Tier Ranking 2023's Biggest Fashion Trends | Your Most Loved and Hated

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace the all-in-one website building platform hi friends a couple weeks ago over on Instagram I asked you all what were your most loved and most hated fashion trends of 2023 and you all delivered in those replies so today I am formally tier ranking 2023 is biggest and most notable fashion trends by the way if you want to participate in future videos like this and or get regular fashion inso you can follow me on Instagram at beep world so first let's introduce our ranking system at the top is s tier you have done nothing wrong ever in your life obviously my top most favorite trends of the year that I have felt excited and inspired by throughout the year and still now next up a tier is casual enjoyer these are things I like I either do wear them or would wear them but they're just not quite as exciting to me as the S tier B tier is respect the pouch because I respect it I am really age myself with that reference I fear respect the pouch respect it these are looks that aren't necessarily for me I don't wear them but I think they're fun I get the appeal I enjoy seeing it on others C tier is go girl give us nothing this is for looks that are just completely boring to me I don't necessarily think they look bad but there's just nothing interesting or creative about them D tier is scoped these are trends that I think are only a thing because some hot famous person wore them and we've now been exposed to them so many times that we've been convinced that they're cute but I think they look bad and finally we have F tier glitch in the simulation this is for trends that feel like a dystopian Nightmare and I am actively against them and of course I just want to state that these are my personal unqualified opinions on these Trends not my opinions of anyone in the pictures I use or of anyone who wears these Trends if I don't like a fashion item that you wear it is not a reflection on you as a person or even on your style really it's a reflection on my style I just hate the idea of someone being embarrassed to keep wearing something they love because some Rando on the internet said so a lot of people don't like what I wear and I still wear it so I hope you'll do the same now that we've got all that laid out let's begin the rankings first up I feel like we have to start with what I think is one of the most defining trends of this year because it is so specific to one event of this year and that is Barbie core this is a look I have talked about before in Trend videos honestly a lot of these you've heard at least some of my opinions on before but I have already said I am passing on this trend because although I think it's so camp and so fun I don't really wear pink or hyper feminine style so just nothing about this is really my style at all so this one's going to go on B tier respect the pouch very fun to see but it just does not feel like me in any way next we have Adidas sambas this year's it girl of the sneaker world and to me there's nothing wrong with it like I would wear it but I also would wear any of these plain simple neutral sneakers there is absolutely nothing special about how this sneaker looks to me so it's going in go girl give us nothing next Trend lowrise bottoms specifically lowrise jeans I am really torn on this because like I hate lowrise but I think that's mainly because of how it looks on me as a short person with short legs and a long torso so I think I just have to accept that as much as I want to put it in scoped it's not actually ugly I just don't like it any rise of pants cannot be super amazing gorgeous or totally ugly and ridiculous like it's just the rise on some pants that said it's also not doing anything interesting or exciting or creative so it's going and go girl give us nothing next up we have sheer outfits and I'm specifically thinking of those like sheer lace maxi dresses or maxi skirts that had such a moment this year this one is completely impractical for everyday life and I also don't have the confidence to wear this ever I'm wearing a lace top right now I have the confidence for sheer on top but she on the bottom having like my butt exposed just I would feel like I'm in danger if I wore that out in the world but I am happy to see other people doing it I like it I think it's cute I also feel like more revealing fashion trends are always kind of cool because it can sort of push people to get more comfortable with women's bodies and it minimizes that pressure that women have to cover up and hide their bodies and not like be provocative or whatever it feels kind of rebellious that way and also it just looks like pretty and sexy and cool anyone who actually does wear this out in the world like I am saluting you I respect you and you look hot so this is going in respect the pouch our next trend is bows and ribbons bows and ribbons especially in the hair have already been quite popular for maybe 2 years but they seem to have grown in popularity this year despite already being huge in 2022 the girls simply love it they're not sick of it yet and neither am I bows and ribbons just feel so timeless yet playful they're like traditional yet youthful simple yet ornate I just feel like they can work in so many different ways they're so simple yet so powerful so many of you in my Instagram replies also said this was your favorite trend of 2023 some of you said it was your most hated um and that's fine but obviously the bow train is going full steam ahead and I am on it baby bows have done nothing wrong ever in their lives next up we have underwear as pants but before I tell you my thoughts on this one let me thanks Squarespace for sponsoring this video Squarespace is such an intuitive web design platform to get started with any project you want to have an online presence they have so many different gorgeous template options but the templates are also super flexible so you can customize the details to exactly what you're looking for their next Generation website design system fluid engine also makes all that customization easy and straightforward with dragon drop technology and Squarespace also lets you market and sell through their platform to suit your business needs with options to sell physical products virtual downloads or even exclusive member areas and content on your site so click the link in my description for a free trial and to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain now underwear is pants I think I actually feel quite similarly on this one to how I feel about the sheer dresses and skirts look although I think this one looks a little more ridiculous the lace dress one is at least like pretty and more fashiony underwear's pants kind of just looks like nothing and yet it feels like a very bold and ballsy move and I kind of have to respect it on that alone you know especially like if any normal person is doing this like when celebrities do it it's not really as bold because you know they can get away with anything but if you're a regular person doing this I love that I fear you and I mean that as a compliment this is a respect the pouch Trend next up we have the meum meu biker boots now I'm not normally one for like one specific model of shoes like I said with the sambas often I'm like eh what makes this version so special but in this case the answer is many things make it special I love these boots the four buckles on the side plus the little ring harness at the ankle and then two more buckles across the front this design just like screams effortlessly cool to me they feel somehow both edgy and rustic they're unique yet versatile am I obsessed with them enough that I have had to go like hunt some down that look like this and integrate them into my wardrobe no which is why they're going in casual enjoyer but I really love the look of these all right next up is quiet luxury SL stealth wealth this as like a style is confusing to me because what makes it quiet or stealthy is that it just looks like normal everyday regular clothes but it's exorbitantly expensive I feel like this gwenith peltro trial outfit encapsulates this perfectly like it's just so normal looking honestly the actual values behind this whole stealth wealth quiet luxury Thing feel more like like SC up or glitch in the simulation status because like tricking ourselves into thinking we can look or be anything like the uber wealthy by wearing neutrals is truly delusional but I'm trying to rank these purely on the look of things so it looks fine it's giving nothing that's where it's going next up we have Corp core honestly I don't know if anyone who is wearing this is really actually calling it Corp core but there is definitely a trend towards neutral more formal corporate High outside of a corporate setting for fashion purposes I also don't really know if this is actually any different than quiet luxury or stealth wealth I feel like they're kind of slightly different thought processes that lead to like the same end result so maybe I should have just made these all one but this is also obviously going in go girl give us nothing for the same reasons all right next we got to talk about the Mischief big red boots at first when I remember this I was like were these even a trend really or just like a random gimmick and then I Googled it and and discovered they sold out within minutes a bunch of celebrities were spotted wearing them and now you can get knockoffs from Shen Amazon and Teemu so I would say that warrant's a place in this ranking that said I really don't know what to make of these like do they feel like fashion to me at all no are they potentially kind of interesting as a concept slart piece SL artifact of this particular moment in history yes they are fascinating do I respect them ultimately no I just don't think these are fashion I've never seen them styled in a way that makes them look stylish honestly the term glitch in the simulation does sort of sum up how I feel about these so I think I have to put them at the bottom next up denim maxi skirts I have mentioned before that I think how you feel about denim maxi skirts is directly correlated to the religiosity of your upbringing and being raised quite Catholic these just sort of give me conservative religious Vibes and therefore I just simply cannot get on board with them I think just because I saw them worn in a way that I found unstylish throughout my childhood these just never look good to me and although I can respect the fashion girlies wearing them and I know it's kind of arbitrary that I don't like them it would definitely take some psychological manipulation to get me into this look so for me it does have to go and sopt our next trend is B lay flats and honestly this is one that for me really depends on the particular shape and style like if it has a pointier toe I like it more if it's actually not a flat and it has like a little bit of a heel I like that more if it has some strap across it but the actual true classic simple ballet flat I kind of hate I just cannot shake that childhood Association and so I think those two feelings combined actually kind of puts them in the middle in the C tier which is also Fair because there is also nothing special or creat of a revolutionary about ballet flats off the shoulder tops one of the biggest like actually mainstream trends of this year I think and I actually love the look of these I think it's very beautiful and elegant and even like it could fit into my style it's how this style looks on my particular body shape that I don't love because I have sort of wider shoulders compared to my hips which are quite narrow and for that reason they must go into the B tier because I I do not wear this look but I do think they are one of the most wearable trends of this year for a lot of people and they look lovely on a lot of people next up we have the clean girl aesthetic and this is the epitome of go girl give us nothing if I've ever seen it I don't even feel like I really understand what makes this an aesthetic it's just like wearing natural but pretty makeup with gold hoops and putting your hair in a little Sleek bun I just don't feel like that warrants an aesthetic category it just doesn't tell me anything about you as a person which is fine fine but it's not aspirational or exciting to me we can aspire to something more personal and distinct than this C tier for the clean girl aesthetic next up the color red specifically a pop of red this was another crowd favorite much beloved in the Instagram replies and I am right there with you I mentioned this in two fashion I'm loving right now videos this year I'm not really one for the red monochrome thing I don't really do monochrome of any color but I love red into my outfit and it's been one of my favorite colors to incorporate this year I love that it's so classic yet so bold and vibrant at the same time that doesn't really explain why we're all so excited and delighted by this regular ass color in this particular year of 2023 but I'm I'm still right in the way a pop of red Just Hits different I feel like I love what it adds to basically every single outfit this is an S tier Trend next those chunky pendant necklaces before I rank these I do actually have to to come clean I have to atone for my previous mistake in a previous video I described these as plastic pendants and many people corrected me in the comments and let me know actually they're usually made of glass which does make a lot more sense and also improves their standing for me a little bit so thank you to the people who informed me about that that said these do still kind of remind me of jewelry I got like as a McDonald's Happy Meal toy or in a Halloween costume as a child and for that reason they must go in coped I think maybe I just hate oversized neck accessories because our next trend is Rosette chokers and I really dislike these even more than the chunky pendants I just think they look ridiculous having one large round fluffy shape like at your neck just looks so silly and wrong to me it looks disproportionate and like I can admit the flower choker can work when you commit to like the gothic romantic maximalist style that they sort of historically original from but the trend was not really that the trend was just adding these onto any outfit with no context which looks so ridiculous to me so these are also going in scoped next up we have Mary Jan's and despite not really owning any of these the closest I have are these guys I love this trend this kind of feels like it's taking what's appealing about the ballet flat a sort of slim lower profile girly dressier shoe and then resolving everything I don't like about the ballet flat by adding a thicker sole often a little heel and a strap across it plus these do not have to be low profile they can also be thick and chunky and I really like all of them they feel classic yet playful are we noticing a theme in my S tier Trends that's really just the intersection of fashion that I love and yeah these have done nothing wrong ever in their lives next asymmetrical tops I feel like this was kind of a sleeper hit of this year I don't know if I'm using that term right I just just mean people didn't like talk about asymmetrical toson as a trend but I feel like I saw them everywhere it was like an underd discussed but very present Trend and I'm a fan of these I love the unexpectedness they add to an outfit the dynamicism the creativity you can have with them I don't feel the need to go out and look for it but ultimately I would own it like I would wear this and I like it so I think that earns it casual enjoyer status in the a tier asymmetrical skirts on the other hand an easy s tier for me I love them for really all the same reasons I love the asymmetrical tops but I like these even more because you can reversibly DIY the asymmetry by like safety pinning up parts of long skirts you already have and also an asymmetrical top can feel kind of off on your body sometimes like it feels unbalanced but an isometrical skirt I've never really felt that way I also think it applies to more weather situations basically these skirts have no flaws and have done nothing wrong ever in their lives next up we have the intentional exposed bra look I don't even know if this is like a full-on mainstream Trend yet but I felt like I had to talk about it because we saw it on so many celebrities this year we got Sydney Sweeney Scarlet Johansson Olivia Rodrigo's album cover this late 2000s early 2010s trend is coming back people I have such distinct memories of like my cool older teen sister dressing like this at that time and her friends and my friends older sisters I think a lot of people hate this but I like it I don't know it's really like nostalgic to me I think like some of the other more revealing Trends I've discussed in this video it feels a little rebellious a little cheeky I just love when girls give an Fu to respectability standards I like seeing women like make a statement and take ownership of things that are normally you know expected to be hidden and covered up this is again one I don't really see myself wearing because I don't even wear bras usually and I think a lot of these moral revealings sex your friends like feel cool to me but I feel too shy to wear them so this is going in B tier definitely respect it next the begu ex Sandy leang I don't know if I'm saying her name right I apologies if it's wrong collab bow bag I mean this bag is adorable simple cute a great collab that said do I think it necessarily warrants the hype it received it literally sold out in minutes they're now selling for more than double the original price secondhand and like I get why people were so drawn to this I get why it was such a huge success because it's an accessible affordable bag that has you know the attachment to this really cool designer that like young women love right now and it's cute it's adorable however do I think its attachment to the designer was a bigger part of its appeal than actually this being like the best most amazing most exciting and revolutionary bag of all time yeah I think it's cuz Sandy Le Yang's name was attached to it especially because like you could easily DIY this so this is all to say this is an a tier item for me I would use it I like it I'm a casual enjoyer but it's just not worth the S tier hype that it has gotten next up Crocs Crocs are so ridiculous looking and so ugly I get that people have that awareness and it's kind of this like goofy ironic fashion thing and also a lot of people just wear them casually as like slippers and not like for fashion but the fact that these are having a fashion moment at all with like high-end designer collabs is giving glitch in the simulation the idea of them as fashion is so bewildering to me I can't in good faith put them anywhere else our next trend is those sporty ballet flat hybrids the Puma ballet flats and I feel like you all are going to be shocked to hear me say I like these I'm laughing at myself cuz I'm like what do you mean you like like them how is it that I don't like ballet flats or sambas or any other ugly on purpose shoe or most other 2000's Trends and yet something about these is appealing to me I don't know either I can't explain my own psyche de John's feel like such a weird blend of like sporty and girly and also kind of like medieval peasant shoes but also kind of futuristic and space Agy at the same time I can't explain it and I don't really actually see myself wearing these they don't really seem like my style necessarily but I like seeing them I think they're fun I don't know why these get a respect the pouch from me next item on the docket over the knee super baggy Jorts I actually really like the movement towards longer and baggier jean shorts in general but for me once it's at the knee or lower it looks ridiculous it makes people's legs look so disproportionate this feels like something where I don't know if anybody saw this as an introductory beginnings of of a trend and immediately was like oh my God I love that that's so me it looks so cute this feels more like something that everyone like hated at first and then only got into after seeing it over and over again and coming to accept it into their brains via repeated exposure so to me this is this is a textbook scop Trend that is where it's going next sports jerseys I was honestly quite surprised how many of you on Instagram cited this as your most hated trend of this year because my Instagram audience and I were obviously in agreement on most Trends but I really like this one even though a lot of you seem to hate it I don't know if I actually like all sports jerseys but I really like soccer jerseys and that seems to have been like the main one that was the trend this year it feels sporty and playful yet kind of classic again like a lot of the trends I like and it's kind of like a t-shirt but just a little more interesting maybe it's also because both of my sisters played soccer growing up and so I have this sort of like nostalgic association with and attachment to soccer jersey I really didn't know people hated them so much but I love this look and I am bravely going to put this in you have done nothing wrong ever in your life this is an S tier item to me I'll say it next up Uggs I still cannot believe Uggs are revived from the dead in this year of Our Lord 2023 I actually think these were kind of more popular last winter but last winter was also 2023 so I'm still counting these in 2023 is Trends and they're definitely still a thing this year but I'm not a fan obviously to me Uggs are kind of like the berkenstock Boston which maybe I also should have put in this video in that they were so ubiquitous in my middle and high school years that to me they feel so generic that they tell me absolutely nothing about the person wearing them so in that way there're sort of a go- girl give us nothing shoe except that I also personally just don't like how they look and maybe that's because of the associations I have with them with that style of like 2010 I just think in pretty much every outfit a different shoe would look better than Uggs or Birkenstock Boston these are both scops to me I feel like they required repeated exposure for people to like them again so D tier our next trend is Coastal cowgirl and first and foremost I would like to say this wasn't even really a meaningful Trend right like this was a manufactured industry plan Trend like the blueberry milk Nails thing was that also this year God imagine trying to explain that sentence to a 17th century Lord from what I can tell all this really means is like wearing cowboy boots and a white dress and you're standing on the beach which is an absolutely go girl give us nothing moment okay we're closing in on the end of the list here this is the second to last item sequins and metallics this is something I have quite enjoyed seeing I think it's fun it's different I love style that's about being extra for no reason that said every time I buy anything metallic I never wear them I feel like I only ever buy them for like the theoretical purpose of going out which I don't do I'm like buying them for a lifestyle that I don't actually have and I never incorporate them casually I just don't think it really feels like me but I love seeing other people do it so this is definitely a respect the pouch Trend and finally I had to save the worst and possibly most controversial for last Kim Kardashians new skims nipple bra and I know for all the other Trends I just talked about the product and how it looks but in this case I feel like the marketing and promo video was as much of a moment as the product itself and so for this one I have to talk about more than just how it looks because the actual product a bra with a built-in nipple fine not for me but if people are into it okay sure whatever and that's not the thing I have an issue with however using climate change as a marketing technique for a product whose manufacturing process is meaningfully actively contributing to climate change when you have all the wealth and resources someone could possibly need to actually produce this product sustainably and ethically out of touch is the biggest possible understatement um dystopian really is the word for it and so it must go in glitch in the simulation sorry to end things on such a scathing note but those are all the trends we are ranking today here is the official ranking list wait let me look this up over to see if I need to rearrange anything you know what no I said what I said these are my official rankings of 2023 is most notable fashion trends thank you so much for joining me on this journey this is my first tier ranking video but it was fun to do I was actually thinking it would be really fun to do a video tier ranking 2010's fashion trends so let me know if you want to see that oh and I heard if you leave a comment watch another video And subscribe to my channel fashion Publications will stop manufacturing trends that aren't actually even happening and then trying to sell them to us
Channel: beepworld
Views: 153,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest style, pinterest outfits, outfit ideas, outfit inspo, thrifted fashion, artsy outfits, thrifted outfits, aesthetic trends, sustainable fashion, trendy outfits, fashion trends, maximalist style, maximalist outfits, eclectic style, eclectic outfits, alexasunshine83, laini ozark, cup of jordy, steal the spotlight, yo' homegirl, karina gomez, alli vera, tier ranking, ranking 2023 fashion trends, ranking 2023 trends, 2023 trends
Id: TAV-eX6sClc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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