Strength For Spiritual Growth (Wonders of God’s Mercy) | Apostle Joshua Selman | Household of David

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really appreciate this opportunity I am grateful pastor thank you and your dear wife and all the people was an awesome time truly like by pastor shared truly I believe that you'll be a teaching session this this morning and my goal is to strengthen the workers and of course everybody by extension but there are certain truths that we need to know that will strengthen us praise the name of the Lord can we pray in 1 minute and say Lord speak to me speak to my heart speak to my heart [Music] spirit lead me where my trust is without help me let me if your voice on playing [Music] in the press [Music] [Music] [Music] spirit of the Living God we pray that you help us grant us understanding in the name of Jesus by these truths we pray that you will shift us to higher levels in the name of Jesus amen and amen god bless you again please be seated thank you thank you very much look chapter one bus was to makes a very 203 makes a very powerful statement he says this is dr. Luke writing to Theophilus even as they delivered them to us which from the beginning where eyewitnesses and ministers of the word it says it seemed good to me also having perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write the in order most excellent Theophilus and then the emphasis is really was one forces to note the certainty of those things but then the point is was one for as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed not the things that are believed the things that are most surely believed that means these are foundational convictions the things that are most surely believed you cannot afford to doubt this one's you may doubt and question other things but in every ministry and in every Christian organization there must be things that are most surely believed praise the Lord when you get to Benny Hinn ministry for instance here and there you may have variations of belief but every stuff they will tell you they believe in the healing power of Jesus they are the truths that are most surely believed when you get to Canaan land you may share about several things and people may disagree here and there but when it comes to the subject of faith and the supernatural the word of faith and the power of the word in provoking possibilities there are truths that are most surely believed Alleluia praise the Lord and so I'm going to be sharing a number of things that I trust would bless us but to start let's just look at three scriptures very quickly were dealing with the workforce generally in the house of God so some 62 some 92 some 92 we start from was 12 to 15 popular scripture some 92 if we have it projected and if you can see it read together one two read the light saw shall flourish like the palm tree AHA and shall grow like the cedar in Lebanon those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God they shall still bring forth fruit in old age there shall be fat and flourishing to show that the Lord is upright he is my rock and there's no unrighteousness in him praise the Lord so he says they that be planted in the house of God not they that come to the house of God not they that visit they that be planted he says there is a destiny for them they will flourish in the courts of our God that even in old age provided a stay planted they will be fat and flourish in Scripture number two some 68 and verse 11 some 68 now this is very powerful let's really together please ready REE please the Lord gave the word AHA great was the company of DOS that published it one more time please this were going to walk this scripture but the Bible says the Lord gave the word but the spreading of that word depended on a great company not just the quality of the word it was the Lord that gave the word so we're we're sure of the potency of the world but the Bible says great was the company that means without that company that word will not prevail the Lord gave the word the Lord gave the ministry the Lord gave the vision the Lord gave the assignment but the Bible says great was the company that published it to publish a thing means to make it unforgettable it doesn't just mean to spread it round it means to insist that it remains in the mind of people when you publish a book it outlives even the writer the Lord gave the word what great is the company of them that published it one more scripture 1st Corinthians chapter 4 Paul is teaching the church in Corinth 1st Corinthians for the first two verses let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God let's read verse 2 together ready read please moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful Alleluia now the the way that the purposes of God please look up the way that the purposes of God is advances within a territory is that God himself being the Visionaire being the custodian of his program he will usually find a man and commit a dimension of his vision his ultimate blueprint is to see the reality of his life his power his glory covered the earth the Bible says that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord he says that it should cover the earth like waters the sea are we together now and so the real agenda of God is summed up in one phrase or clause he says thy kingdom come Matthew chapter 6 Jesus was teaching them how to pray and he says when you pray pray in this manner this and that and that and then he says thy kingdom come what is the kingdom of God the culture the influence the life God's ultimate desire is not just that men be saved that is his priority but not his only desire I were together now John 10:10 says the chief commit not but for to steal to kill and to destroy then he says I am come that ye may have life and that you have that life more abundantly are we together yes the Bible says that they who have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness they would not only go to heaven but they will reign in this life I will together the Bible says in Revelation chapter five and verse 10 that we have been made unto our God not we will be made right now we have been made unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign and the jurisdiction of our Dominion is earth alleluia yes so God has his universal program you have to understand this to be an effective worker the universal program of God is not just a Great Commission the universal program of God is not just that which was committed to household of David are we together now there is the universal blueprints there's something that God is doing fast the salvation of sinners but not the only one the ultimate agenda is that the reality of his life his power his grace all that makes God God that it is reproduced with in this dimension of his domain but the agenda is twofold number one is that Christ would find expression in the hearts of men that's what you call new birth the second agenda is that the program of God be institutionalized across every strata of human experience that's called influence so evangelism and influence therefore are the two major tools for Kingdom advance if we stop at evangelism people will be saved but the city will not be safe as a Fe it's not only important that men are saved we must also ensure that Jerusalem is peaceful say pray for the Peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper who love you are we together so it is God's desire that his the lordship of the Christ be established first in the hearts of men then across every strata of human activities now in doing that he breaks his agenda into different roles please understand this he breaks his agenda into different dimensions and roles we call that ministry he now commits it to individuals so what you call your assignment whether individually or corporately is simply your contribution to that Universal blueprint and you get what I'm saying now if you say I was called to do this this is my purpose this is my assignment you are only attempting to find your room or your place in that universe our plan and this is important because it demeans likely relay someone is waiting for your efficiency so that he will also be useful in that plan when you watch people run a relay i whistle together someone is waiting to receive the baton is that true and because of another person's carelessness someone who has the potential to win can can miss out on the opportunity to take the prize why because the person who would pass the baton was not efficient enough it means that my refusing to understand my role in this blueprint will cost somebody his salvation somebody can literally go to hell because I was careless about my role someone can miss out on an opportunity to live a fruitful and a meaningful life if you do not understand this being a walker in short will just be a religious activity you have to look at the broad picture beyond the church beyond the man we have to look at the agenda the name of the agenda is the kingdom come not just planting not evangelism not Crusades not conferences no if your scope starts from there you will be tired one day it must be broad enough there is an energy that most plans on your efficiency as a worker and the energy must be beyond the current assignment you are doing you must you must be broad enough so even when you are tired you just remember someone salvation is depending on my obedience are we blessed there are two ways to motivate people generally leadership number one is by influence the other is by force and cruelty unfortunately for many people they have adopted the second formula and so all kinds of theological messages have come in an attempt to threaten people to be loyal to a vision is a very incorrect way of leadership influence is the ability to make people by into your ideology without using force are we together so you understand the agenda now so if for instance please come thank you this lovely woman of God sings beautifully every time I come here I look forward to her singing before I come up and faster seems to you know not watch this now you would think let's assume she doesn't do any other thing with her life and she's just singing if this dear woman of God does not understand the role that her song is playing her song her assignment is to make the atmosphere conducive for the power of God to flow so that while that man is teaching are we together now he's influencing your mind who will influence your child back at home who will influence another CEO who is responsible for 5000 staff you see is very difficult to take over a territory if we do not understand that our rules are more serious than we think it is so she lifts her voice do you know when they see always pacified that's good for the company because the Spirit of God can now speak to him raise their salary just because one person fulfilled her Simon well that man can come and leave the church angry and all his workers will pay for it and if your husband is part of those workers what do you think happen to that family just because somebody didn't rehearse well and someone's mood is interrupted when when song spirit came upon soul was it not David that they brought he did not preach he did him prophesy he sound out that spirit that means that is not when the man of God comes to preach and just give you an example that right here if this woman of God understands that my role as I stand to Minister are not singing a song you are familiar with so you follow me it is an assignment I am there is active role that without it no matter how powerful the message comes it will change her perception so she may be tired she may be weak she may feel like sleeping but she remembers that no past oh and remember somebody who just came to church today is depending on the power and the revelation she rushes rejas in angels are watching they are reaching how how effective she intends to be are we together thank you man it is very important that we understand that what we call our assignment whether as an individual whether as a great house like household of David is simply our contribution so God calls a man called pastor Shula and his dear wife and God apportions a dimension are we together now now if Pastor did not answer that assignment and his dear wife there will not be this platform this way and some of the things we received cheaply now that we may trivialize routing it would have been so hard are we together now yes now imagine with me for one moment we are not talking of being workers in church now imagine who has been suffering because you refused to tell God yes imagine who was supposed to have heard the Word of God from your lips in 2015 but simply because you refuse to be serious with God imagine the marriage that should not break if you obeyed God and were serious about your assignment imagine a young boy today who would have been a beneficiary of your scholarship if you are in pain if you had known that this thing is not just about money when God told you read that book on prosperity is a lot uncomfortable like this as I know when I say read that that is because till your knowledge is the Scruffy's of 5000 people so I'm saying read for their sake not just for your sake you have a house already [Music] are we blessed so God has a bigger agenda than a church a bigger agenda than a walk for so broadly speaking what you call your assignment is your contribution to that Universal agenda God has given me an assignment and I am or not every time I have the privilege to you know go around doing the things that God has called me to do I am or not when I see the effect of my obedience on people and a generation I am blessed all the time Apostle I just listened to your message look what it has done and I say thank you Jesus for telling you yes and I still say yes again I'm tired but I still say yes I know that I've not slept well but the answer is still yes there is an energy that must be beyond salary there is an energy that must be beyond money listen to me there is an energy that must be beyond general appreciation there is an energy that cannot be human if you plan to last in your assignment there is no amount of money that can give you the file that you need to fulfill destiny there is no amount of applause from men it can help it can encourage but you must be motivated from a standpoint that is higher than money higher than Fame higher than achievement higher than arrival otherwise you may start but there is a guarantee you will not finish who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross comma and despised the shame are you blessed already press the name of the Lord now let's deal with a few things every time please look up the way that the maturing of the Saints now let's come back to the church the way that God designed the maturity and the growth of the sins is that every believer is allocated not just a destiny not just an assignment but we are apportioned by God's predetermine aid counsel to spiritual houses that are akin to spiritual tribes I will together now it is the place of planting it is the place of building in God's economy you don't get born again and remain like that isolation is a recipe for destruction and so the key to sustaining kingdom values is to create a community of like-minded people so that you will not have the opportunity to grow you not have the opportunity to believe when you find many people believe in the same thing it strengthens your own conviction because when you get born again your convictions are fragile you are fighting two realms of beliefs are we together now you are coming from a system that may be cultural you are coming from a past that may be destructive now you are adopting a new ideology and so that that new ideology does not embarrass you you will need a body of believers I give you an instance praying in the spirit you come from a background where you a part of those who love that believers now you are born again you will meet people just like you if you are the only one trained alone I guarantee you will stop because if they will come your flesh will catch up with you and you will think you are foolish what is this Gabrus I keep speaking but where you find other people more matured more determined then it strengthens you I were together yes sir a community life is the secret to sustaining kingdom values it's a mystery that use fortification it is the attack of devil he will come to you Satan does not give up on people easily just because you've now been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son a system of safety was provided not just the blood of Jesus not just the name of God that system called not just the church that local assembly is a system of safety and is a real family because for some of us we do not truly have any other family outside of our spiritual family some of us come from traditional settings some of us sadly have lost our loved ones some of us may be the only ones historically speaking that have come to pledge our allegiance to Jesus so you will need the comfort and the sukkah of the spiritual family the spiritual family is a real family always it's not just a family for born-again people they are people who went to school today simply because they came to church there are people today who got married because they came to church is that true there are people today who had the inspiration to start a business because they came to church there are people today many pastors can tell you that I saw this man when he came I was the first to give him a visitor's card today he's a pastor in the ministry look what God has done so it matters that believers identify with a body and a community of like-minded believers and to do that God God God is a very very intelligent God he did it in such a way that on one hand the dimension of him committed to that man is been advanced through him and the people and then on the other hand they are having an opportunity for growth and development are we together now so the assignment committed to that man spin fulfilled and then the believers now continue to mature a city and a territory that does not have local assemblies and platforms to build and mature believers will eventually reflect itself in a depressed society there will be no corporate force that fights evil and then because of the days that we live in believers must live intelligently otherwise another fairy will arise and then watch the purposes of God because that force is not some edible enough and we bless this morning so believe us according to God's design and as patterned by the early church when believers got born again they were allocated certain people to oversee them to help to build them to mature them in fact Paul said it this way sorry I'm Russian because there's still some other things for us to deal with it says my little children of whom I travail until Christ be formed in you that means I not only watch over your souls my assignment is to see that the formation of Christ becomes an experience in your life Jesus himself was speaking in John 17 and he said all that you have given me not all that I got that means every one who finds his way into a household of David it looks like they were called by invitation but the truth is that your destiny this life do you know if God helps you to find where the grace are located for your growth is you can be in a good church and anointed church is sincere church but it does not capture the experience that was made for your building you get what I'm saying now and you can be in that church everything is right but everything is wrong with you the only thing is just general knowledge about God but as far as your Destiny's concern it's like that connection is not there are we blessed okay let's deal with some other issues if I don't if I don't stop myself would not even talk about workforce because I've not even started see this is the we're trying to deal with so many things I'm telling you this thing is supposed to take this to deal with because the first plan a is to understand God system fast just an amen' OSHA will not profit you you will be tired and you'll be angry from day one until you are sponsored by another understanding you see that is the reason why we gas out and we're very tired in church we serve especially as you'll be learning even when you have to serve in a department that is not charismatic in a department that does not allow it doesn't give a lungs for you to shine in as much as you know shine in to be you understand what I mean yes if you are not sponsored by this revelation you would revolt eventually there's no cameras not with me in the kitchen while I cook for the man of God there's nobody here watching while I sweep the church when they come is swept but this wonderful people you can see them if it was bad you can see if his wife you can see I will together now oh boy I'm already but now you are there in the kitchen or you are then pastor's office but as you will be learning later everything that is so value is hidden so the more God hides you that means there is something about you have never seen your heart yet it is there let that heart go wrong and you see that every other thing you can see will tell you the value of the heart that you have this is it amazing right is down the first assignment and the first responsibility of every worker is not service the first assignment and the first responsibility of every worker in the house of God is not service but spiritual growth the first assignment of every worker in household of David in any church in any Christian organization is not service his growth spiritual growth are you saying that now do you know why I'm telling you this this herein lies of course you know that I'm not just speaking to a household of David but herein lies pasto the mystery behind many people being skilled and working in a church but you never see the trace of the impact of the vision on them they are skilled they are powerful but because the first assignment to them is service they become efficient in service and stop their mighty revival happening people are repenting people are going but the guys are just doing what they are doing and there is no evidence of growth one day you look at the person after five years and by grace the signature grace that follows that ministry is not on them when they looked at Peter Peter wanted to lie that he didn't know Jesus but it was already too late there was something that had come upon him that even at the point of betrayal they say no you're your accent you have your words have been too cultured you cannot tell us that you don't know Jesus no you are speaking like him Alleluia is it not really embarrassing sometimes when respectfully speaking we meet certain workers and we tell them are you a Christian oh yes I'm a Christian what church I mean this shows how many years five years and then you start doubting you are tender that impartation service yes sir you attended the night vigil yes sir you know these pastors here's my picture with him so what happened what happened I see your service but I do not see your growth remember remember that more than service God wants your heart please understand this so the first assignment and responsibility of every worker is not service if spiritual growth your service therefore will always be a reflection of your knowledge of God your growth the more you grow the more you increase the more you improve in your knowledge of God it will translate to the efficiency of your service if you are not growing spiritually eventually to find a way of reflecting in the quality of your service your spiritual growth will kill the potential for offense your spiritual growth will will continue to allow the Spirit of God plans humility in you so that even if you are not apportioned leadership you will still be satisfied to service majesty because we are sponsored by a knowledge that is higher than just administration spiritual growth is important when people do not grow there will always be trouble multiply trouble in that Christian organization in that church and so on and so forth so please notice there people of God that your first assignment is not service your first assignment is growth I don't have the time to talk about growth but let me just give us four indices very quickly if you do not mind I hope you're getting blessed this morning for indices that the Bible puts in place to measure spiritual growth there are four biblical indices if you claim you're growing spiritually then we must check your life and benchmark it against these indices and when we find out that something is wrong there then we we know that you are not growing number one the first measure of spiritual growth is your love life your love life first John chapter four say long reading would not really just write it down 7 to 21 first John chapter 10 verse 7 to 21 your love life let's just read verse 7 it says beloved let us love one another when I talk of many people love God and hate men you are not a very good Christian hello if you love God alone and hate men because men were created in His image you cannot love the person goes in and hits the one on the mirror are we together now he says let us love one another for love is of God and anyone that love that is born of God there is no such thing like we don't have love in our family is a demonic statement the the love of God does not come from from foundations the love of God comes from the Ministry of the Holy Ghost shed abroad in our hearts Alleluia everybody say my love life there are people who because of their backgrounds they are angry people and they like it they claim they're angry people by default we're like that in our family you don't know when we are happy and when were angry change this is what the excellency of the gospel is its ability to transform you you cannot say we're like that we were all sinners but now within us no we've been saved so if that kind of translation is possible it means any other translation is possible I don't just preach I love the people I preach to sincerely from my heart is one of the secrets to the power of God upon my life it's not just fast and it's not just praying I genuinely sincerely love the people I minister to I never come and climb onstage and then hold the mic preach just to let the people get impressed by what I'm saying is from the depth of my heart when I'm speaking when I'm rebuking correcting loving whatever it is that I'm doing you know sincerely from my heart love is discernible love is discernible if the only way you discern love is through a gift you econo love is discernible spiritually you don't have to be given a physical gift-wrapped and say take and say wow you love me that much no information is proof of love when you give correct information you don't have to give physical things alone love your love life are we blessed number two the second index to measure of spiritual growth is character and godliness kurata and godliness Galatians chapter 5 please 2223 just write it down remember this morning is discipleship Galatians chapter 5 22 and 23 and then Romans chapter 5 please from verse 3 and 5 I'm so sorry character please look at me character is very important character is a believers culture the way you behave the kingdom has a set of values and listen to me Satan destroys men by attacking their values not them you are destroyed when your values are destroyed there are traits that characterize believers are we together and in as much as we continue to press experientially towards perfection you must never give you weakness a chance bill knowing that I have anger or I have lost or have whatever is not an endorsement to say well I have it and at least I'm happy that I'm aware no being erased not enough you must continue to take advantage of all the asanas provided for the believers to fight that fight of faith until there is victory okay I came from a background and I have boiling anger when I'm angry will pass out shout at him I'll say sorry later but for that point you cannot be laughing and say okay unlike that once you see me laugh like this is the same will when I get angry and not it's not a testimony so you go back in the name of Jesus I came from this background but the Bible says I have been called out of every tribe I'm showing you how you worried every tongue in the name of Jesus I decree and declare by the Spirit of God I have self-control I reject anger and then you read books from people who have gone through what you want to go through and they will teach you things like when you are angry keep quiet you see that when you talk in anger you usually will talk in the flesh anger always seeks expression and keeping quiet is one of the fastest ways to deceive to defeat anger notice that every time when you are angry you want to if your mouth will not move your hands you there is just there is the obsession to act suddenly the Spirit of God him or no of your desire comes to break that thing in you and someone can look at Ranse but I've you know we have five workers in this department but is I see where four because I don't know what kind of brain you have and the you of before would have said okay just because I came to Lagos and I join a church You Don't Know Who I am oh I will tell you who I was before God saved me but well Cain wants to act able the spirit you don't sow to the flesh you can watch on people's eye you mean you allowed this guy to keep insulting you like this and no no it's all right he may be going through something that he's just managing it wrongly you are you are showing the superiority of your transformation it's not weakness every time you feel cheated the devil is angry and he wants you to react listen to me I share with you powerful principles every time you feel cheated and there's an obsession to retaliate you are about to miss something that is already a trophy for you because weakness is what kills strength on the cross when people come to the point of weakness you will strong be afraid as I use weakness to kill her man as I use weakness to dethrone Vashti Jesus use witness I use the son of man he keeps quiet when you have what to say and still keep quiet you are really strong it's God blessing us this morning character Kurata your words you don't speak on just insult everybody and say when I'm growing no you have to discipline yourself the discipline of conformity we call it let this mind you know correct living truly comes from superior thinking until you your mentality I told you I've said it again here in this church during the Messi conference that our bodies are only executors of our mindsets if something about your belief system is very you have a very fragile sense of self-worth you will always feel the need to express yourself can correct perceptions so the key is not just to talk right the keys are not great in your understanding because when that happens you find out that many things you say should not have been said every critic almost every critic already knows the truth so trying to tell them the truth is a waste of time the point was not to show that you are lying the point was to manage the frustration for being failures when critics criticize you most of the time they know the truth already Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and the let me just tell you the truth let me tell you what were discussing we know not I know we know that you I am and so when we ask you all those nonsense questions in the day don't mind us we know that you a man sent from God for no man can do these things some of you will leave church today wiser as you go back home and civil same Christians where did even say you came from the I you guys I came from church you are not you there's no need to answer that question because the person your godliness is judging their spiritual on seriousness and they have to find a way of watering down yourself worth you just got promotion in this Nigeria only god knows what we do in this secret oh you see those kinds of statements and you said look let me tell you by God's grace I don't sleep on these unnecessary you don't have to waste your time saying that a critic knows the truth you don't need to repeat what is already known your silence shows the superiority of your understanding character I will bless this morning service number three the third index for measuring your spiritual growth is your level of spiritual understanding Colossians chapter 1 and verse 9 that will be filled with the knowledge of his will that will be filled with all wisdom and that will be filled with spiritual understanding the level of your spiritual understanding let me give you three scriptures quickly hebrews chapter 5 from verse 11 to 13 cables and then let's read this one first Corinthians 14 verse 20 very powerful first Corinthians 14 verse 20 let's read together ready one two read please brethren be not children in understanding aha howbeit in malice aha hold on then wash it that's something very serious there he's saying there are some things you should be like a child in sometimes you look at the child and say you are stupid and the child does not even understand English enough to know what you are say so he's plain and just do his same when it has to do with those things malice he says be children but in understanding be matured or men your depth of comprehending the ways of God the Bible says you must mature you start but you don't remain there it's important that we grow in our spiritual understanding that means for instance any please come my friend if this man has been here at household of David for five years I don't expect if I come as a believer who just got born again this guy should be able to show me a pathway for good or towards growth he doesn't have to be a pastor it is proof that he has grown he doesn't have to be the Bible study secretary I should be able to meet him as ISA I was a drunkard last week I just got born again what next as well am I depressed or do you think that as you similarly did you see a column an egg that's not the issue how did you grow yourself if you are really growing it should not be difficult to direct people most times one able to answer that question because we are not growing ourselves or we are not growing intentionally are we blessed how many of you here can wear is a good question to ask and poke the men - you mean it I'm impressed I mean what I cannot do if I see you doing it I honor you seriously for it I mean like you can't cook Oh even for the governor of this state ah you see now now watch this if you are that good is it true that you should be afraid if I ask you to teach me are you see now you are that good good enough to teach to cook for the governor that's a level of mastery that should not allow for guessing the young cannot blow well - they are not boiled tomorrow that level of error you should have passed it are we together now watch this this is the same way if you are beating the church in the house of God for a while you should have heard because every pastor will emphasize the area that represents his Congress you would have heard different messages come along that area to have strengthened you it will be an embarrassment when you are part of a ministry and the core revelations that represent the foundation of that ministry is not yet your conviction you should be able to articulate it with intelligence he blessed press the Lord it's like going to pass the summer there means church for instance and calling someone and say please what is value and it's a I've just been a walk I've really not had the opportunity to listen I've been I'm always at the parking lot honestly it's not like it's my fault God knows that I'm sorry him it is an embarrassment now if you go to maybe just just any Church around and you ask for value and so you can excuse them it depends on what God called the man of God to do I will together now but for that kind of thing is like meeting someone in Reinhard Bonnke esteem and saying what is salvation and he says well I know is synonymous with deliverance thus that's how far I know it's an embarrassment within the context of that church or that institution the things that are most surely believed are we together and so you access man and tell him okay I need to grow there are some things I expect this brother to know how do we plan the kingdom this is a prosperous church I don't expect you to score 0 for 10 for that question it's an embarrassment first to God then to the Grace and the leadership of your pastor you should be able to tell me there are principles isn't it yeah thank you understanding I'm passionate about understanding it is very important incorporate in the corporate world one of the principles that they teach the people is the core value of the company they they capture it in Creed's the capturing they are training their way it has vest the goal is to make sure that it becomes embedded in their minds is that true so that you ask them who are you what do you stand for what do you represent and with with with with with the mastery of an artist they will articulate it this is what we are here for what are your core values were here for efficiency we're here for service were here for product delivery etc and they state those things it is the same principle that must be in the church I should be able to ask any worker here what do you stand for what I mean is what is your rule as given to your pastor and as revealed to you the Bible says write the vision then the next assignment is make it plain explain it open the dimensions of the vision so that it is fully understood and the benefit of making it plain is that he were wrong who reads it whoever understands it were wrong whoever does not understand it will be slothful Alleluia and then of course the last index for measuring spiritual growth is the art workings of the power of God in your life if you have been in this church for while you should have seen that this church gives him a great allowance for the operation of the spirit and so there are certain dimensions of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit that we expect to be at work and to be strong in your life are we blessed let's get back to what we're discussing that the first assignment of every worker is not service but spiritual growth say in the name of Jesus please shout to say in the name of Jesus I receive grace to take my spiritual growth seriously you have to grow you have to grow most of the things that destroy the work force in any church come as a result of the the presence of the flesh the flesh the lusts the the needful vain glory the need all of these things are things that will be remedied did you know that I'm honestly speaking even at the organizational level most most ministries and Christian platforms that don't pray and don't grow can spend five hours for something that should be agreed upon in 15 minutes why because everyone is manifesting the depth of the flesh that is at work they say I don't agree with this one say but the Holy Spirit is saying this now I mean he was it and I for some reason I don't agree it would take two weeks before you now first and Priyanka Chopra's is really good by that time you've wasted the time of people so when people grow spiritually the Bible says Acts chapter 2 verse 1 it says now when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all gathered not in one place in one Accord everybody's in one Accord the Holy Ghost could come upon them corporately because the way in one Accord press the Lord okay let's talk about efficiency in the house of God let me just talk about that and then we'll find somewhere to pray let's pray in the spirit for one minute I think is good when when we talk like this we just have some time to pray [Music] we do these things because we love him hallelujah baby to the baby to the Father [Music] who is misty this right is down to be an effective worker in the house of God the following should be present in your life number one conviction please write it down the first key to efficiency in service now we're talking of service [Music] conviction what does this mean you must believe best the message and the messenger every vision every church every Christian platform has the message not messages not series not salmon's the message the Bible says this is the message that we have received from the beginning the message represents the core belief the core assignment I will together now you must believe the message and the messenger let me show you a scripture that will bless you John chapter 6 please less that from verse 55 Jesus is teaching here John chapter 6 God is making someone an effective what kind this house in the name of Jesus now look at this Jesus is in the middle of a very serious teaching here for my flesh is meat indeed controversial teaching and my blood is drink indeed aha he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him we don't please as the living father had sent me and I live by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me would you run away when a pastor is talking like this now imagine for God's sake you eat my flesh you drink my blood I came from afar it doesn't let me just go out of this place - it's like this revoir is an aquatic organization 58 this is that bread which came down from heaven another confusion from flesh has gone to bread not as your father's did eat manna and are dead he that eateth of this bread shall live forever sometimes you need to pity those who were with Jesus don't attack them unnecessarily or the teaching is you have seen the other side of the teachin when they were in the lecture room with Jesus he had not died so there were certain things they didn't understand this is that bread which came down from heaven right not as your father's did eat manna and are dead he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever read on please he says this thing said he in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum AHA many therefore look at this many therefore of his word please talk to me when they had heard this said this is a hard saying who can hate not newcomers not visitors disciples they had been with him 61 when Jesus knew himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them thought this offend you was my assignment or venue was the message that represents liberation over sin does it offend you and when Jesus knew him okay 61 62 what and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend out where he was before he says it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and life 64 but there are some of you that what leave not for jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe not and should and who should betray him that means the ones that betray are the ones that believe not the ones that will always be used are the ones that truly do not the ones that are not there they can be there but they believe not 65 and he said therefore said I unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto Him of my father from that time many of his disciples did what went back and walked no more with him then said Jesus unto the twelve will you also go away when we get to 69 we can stop there 68 then Simon Peter means someone here be like him I know we insult Simon Peter and say run away from Jesus just for three days he tried with this kind of teaching on you run away for only three days you came back on the third day repenting that's a faithful worker [Music] let's continue Lord to whom shall we go thou has the words of eternal life and we believe Alleluia and assured that you are Christ pastor Shula I believe that you are a man of God sent from heaven send as my pastor listen just because you are in church does not mean you believe the man of God and the message two things you must believe if you do not believe it something will happen have you seen our respectfully speaking I think this is a challenge that almost every Christian organization would have it is terrible to be in a place and not agree is better to go away are we together now this is not something you need to discharge is everywhere every time Jesus match people with conviction he had regard for them even though they were wrong you should neither be here nor there you are in a church and then they sail as fast for three days and he said this thing here there was something I read the other day I have a problem with this fact I will just do it just because they said we should do it but in my heart kind you see because you do not believe the man of God and because you do not believe the message you may not receive the most effective people in redeemed today for instance are the people who believe the man of God and believe the message the most effective people in people life today are the people who believe the man of God and believe the message I call the names for a reason the most effective people say in mountain of fire today are people who believe the man of God and the message it is dangerous to be in a place and then function in the place and you don't believe lift your hands and receive the blessing under people just look I don't believe this man is anointed but let me just live man you will never receive anything you see now yes notice that every time people receive Jesus as touching his office thou son of David not Jesus thou son of David I know you more than just the 33 year old body there are many people in many churches who are the first to go back talk about their pastors now and not it doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong that's not the issue that every time something begins to happen to that on/off factor the the lack of perception the sons of the Prophet were offended already and I believe when you study the context of Scripture they were justifiably so because Elijah was a temper man and so you can imagine that all of that would destroy him what Elijah said no if you like back at me shout at me I know what I'm looking for he's sought after him diligently I tell you why many people do not receive the graces upon their pastors because they are just there some are there because they are paid staff of an organization that happens to run on Christian values is God helping us I am a person of very strong convictions even if I'm wrong I want to know that I am I'm standing somewhere and I'm not ashamed to change and switch transformation and transition is something that God allows but to be neither here nor there it's important to stand for something I were together now yes do you believe in this dear man of God this discussion this morning is very serious I went to pray do you believe that he's not just pastors Allah who you just saw and decided to come I just like the man he's a great teacher I just like the woman of course a one no no no no no no no we no man after the flesh can you discern muscle isn't it amazing that sometimes people in our own assemblies go through troubles that our grace can solve in a moment but they have refused to discern that grace I think it was one of the great Father's of faith in this nation that made a statement and said his brother and his friend had some serious financial challenges and they came and met him and the friend was since I know you a servant of God I've seen God used to open doors for people please pray for me and the brother came you know and met him and said look Rose you have to help me I'm in a serious financial situation he was not asking for prayer he said I know you have money we know ourselves just bring this thing and help me let me solve this problem same problem for one person he will receive money and you return back again for another person you receive the grace that will cause men and ideas to draw forth resources to him it is very very powerful let me tell you this and I submit to you in the name of the Lord I loved your pasta with all my heart but I would tell you there is one thing your pastor and his wife have done we've known ourselves for some years and I can tell you this I stand by the integrity of God's Word your pastor and the wife we can laugh we can play but they continue to keep this awareness of that honor of the grace of God upon my life all the time without fail and this I appreciate and I celebrate you truly for it it's true [Applause] is Jesus a capita to you or a savior is your pastor and elder brother or just a man of God Oh a man sent from God to bless you everybody said conviction as this woman of God can I kiss you again ma'am please come as this woman of God stands to sing do you just see her as someone who just has a good voice in household of David or is English or do you see her as one who is anointed of God that as she stands to sing you're saying Lord this is a vessel listen I share this with you sincerely because this is how I've trade my workers do you know let me tell you this these are my dear people I don't even know where they are now watch this did you know that these guys have worked with me for many years I have different sets but many times they themselves look for times when everybody has gone so that I can now sit down and teach them you would think that because they work with me every day they have no in all fairness usually when we sit down to eat is the best moment because they can now fish me out of the room and now when we sit down there is the opportunity to ask questions and I always use that hunger check because where there is hunger there is honor usually when you are filled you can push the food and it falls hunger and honor usually goes hand in hand I have benefited from the grace that is upon your pastor profound grace have you you are workers do you now see why visitors are the ones who receive more in many churches they come for meetings I'm so glad and blessed for this meeting this morning because in a few hours now this place will be full of people who are coming oh the man of God is coming and several people and it is painful any man who loves God wants his people blessed I thank God for what I continue to do did you know that many times if I miss my meeting there my people corner and say these Legos people again this is ten people again this one's against I'm the plane is just lifting on you who may not see me for a while when you heard me I hope you listen to everything I told you you just download all of the messages did you know that I go on YouTube myself to download my teachings I don't ask the people just come and give me is my teachings when I listen to it I don't listen to the teachings of Joshua sermon and listen to the teachings of an anointed man of God I tell you this there are times that I'm listening to that teaching and the man of God is about to pray and I'm in my room I go down on my knees receiving that's how to partake of my own grace I'm most honored the grace to Larry to the Father do you believe what I'm sharing with you yes son these are not things you will hear me say everywhere believe me when I tell you this yes sir I go back and I listen there is no tape I don't listen to my teachings no D so when is the Apostle I have 200 of your messages me too I have it I listen to it and sometimes when I'm listening to it I just nod my head this man my god I'm doing exactly what you are doing to and impact patients upon impartation x' graces come and I come out with fresh fire say let me tell you what you dishonor will never work for you even if it's on you if the grace is so close to be on you if this woman is lifting a song do you believe that she's standing as a mystery ministering life if you don't believe it she will sing something that can drive our pain from your body and that pain will remain there when you understand this every war kind this house will honor one another because you are you are a compendium of Graces in disguise where you are one another you don't know what you hope my yesterday fashion is not today's fashion you don't know what and thirdly yesterday I heard you last week but you don't know who prayed for me between last week and this week you don't know what anointing I want mantle I encounter so when they say hope one another I came don't be carried away by the last week fashion of me I have received something that hog can be the hog that transfers favor in the house of God the man of God himself is a student in the school of the Spirit there are graces he does not have what is walking in the church is not from him is from the workers God gives him the honor because he's the leader I have received impartation from children you come to a ministry you know the honor I have for my children even if even if you know most of my people who say we're your children tricep their children iron levels I'm talking of the Dinos and let the little children come to me you were already complicated with all your own belief let me just deal with these ones they have taught me humility this children come to hug me and sometimes daddy bring down your ears and I'm bringing down my yes and hi I'm somebody's apostle and here this children can be teach me they remind me of how to receive from God I never tell them no and I wonder what I can why I cannot tell them no I said this is the secret when I become like them then I've secured God ears too you see the adult standing and waiting and pushing and fighting and the children are comfortable they just calm daddy I want biscuit today's my birthday this is my report card they come with confidence and it's okay go and tell that Ann today to give you biscuit can I deny that child that means there is a way approach God God I need a household in Legos everybody can say God I need a house a that's alright I am committed to attending to you or someone else who come and say God I need a house and go to say Legos you heard him he needs a house immediately every landlord every Richmond becomes in trouble because one person told God he needs your house god I need a land that's what happened to your church here when Pastor showed me this place I said pastor I know you a man of God boy you are really a man of God are we together thank you conviction somewhere as we as we prepare to round up I will call pastor and his wife somewhere not not not now and they will come and we'll stand together and speak over the walkers it's important to not only drink of the grace of strangers but the grace upon your man of God it's not idolizing it's not idolatry don't mind ignorant people and some of the things that they say I know that there are imbalances here and there but let me tell you sincerely there are cheap victories there were people let me tell you I remember those days when God began to expand God's sovereign Bishop David oedipal I remember that time do you know people would come to testify and say I just got a job I did apply for I taught it to a so unfair I said what's the meaning of this I mean this guy somebody just decided to go abroad and say I should take over his warehouse and I'm saying my god and I found out that you can actually be under a grace and even before you learn how it works you can be receiving the result is the benefit of understanding there are people who came under certain Grace's they were non-title I tell you what the Devorah didn't come near them they were supposed to come near them except that a Grace and a covenant had built an immunity it gains them so their purpose of learning is not to really drag the Devorah is to maintain continuity of certain blessings that had come alleluiah there is no man that god calls that he does not give a message and anointing and a jurisdiction of influence when God wants to promote you in the spirit these are the three things also that you multiply the strength of your message an increase of your grace and then an increased fear of influence an influence also means people because in the multitude of men is a king's honor so when God honors you he crosses your voice to reach more people are we learning something this morning yes I have trained and taught my workers to know how to place a demand there are battles you shoot honestly not maybe let me just give the last point let me know go ahead of myself the rewards let's talk quickly the rewards that follow Kingdom service the rewards that follow being a faithful worker that your first assignment is your spiritual group then your service and that in serving you must be governed by conviction I love you Jesus but I love pastor Saleh - I love his wife I love the leadership they don't have to be perfect perfection is unnecessary and exhausting I've taught you messy conference go and get the teaching although force I'm an apostle I love you have you seen me when I'm hungry no sir have you seen me when I'm hungry no sir you know I've said that most people love Jesus because they can't see him if Jesus comes for two weeks on earth in the flesh many people will reject deny and even kill him looking for perfection a perfect shot a perfect work force a perfect head of Department a perfect head of that unit is a joke because you are not one yourself so we're not trying to deal with some childish things here we're discussing real issues you will find angry people as your leaders you will find temporals people as your leaders there are times you will see higher and better than them justifiably so but then you are mandated to submit sometimes with their limitation let me tell you God has a way of remedying everything your assignment is to remain faithful and true a gifted rebel is not an asset a gifted rebel is not an asset no matter who comes from the US or UK and comes to our ministry now and says I want to join the worship team believe me he must pass through the system I will not suddenly tell my people well done you know that I love you but right now we're looking for growth and since you are not coming from the US its modern your voice I need people who know and the Sun and understand and respect what I represent it is the mistake that many people make an insane disrespectfully please do not automatically end those people without a track record of loyalty a track record of spiritual growth more than skill they must understand and catch the spirit of the vision otherwise their skill will give them access and their rebellion will make them to draw others Alleluia there are several people who see me and some of them respectfully speaking they come from outside the country and they come and see a poster I love you I came God said you come and mentor me I said listen to the teachings and sometimes I just because you think you came from wherever suddenly will I stop what I'm doing just because I want to make you go and listen to the message that's how God uses to mentor me too so you listen to the message you settle down you listen with all your heart beware of people who just come emotionally to be your ammo bearer they come emotionally to be like I come to donate myself I just want to be a drama for the glory of God this is all I want to do be careful it may not be you it may be something that they saw that they love the flamboyancy the dexterity the anointing is very magnetic it's amazing how many times when I'm innocent not oppressive you come to me and say I've always known my father I say hey you don't know how my father hood is gone ask questions friends before you follow me and get hungry for nothing you are my father you are my mother and my sister you are my DS and you know and people say these things and sometimes they are sincere I pursue I'm living where I am I'm coming down to sorry I'll come and stay I walk with you I wash your toilets out I don't hate them I know they are sincere I know that they will end their lessons in the future but for now I know what they are saying what they are saying is I love you and I truly all know the grace of God upon your life I decide what their hearts are saying workers must be trained no matter how skillful there is a spirit no body begins to walk in the ministry without that impartation and that prayer is impossible I don't know how you do it here but but that pastor we do we hold workers retreat twice a year and there are times when I get to teach the workers I share with them some of these things we talk about the technical aspect of our work and all of that I'm sorry we may not have the time to discuss that in this morning's session it's not a standard workers meeting you get the idea and so I'm communicating truths that are applicable to everyone but it is important for you to understand that conviction and loyalty is true come have you had this D already do you know I super social assertiveness Oh myself let me tell you my story already when he started be careful people who cannot you to begin to sponsor a rebellion yeah they are killing your light I know this does not make sense but believe what I'm telling you there are men of God you will never hear me talk about it doesn't mean I don't see I'm not blind but my mouth will not speak are you getting what I'm saying yes father I pray for my pastor shall I cut Ischia on Sunday he's going to be coming to preach in the name of Jesus he just returned from a trip i don't know how tired he may be but in the name of Jesus father we see what is happening around marriages protect him keep him you know a lot of people don't pray for do you know that service is not just cleaning chance that intercessory ministry the greatest way any man can bless any man of God is not to give him a car or a house is to bow your knees to the father of glory pray the challenge that be you know people say Apostle I want to be us ah better rebuke that statement quickly you don't know what it means to be me do you know the attacks per day that followed this man when the Bible says arrows that fly by day he wrote it for some of us all the arrows that fly by day the noisome pestilence I know you not me today but if tomorrow you here that are this approach would SH am in his room say you see we know we we I suspected that that level of anointing [Laughter] [Music] oh you must pray we are men we are men you must pray the challenges Jesus cried jesus wept Jesus costed three because food would not come out of it imagine what men of God who caused when food doesn't come out Jesus the Son of the Living God caused a tree where did he keep patience so you have to pray do you know there are times that I'm going for me in a meeting and I'm just tired and I'm just wondering what am i doing in this plane for God's sake and as soon as I arrived the people were happy I possibly can't believe you are here and I say oh dear I'm here all of me with the tiredness with the grace with the anointing we're all here and the unfortunate thing is that the part that is needed is the revelation and the anointing the tiredness remains with you you need to pray ask the wife of the of of an average man of God the sacrifices they make I'm telling you you are lying down with your husband in the night he gets up like something is wrong and is strolling in the room SHINee's Cappadocia honey's and no sleep just sleep God is revealing I just saw the vision of a new auditorium and she said this this man Lord what did I marry they want me what did I marry and yet the vision comes to pass and then everybody's clapping and when it's a celebrated woman of God is well is it oneness or division listen brothers and sisters let me tell you this you have to understand the mystery of this local assembly the house of God and what it takes to be a worker a worker listen we're about to pray a worker is not just one who serves a worker is one who defends a worker is one who protects Jemmy household of David a worker is one who protects a worker is one who defends the greatest ally of any man of God should be his workforce as much as you love me I'm here only for today and then I'm back tomorrow the greatest defense I have aside from God and family is that they're people who believe in me enough to be part of the team listen believe your pastor believe your pastor love him with all your heart sincerely be willing to defend that which he stands for pray for him do not be the one allowing the devil to use you to plant wrong seeds no Pierre Walker indeed being a worker will cost you your reputation being a worker will cost you your time being a worker will cost you your energy being a worker will cost you a lot but it is the price that's why being a worker is not cheap only God can tell these people and where they walk and the various sacrifices you can see that I'm standing here and they are standing with me it's a sacrifice but do you think brothers and sisters that you will really serve the purposes of God as committed to a man and God will leave you empty-handed there are benefits there are benefits let's wrap up with them the rewards number one Exodus chapter 23 please from verse 25 and 27 Brandes Kiba Russia attack on Abbas you know your relevance by the vacuum that is created when you are not there if your absence does not create any effect it means your presence is not a blessing you shall serve the Lord your God by serving his purposes but you serve the purposes of God among other ways by serving in the house of God some of you are here today and while you are hearing me speak the Spirit of God is speaking to you are planted in this house not just to be a member but to serve it is not members that receive it is those who serve Alleluia the Bible says I will bless your bread for serving I will bless your water I will take sickness away from you it is real the fullness of your days you will fulfill reward number two Philippians chapter 1 and verse 7 shall approves k'day-bra hacia the Madonna even as it is meat for me to think this of you all because I have you in my heart inasmuch as both in my bonds and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel and then he says ye all everybody say ye all not ye some ye all are partakers of my grace please give me volume let me teach you something now we're praying one of the most powerful mysteries of service is the privilege and the ability to in a covenant relationship partake of the grace now there are Grace's upon men and there are Grace's upon institutions I hope you know that yes [Music] so I can discern the grace that is upon pastor Shula and I can serve my way into that grace while you are serving shall lockup on Cardassia I gave you my testimony with Reinhard Bonnke my encounter in 2004 from the first day sir I desired the grace report that man's life I knew that I would not protect my hand as a fellow man of God and go and receive that grace no the first day was wonderful but I said lord I have to say even if his for 10 minutes I I was looking around I wanted to join the work force and they said no we are trained I said training or no training I'm all you don't know where I came from I almost received something here and I was willing you know I saw they were willingly people on wheelchair I held them and I was pushing them I said Lord this is how he to be in my meetings to she kappa buscetta I sounded crazy when I don't care I never met with him one-on-one but the grace came it came solid from heaven to him it was when he finished preaching did you know that in in in Alitalia the man that interpreted for him would one day interpret for me in a crusade that's how powerful that in London when this grace is landed shows that it has come upon you service is powerful many people not believe us because of the burden that comes with service five o clock you on your way to church again believe us they just they just get cheap labor out of members there may be people who are taking advantage of that you northern serve in an anointing more than serving a man of God reserved in his majesty that's why I started by showing you the universal group read why will I wake up by 3 o clock to come and sweep the church entire bottom sweeping shallop arose kappa Lord this is arm sweeping every nonsense out of my life service let me tell you this for a few of you who are visited our ministry the the the way the way my people walk not even me can distract them these people work sometimes from 6:00 in the morning up until I'm done 2 a.m. 3 a.m. and they are all joyful and happy laughing and I say my god why will I allow the devil come to destroy their lives they are partakers as I rise dear ice that's what it means to be a partaker have you seen a bird feed the children the bird labels and gets the food and then they just open your mouth joyfully there are battles you don't need to fight your service should have conquered it for you already every time I pray I don't pray for myself when I listen impartation I don't receive from myself alone I receive happily and I know that everyone who is fully connected to this grace there are people let me tell you who may not even be part of the ministry in terms of workforce but they are so connected I have never seen them but the day I see them I see what is on me on them I know the discipline of or not their way to sacrifice and service into that grace we're going to pray particles Salah Lord I have seen my past Oh excel financially what is wrong with this financial situation is distracting me i discerned a crease ida sunday anointing what I've seen that you have raised help from my pastor every time I may walk in this house but I'm just working jealously what I discerned I discerned salon does Kabara to say best ever illusions [Music] that's it Alleluia please listen to me household of David I came here this morning to have this special session with the workers if you came here to church is a wonderful way and time to be in church because God may be speaking to you there are many people who refuse to join the workforce of ministries because they feel they don't want trouble I don't want disturbance I don't want inconvenience don't call me by nine don't call me by 10 don't call me by 2 I don't need anything let me tell you the testimony of a a gentleman he's the one who helps with all you know my airport activities and all of that that gentleman went to serve at the airport he was a student in school of ministry he was so faithful did you know he will be from Abuja there to his work I'll rush back I saw the way he was faithful and I said Lord this boy is already helping me here I need somebody to help facilitate these things for me for the sake of the kingdom he makes my travels so efficient and I prayed and he just told me that they gave him a job there I said father keep him here you now tell me if if the devil ones who take that that gentleman out of the end even if it's for a selfish reason I will cast that demon myself where are the boys aware of the attack or not you can be so efficient God's jealousy will come to protect you even man you don't know that there are battles before you you are too useful it is these people that he suffered no man to do them wrong he reproved Kings for the second touch not mine anointed not my man of God my prophets no harm if you kill this person who play the guitar if you kill this lady who sing the song no I do the garrison a fortification hear me household a baby the days are evil you will need to secure your place I shall not die but live and declare declare to service now when death comes the Grace and the angel that were sent to this commission stands at the ratification and says whence you have come this far lose your job why you're you are you are the one who always buys water to the pastor in his office he does not know it was your covenant with God to say Lord I will never allow my pastor to be tested and now the devil wants to come and take away the salary this is not human manipulation I understand this thing [Music] one of the ways that you become an effective workers to sacrifice the sacrifice of your resources the sacrifice of look my brothers and my sisters who are going to pray but I want you to make up your mind and covenant with God and the grace of God upon your man of God I don't want to come to church every Sunday and not receive from God remember that this is not human worship all blessings come from God through men to men from God through men to men I repeat again from God through men to men cheaply you can obtain a grace that opens doors for you by savvy and for those of you considering whether or not this is the house that the Lord has planted you in let me tell you sincerely it's not enough to just be a member you come the chairs are cleaned you come the sound is set when will you be part of it when will other people drink from your grace - I made up my mind that I will serve Him I'm a worker in his vine yard I'm a worker in his house I spent my life serving his prophecies that is the reason why he will not allow anything at all the jealousy of God now made a lot of peace give you peace always by all means there are people you think evil about them in the secret you start dying in the secret there the jealousy of God he is found a foul upon their lives can you be that person today there are creases that God has put upon this house there are graces God has put upon pastor Scholl and his wife there are creases that God has put upon your your choir some of you here are trusting God to step into dimensions of the worship ministry yes you want to become the Don moans and all of that but where you are you can start you can start by honoring this grace God can speak to you and say there our next attire may be their uniform of whatever it is put something on ground I vow a vow and I cry to God as a lot for many years maybe the biggest giver and partner in my ministry this these are true I would not hide it from you I have a list of ministries that I give to consistently some of them never known it's from the depth of my heart I may not be able to one sweep the churches you hardly give my testimonies of going to of wanting to go to the u.s. to one scrub the toilets of Charles and Frances Hunter as a man of God I was not going there as opposed to Joshua Selma no you can serve your way into anointings Elijah's served his way into Greece's you can use sacrifice where you don't have the opportunity to serve your seed can cancer was it not a CI carry to Canaan learn to go and drop in the life of God's sovereign Bishop David available I was already a man of God in my own regard and I dropped that seed and I came out in the presence of everybody and the Lord told me kneel down on the ground there you cannot land I knelt down and he said put your hand there he says from today you have entered the overflow anointing [Music] it was service that connected me to certain strange graces of favor of share with you my story that I saw two women and I said please you are elderly women you are my mother's not biological but let me oh no you oh no we'll bring you into prepared blessings you are not even aware of I remember paying for sugar came for them and they bless me and one of that old mama looks at me and then she tells me my son forever walk upon gold is the grace that opens the two lived gates of territories is more than money if all you have this money you are not rich you must have access to the loyalty of a generation we're ready to proceed asleep I apologize I know we've taken some time but I share the burden of your past Oh to see that the workers in this house become partakers of these grace every time I have the opportunity to come here I see the sacrifices of your people from the protocol to the welfare to the OSHA's and everybody and honestly it is in my heart that the greatest desire of every man of God is not just to see that his blessing people which kind of people if you bless your people they are increasing that the next time we come to household of David open doors greater levels in the spirit greater miracles breakthroughs it gladdens the heart of everyone gladden the heart of everyone any man of God will cry I remember years ago 20 14 or 13 we lost one of my dear ladies she was a head of department I loved her so dearly chosen a cadet and this lady for some reason and the way she died I took responsibility under my covering that kind of death I went for every three three days I said Lord what happened that my eyes did not see what is the excellency of the prophetic if my people are dying under that grace when you love when people serve you and serve their anointing you'll be coming back to their welfare not just by physically giving them money alone but seen to eat that their eyes [Music] is God blessing us in your name we will rise I don't [Music] miserable [Music] we pass they that be planted in household of david they shall flourish in the courts of our God the Bible declares that in old age they will be fat and flourishing prayer point number one lord give me conviction where I have been serving just as a ritual where I have not designed the grace that is upon this house the grace upon your servant I obtain grace from God to see that grace to see and serve with understanding please lift your voice and begin to pray lift your version begin to pray [Music] lift your voice and begin to pray [Music] la posada Miranda que debería tosya this little boys have begin to fray [Music] [Music] Alleluia prayer point number two look at me I want you to pray Lord the grace to give my best in this house yeah me the truth is that some of you here you are already serving your way to your own ministry too not everybody will be here forever some of you God will also give you your ministries one day it doesn't just have to be a pulpit ministry let there be a track record this is what I teach my people even if is two weeks you have to serve give your best let it be that tomorrow you will not see the destiny of this ministry and be ashamed because you did not give your best you are going to pray Lord in any way I've not given my best are your team grace and mercy from God in heaven too well myself like a drink or friend lift your voice and pray you raise your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] press the Lord number three please look at me one of the ways we serve in the house of God is to serve with our gifts when Jesus was born three men came the Magi the Bible says they came with gifts to serve His Majesty they came with gifts of gold they came with gifts of frankincense they came with gifts of man your gift may be your connection to government you can serve the house with that access for some of you your gift may be artistry there is something you can do in the house of God for some of you your gift may be in the area of music God has given me that grace some of you have certifications that I use food to be used in the house of God some of you is the gift and the grace of the blessings of God upon your life some of these the gift of access I was taught when pastor Saleh shared with me about a dear woman of God in this church one time that the Messi conference and billboards she just collected the soft copy and broadcasted it in the billboards Savi's I remember the first time I came to this church remember when he sold an attacking was amazing what he did for me because he didn't even measure me he just looked at me and went on solid and and it fitted me as a who is this one I was so blessed I prayed for him from the depth of my heart how many people continue to Ross the way their gifts in the house of God don't you know that service in the house of God gives you an opportunity for expression and development there is a place for you if you are serious some of you goddess bless you with a graceful intellect the Secretariat is waiting for you you can honor your way and become serious some of you God has granted you grace for children they will cry when everybody is talking to them except you is a grace Alleluia Lord what is it that I can do in this house what is my contribution how can I lift up the hands of the man of God so that the purposes of God committed to this ministry have begin to rise and drive lifts Oh boys Andre [Music] please spray lift your voice and pray [Music] please pray pray from the depth of your heart harue salaburu skala brenda get a pose [Music] what can I do I want you to know [Music] [Music] Alleluia look at me one day your life will only be measured of how much of it was given to the purposes of the kingdom when you stand before his majesty ladies and gentlemen you not be asked how well you educated yourself as important as studies a day will come when I stand before his majesty it will only be that which was recorded on account of my service for him that we stand before him proud we stand before him happy and say lord I did my best I am like you because of your service [Music] to below I if und evangelism Department Lord fresh fire they may laugh at us but we win souls we will sit with that there will be no Sunday that there is no soul coming to Jesus during the prayer Department I will pray in the rain you and the music team Lord hourly has mail matter I will never be offended by my music directors I give my best during the finance department I would not only count money I will swing to it I like you to pray I don't know what unique office you occupy in this church and what department will lift your voice answer not the grace to give my best the grace to keep my best were rounding up the grace to give my best the grace to give my best the grace you give my best while you are play my request pastor challenges as their wife please call the grace to give my best so money spray [Music] Alleluia please listen to me this is not religion believe me whether you're a walker or you are just coming here to church this is the man and the woman of God that God has put over this ministry I believe in them I truly believe in the grace of God upon their lives and I'm going to give them the mic the woman of God is going to speak from the boils of our spirit just make declarations over your life please I want you to believe it and then pastor will make declarations I'm standing in agreement with them this morning where the three fourth quarter cannot be easily broken and while they are speaking please believe and insist that this week you must return I know there is a miracle service in the night but that some of you even before evening the Lord I have served your purposes but is time for I I need to shift to another dimension hallelujah please believe it from the depth of your heart to Jesus thank you Jesus Lord bless you we give you peace god bless you were given this god bless you the grace that makes what is the grace that opening doors is release in the name of Jesus the grace that makes for his the grace that makes us to stand before kings is the least in the name of Jesus unusual favor unusual favor favor with strategic people in high places that grace is released in the name of Jesus the grace that is upon the house of David that member of their own in the name of Jesus that we speak and not function in the name of Jesus that will receive favor in places that matter in the name of Jesus thank you Jesus if I pray or make the declaration as led by the man Oh God I saw something when it was many strain the Lord willed to me it brought a posture again during the annual conference the blessing of the Lord came down for many the nourishing between the Unruh conference are now so many Panera Sonoma voice should have been rapidly multiplied what the Lord is saying is that I brought my servants again to show you their reason there is always a reason the way has been cleared this morning the Lada just revealed to us what where he wants us to stand for us to be a partaker of the blessing please Wendy Smith in ends before evening do exactly what the Apostle said let in Lord find out from the Lord what do I need to do so many people that I said call this morning I suppose means I st. states we're not saying that you have stood afar off for too long join right now you have been a member you comment on but you are not in any units you are not in any department for this course our brig protocol for you'll be on your behalf and I will see anybody willing to they kind though you will go through the training or you can join any department that you want you and as you joined they will take you through the training but you can join any department you want to because of what I just upon this morning I don't want to put barrier before anybody or being the Spirit of God thank you Lord Jesus how begin by decree non-speaking over every Monday blessing of Jacob over Joseph Jacob said in Genesis 49 and I said to you Joseph is a fruitful ball I also love David and all of you listening to me this money you are a food football a fruit football by the way loose branches leap over the world he said the archers are shot at them they are attending boy is boredom a strong and the answer of your strengths are made strong by God of Jacob by your God who helps you and your my to bless you in the name of Jesus you have the blessing of the heaven above you are the blessing of the art beneath you are the blessing of the present of the womb and the blessing of your life is more than that of your progenitors you are like a well water garden like almost planted by the Lord like cedar planted by the Riverside your seed is in many waters and you boil your water from Bacchus many low-cost is face to shine on you in the name of Jesus Christ instead of sham you receive double portion your work in greater North in greater grace greater blessing in the name of Jesus Christ arise from this place today I'll shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you that nest may cover the earth and gross darkness the people but over you is a lot risen and his glory Singapore you chant has come to your light Kings to the brightness of your rising you lift up your eyes are you see the conifer they gather to you your souls are blow from afar your daughters are no such your side you'll see on your regular your art is full of joy because there are bundles of this is converted to you the forces of the genders shall come to you multitudes of commercial : they of Shiva the Condor bring gold and they proclaim the praises of God or the flows of cattle the realms of nabarro comet acceptance or your aura for brass you are gold from I only of silver for wood without iron alpha state lebra's violation Roma be hard in your land no waste or distortion between your borders in the name of Jesus Christ because I live favor your gates are open continually they bring the blessings of the nations and their kings in procession your social no longer go down neither should I move sell the lordís everlasting lights and the base of your money I ended Kings will be a foster father who easily of western border nations will hear you the Schiphol passage will work for you the island are the clothes who wait for your commands you shall be carried on English way you are blessing the name of the Lord these words are pronounced by the spirits of God and in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord praise the Lord just one declaration I believe in the favor of God I truly believe in the favor of God the Bible says an Isaiah prospered because he was marvellously helped no man can become anything of value until God helps you God can pick you from any dungeon and give you a face that the whole globe will honor I stand in agreement with pasola and his dear wife and in Jesus name I speak over your life household of David especially the workforce i prophesy increase i prophesy multiply in the name of Jesus Christ I decree on the clap be global in the name of Jesus everything that represents shame and reproach I stand in partnership with the grace upon your posture and I declare it is rolled like a cotton from your life whoever's ignored you within this city i prophesy and I command in the name of Jesus they are compared to favor you will speak for our neighbors and the commander to lift weights to Pat his aunt Rita for you in the name of Jesus may God raise strangers who do not know you to bless you may God bless strangers to honor you in the name of Jesus and I pray for you as God lifts your pastor may you rise to as God honors he made speak in your life in the name of Jesus everything that wants to bring you down we bring it down in the name of Jesus you are blessed you remain blessed in the name of Jesus amen and amen god bless you Jesus shall we appreciate God in the amount of God thank you for being a part of our broadcasts you know we never like to end without giving an opportunity to make Jesus Christ in God of your life commonly to Christ is being on joining the church is beyond a religion it is joining God's family and that is done when you believe in Christ Jesus so I just want to leave you right away now if you are if you want to give it a surprise just after me say Lord Jesus I believe that you died and rose again under you paid for my sins I accept you as my Lord and my Savior and from today I belong to you if you have said those words will believe they are born again you are part of God's family right now you can word I rejoiced about it and if you want to contact us just check the address is written on the screen your blessing we love you [Music]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 187,385
Rating: 4.807004 out of 5
Keywords: HOD Church, Household of David, Sola Osunmakinde, Christianity, Gospel, Music, Worship, Apostle Joshua Selman, Joshua Selman, household of david, apostle joshua selman messages, healing, apostle joshua selman videos, joshua selman, Strength For Spiritual Growth, Wonders Of God’s Mercy, Bukola Bekes
Id: EwLDAtB6_5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 50sec (7250 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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