Things No One Warned You About Being An Adult - AskReddit

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the moment you really realize that you'll be working almost every day for the rest of your life what is an adult problem you were not prepared for how often you have to clean to maintain a clean house but not only clean maintenance in general I just found a spot of mold in my garage and have to pull out what feels like half a wall also how quickly dust and dirt gathers everything's a magnet I'm so glad there are machines to do the dishes that's so excessively repetitive I would have gone mad if it didn't exist someone replied we just bought a bigger house in November at the time we had three daughters just had our fourth last month and her last house was too bad we thought upgrading would give everyone their own space to spread out a bit and it wouldn't feel so cluttered boy were we wrong instead we just doubled the square footage we have to maintain adults never actually growing up I used to look at 30 year olds and be like they got it figured out now I am 30 I feel more useless than I did when I was 17 at 17 I was making new friends was practicing music to get my punk rock bands somewhere was passionate about science and physics and everything space-related was keen on getting into a theoretical physics degree now on 30 I'm totally burned out I have no friends and neither do I know how to make any friends I live day-to-day with no passion or ambition I'm just slowly waiting for time to tick past and I'm just doing my time here every day that I get through without any major incident is a good day for me you have to buy insurance but can never use the insurance or else no one will sell you insurance there are two things about insurance that I cannot stand one is paying for insurance needing to use that insurance and then having to pay more for simply using it like what the hell was I paying for all this time just the opportunity to pay you more in the future it'd be like ordering a hamburger then then charging you more if you actually it'ld versus just leaving it there the second is having to pay insurance to insure someone does the job you were already paying them for for example shipping a package requires you to pay insurance if you'd like any chance compensation if they destroy or lose it accident or otherwise it would be like a waiter throwing your meal in your face and then saying they can't replace it by making a new one because you didn't bind sure insurance is just insane aging parents I still remember being a little kid around five or six watching the land before time and crying over littlefoot's mom dying I cried to my mom saying I didn't want her to go anywhere and she said don't worry because it's something that won't happen for a really long time cut ahead almost 30 years and that time is almost here I still remember it so vividly and losing my parents is probably the scariest thing in my life seems like time flew by and I'm worried with how quickly it's all moving how many adults I actually dislike when I was younger I thought my parents liked all our neighbors all my teachers all my coaches etc I've since found out that they thought most people were morons kind of like I do teachers surprised me the most when you're kid you assume that they're all friends they hang out in the teachers lounge and have secret parties or whatever now I'm an adult and my mom works for a school turns out they all hate each other they have their own little cliques and they gossip and bully each other behind their backs and I swear the teachers are worse than the kids are trying to make friends my social circle completely disbanded we were a tight-knit few but then one moved overseas to be with the love of his life and the other two moved interstate in opposite directions and being the introvert that i am i don't find socializing with strangers an enjoyable experience or an easy way to make new friends someone replied i'm child-free 40 and my best friend is moving away all the other women I know of children are too young my heart is grieving and I'm faced with being alone it's daunting the constant obsessive feeling that I'm fast running out of time to have an enjoyable life even though I'm only in my 20s I'm 40 that feeling is real and you should listen to it do it now you might not get the chance later my great-grandmother said that she and my great grandfather promised they would always take a cruise around the world after they retired it never happened because life got in the way but they could have done it when they were younger don't ruin yourself financially but if you can do that crazy thing you always wanted to do go do it make it happen how expensive lamps are and dining room tables and couch pillows $20 is standard for one pillow really I think everything is expensive but for some reason the fact that lamps are so freakin expensive is especially mind-boggling to me all of the lamps in my house I got from either the trash or for under five dollars at thrift stores back hurting just from sleeping wrong and from sitting wrong and from doing housework in yard work and from picking up dogs or kids or whatever life requires I sneezed in bed one morning waking up and missed my back up I missed three days of work because of it I don't like this my job is destroying my mental health but I need a job so I can pay my bills if I reduce my hours for better work / life balance I'll lose my insurance during a global pandemic my doctor has been telling me for about a year and a half that I should really be on disability because of my mental health but I can't afford to wait for two years through the inevitable denial reapply denial reapply phase and I also can afford my income being cut by 75% so I'll just be over here trying to keep my head above water when I really don't know how to swim falling in love at an older age but watching life speed by so fast I'm 33 never been married no kids and haven't had a real serious relationship since I was in my early 20s I've dated but nothing has lasted longer than like six months with the last stretch being eight years of being single I know I'm not a terrible looking guy and have gotten more attention since having lost nearly 40 pounds over the last two years but anytime I feel like I could connect with someone they seem completely disinterested I have a huge family now that my mom has remarried and watching my younger siblings have families and loved ones and kids I just worried that that might not be something that's in the cards for me I've learned to be okay on my own and have really enjoyed the time and money to discover myself and my passions but it does get lonely going from having tons of friends to really having no one even the few you have if they get married and start popping out kids before you poop I was a groomsman at my buddy's wedding and haven't seen him face to face in two years first kid back to college for his master's degree house renovations have all kept him on lockdown and now quarantine right when he finished his degree someone replied you really have to work at friendships in adulthood I've got three proper friends left from school two of them my girlfriend is really friendly with their wives so we meet up with all of us the third dude excluding his stag do and wedding I've only seen him three times in the last three years thankfully we met up just before lockdown started the best friends in life you cannot see for ages but when you meet up it's like you only just saw them the week before how expensive living is I worked all through high school but my only bill was the gas I put in my car 30 hours a week on minimum wage goes a long way out shopping sprees and nail salons when you don't have any other expenses I developed nasty spending habits not the value of a hard earned dollar my parents were hoping for I'm not in crippling debt or anything but sometimes having to spend money on groceries or utilities depresses me more than it rationally should being able to not cook the same meal every day while balancing hundreds of other tasks and will always admire my mom for how she was able to cook have a clean house work 43 hours and help her children do homework all while taking time to work out at the end of every day I could mention other common problems like money management and common tasks that I haven't mastered but what really hit me like a train was the actual transition of adulthood I'm talking about having to make my own appointments and having to keep tabs on myself instead of handing every single document to my mom I realized how unorganized I was when I found my birth certificate in the same drawer where I have junk receipts drifting away from school friends because moving away but then struggling to make new friends in a new city I have a friend from high school that I really do love to hang and talk with still when I moved to college two hours away we barely saw each other when I graduated and moved only 40 minutes away I swore I would visit more often but I also then had a job that ate up my time I ended up seeing her even less now despite living closer it's so frustrating keeping everything balanced in your 20s is so damn hard the increasing speed of passing years it's weird because my life has had so many different chapters it gets repetitious and goes by quickly but things have changed quickly at certain points that are not even on the same timeline anymore some things I remember very well but still seemed so long ago how does time moving forward and I remember someone saying in college some upperclassmen not a wise professor days go by slowly but weeks go by like snaps his fingers this is evident to a 20 year old kid I got off track why does time move forward so quickly but as looking back it's taken a million years to get this far dealing with your parents acting like children my parents have always acted like children however as a child I was blind to this now as an adult I realize how immature and lost my parents actually are I love my parents when I have phone conversations with them and they ask me for advice I'm like wow I thought you had everything figured out but thank you for considering me seriously as a sounding board parents are not the perfect people you grow up with thinking they are deciding what to eat for three meals a day seven days a week it's 100 times worse with kids I have to be organized now and do meal planning works great for me I planned seven meals for the week but not the individual days that way I can still choose a meal based on what works for the day but I have a short list to choose from a note that I have all the ingredients already having a presentable place and debating myself on why it matters it always frustrated me when my parents had a guest over and we had to deep clean the whole house like if it's my close friend of eight years visiting why do I care what they care about my cleanliness and yet every time people are over I find myself cleaning the apartment up for some reason it's entirely possible to lose your job through no fault of your own having lost a job I was very passionate and proud of and excelled in very quickly with great promise of bigger and better things and then boom laid off all accomplishments suddenly mean nothing someone replied happened to me at the end of February this year and I am still so broken I loved it and they liked me and it was after a year of being on and off employed looking for something that didn't completely destroy my soul I just can bear the thought of searching and interviewing and feeling out the work culture and starting over yet again thankfully and terrifyingly that pandemic has made jobs scarce anyway unemployment checks carefully ration lots of rice and beans for me and my partner you can lose a job you like it or good at in a moment the lack of time for myself life is all work house work yard work child care bills emails phone calls what's funny is that I have so much more free time now as an adult single with no kids that I know of and it still doesn't feel like enough no homework no silly adult projects renovating bathrooms etc no extracurriculars that take up a load of time and yet every night once I'm done eating dinner it's like dammit I have to go to bed in a few hours after a day at work I feel like I need at least three hours to do nothing all by myself to regain my strength but that's not enough time because I feel under pressure to exercise for health then cook then catch up with friends and family of course I never really get to do either because I am playing catch-up with my strength preparing for retirement of course everyone knows they will stop working at some point but now that I'm 40 it feels like I really need to get it together am I going to continue bad habits that negatively impact my health or will I finally make changes to be healthier later my new favorite worry will I really have enough money to retire and live comfortably enough to have a good of quality life 10 years ago this all seemed so far away now it feels like I'm speeding to the next phase of my life medical issues and the costs associated with them I went from a late twenties guy with no issues other than the occasional cavity to a late 30s guy with spondylolysis anxiety RLS and hypertension in under 10 years it's crazy that I am taking medications and trying to improve my health because my doctor said I could die in 20 years if I don't shape up seriously I just want to drink beer play guitar hang out with the missus and maybe smoke some weed now and then but these last years have hit me like a ton of bricks and from what it understand it keeps getting worse debt talked about a rat race having to live in my boyfriend's parents basement because crippling student loan debt prevents me from being able to afford rent like a normal person debt is the chain of modern slavery the moment you really realize that you'll be working almost every day for the rest of your life not that work is bad but it's a very daunting thought it didn't really hit me until last month or so I'm 20 and I realized that I really really hate that that is what life is and I entirely disagree that this is the way it should be however it's unrealistic to think I can change that so I'm going to make damn sure those days have a meaning I can tolerate without blowing my brains out I think I just have it stuck in my head that I'll hate that nine-to-five regardless of what it is and I find it difficult to shake the negative outlook of it having a kid or kids is insanely difficult especially if they have any attered issues no one told me that my wife's flesh would tear open and nearly kill her just to have a child not all babies can breastfeed how about the toll staying up all night than working most the day every day just to keep the little thing alive working to afford your student loan debts rent food car insurance and maintenance and if you're lucky hopefully have savings the emotional toll raising a child takes on you your partner and your relationship having kids might be a choice but sometimes it's not necessarily your choice hell living with another person and being dependable emotionally stable and accountable as a never-ending struggle trying to keep a house clean or anything that resembles an attempt at presentable hearing about your friends and acquaintances from high school passing away every year starting from the year you graduate trying to learn to fit everything and anything because you can't afford to pay someone else to do it just so you can afford to maintain your poverty also democracy in a relationship sometimes really sucks whose family should you live closer to whose work opportunity do we pursue how do we balance who gets time away from the kids and what chore will you do instead time off Peter Pan had it all figured out thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to remain a child 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 109,179
Rating: 4.9527898 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts being adult, Grownup problems, Adult problems, reddit adulthood, adulting, being adult, grown ups, Being an Adult Sucks
Id: 3_iSOp_jj4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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