Things Scratch Golfers Do That You Don't - How To Play Golf Tips

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if I started Golf again these are five things I would do to become a scratch golfer or learn my handicap as fast as possible scratch golfers do these things but you don't these things aren't a secret but you still choose not to do them to lower your handicap fast when I was an amateur my lowest handicap was plus 1.5 now lots of you down at Lens have been watching me for years are probably thinking how did you do that well I have played some pretty terrible golf on this platform over the years but I did get below scratch and in today's golf lesson I'm going to be teaching you what scratch golfers do but you don't sometimes it isn't as simple as do this with your swing and you will lower your scores this one golf tip will transform your golf swing this 2C golf tip will add 40 yards to your golf drives it's about learning how to score lots of golfers look at better golfers and think whoa they hit the golf ball such a long way they're able to move the ball both ways in the air they hit these low sexy checky Spinners that stop right by the hole but in reality good golf isn't flashy it's boring and it's about keeping High numbers off your scorecard so my first tip that scratch golfers do is get good at one shot shape you watch the best players in the world they'll be doing the same they'll be hitting one shot shape DJ power fade John Ram Power fade Scotty Sheffer power fade I think even the Master's just gone Scotty was hitting a Freewood off the 13th te because he struggles to draw his driver they're hitting one shot shape if you're not sure which shape best fits your golf game and your golf swing speak to your local Pro and see what their opinion is because everyone's swing will have certain characteristics which will push them in a direction to either hit a draw or a fade or if you want you could ask me I'm available for online lessons on the Sneed app link in the description down below and once you've worked out which shape best suits your goal swing practice it get good at it and learn how to play with it on the golf course where you aim depending on the Wind what slope you're standing on and hitting into where the danger is on that hole most good go goers scratch golfers best players in the world aren't aiming straight at their target every single time I promise you and just one more side note on this point the best players in the world scratch golfers hit miss both ways but they're not missing both ways because of a hook and a slice they're missing both ways because let's say again John Ram is aiming up the left to play his fade he hits one straight and it doesn't cut but his good ones cut but so he'll be moving his dispersion depending on what danger is up that hole so bear that in mind my second golf tip that scratch golfers do but you don't is having a safety shot answer this do you use the same swing for every Golf Club in your golf bag and every situation on the golf course I think the majority of you will say yes good golfers have a safety shot that they run to I promise you a shot that you can run to to ensure that you get a decent strike my safety shot is putting that ball position back a little bit putting my pressure on my lead foot putting the handle forward a little bit and hitting a semi sort of Punt shot and this safety shot's going to help in so many situations on the golf course downhill lies uphill lies ball above my feet hitting out a rough hitting into wind all these situations is where I'm going to run to my safety shot it's going to help me increase my green and regulation stat which scratch golfers have the highest percentage out of all handicap ranges which is obvious but if you haven't got a safety shot go to it and make sure you strike that ball as pure as you can this sort of shot is going to have a little bit of a lower ball flight it's going to run a little bit more when it lands so you need to take that into consideration this is the perfect hole where I'll use my safety shot I've got water short so I can't miss HIIT it and Duff it I've got bunkers either side so I'm looking for as much accuracy as possible I need to strike this golf shot as well as I can pull back a little bit pressure on my front foot handle forward and I'm going to hit a semi sort of Punt shot I've got ball then ground it was a tiny bit skinny if anything which is why it didn't draw back to the Target as much as I wanted to but with my aim I'm still on that green increasing my Greens in regulation find yourself a safety shot my third golf tip that scratch golfers do but you don't is just getting the ball on the green having a part is better than having a second chip unfortunately I've short-sided myself after my Approach shot here how often does this happen to you you're too cute with your first chip and leave yourself another one stop trying to be a hero and get that ball as close as possible just get it on the Green I know you've missed the green and you want to get up and down but you've got more chance of holding a pup than a second chip and you definitely have more chance of getting it down in a couple of putts than a Chip and Putt again my fourth golf tip that scratch golfers do is they never three put scratch golfers three put on average every 35.7 holes 20 handicap is however average a three put every 8.2 holes and this is mindblowing the Aver average distance of a second pup in a three P for a 20 handicapper is 8.9 ft you need to get better at distance control with your putter it takes time and practice it takes visualization and it takes understanding of green reading find a system that works for you I'm constantly using my feet and what I'm feeling through them on the greens I'm using them to understand slope I'm using them to understand how far my putts are another little tip I always try and finish high of the hole because anything missing low is going to end up missing further and further away than missing high and when you get over 20 ft think about how close you can get your putt rather than holding it this will reduce your number of three putts and also if you get it as close as as possible I promise you some of them will start to drop anyway my fifth tip scratch golfers do but you don't is play a lot and practice a lot if you play once or twice a month and don't practice good luck getting your scores to come down now if you do play every week and practice every week and your scores are still not coming down you need to dive a little deeper are you practicing the right areas of your game do you need something in your golf game to take you to that next level collecting stats might be the answer to help you understand your game more generally if you have to dive deeper to find out how to get get better more distance is usually the answer before I leave you I've got a few bonus tips for you you got to have a good pre-shot routine it's the same every time same bag placement next to your ball same distance checking with your rang finders or your GPS same amount of practice swings if you're putting place your ball in the same way get a good pre-shot routine and finally scratch golfers under understand how to manage expectations they know that they're not going to stiff every chip and pit shot they know they're not going to hit every green and hold every putt they're able to manage expectations and on their off days they've got weapons in other areas of their game if they're driving off they've got good recovery if they recovery is off they're hitting enough greens they've got the weapons throughout their bag to help them keep those scores and those High numbers off the scorecard think about all those things help you lower your handicaps faster and that's exactly all five things and a couple of bonuses that scratch golfers do every week every day out on the golf course to make them as good a golfer as they can be I hope that helps in the comments down below do you do any of these which handicap scratch golfers do do you do anything let me know in the comments down below and if this really helps make sure you hit that subscribe button hit the thumbs up and turn your Bell on so you don't miss any of my new up blows thanks all for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Coach Lockey
Views: 157,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to play golf, how to hit a golf ball, golf swing basics, golf, coach lockey, channel, tips, drills, instruction, easy golf swing, downswing golf drills, backswing golf tips, effortless golf swing, driver swing tips, learn to strike your irons, chipping and pitching tips, improve driver strike, practice golf, how to practice golf, get better at golf, good golf practice, golf practice drills, be a good golfer, golf tip, scratch golf, things scratch golfers do that you don't
Id: 9JoeLvQAItw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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