things my players did that made me want to quit DMing

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this video is sponsored by sebastian crowe's guide to drakenheim this is the dungeon dudes new kickstarter that's got a lot of new cosmic horror options to add into your games like subclasses spells feats and even a new class called the apothecary that's pretty cool go back in now to get some cool exclusive stuff there's a link down below as you float near the wreckage a swarm of drowned zombies begins to swim towards you one of them is coming directly for you darren i need you to does he get within 10 feet of me well yeah he i'm going to attack him with my reaction uh okay how polar master feet lets me use an opportunity attack to hit a creature when they come within my range and oh my god what i have a sentinel what so i hit him and because it's an opportunity attack from sentinel his speed becomes zero for the rest of the turn his range is five feet so you hit him on his turn and now he can't get in range to hit you yeah okay well he does nothing so it's your turn now okay uh i'll attack him that's a 16 to hit that is uh 18 damage yep he's dead okay next zombie is going to oh no i'm going to use my movement and float right there are you within 10 feet of everybody so that if a zombie comes into your range you can just poke stun them for the rest of the turn well it's your reaction so you can only do it once well there's only three zombies left and we all still got our turns so yeah none of these zombies are landing hits cool as the guard hits the ooze it explodes in acid everywhere completely melting him into nothing whoa okay i'll go over and i'll hit the use you hit the use and as it dies it explodes acid everywhere you take 25 acid damage oh god you gotta remember these oozes are dangerous they can explode when they die they're just like that npc a few sessions ago uh i've only got a few hit points left i mean the other oozes within range i'm just gonna have to use well maybe don't is uh 14 to hit i assume that has 12 damage to the use you hit the use it dies and explodes acid everywhere you take 25 acid damage of course it's the one creature that can kill me after it's dead great cool um why didn't we know about this i'm dead now that's double my health i nobody told me it's like grin comes across straw's face as he begins to transform his face elongates his eyes sink into his skull and glow a deep red color fangs protrude from his mouth as he descends upon you capability behind him as he whispers an incantation and three more of him appear surrounding you you have no idea which one is real and they circle you laughing you can't tell which is which it looks like he's just completely copied himself in order to destroy you he reaches for his sword okay i'm gonna cast magic missile at second level and target each copy with a different missile huh walking through this eldridge forest you see the long lost souls of those who once lived here wailing in the distance the shadows form across the trees which in between form this gossamer mist that creates a star-like appearance in the greek beyond and in that beyond you see a singular eye surrounded by a number of other eyes and a toothy maw from underneath begin to laugh maniacally as it grows closer and closer towards you firing eye beams at each of you i'm gonna hit him with stunning strings well it rolls an 18 con save so that is not going to work unfortunate strikes flurry of blows plus extra attack that's for stunning strike okay well it um fails stun until the end of my next turn everybody thump this beholder until it's atomized done okay you deal 450 damage great uh it is now the archdevil lavista's turn he from his icy tomb is able to project this image in order to fight you here he longs to escape but he stares at each of you with frozen conviction he holds out his rhyme covered hand and points it over towards you roll a constitution saving throw ah here we go again i succeeded the last four checks but let's see how this goes great a four we don't have anything does anybody have inspiration can i try to take the hit instead aren't you immune to cold damage well technically guys we gotta do something if a single negative thing happens to us during this fight it might be a little challenging yeah unfortunately you fail and your body freezes over you take 30 cold damage and are paralyzed cool great just took my turn away this sucks yeah sure does you turn the corner and see a dark corridor in closed space 10 feet wide 10 feet tall completely quiet then you hear the skittering and the screeching of the vampire spawn towards the back they're glowing red eyes growing closer and closer towards you um stibbles you're first beasts what are you doing summon beasts you're casting summon woodland beasts and what are you summoning oh big surprise snake snake the hallway is now filled with giant constrictor snakes the floors snakes the walls snakes ceilings snakes everything everything snakes snakes
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 1,583,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm
Id: 8prq0eN3EN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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