how to layer your clothes creatively

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hi welcome to layering what can we get for you I'll be giving a crash course style guide to creative layering these are the basics and every single creative layered outfit I make combines one or more of these techniques you can also combine these ideas together very easily to create even more layered outfits I will quickly be discussing fashion history but you can skip it below in the time stamps and then I'm going to go through each individual clothing item next time you see a New York City fashion student being grilled online for wearing 13 layers think about this layering has been around for a very long time and it's been used for a ton of different reasons other than just keeping warm and for the outside let's discuss a few purposes throughout history before Dr Miami was giving out bbls on Snapchat every day people recreated different fashion Silhouettes through layering great example of this would be during the Victorian and Edwardian era a lot of layering techniques in women's fashion became very popularized for modesty purposes and still are used to this day by Many religious and cultural communities around the world the US military also has some history and layering in 1943 the m43 uniform kit was introduced and had multiple layers which included and I quote an undershirt long sleeve flannel shirt and a sweater at this time LL Bean allegedly worked as a wartime consultant on a equipment and clothing design yes that LL Bean I could stay here forever talking about history so let's get into layering some tops a vest over a shirt it can be any shirt a short sleeve long sleeve sweater or collared shirt it adds a new element into an outfit and it usually doesn't make an outfit that much warmer unless you're wearing a winter puffer vest I really like to match my vest color or Texture to the color texture of the bottom half of my outfit also I just wanted to mention that there's absolutely nothing in that bag it's completely empty and I definitely should have added something and at least for the video but it matches really well with the outfit so layering a tank top over another shirt this is really simple and sometimes I'll even use bathing suit tops for this I've even layered two different tank tops that have different necklines are slightly different from each other it looks really nice if you have a tank top with some interesting cutouts or lace detailing layering an off the-shoulder sweater over top this is kind of Andy from devil we's pra inspired I think this is such a fun look especially in the colder months because your shoulders will probably be really cold anyways pretty easy to make any clothing item off the shoulder if a top has buttons just don't bun the top view pull it down and then it looks off the shoulder also side note I have no clue where I should wear this outfit to I'm going back to school so I guess guess I could wear it to school maybe with a longer skirt I don't know let me know what you think layering a see-through shirt over or under another shirt this is a little difficult to explain but it's really great for summer pieces that you want to use throughout the year I also love when the texture of the see-through top layer is different than the rest of the Fabrics in the outfit I feel like it makes your outfit so much more interesting and it adds maybe the tiniest tiniest tiniest little bit of extra warmth I also think this is really fun to do with a monochromatic look I'm going to call this one cropped on cropped but basically just any two shirts that have different lengths together people wearing like a button-up shirt and they tuck it into like a coret I'm going to put a picture it's hard to explain I've talked about this one before but it's a puff sleeve layered with a collared shirt and a coret coret optional though it also doesn't have to be a collared shirt the idea is as you add on new layers you add on a layer that's smaller than the one before for example technically a t-shirt would be smaller than a long sleeve shirt one thing about me is I wear skirts constantly so let's get into layering some a dress over a skirt this can be done with mini skirts or longer skirts I like to wear a lot of my skirts as dresses because it doubles my closet and I always add a bron top just to make make sure it doesn't fly off in the middle of conversation personally I really like to do this layering technique when I have a bodycon dress just because it fits really well with a skirt underneath it normally I just don't really gravitate that much to bodyon dresses on their own I like them to be styled and layered with things so that's why I usually do that but I'm sure it would work with any kind of dress you can also layer a skirt over a dress I always do this with this specific dress for some reason I'm not sure why I always start by rolling up the sleeves just because I like the look of that little bit better and then I always tie the collar together I like this technique a lot for skirts and shorter dresses because sometimes I don't love the look of a shorter dress on its own and I want to add something different into an outfit so I do this also in my head if I don't have a bag or shoe option that matches the dress I like to have a skirt on top of the dress so that I can match the bag and the shoes to the skirt technically this skirt doesn't really match with the bag or shoes but I like to mix Denim and black together and if you don't like that you really need to get a grip because it's really not that crazy One Mini and one longer skirt together I usually like when the mini skirt fits me a bit tighter and then the longer skirt skirt is more flowy sheer asymmetrical but I know a lot of people don't really like that outfit you can also layer two skirts of similar lengths with different cutouts that way both of the skirts show this skirt would be really cute pinned up but I decided to not do that instead I layered it underneath this denim maxi skirt with a big cutout in the front really like to layer things underneath this skirt because I like to match the underneath layer to the top I'm wearing people hate the denim maxi skirt look I think that the accessories that you wear and how you style your hair has a lot to play with how much you like it I also like to layer two skirts with similar lengths that don't have different cutouts for this style I also like to pin up the skirts together to create more of an exaggerated look but it depends what you're going for when I wear this top skirt I am a ice princess in my head so for this look I definitely would pin them up to make it super exaggerated I didn't include my own styling for this but you can also wear a skirt on top of pants I know this is a little controversial but I think it looks really good if it's styled correctly now let's get into my second favorite clothing item which is dresses layering a corset harness over a dress like I said earlier I'm not the biggest fan of just a bodycon dress on its own and I feel feel like a corset a harness can bring a lot of structure to a dress and you can also do this with the skirt tip I was talking about earlier as wearing longer skirts as dresses I'm also extremely guilty of whenever I add a corset over a dress I always have to add a belt I'm really not sure why I just always think it looks better I love to layer a sweater underneath or over a dress I'm layering this off the- shoulder sweater slightly underneath the dress so it looks like this is just a winter dress and that's how it came maybe that's going a little too far but it definitely makes it more suitable for Colder Weather you can layer a shorter dress over a longer dress you can do this ever you'd like but I really like to do it when it's two dresses that are pretty similar to each other aside from length so that way when you put them together it's just a long layer dress and if you want to go crazy you can even pop another skirt underneath the dresses now you can layer pretty much any top over a dress but I really like the idea of layering a dress that doesn't really make sense to layer with the top like for example a really baggy graphic tea with a really fancy dress it just looks really cool this isn't the greatest example but layering two dresses with almost a similar length but a little bit of difference looks really really nice as well this part depends on the difference in length between the dresses but I like to pin one of them up so that it looks like one dress with interesting detailing but I also really like the way it just looks on its own maybe I'm going crazy but I think it looks cute when it's not pinned up I showed you an example of wearing a sweater under dress so now I'm going to show you wearing a sweater over dress basically it just looks like you're wearing a skirt but if you don't have any skirts in your closet that would match well with the top you're wearing you can just wear a dress and it looks like a skirt and nobody's really going to know also have no clue why I included so many fast forward clips of me getting ready I don't know if there's are those fun to watch cuz I see videos like that sometimes and I don't know best part about this layering technique is that you can wear this kind of outfit in the daytime and then if you have a party or something more formal to go to at night rip off your sweater shove it in your purse and call it a night you can layer tights for warmth but also it's so fun to pair different tights together in interesting ways especially those cutout tights that are really popular right now I think layering a printed or colored tight underneath that makes it really cool all I'm saying is there's been a RIS and cool tights the past few years and we need to take advantage of that more lastly I'm just going to quickly talk about layering coats layering a vest over a jacket stop thinking of coats as your last layer a lot of times it feels wrong to layer something over your last layer but I think it makes it more fun to wear a jacket and vests look really good over coats I want to clarify I mean just anything that's your last layer wearing a vest over that I know this is a Blazer but it could be a Blazer coat jacket whatever layering two different lengths of coats together I really love wearing this kimuy faux fur jacket but I swear I can never find anything that works for it in the Colder Weather until I realize you can just layer a longer jacket on top now it looks really good and it also so much as my shoes and I love how the fur perfectly peeps out I also wanted to really quickly say thank you guys so much for watching and I'm going to have a Pinterest board linked down below which is going to include some of the reference pictures I showed you and a couple more I also unprivated a bunch of my Pinterest boards so that you can look through there if that's something that interests you I have a video already on my YouTube channel talking about different Alpha combinations and I really want to make a part two to that so let me know if that's something you want to see in that video I did show some of the layering techniques I talked about today so if you're looking for further outfit reference aside from Pinterest I show a few different things in there as well I looked up creative layering on YouTube I found two other YouTube videos about this that I thought were pretty interesting and I'm going to link those two creators down below and definitely check them out
Channel: lilrotini
Views: 588,309
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Id: k5ih_qrj3bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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