looking for something at the thrift store say I'm looking for a blue sweater and I find one at the thrift I've been looking for so long and it's almost perfect and I think okay well I'm gonna Thrift this blue sweater and then when I come across the perfect one author of that one or whatever or I think this is the best I'm gonna find it so I Thrift the one that's mediocre not perfect perfect then I never end up wearing it because it's not what I wanted it's not exactly right it sits in my closet and then I'm at the thrift store I find the perfect one but I think oh I have a blue sweater and I don't even wear it because I don't like it why would I want another one so always just spend the time to look for the perfect one or if that means spending a little bit extra money to find one you know on Poshmark what not depop whatever do it that way also because you'll end up wearing it and it'll be cheaper in the long run you don't have to stick to one aesthetic and this person said it's from me also I love this making a cocktail of all the different Aesthetics you like and it creates your own personal style you can't go wrong with it we've got some more because you guys had so many good ones never wear more than three different colors black and white included I don't agree with this one at all but I think we're getting into ones right now where I want to try this out I want to put an outfit on with just three colors and then put an outfit on with five colors and and we'll see which one looks different if one or which one looks better if one really does look more put together or not so that's one I want to try out trying to make yourself look the most skinny slash snatched possible is ruining your outfit I love this one so much because I couldn't agree with anything more I can tell okay that sounds wrong for me I can tell when I used to put on outfits and you know it was I was trying to wear everything tight because I felt skinny or I thought it made you know my boobs look good whatever and the outfits were not giving they were just literally to look skinnier to look boobalicious or so look whatever like you have a big butt whatever you want to say it is and now I just dress to what would it even be I don't know but that's not something that matters to me and my outfits look so much better so yeah you don't always have to look skinny as you can um things don't have to always be flattering and why does flattering mean skinny good hair day equals good outfit I talked about this in my last video you're gonna see if I put the clip in of me filming this yesterday my hair was literally disgusting and I couldn't even edit the video because I looked so bad um and now my hair looks a little better I think I just got it chopped so it gives a little bit Willy Wonka I was able to like get dressed today and put on a cuter shirt because I just felt cuter already with my hair and I talked about this in my last video my bangs literally make every single outfit and I swear by that don't dress your age dress yourself I love it just Universal good advice wear your clothes at home so when you wear it out you're comfortable this is by Bliss Foster they said love this quote I think this is my favorite quote of all time if you're not getting dressed at home alone or on the weekends when you're not doing anything if you're not putting on your more occasion out or occasion pieces or fancier pieces you're gonna feel uncomfortable when you have to wear them out in public and uh yeah just dress for yourself dress at home have fun styling an outfit I know it can be hard it's literally hard for me put on real clothes because I'm just like watching a baby all day and I'm not going anywhere so what does it matter if I put on something cute but then when I do have to get dressed I just feel weird so I love this one so much even like down to shoes I know people aren't shoe in the house people but maybe to like the grocery store instead of just putting on your sneakers put on a loafer instead of putting on your Uggs put on a riding boot I don't know or even a heel booty at the grocery store like that's not that crazy if it doesn't make you feel like dancing in the dressing room don't don't buy it I love this so much because I feel like you guys have watched my videos and when I do a try on like Thrift haul if I put on you know a piece and I'm dancing around in it you know you're gonna see me in that piece a thousand times more than any of the other pieces that I'm just like posing in so every time you're about to leave the house put on one more accessory winky face this because I said this uh there's a Coco Chanel quote that says you before you leave the house take one accessory off and I said do the opposite because I'm just an accessory girl and I think they make outfits look better whether that's a bracelet another earring necklaces Rings belts scarf hat whatever put another one on this person said leave one thing undone and then they said it's the justification of never brushing their hair I think that's so funny but I would like to try this because I want to see like how else would you do leave one thing undone besides just not doing your hair eight point outfit this one was really not confusing to me it was it's just like uh a lot going on to think about so the gist of it because I read it yesterday is that everything in your wardrobe is assigned a point so there's a point system so something that's more basic say like a white T-shirt would be one point or just a pair of blue jeans is one point and then something more extravagant maybe you have a pink sweater it would be two points and as you add everything up your whole outfit should only equal equal to eight points I want to try this one out because it seems annoying and hard I feel like that would be a good one if you're trying to put an outfit together for like a wedding or a big occasion and you're actually like you know planning the outfit beforehand not just like getting dressed every day because if you're like okay well I have this dress I don't know what shoes and what bag to pair with it you would do the eight coin system nothing is timeless this one I've said a million times the way I just explained is that a yes A T a white T-shirt and jeans are Timeless but the cut of them isn't the color of them isn't um how you style them isn't all that stuff so nothing's Timeless this person just said IDK probably some thing you said this person said it take off the last thing you put on the Coco Chanel quote so I just love that your best fashion advice can be something polar opposite to somebody else because fashion is so personal and I don't know it just made me happy to like get both sides of the spectrum for that one if you feel uncomfortable you're going to look uncomfortable a thousand percent and that doesn't just mean like it's too short it's itchy it's too tight if you're just like not comfortable in the color and you're like trying to hide it or you're showing off more than you're used to um if your feet hurt any of that kind of stuff you'll look uncomfortable hair is an accessory yes don't forget to do your hair unless you're doing the undone rule but your hair really can make or break an outfit and so I like I get a bad haircut so bad I literally did not like my hair up until I got bangs my hairline was just bad all the time because I have a colic up here I just have never liked my hair I was always slicking it back and now since getting bangs I love my hair it makes my outfits instead of breaks my outfits I have to go to swim lessons soon with see so let's get going coordinate don't match I love this so much and it's something that I actually do practice is that the right word I think of when people say to match your shoes to your bag and I hate that rule I try to never match my shoes in my bag because I dislike it so much but I do coordinate my shoes to my bag I don't just put on whatever shoes and forget what shoes I'm wearing and grab a bag I will always look at my shoes and think what bag goes with these shoes but doesn't match and I think that can be applied to other places as well I just already applied there always add a little bit of red a purse necklace ring lipstick shoes I like this one again I keep saying I'm in burgundy and I would like to try this out one outfit one outfit sand red one outfit with red this person said to casually wear nice pieces it goes with being comfortable in them and why do we have to save our nice pieces for an occasion wear them all the time like to your baby swim practice wear it three times before cropping or cutting a garment I love this one so much as well it really gives you the time to decide if you actually want to crop cut altar whatever you're gonna do to the piece or if you're gonna wear it as is this is something Brandon definitely does if I like buy something and then I say I'm gonna alter it or even like a piece of furniture paint it fix it whatever he's like let's just like live with it as is for now and then we'll decide later if we still want to change it and sometimes I'm like but I already know I wanted to do it like I don't want to do it but he's right and that was the last one so thank you so much for watching this video I'm really happy that I refilmed it because yesterday was just awful uh thank you again to bloom for sponsoring this video you can use the link in the description box to shop Bloom and I'm gonna be coming out with I want to do a second part to this one of where I try the outfits I'm coming out with a Workwear video finally you guys have requested enough I just don't like Workwear outfits so it'll be fun we're gonna figure it out together and then oh AI styling I have coming out I have somebody styling me coming I have other ones but I have a lot of fun videos coming up um I feel like I'm starting to like slowly be able to figure out working while being a mom and yeah I love you guys the apps the most make sure to like comment and subscribe if you want to I'm gonna go swim crack swim practice bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Laini Ozark
Views: 271,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion, thrifting, style guide, 50 outfits, bestdressed, diy, aesthetic, pinterest girl, y2k, hauls
Id: 0ebPa5sMqbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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