Rushing Swings? How to Teach Your Brain to Stop It

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more easy and less of my like kill this little cookie monster meets a Hulk there oh boy oh boy boyy if you had a dollar for every time you said oh man I rushed that shot how much would you have I know for me I'd be making videos for my private island this isap and if you've done that before you probably also know that saying don't rush it don't rush it telling your brain the stuff doesn't work every time so in this video I'm going to talk about four things you can do that aren't just telling your brain don't rush it that will help you stop rushing they definitely help me and I guarantee that they will help you too or your money back which since this is free hopefully please don't please don't write to me asking for Mone hey what's up I'm Manu welcome to the channel so let's get right into it with number four which I like to call monkey see monkey do so before the round or maybe even during the round if you're not playing a super competitive round it's not legal to do this during tournaments but you can do it on your Sunday rounds with your buddies watch a good video of a pro swinging whose Tempo you really like so for me it's this video of tiger when he's 16 I think 16 or 17 playing Riviera for the first time and just watching him warm up on the Range I think this is beautiful Tempo I think he's got like the perfect feel of like how I want to feel when I'm throwing the club and so I watch this video on a repeat a bunch of times because I'm not just telling myself to slow down I'm showing my brain what to do the monkey see monkey do thing works really well so if you want to do this you could watch this video I've linked it down in the description or there's a bunch of videos you can grab off off the internet and make your own little compilation for yourself and maybe watch them before you're round or have them running in the background in your cart while you're like playing the round but something to like train your brain of what a good Tempo feels like and how it feels to like hit a nice solid shot without having to rush through the whole thing there's a really good poster which is Fred couple swings over the ages and if you watch Fred couple swing like the tempo is just beautiful the whole time so powerful too so you could watch that video I've also linked that down down below in the description downstairs Down Below in the description uh you could watch that or you can make your own and when you're making your own just finding people who swings you like for me I really like Nelly ctis swing tiger obviously and then anybody else who I see sometimes I want to throw in a couple Ernie L's videos there too because Ernie El's has this beautiful you know nice easy swing there's that video of like VJ saying Fred Couples and Ernie El's together just like I think it's called Tempo town it's beautiful so things like that something like that that tells your brain this is what we want to be doing and it's not telling yourself by Words which we forget and move on and then we try to kill the ball but a little bit more kind of feeling what it's like showing them what we want to do showing that brain what we want to do so a little bit more like oh if I watch Tigers swing from the Riviera open back in the day kind of looks more like this you know less more easy and less of my like all right little cookie monster meets a Hulk there cookie all right so after doing the Monkey C Monkey do when you get to the ball so before every shot one of the things that we can do is take slower practice swing so for a lot of us especially amateurs as we're getting into it one of the things we tend to tell ourselves is I want to make the exact same practice swing as the shot I'm about to hit so I can preload that so if I'm hitting this this is an eight iron say I'm hitting this 145 yards I want to hit this is my practice swing this this is my practice thing there's no technique in that there's no really good Tempo or anything in that if you watch all the pros you'll notice that all of them maybe I've missed one or two but all the ones I've seen they all take slow practice wings and they're not focused on trying to at the right speed in their practice swing they're focused on having their hands their body move in the way they need to to hit whatever kind of draw fade high low whatever shot they're hitting so what's interesting is the only guys who are making full speed practice swings are the long drivers so maybe if you're playing for the long drive on a hole Yeah make a full speed practice swing to like pre-load your body to hit it hard but long drivers have eight shots to get one ball in you know the Fairway or the range versus for pros cuz every shot matters it's interesting for them they're focused more on technique with the hands with the body making sure they kind of feel what that feels like and this also kind of tells the brain I care more about technique than trying to kill this ball because technique is what's going to help this ball actually go where he needs to go so a little more technique you can even without having to like launch out of your shoes you can still hit the ball a pretty long way didn't register but that went like 400 yards you couldn't tell that was really good and on to number two which is when you get to your ball slow down now I know we're not out here trying to play 5H hour rounds at our immunity like we already have enough slow golfers without us contributing to the problem and so what we're doing is we are rushing between shots or at least we're moving fairly quickly especially when you're putting a ball in the hazard maybe every like third or fourth hole and you got to spend an extra 5 minutes looking for it and then you don't find it and then you're fluster all those other things happen everything kind of speeds up and especially like you're carrying your bag maybe you're like moving quickly between shots maybe you're walking uphill downhill so what ends up happening is by the time you get to the ball let's just pretend I've got my bag on so I'm carrying my bag and I put my bag down now my heart rate's elevated all these other things are going on I'm like moving fast everything in my body is like go faster because my heart rate's going now the most important thing I think I can do at this point is slow everything down the way I like to think about it is I like to walk fast between shots so hit a shot get moving so maybe walk at 100 150% between shots but when you get to the Ball slow everything down and so you know you can kind of almost feel like as you put your bag down everything just goes whoa whoa whoa whoa and from here everything's about being calm and so one easy thing you can do physically is just once the bag comes down just walk slower and breathe breathe and walk and that will help because if you're walking quickly if you're playing speed golf I don't know how those guys do it but once you put your bag down you come up here if you're ready to go unless you're someone with a very slow swing normally or like a reasonable Tempo swing you're probably trying to hit this ball so you can keep going that's not really going to help so a better answer is to slow everything down once you arrive at the ball and especially if you're going through your process of like think box feel box play box it's much easier to be able to do that so the way I like to think about it is less from like a slow everything down perspective I slow down kind of here but when I'm with the ball I don't want to be slow I want to be calm calm I think is a much better word for how I feel like I will not rush over the ball and so here as I get to it I go through my pre-shot routine I'm not trying to go slow I'm just trying to go calmly through my pre-shot routine it's the whole slowest smooth smoothest fast model that the Navy Seals taught us so nice and easy you know and finish that whole thing keep it going finish the whole back swing which we'll talk about next so that's number two and the great thing about that one is again it's not telling your brain just go slower it's actually doing things it's setting everything up it's physically moving your body in a more calm easy way when you're over the ball versus when you're possibly rushing between shots I think this is espcially important once you hit a ball into a hazard or maybe you hitting the ball into a place where you're looking for it because after you find it after 2 minutes and 59 seconds now you feel like you're 2 minutes and 59 seconds behind everybody else and so at that point it's still important the most important thing after hitting a bad shot is not to hit another bad shot so at that point I think it's doubly important to just take your time relax calm down and hit a good shot and actually it's something if you watch the pros you'll see them they take time in choosing you know what kind of shot they want to hit off the Fairway but you'll notice they take actually slightly more time when they're in a bad position when they're out of position they'll be thinking about all the different options sometimes they take a little too long for sure but generally they do a really good job of taking their time and I think that's important right there's a famous line from Tom Kite at least I heard it from Tom Kite which is a double bogey is a bad shot followed by a stupid shot and one of the things that causes stupid shots is moving fast so I think calming down and not moving too fast will really help over there all right and here we are on point number one which is just finish your back swing I've heard this at times both from Ernie L's and from Rory mroy and I'm sure many other folks talk about this too rushing happens when we basically cut corn ERS on our swing because if you finished your whole swing you went all the way back all the way through you probably would be rushing you'd probably be in you know maybe swinging a little bit hard but it's less rushing it's more just kind of overdoing it versus I think for most of us rushing happens when you kind of rush through this part of the Swing so you know you're setting up Etc you got to hit you got to hit you got to hit and then you're like maybe like you know a little I really hope you don't shots but you get where I'm coming from and so what happens is we don't finish the back swing and then all the timing is off as you're coming back back to hit the ball so you start here you're here your body starts moving a little too quickly now you're stuck and you got to like race your hands down to catch up right cuz there's a part of your mind that's going go faster go faster so the easiest thing to do here is just make sure you finish your back swing and this is what Ernie else talks about in terms of when he's having trouble he makes sure he's just finishes like get all the way to the top of his back swing wherever that might be this doesn't mean have a longer back swing longer back swings generally don't help that much but at least get to the back or the end of your back swing so you can set your body up to kind of hit my my favorite analogy for this is a baseball pitcher so if you're a pitcher and you're trying to rush and you're kind of going here instead of going all the way back there's going to be no power you're probably not going to throw the ball as fast may not be online you know all these other issues are going to happen so same thing here take your time go all the way to the back so nice and calm you've already made your like you know easy practice swings feeling what's happening you can practice finishing your back swinging those and all the way to the top and then as you come through just calm finish your back swing before you hit the ball goes nice straight I just like to say you see all my balls a little bit to the right here I think this thing is calibrated a little bit to the right uh either that or I'm going to have some stuff to fix when I'm on the course next anyway so the great thing about tip number one for the fourth tip tip number one finishing your back swing is it's something you can do physically right it's not something like oh don't rush it's actually a different que to your mind which is something you can actually work on cuz don't rush is a little more like Amorphis versus finish your back swing something fairly simple you can go okay this is what finish my back swing feels like so to summarize those four things we just talked about number one monkey see monkey do I really like this I highly recommend this if you don't do this already just a great way to prime your brain before you're playing then number three is to slow make slow practice swings slow down those practice swings not trying to like replicate exactly the swing you're going to have but more focusing on the technique and maybe all the swing checkpoints you're thinking about the swing thoughts you have and and number two was when you get to the ball which is even before the practice swings when you get to the ball just kind of slow everything down cu the heart rate and everything need to come down slowing all that down when we get here and then number one when you're here just make sure you finish the back swing and another thing you can like preload in your practice swing finish that back swing coming through come here take your time finish that back swing and then you're going to have the perfect most unrushed shot of all time that one's definitely a fade but not that far off thank you I hope this was helpful if it was please send it to a friend and let me know with the buttons so that I know which of these to make next thanks for coming see you next time ciao
Channel: The Upbeat Golfer
Views: 267,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, upbeat golfer, big fan, wnitb, what's not in the bag, manu golf, scratch golf, bogey golf, course planning, yardage book, golf plans, golf planning, course plans, course prep, tiger woods, golf swing, Course Management, Game plan, golf handicap, Handicap drop, Golf lessons, Golf tips, witb, golf mental game, rushing golf swing, golf rushing
Id: beVC8mmVNho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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