how different players make characters

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hey everybody it's the last day to back the ethereum it's just I had a normal ad read for the sponsor but I you okay I know a lot of people are just gonna skip past this but if there's anything that's gonna get you on this last day of this Kickstarter which is basically uh a ghost fires version of spell Jammer it's all really great listen to the trailer music it is so it it is so hype it is so hype it's so good just listen to it just listen to it when I'm throwing went back we are back we wanted I gotta get in on this I'm getting in on this [Music] for the Caroline's blunder will throw them asunder oh my God go go back and just for the song Alone Oh my God link down below I think I'm gonna make my strength well lysophil was born into a militaristic family and he was trained as a soldier from birth and he had to do it very quickly as well because you know they need soldiers for their ever-growing military but now that it's after the war and he's been traveling the entire world experiencing lots of different things and especially searching after his fiancee who went M.I.A after the war it you know I just yeah that 16 is going in perception I'm going warforge Paladin for the first two levels and then for third and fourth I'm gonna go artificer I'm gonna get the Infuse item enhanced defense and put that on my shield which I get for being a paladin I also get chainmail for being a paladin as I get a plus one for being a war Forge so 20 AC and I've got a bag of holding I'm gonna play Barbarian oh really why I want to hit stuff and what are you gonna play uh wizard oh cool why uh Magic seems cool all right that's fair so lysophil is traveling with Dave Dave the wizard and Mephistopheles oh gods and brick brick all right brick locating somebody in Sean with an average Dragon Mark is going to be difficult but a war Forge is powerful as yourself pretty sure you know how to navigate the streets can protect us from a few desk thugs or you know whoever could be after us I wonder who would be after us uh huh yeah the emerald claw perhaps I just want to hit stuff is that something that has to do with your backstory no not all of us are so stereotypical and have the ghosts of our origin haunting US unless you just let us a little peek into your backstory what Kenneth want their Tin Soldier back was that a threat yes I kill him wait wait wait I let this go too far why don't we uh come to an understanding and we can all sign a contract that has been written off by okay it seems like you guys have your characters ready let's go ahead and jump into the game I need everybody to roll initiative we start today's game in a meeting between factions oh you are all at this meeting because you were called to be bodyguards and as you guys are scanning the entire room you notice that one of the council members is acting very strangely he rides and Twitches when suddenly his skin cracks open and he transforms into a giant demon oh he just picks up another council member throws him out of the room and begins attacking everybody interesting sabotaging a meeting like this does not bode well for the other houses I mean if the fights continue like this they won't continue to meet and they'll just erupt into chaos somebody who orchestrated this must be outside the circle in fact as you realize this lysophil you notice that there is another individual in the back of the room who is doing their best to try to avoid eye contact and get out as quickly as possible and you notice that they have a pendant that is similar to yours my backstory he turns out scans the room and then goes back into the crowd to try to escape and for that brief Glimpse that you saw his face you swear he looked almost exactly like your fiance what like during the fight I'm going after him I have so many questions going into initiative though Dave you are first uh what should I do best option would probably be to do as much damage as possible on that demon do you have magic Missile Dave do whatever you want I have this spell called detect thoughts can I read the thoughts of the demon that is not yes as you do so you peer into the mind of the demon this warped language that you barely understand uh reverberates through your mind this deep Abyssal but slowly begins to sort of make sense in your mind like you're reading almost the emotions the the feelings of this demon and what immediately comes to you first is that he's smart and he's strategizing he's scanning the room but he's looking to cause as much chaos as possible but on purpose yeah yeah is he thinking about who he's going to attack next he's going for Brick next I tell brick brick as you're preparing to fight this demon you hear a warning from across the room Dave telling you that he's gonna attack you next you prepare yourself and because of that I'm going to give you a plus one to your AC until the start of your next turn oh yeah the demon is next it's gonna go straight for you break it's going to get you with a horn attack and then it's going to use its multi-attack for two claw attacks as well oh boy first one 17 Miss 19 Miss 20 30 20. that would hit invited now the plus one [Applause] it's your turn I smite this fool while you're giving me damage Memphis stop believes it's your turn I am too far from the demon is there anything else I can hit yeah you turn around and he watches a number of dark portals open and spilling out of them are a bunch of demonic reinforcements I hit stuff tell me does the blood of all still run through your veins sentences regards and you notice your fiance that you hold before you there's this unnerving twitch about him his mouth droops open and his eyes are this deep yellow he's Undead oh actually so cool oh my God can uh can I cast in large on the demon well maybe if it's bigger then it's easier to hit oh I love that yeah it's still gonna be stronger but I'm gonna reduce its AC by five yes I crit and deal 55 damage he hasn't even landed a hit on you and you send him right back to where he came from I'm kicking demons off the tower roll Athletics I have vintage because I'm raging uh 17. three of the Demons Fall Away into the city below screeching in Abyssal never stop Elise will you remember this lot yeah you will I love that you all play differently [Music] when usurpers make trouble we'll reduce them to Rubble raise your flag and make them all guys guys even awake so what Libby Captain you're looking for a crew that goes way too hard that goes way too hard
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 687,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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