The WORST D&D Book Ever

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spell Jammer is super cool it's D andd in space just looking up images of it can get you super inspired they have a giant space spiders space clowns pirate ships in space and it all feels like an endless Adventure spell Jammer is a classic D andd setting but on August 16th 2022 D andd released a new release of spal Jammer bringing it to fifth edition here are the few good things I have to say spal Jammer is very cool spell Jammer is an awesome D andd setting it's got so much cool and if you want to check it out you should try it the book gives us species and they are amazing hadzi th oo people gif hippo people space elves and autonomes these are great third thing and this is just the last little bit there is a nautiloid on the cover nautiloids are cool but even then I feel bad saying this because the rest of this is so disappointing that it almost feels bad saying that this is on the cover yeah all right let's talk about it for this release spell Jammer was split into three smaller books instead of one larger book a thing Wizards likes to do now sometimes for some reason each one of these being a source book an adventure and the monster manual the new plcape does the same thing but it does it so much better than spell Jammer their books including their Source book are actually more fleshed out and cool and they got stuff going on I was working on a Big D and D ranking video all ranking all the D and D books but this one is clearly at the bottom spot it wins the rules and inspiration are lackluster by a long shot there is scatter bones information it is small this book is Bare Bones sad limp and a bad excuse for what a good DND book is it is lacking content inspiration and no reason for me to bring it with me I'm a GM i l books around with me everywhere and I wouldn't bring this unless you paid me a lot except for the species and guys you bring spell Jammer space d and d to fifth edition surely this will be awesome in this book two spells three magic items zero sub classes this is so infinitely embarrassing how what the heck they couldn't come up with any other space spells other than you make a space helmet or you make a space chair to fly your ship what the heck zero sub classes is crazy and then in the rest the rest of the book about 50% of the book is dedicated to ships and their pages are not even interesting of the 64 Pages 31 pages are ship Pages half of your book half of your Source book there's a picture layout weapons of the ship and a paragraph talking about it for each one what about a good ship combat section that's flushed out no what about discussions of spaceports or cool places to fly these ships no how about make each ship you page unique give each its own layout just a design preference or tells cool stories for them to get me excited about using them and showcasing the differences of each one there's a not loid on the cover that's it you know the book is mid when asual dominions and dead gods are regulated to a corner add-on paragraph with no art I saw this in the index and even I was surprised I was like this was in here many of the things that make spell Jammer interesting are not even talked about shown developed on discussed or excitedly presented to us in a cool way and there's oh and there's one more thing they snuck in at the end the rock of brawl a cool location it's a space Hub Port where you can Adventure wow it's cool but it's six pages and it's in the very back and it is like an afterthought it basically is an afterthought every cool place here they get regulated to a paragraph of text with no pictures and there are so many crammed in here and so many are crammed in here this should have been a whole real chapter not a fake chapter a full thing with many pages instead of six I think that was one of the big problems with spell Jammer's release is is that it was disappointing and someone on the internet said at best we promis a feast and got a morsel this book is disappointing sad limp a weak excuse for a D and D book and I never bring it with me anywhere sad one out of 10 Boo's astrom managerie though however is an S tier goodbye [Music]
Channel: maxlee
Views: 6,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xh7cCz-Pe1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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