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I think I think I'm like I don't I never know it's like it just because up till until until I see it from you guys until I get that hold on let me I mean silent sister I don't want no interruptions until you guys are like see like now I know because you guys are letting me know somebody said I'm late you know I'm precisely timed it so that I am exactly one minute early to my own [ __ ] okay so I don't want to hear it I um I'm gonna need a thank you huh you look happy um Hannah was good I said what's up to you earlier so listen um I'm gonna need your help with this one okay cuz I know all of y'all hold up Chris was that Christie already donate 50 bucks then Chris Brown hold up okay I see you hey Christie I appreciate that listen we're gonna get started soon because I know y'all ain't got patients what am i here is own room stop that [ __ ] let me put that volume down all right so so listen um I know y'all already seen your favorite youtuber not me second or third it's alright I'm not I'm not offended it is what it is I know y'all already seen one of y'all favorite youtubers already maybe possibly beaten this game or get far so I'm gonna need y'all's help to let me you know so we could get moving on this cuz you know I don't want to sit here I try to figure some stuff out of my own but we're gonna try to do what it do and get it poppin plouplou I'm sorry okay here we go now um let me get started I heard somebody say something about snacks okay so listen right so here's the deal right um so check it out right okay so here's this is what's going on right so check this out I see zero zombies I see you thank you for becoming member listen um load let's load the game cuz I don't this is Auto I don't know which one oh that autosave is probably right let me go into that and see where we're all right so listen bout snacks um you know during the holiday you tend to mix the mr. eggs some about mr. X and just donate it listen during the Kenya during the holidays you tend to gain you know a couple of pounds in my scenario whoa hold up [ __ ] where am i right now hold on okay this is right where we'll see mr. X so hold on a second in my situation how you happen to gained four pounds now no big deal you can lose four pounds quick so that's what I'm doing okay I'm getting on my shake okay I literally only got two cheesesteaks three proof we got it we got it we got to keep the body tight my buns you got you got I hid my [ __ ] for trying to flex let's play this [ __ ] everybody do is it on the subscription box let me just check that and then we're gonna start I know a lot of impatient people like - impatient neuron patient I'm not sure that she can you start already okay listen okay we are live and we are on it on the kids here we don't let's go so I might say how do I become a member there's a link in the description I'm just saying okay a new member Bob for life a new member king spies 58 okay I'm gonna read all your stuff later okay for now we got a problem hold on yeah that's the problem that is yeah Leon okay so here's the situation right we're gonna try to Juke we're gonna Juke oh he is so scary he stomped so damn hard oh my god I can't with him I feel like he's right on my ass where's the door Wow where's my flashlight Leon in your [ __ ] right it's already starting I can't I [ __ ] Leon what the [ __ ] oh god I see him on the other side hold on hold on a couple things I need to fix the brightness I feel it is he coming down these stairs let me see I just need to confirmation oh wait Leon Point English I do not have time for y'all I really I really don't i legit don't which way am I going am I going the right I'm going the wrong direction and mr. X is like they're far away you need to worry about that big [ __ ] not me wait where am I going I legit can't see anything right now I'm not even bullshitting y'all hold on I need to fix the brightness let me get in here first let me get in here oh hey guys bourbon nah man we can't pop off like this I'm sorry hold on oh hi y'all good anybody everybody doing good okay cuz it's this [ __ ] let me put the volume up a little bit on the honey game oh [ __ ] okay huh take a sip you get my heart the acceleration of my [ __ ] right I'm gonna need one more sip okay all right how you doing huh okay now listen um let's go to options real quick display brightness I you know and I'm sorry for making this too bright but I feel like I can't see [ __ ] you know what I think the problem is I think it's men brightness what the [ __ ] is that I think my issue is did I make it bright or not okay what so what the [ __ ] was the other [ __ ] how bright is this now is this like super bright like shine bright like a diamond break this [ __ ] got really bright but listen at least I could see my where is he I hear this [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god don't do this don't make me do this literally no not your toe I wasted a flash grenade on this [ __ ] no listen so here's the thing right [Music] is it too bright is it cuz I in darkness let me just I'm gonna test something oh my [ __ ] that's [ __ ] I'm gonna test something let me go into a dark area okay this is helping me out a lot if it's too bright for you guys I want to apologize oh my [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] I kick you know what like let's load let's load real quick hold on just it's too bright is it too bright right now alright I'll turn it down for you guys just just a taste no cuz I don't want to hold on no let's not look let's go to options hold on hi oh [ __ ] okay okay display okay we'll turn that down just just a taste just a little taste that okay like boom like right there okay let's let's let's me in the middle somewhere okay confirm no [ __ ] go I'm I'm done with the brightness of the [ __ ] I said okay confirm the [ __ ] we confirm confirm [ __ ] what did I just turn on film noise what the [ __ ] is how does film make noise I all right we're going okay this is much better okay these [ __ ] right there Wow no cuz I don't waste it too many shits I need to we need to restart we need to restart this give me I y'all doing good switch outfits okay I'm gonna tell you this what we're gonna do let's pretend like I just started the stream right now here we go okay we're gonna go here yep boom i I think that brightness probably went back to what it was so I might have to readjust that well so um so let me do that let me yeah let me readjust it cuz uh okay makes me nervous I you know another wait is the brightness where I left it I feel like it's bright like how I left it let me just double-check okay uh options display brightness okay yeah it's around I think I think I went up just just a little taste just a little taste and then that one okay all right now listen okay Dashie you'd be looking thick I'm a boy Thank You Matthew appreciate that let's switch outfits on them let's get um yeah let's happen looking no I don't want to do the new on let's do let's do the right way it didn't switch it doesn't matter it doesn't [ __ ] matter let's let's handle this we're gonna have to Juke oh boy here we go okay here we go I don't even know why I'm aiming at this [ __ ] I'm making him think I'm gonna shoot him but I'm not watch the way he stalks this [ __ ] stops hi I'm right here how you doing oh my god man I can't Oh Lord hold on hold on okay okay [ __ ] go in the door okay okay the brightness is my where's my gun okay the brightness is much better now he's looking did y'all see him look at me okay there's a lot of situations going on in here what is this goal Oh God we're like oh this is like a shortcut oh I think I don't [ __ ] up this is where they are no this is good Wow stop stop okay hold on yeah everybody doing good wait a second what what is my objective how about that let's find that [ __ ] out obtain power panel let's look at our inventory really quick power panel part where where um where do I need to take this [ __ ] that's my question that's okay so let's look at a map really quick okay map here we go y'all doing good I'm alright I'm just a little nervous that's all you know that's that's it maybe it'll tell you where you need to put the power panel at lockers okay maybe it's in another floor let's go up another floor here um okay that's the waiting room area get the other part clock tower okay where is exactly the clock tower at this is it on the third floor how do you get to the to the Clocktower go back underground okay that that route is closed I believe so out of wait it's by the jail sale you're right okay oh my god where is he I hope I didn't give him enough chance to get over here can I wait I can't go back that way that doesn't open back up so I can go down there again I need to get back downstairs yeah y'all y'all come up come up here real quick I don't want to waste bullets on these dudes it's like what's the point of that you know I'm saying so let's and I apologize for the brightness bits too bright but I know it JIT couldn't see anything I think is because I have the big-ass LED facing me do I really have to go back to where I can I hear the footsteps okay I hear him all right so listen [ __ ] let me go back to where I came from that's what we're gonna do right now I'm gonna go this way let me look let me look oh don't do that oh I could open that what's in there what is in there hold on listen hey come around here I think I have I think I have the I think I have the combinations for that don't go down okay hold on I need a reliable source here to tell me what's going on Oh what is that okay I think this one's like Ned right I think I remember that Ned and the other ones like a Margie or something like that it's something like RG cowboy memory game I'll take that [ __ ] I'll take that okay do I do I combine what which gun do I have right now that's the samurai sword I need my other sword my other sword back I mean that's that sword I'm hurt I'm nervous well I know I don't new house I know I don't hear him I don't care about this okay oh if mr. X come in here it's a wrap oh my god I hear him okay there's two there's two [ __ ] coming this might be little bit here y'all right let me watch this roll-up y'all see what I did okay who did that okay stop for a second um [Music] down don't go to the prison get the other okay hallo hallo hallo hallo don't go to the prison yet get the other power panel in the clock tower in the fourth floor so we have to go upstairs to the fourth floor got it I'm gonna take their word for it just because I feel like they're being genuine with the [ __ ] so let's go up Marvin please stop stop this [ __ ] really wants some attention okay we're gonna go up with question is how do I go up with it so we're gonna go okay wait yeah that way go through the wait no okay yeah boom okay got it here we go gray meets brain meets hold on we got this long as mr. X you don't launch or something and he just chilling we're not gonna have an issue I hope he's not coming from this way I hear that [ __ ] okay we're going upstairs hey your flashlight my boy your flashlight I wish they had they gave you the option alike you know if you wanted to flashlight it on your home you should just be able to pull your [ __ ] out on your heart does let's take you up snow that takes you down and you that's for you okay mr. axe is coming oh my god that doors locked oh my god how y'all doing listen face face move I don't know where to go is that a door do I have that key I do not I need that key oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'll take those though ya handle that okay I might need another one coming oh don't tell me don't tell me he's coming up the stairs oh my [ __ ] no no mister answers right behind us y'all don't want a dad trust me not by him where is he oh god oh god oh my god okay we're going back down this was the wrong way to go y'all through the library somebody said the library okay okay that's that's enough for me that's all you have to say we're going to the library I don't like books but that's where we're going I can't with this [ __ ] poem like that you bust through that door I know it okay where mine okay where the [ __ ] did I go I don't even oh did I make a wrong turn I do have this P hold on I haven't used this yet okay hold up hold up we haven't been here what do you get here what is that oh [ __ ] no what the [ __ ] am i doing yeah yeah I have the little jewel for that we're gonna have to jump over that he's coming he is coming [ __ ] okay uh-huh okay I just saw some numbers there oh [ __ ] okay jump Thomas that [ __ ] don't break through there anything else in here bullets okay can I open this from this side no you don't if he comes in this room I'm [ __ ] okay [ __ ] stop it with the back what up what else he's got something okay I'll take that [ __ ] okay that was a locker there that I could have opened something but I know all right yeah go this way they're with me y'all bear with me I'll look at the chat in a second hold on okay wait okay yeah I see it oh no don't be here Oh God is this open oh [ __ ] okay listen mr. X yo he might taste a bunch of [ __ ] out of me oh I can't wait oh my god that was a door wanted to check oh [ __ ] wait where am I going I passed I passed this was stupid why am I going this way all this is dumb no no I'm going back and I gotta go through all these stupid zombies is he coming hold on did I I still need I still have other doors I need to use that key on how do you how do you shut okay right here the records room okay where am I at I'm there I'm gonna go through here main hall it's right there I'm so stupid okay let me go use this key real quick I don't know if he's up there [ __ ] I hear I'm already I hear this [ __ ] okay so it's back to the diner [ __ ] stop hey y'all know y'all saw that juke dough oh here we go okay we gotta go through here well okay let me see uh the first time okay hold on I've seen a lot of them may I see the homie cred with the donation hold on let me get let me go there's a liquor in here there is a damn liquor how's my health he pushed the [ __ ] out of me and I'm okay this [ __ ] says fine leave no I'm not let me look at the map okay go down the hall make a right right here let's go and also okay that's the last of that key I need to use okay so we can discard after this but let's see what else is in here okay what else what is this oh oh that's for the library right you it's the jack [ __ ] so that you could jack [ __ ] up I think I think hold on hold on let me look around some more because I wanna oh that's Ami's about to break in this [ __ ] Oh what is this I'll take that I'm hearing I'm hearing X where's it coming from oh wait I don't have the key oh I don't have the key for this oh [ __ ] if he comes in here wait what is that on the he's gonna come in the story he's gonna come in here let me get this it's a [ __ ] grenade sitting here with me no get away from me oh my god I can't that [ __ ] was in the room with me chilling okay alright let's relax for a quick hot second Marvin where you at chill over there bro let's go in here okay water break I'm going to the library next I got y'all hi okay um y'all good though everybody good hi we going to the library alright hold on so arm this okay let me grab this little red jewel I said [ __ ] what are you doing no stop go back in there while you're in here he can't get you oh I need to push it away stop doing that I didn't need it but whatever I'll just throw it in there for now okay there we go let me see what else I can combine I can combine this and this make some bullets there we go I combined this every now and then you're bored do be using that brain meat okay I got that a nice herb right there that's good we got some good amount of shits right there okay we'll keep that this is for the let me let me get the the other gun out okay see y'all I know that I did this to it okay yo I would use this gun oh oh [ __ ] it's got 12 joints I'm gonna have to keep it in that [ __ ] alright let's combine this and that okay it's it's a badge examine that no we're gonna examine that hold on mm-hmm all right um I don't need this anymore we can store that we don't need to store it we just need to get rid of it okay so now let's uh let's check this [ __ ] out okay examine that flip that around eh what the [ __ ] don't go key oh it's a it's it's a it's a USB joint okay they clever with this [ __ ] well computer I'm gonna use that on hold on can I say yeah let me let me save it real quick let me okay [ __ ] I'm hearing him okay let's examine this power panel a custom okay they really nothing it's not telling me nothing right there okay the computer downstairs like where I'm at right now there's a computer right here how you doing hey listen let me use the laptop real quick he's not a [ __ ] me if I'm try to use the laptop right Oh God okay hold on let's go to the library oh by now I see you okay using that Matilda you got okay wait hold on hold on albino I cannot read and focus at the same time is this the library yes it is all that pictures I know you like books oh they go this take [ __ ] okay hold on is it it's right here it's right here okay I could have done that without that oh my god I can't I can't do this [ __ ] where I'm here is he coming in here right I swear to God which way is he coming out whoa no I cannot hold on hold on hey read a book bro like do something organize that [ __ ] right there they expect me to move these shits I'm going up don't get me what I'm going up please Leon go kick for the neck this [ __ ] taking his sweet-ass time oh my god okay if he comes up and going down it's coming up this better climb what wait wait oh [ __ ] like I've got yo on the real I thought cuz he think so I thought that as soon as this [ __ ] started going up the [ __ ] was gonna be like and fall back of something oh my god oh my cheese getting not cold hot but I'm not hungry what do I need to do here what is what is the purpose of me being wait oh my let's look at the map let's look at a map here you got a ladder there's like a knife situation down here and then stairs use the grenade for what well on him what's that gonna do it's gonna bring him down for a second then why'd the US be on the second floor okay hold on one thing at a time cuz I'm overwhelmed alright where is him where is this big [ __ ] at is he still upstairs oh that [ __ ] came down like no I don't have time for you [ __ ] okay we're gonna go upstairs this [ __ ] alive right here don't be alive okay he is coming up on a Tuesday okay so I can't go that way no more cuz that [ __ ] is sloppy okay what this is locked okay where is he oh [ __ ] okay oh please don't I gotta move these shits around I don't have time for this puzzle [ __ ] right now that [ __ ] came down again like he and Dragonball Z oh my god I can't wait hold on a second let's go let's handle the arm let's handle the flash drive situation how about we do that [ __ ] you said upstairs I think the USB computer in the office right here right in this little spot I think that I think I know what y'all talking about I'm gonna check that out real quick and then we're gonna handle that library situation there's a computer right here if this [ __ ] come in while I'm using the computer oh sure he's gonna come in here I'm [ __ ] in this little ass room okay go stairs office and the USB the office okay I'm upstairs on the second floor let me see what office the sheriff's office I don't have the key for that yet so we we cannot do that we don't have the key for the sheriff's office so we cannot um yo I saw that comment so I said that's the longest time that she ever spent in the library that's fast oh I can't argue that right okay hold on he's gonna come in here oh my god I already hear this [ __ ] why am I even waiting it's like I'm waiting for Delft let's go this way this is where the burn was yeah that's what the hell long wait I'm going back - no don't do that why am I going back this way this is stupid unless I need to go back on the ground like ya'll said no y'all told me not to go underground yet this [ __ ] is gonna come in here [ __ ] my [ __ ] up okay don't be a don't be in here maybe I lost I can explore a little bit maybe there's an item there no I need to get the heart key that's what I need to get the gear in the storage room where's the storage room man hold up storage room is downstairs let me see records is it at the basement I'm looking that's the jail [ __ ] firing range generator room morgue hold on I'm trying to read y'all shits stars office where's that break room interrogation [ __ ] second floor oh it's right here wait can I just go into that room - look for the stars there it is right there gorilla I thank you that's where I need to go okay so I'll go like this and go to that okay that's our next destination I wish you could put a waypoint so that way you can go right to the [ __ ] new members okay we're gonna go to the stars office thank you thank you guys go through here washed up is be sitting down reading the newspaper heat all my [ __ ] he gives me newspaper read advise Oh God that [ __ ] was waiting on me how am I gonna do come you know what grab this cuz why not just for now Oh God is there another way I can go that way oh this is where he punched the [ __ ] out of me right there mr. H chill with him for a second super him yes I don't know if he's down what is it here this is stupid Wow what was what was that room our room I've been there I've been there no you gotta go through here oh [ __ ] okay the zombie kind of saved me a little bit the zombie kind of saved me so we have to go to the library let's go through the library we'll deal with the whole pulley situation and all that we'll go to the Stars [ __ ] first okay he's far away now oh shut your ass up with that okay go do the lounge is this the lounge yes okay [ __ ] go stop why'd you stop running for alright now we're gonna go through here okay okay the next one to the right is there a liquor in here okay it's the next door to the right hey can you not be alive I appreciate that thank you okay we're in here we're in here okay there's just all kinds of [ __ ] grab that okay please nobody interrupts me right now nobody please interrupt me right now I got [ __ ] to do in here um okay okay I see a computer that's open right here go to it oh wait I see I see the [ __ ] I see it I see it hold on I saw okay I saw it he would go right there oh my god okay now go to the computer [ __ ] or more guns what is that [ __ ] up is that a Magnum I'll [ __ ] with that what is this that's cool anything else in here I just I just came here for the gun what else what else do I need to get I need to go in this office right what's in here oh my god I'm here where there's nothing else why am I here creaking and [ __ ] let me see there's a gun powder [ __ ] over here somewhere oh hello this shit's right here too no I already got that okay all right I need to get the [ __ ] out of here what's that it that was it right I saw somebody told me to get it back so I got it back because wouldn't that be some [ __ ] if I have to come back for that [ __ ] okay take the UI I got it I took it back okay huh all right III got it hi um okay now Hartke in the room next to the [ __ ] I wait where was the hard key I missed that comment next to the kennel and the dead bodies oh my god that's where the heart key is I have to go way over there okay um let's go back to the library let's try to take care of the library situation everybody who's donating become a member I swear I'm I acknowledge you uh later on the screen just the situation I'm in right now I haven't really explored the shower room that much but I don't I don't want to go into the shower room you know the Matilda for that 4x I don't want to shoot that [ __ ] period I know he's in okay let's let's handle this library situation what is this oh it's a knife okay that's probably like just - what is it that I need to do with this do I need to like do I do I need to like what do I need to do with the cases like do I need to open the drawer in the library you see what happened to her do you want it to happen to you - okay I'm making all this noise everyone hear that [ __ ] and come over here bro you a little too thick I don't know if I could ever having a bullet for you oh my god okay my hand dead this [ __ ] is not dead he acting dead now he's dead okay look to the right on the computers there's computers in here I need I need to figure out is this like a puzzle is this a puzzle right here do I need to hold on oh god I hear I hear them coming I hear this [ __ ] coming through get the knife back oh you can get that [ __ ] back oh gosh oh god okay I didn't know you can get that back what do I need to do [ __ ] that's what that's my question oh oh oh go up go go up [ __ ] oh that [ __ ] gonna grab my leg you know what no Leon you crazy old [ __ ] this [ __ ] is coming up this way all right we're that Matilda come on tie to your [ __ ] ass oh [ __ ] he's mad y'all know my aim is bad y'all had me use this damn gun where's he at oh my [ __ ] the way that [ __ ] drop I can't keep running around this library y'all I need to what do I do with these damn books with the bookshelves he's coming back they go your hat [ __ ] okay hold on what is this door nothing okay I need to cross cross bookshelves cross make a bridge [ __ ] I'm stupid Oh Wow I'm stupid Oh oh my god listen ah ed garsten [ __ ] he jumps down in your [ __ ] asses who's going down regularly okay I need to push that one that way I got it yo it's taking me a hot minute but I got it so y'all gotta talk to me like I'm stupid cuz I am y'all got to be like - you put the bookshelves together so that it makes a bridge for you to cross over see if y'all just say [ __ ] like crossed bookshelves what is that I'm too stupid to comprehend these things I don't understand that all I'm doing is pissing him off okay he's down he is down hey can you go that can you can you slide down can you do it quicker please he's down hold on go this way it's okay can I go more okay but then there's still a big-ass gap is there like a hidden door or oh he's back up he is back up is he mr. mr. axe this thing won't die it sure will not right I'm gonna have him come down and I'm gonna do a ring around the rosey I did it the wrong way I did it the wrong way [ __ ] let me let me assess the situation let me assess oh [ __ ] I had room okay I see what's happening now oh my god I'm stupid I'm sorry somebody said we told you oh [ __ ] y'all know y'all can't expect that much out of crazy are you a little too slowly on uh-uh okay well hold on he's coming oh [ __ ] it's gonna take forever I need to I need to leave this area and coat and come back in I unless I give them a shotgun to the face I don't want to waste my ammo on that's the beef that's all it is is a waste of ammo okay let me see that if that did it okay perfect now I just got to move the other ones I'm gonna do it one by one come on Leon if you could only go down quicker if he could only go down a little bit quicker than that is he down here okay that's how we're gonna have to do it one by one on the ass well you told there you go I'm gonna get this [ __ ] tired okay I'm on my boy let's go I know he ain't smart enough to turn around you don't pick up that hat that's what he gone okay I'm almost there I just have to do like what one more hold on I'm probably doing it the wrong way in a stupid way and I'm sorry but I'm nervous okay okay okay okay thank you come on oh [ __ ] okay now do I have enough we're really playing ring-around-the-rosy right now let me see I think we're good right I think that's enough to cross it was oh okay Oh God hey wait he can make it through that hole did he jump that hole pause get the [ __ ] away from me I don't know where the [ __ ] I am I don't know what I have to do up here let me look at a map okay I mean a big ass okay I gotta go that way it's a storage room I think I had to go there's the clock tower oh [ __ ] he won't follow you okay he won't follow you to the clock tower is he coming hey guys listen just let me dodge you guys real quick let me just go into the clock tower look I hear him hold my [ __ ] is that is that the clock tower no is he in here oh [ __ ] wait I don't have the gear for this they gear in the storage room okay where is the storage room that's the question cuz you're saying the gear is in the storage room is that in the first floor second floor third fourth I don't know where the gear is oh [ __ ] is there anything else in here that I can that I can get where where's the storage room at eat storage room this one right here oh oh so it's in the same floor you just got to go around the shape they eat is it the east storage room is that the one okay thank you alright hold on I hope he went somewhere though is that its territory here where does this lead to have I been here I can't cut through here so I have to go okay so it's an is that in the East or in the West East okay okay all right all right let's go back let's go back is he gonna be there we're like chilling waiting for me what is this wait how many gears do you need is he here okay I hear them like in the distance we're gonna go through here there's ahhmm be down here waiting go no no [ __ ] yeah okay am I going the right way okay [ __ ] stop zooming in okay yes I do guys please just just [ __ ] chill eivol do nothing y'all y'all don't do none to me we all just get along I'm zombie racist what the [ __ ] okay we got we got the gear [ __ ] crap what what the [ __ ] are talking about it takes two shits okay now we good we don't wait no no don't be don't be stupid combine your shits combine your shits can I move shits or is it gonna move it for me [ __ ] what's the problem not run out of [ __ ] I don't shot you multiple times get the [ __ ] on hold on losing my damn cool here arm no go back put the gear in the [ __ ] because it's taking up too much space as long as excellent coming through oh god I already hear that [ __ ] come on with this [ __ ] man oh my god that [ __ ] move that zombie out the way like [ __ ] boom he mine we gotta go this way just a joke oh my god okay we're gonna have to jute we're gonna have to pull the jib move ha - should I wait because what if he punches the [ __ ] on me it ain't gonna be enough to kill me but let me wait just in case he punches the [ __ ] out of me I'm gonna not use it yet come on [ __ ] I hear you how you doing oh he has to dunk the [ __ ] down listen listen that's how you move I don't want to see any zombies around this [ __ ] stop [ __ ] okay y'all like that ate my boy listen I swear - I swear if you grab my boy I'm not in the mood here we go okay the one that goes here okay maybe this one's the one that goes here my boy tried to put the [ __ ] in there but it just didn't work okay okay what hey what what just happened where's that where's that stairs that just came down oh right here okay there better not be nobody up here I swear I hear that [ __ ] I'm look at the chat in a second I try to figure figure it out on my own foot small gear okay what so I took that out so I could put it in the other [ __ ] pick up the gear and then do I put the small gear and the in the other [ __ ] how do I grab this [ __ ] is that Bell gonna fall down and I'll be able to grab those shits alright here we go yes okay I can hear that [ __ ] heavy ass footsteps okay okay what is it doing what the [ __ ] was that I know he ain't in here okay hold on hold on what is it doing what what what is it what is it doing you save for now - okay go upstairs okay so let me go upstairs now because I'm hearing [ __ ] what I'm hearing noises but it's not what is it doing get the large gear okay I'm gonna grab the large gear now now that I've opened the stairs okay okay large gear upstairs got it where the [ __ ] was it again it was it's a little dark I'm a little disoriented all right that's a little one it's over here okay grab the large eater boom and I was gonna take that [ __ ] upstairs they got this man going on the hunt scavenger [ __ ] scouts cabin scavenger scavenger okay y'all know what up Thomas - you get the large okay I don't if y'all was in here I know what okay okay so it's now 3:00 a.m. that Bell Belfast always got anarchist [ __ ] that's the gearbox hope I don't have to write a report on this corny ass line if I don't have to write a report on this oh come on man come on a little corny ass line gonna have my boy Leon say something cooler than that or nothing at all yeah here we go okay making progress thanks to y'all y'all thanks to y'all y'all okay uh wait okay this is gonna be that one other missing shits is that all is that all that was there okay obtained electrical part obtain power shits now do I go down to the jail sale situation yeah let me examine it cuz it he brings it out the box right oh I like how they made it like you could hear them move in the box that's crazy okay let me can I combine them all right so let me examine it okay cool all right we making progress should I heal no don't you yet get [ __ ] up one more time and then he'll go to the East Room what waits on my the II storage room uh yes go to the jail sale examine the box okay okay so the jail cells where I got to go now all right so we go back to the library and then we'll go to the main to the main shit's let's go to the main shit's am I going the right way yeah but listen I do not want problems [ __ ] I should have kept going when this [ __ ] was down look now I'm gonna have to use my [ __ ] I hear him I hear him oh boy question is where is this [ __ ] at alright let's go down wait the East storage oh this is the East ok so I can't even go in there any way I can but from that from another direction I could unlock that like that [ __ ] it alright I don't [ __ ] that I don't know I don't care alright I'm afraid to go this way because of this [ __ ] down here it's like surprise did I hear the door open Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he was waiting for me he knew I was gonna come back to this damn library alright that damn music [ __ ] alright Marvin if you're still down here I don't want no problems let me see really quick Oh [ __ ] what are you doing hello be kind of thumping though okay save the [ __ ] game [ __ ] ass SAV use the e storage room to get to the prison to the prison okay each storage room is that the is that the easiest way okay so go that way boom okay I'm gonna do that alright let me turn the sound on I mean the sound is on its just might be a little too low I'll put I'll bring it up more my mic is too low where they do that at I know I'm loud as hell hold on hold yeah yeah I'm loud okay I don't know what you taught my turn your turn your volume up smash it the cheese master oh geez meter I'm sorry oh I gotta add my calories come on mm-hmm this is 15 mm-hmm okay make this short and sweet you know you're not here to watch me eat some damn cheese no I mean so I'm gonna apologize for that um I need to rejuvenate hmm to get back in the game here we go take three steps triple step let's go sir you're gonna go a quick question on the USB Drive can I store that away or should I keep that here right now because I mean do I really need that I got four damn guns [ __ ] a piece of cheese just flew out of my mouth why do I have this many guns right now huh okay oh this is stupid I got too much [ __ ] on in my shits I hold on hey bro where is he oh oh I see him I saw him eight he needs to chill out for damn second okay oh I got Magnum ammo okay hold on we're gonna combine some [ __ ] real quick what does the only hold three shits okay let's store that for now let's store that for now um do I have any gunpowder's no I don't okay boom you know what the stupid piece of wood store that [ __ ] um store it for now okay I'm gonna store the badge keep the batch I see it's like I saw get the gear back I got to get the gear back so [ __ ] I'll just go in there and get it again I hold on hold on alright let me just go a second bust a foot right oh so we got this big [ __ ] bout to join us in a second okay you see I knew I knew I should have kept that because now I can combine this and that and make [ __ ] and then combine this and that boom we 7 space my boy oh [ __ ] he's in here okay I see I see that down there but still I don't give a [ __ ] we got a bus to right [ __ ] gold is going extra slow right now what the [ __ ] are you doing it's this way right am I going the right way um no yeah there's stuff with the check with the red checkmark I know that I don't need that no more um yeah yeah so I yeah yeah I I know that hold on if I go upstairs does this lead to the prison area I'm a little I'm a little I'm a little lost here if I go that's the roof do I go towards the roof I got a turn around wrong way oh [ __ ] okay okay I'm going the wrong way keep going I it's like that's wrong wait no that's the right way keep going you know I'm gonna be a thug about it for now let's try to figure something out as long as I don't see no see no no army I see where I'm at it's this way right oh boy I hear them it's not this way because that ladder broke no no I gotta go down I gotta go down here yeah okay hold on I think I think I'm right right yeah this way this is okay this is a safe room so that was the wrong way you're way off okay [ __ ] okay um oh okay no I'm done yet actually I could just go back to my safe I haven't done [ __ ] since then oh yeah I did I combine some [ __ ] but still I could do that again okay let's stop for a second cuz somebody said go through where's the main hall go through the east office right then why how do you get down I forgot how to get down there East office do I go no not through the press room how do you get downstairs yo um wipe them but I got boogers in my nose now good why don't worry okay a storage room has the part okay so I need to go to the e storage room the stairs near the back like these joints right here alright we're gonna try to be a talk about a worst case scenario we can just you know I there's no harm done we can just restart wait at this [ __ ] go oh guy he's here Oh listen oh please no [ __ ] is gonna yeah I knew it I don't like that I just got bit right there I don't I don't like that okay we're gonna do this cuz I'm really disoriented and I feel like it's been a long time since I've been down there so let me see something real quick look at the map try this right here come on can I go down those stairs over there is that that's gonna take me to the first floor though fire escape East office oh wait a minute wait wait a second I think no no that's not right that's not right I'm so lost I'm lost wrong way again and this [ __ ] won't get me if the liquors here I'm [ __ ] I will restart from my checkpoint okay oh there's stairs in the break room you're right I need to turn the [ __ ] around now this [ __ ] don't get me though what oh that's the board of the [ __ ] I don't care about that okay let me go to the break room bye how do I get to the break room from here if it's on the first if it's on the first floor am I here hold on oh my god I'm sorry y'all go through the watch me what the watch man the [ __ ] is the watch man let me see something if I go like this this is stupid I mean I should just restart it I should just load the game from right here cuz this is dumb like why I already got bit now let's play it smart here we go this is what we're doing cuz I just saved it so that's what we're gonna do I think I know where we need to go now here we go boom boom wait that's not connected I thought I had it but I don't I need help somebody said I have the heart key in my storage house no I don't wait time I got the heart team that's the club I don't have that [ __ ] how do we get watch men's room where is that King where's the watch men's room what floor is that [ __ ] in let me read this [ __ ] okay let me see where's the watch men's room am i tripping I don't I'm not see I see it I see it is that low-ass room I like this bitch's right there I'm gonna do the same scenario here we're gonna bust her quick right right here okay we're gonna grab this [ __ ] right here and do the same thing I did combine bust a right then a left right through here oh there's a half a [ __ ] there okay is this right okay East storage room is where the heart key is all right well we're gonna have to come back to that because uh Oh God there's too much commotions and [ __ ] going on yeah okay here we go okay we finally made it down here okay we'll talk about this hard key situation right now let's get back to the to the jail cell okay okay there's loose as dogs here chilling listen Russ listen I'm just gonna do my best hi how you doing I got treats and snacks there's two of them Oh God laughs there's three of them hold on oh my Leon you need to run faster than this it's like he doesn't care about getting his ass beat [ __ ] okay all right what the [ __ ] do they break down doors to you can only get the harsh glare story okay so they was lying all right I already know what's gonna happen I'm gonna put them shits in the shits and then that's gonna open up everything here we go right this is where I put it use use I got I got a connect shits now okay obviously it's gotta go that way what oh come on with this [ __ ] or maybe not it's gotta be that way that's the only way that the shit's gonna connect you Fitz oh my god okay okay it's got we got to make it over here okay I see what's happening no no no okay okay so that one okay stop just follow one by one that connects to that [ __ ] right this goes like that this is connected what no then what no yeah no no wait stop oh my [ __ ] what are you all saying about the heart key move the blue one - the blue okay hold on see I'm I'm getting anxiety a headache okay heart key isn't cleared only okay stop talking about that let's focus on this okay see when it's two shits like that it throws me off what what okay okay what huh huh no okay I feel like I'm kinda getting closer but not really I got it I gotta make it from from both shits to the [ __ ] okay the blue ones not connected okay now it is but then it's not connected - oh oh hold on a second okay the blue ones connected okay hold on okay that's gonna fit but this not gonna do anything we got to bring it down we got to stop okay but down but now this [ __ ] is not you have to give this one shits hold on oh okay whoa okay that's connected that's connected right no no no stop okay maybe this - II please unlock all the cell's for the key run to the jail the heart key is with the dead body in the morgue heart key why is it why y'all keep talking mother damn heart key I still have to connect this [ __ ] that's number one right now can we figure this out first that's she's brain is over an overdrive yes it is okay no no whoa stop okay okay that makes sense that doesn't make sense what is that doing what the [ __ ] okay that needs to be connected yes that makes sense [ __ ] I'm not to look up a tutorial on a heartbeat right now in a second that's not doing anything this is stupid that was stupid what uh what okay oh hello okay wait uh one of the lights is on right um ooh so one of the lights is on right now how do we get Oh how do we get both them shits to come on that's the question fix the splits see that's that's what throws me off is the split [ __ ] that confuses the chatter me let me read what y'all saying okay Brown and red squares at the bottom okay I I feel like something's gonna happen hold now I'm a little nervous hold on it'sit's something is something gonna pop up as soon as I grab this [ __ ] how you doing bro yeah listen I'm gonna just handle that oh oh oh that [ __ ] had a mixtape in there I think the stream got cut off hold on oh I think the stream got cut off then we make sure everything's good before continue hold on all right are we back refresh all right I think we're good now okay refresh it if it's not good but we should be good now I'm gonna give it another minute I'm gonna give it another minute just to make sure that we are good before I continue and we don't miss anything my boys hold on okay it looks good to me on my end - you look good I appreciate you thank you all right I think we're good all right it's all good let's continue this [ __ ] okay I don't want to read all that oh boy oh boy oh boy what are they after Bent's memo time it this way he talking about the homie mr. Elks what's over here where he hiding on the side I appreciate that cuz you know I'm gonna need that oh I don't have any more bullets I got nine bullets for this well that's not good okay all right yeah you got anything else for your boy that's it all right okay some [ __ ] is definitely gonna go down [ __ ] is open okay hold up oh my [ __ ] all right that's why they gave me a first aid spray because these dudes is can I lock myself in the cell I know there's stuff in their cells that I know God give me a break like they go they don't throw like eight to ten zombies at me and then this big [ __ ] gonna come through my boy please coming and then the dogs are out here now the dogs are out here okay come on I really don't have a know so homegirl a to go what I'm leaving your ass it's twice then make it thrice somebody's stop this isn't a game he's still alright I didn't do nothing to him yo brah no Beach I see you with that membership I was hoping you could explain what's on it baby that's right here let's get out of here let's uh me and you what's good doughnut hello hater all right why are we going you want me to open this all right here we go here we go okay you're not on a light look behind you you are real cool is that for every watch oh damn can I dump - hold on ADA I don't know how to dump anything they ate a weight you didn't see this herb ate I don't share this with her she walked right by it that's that's all heart I know I don't share the [ __ ] she's so cool look at her my girl light like who are you talking to you Carla uber fuzz what's going on hey if it's on your account I don't care is that the until you need it unfortunately no Ben didn't come through well what exactly are you looking for more info and the people responsible for this mess okay what about you trying to save the world little bit lieutenant Brennan I'd bring help with the body mount good luck getting that oh wait hold on so like I'm trying to like do something after this or good you look good roads out okay going through that gun shop looks like the only way - yo you wrong somebody's nice the heart key is inside a dozen you need to stop I mean I guess I'll leave her alone and I'll look around I need that they need to give me more than five bullets [ __ ] there's a damn gun store oh I'm not gonna hurt you I said don't move [ __ ] I'm Eliason through I'm gonna ask you to lower that weapon I kill you I turn around go right back out the way you came in ah I think your daughter needs help sir tell me how to deal with my daughter no wait Olaf step aside we need to terminate her before she turns yeah turn it's my [ __ ] daughter you know just let them be okay I'm gonna put that on the shotgun mm uh sweetheart I told you to stay put she about to put her teeth in your neck well she's still talking she have zombie okay she's half muggle you're a cop yeah boast to know something how did this happen Oh huh she bought the bike the [ __ ] out your neck oh sweet little angel it's a wrap lamb who ate up mommy Josh on the left so go excuse some privacy so why so she can bite your ass but they shouldn't have left salt room get it like soon but pearl you know it's one thing to keep the truth from me but why him whoops now I want for him I want to find out what's happening here stuff whoever's behind it helping people like them that's why I joined the force my mission is to take down on Bella's entire operation just you by yourself let me not make it out whatever it takes to save this city unless they paid them chop me in I mean like this is a lot of day risking their lives Jason Lane how you doing thank you from becoming a member how you doing like how much money are they making here is this a safe shot she is chilling in the cut watch the umbrella corporation okay that explains the horrible things I've seen it sure does I already grabbed all of it what is that [ __ ] oh honey y'all want me to combine this combine it with Oh [ __ ] okay I like that I like that okay see I'm glad I came back over here let's go 800 weight I continue story I don't got that walk gyah model and that's why I'm looking for a net Birkin she's the one at umbrella responsible for unleashing the virus I'm going to bring her down all right you sure is not gonna see like a man to a net based on what you've said the sewer seems a fitting well said after you she got it thanks first of all are we ever going back to the police station or like I left a lot of [ __ ] over there I'm just saying can't imagine a real scientist being down here all right caught her ass mid-sentence come on sewers are run by the city how could they have a facility without the authorities knowing welcome to corporate America umbrellas controlled Raccoon City for years surprising a single zombie out here yet Jesus that earthquake I sure as hell hope so let's go mo at the end of the tunnel Wow appreciate that [ __ ] oh yo you saw how she came up to me like damn he grabbed it first you later you a little too slow you cool but you're not okay okay I like that save point holla let me just put this [ __ ] away okay I could be using the Mathilda uses the nine-millimeter [ __ ] now I saw the homie albino says some about it's got the triple [ __ ] that [ __ ] but that's wasting more bullets like what you with my aim if you look at it like statistically talking right saying I'd rather miss two single shots than three shakes cuz if I'm aiming and it's like that's three shits I missed right but if I'm like path adjust adjust get the target at the third shot then I only wasted two bullets out of the three come on man if that's not knowledge I don't know what is please tell me that's knowledge because I think that that's knowledge right there that's what's me okay okay I'm sorry because my knowledge was coming like really Harlan put this away um we're gonna keep that out I should not have all these damn guns like what you know I'm gonna store that for now it takes too much too much space and [ __ ] so let's save the game right here I'm gonna save it in a second just in case I want to go back and do something over there did it save I'm paranoid now sooo okay alright so we gotta go this way where she at what are you doing what are you a soon as that it gets aimed at hurt come on let's do this come on baby grow you're too cool yo ed oh all right I mean fluffy if she just don't you over there and watch it come out when I'm farther away you just got to make an entrance is that what it is sunglasses and [ __ ] this darkness [ __ ] come on my dander she looked good but come on man let's go [ __ ] again it's not too late to turn back hey although you're stuck with me to the end just want to say it's not too late to come back so you can say I'm scared I'm a little scared cutscene hold up like the alligator [ __ ] for sure this is the right way unfortunately call that hey she tricked me she ain't gonna come down here wait there no now [ __ ] I remember this this that Lacoste boss get out of there Oh [ __ ] I was not expecting that this is my first death of the game since I started playing [ __ ] alright let's keep moving continue I'm sure that was a checkpoint right before this [ __ ] came out okay if you just run straight down the middle you'll end up as Gator okay so they give you a hit they're saying [ __ ] not just run straight you got a zig zag Zig that you sure this is the right way on the ass unfortunately somebody somebody said fast she I like that wait there holy [ __ ] you're right [Music] I was supposed to shoot the [ __ ] I'm thinking I've seen all the flames coming out the [ __ ] like his brother I'm thinking the shit's gonna blow up in his own I'm just watching the show please don't make me run from him again I can't I cannot can you can it start from that [ __ ] biting the [ __ ] because I just can't I I can't remember the damn left right left are you sure this is the right way I could have thrown one name you write about that but I rather just Oh whoa [Music] what is that is that that [ __ ] you want a blonde God over grunts I'm a [ __ ] whoa Damle [ __ ] okay okay here we go you don't shot him in the medulla oblongata your boy Noah is because of that movie waterboy get up here okay hold on let me just look around hold on give me a second but you know what I hate more then that big-ass alligator wet socks and I know this [ __ ] socks is wet okay I would I would have to go home take them shits off do something cuz I cannot be running around a wet socks I didn't warn you if you said the virus turned people into monsters not monsters FairPoint I'm just impressed you made it in one piece oh thank you everything you do gotta be cool look look Frank is just straight to umbrella cells monsters like that to who our military somebody else's they don't sell the monsters oh there was a satisfied soul care mothership and and that is who makes the viruses scary is that alligator was and that is far more dangerous ladies first look ladies first they should just kiss I mean I know they want to there's a lot of tension identify yourself she's who we're looking for not much time need to dispose of it we're here for the g-virus that's not gonna happen I'm warning you doctor oh yeah scientist Leon forget about me just go what stop her before she gets away wily up being a little ho Leon damned ain't nothing wrong with this man oh my bow don't came out the trans kool-aid outside the facility in pursuit of Annette it's not on her it must be in the nest baby once it's in hand I'll call for extraction it'll look good I'm Aaden run Annette but you can't hide look at Leon a little bit shoot happen damn oh hey hold on hey you can't go wrong seekers huh is a to Wang huh all right hey wait a second eater hold up okay um let me see um damn don't barbecued my boy up can I go this way and see or no I can't okay so we just gotta let me see what she got in her inventory she got this little ass gun little ass gun all right I mean you know this is what we got to work with them with that's what a booty ADA ADA okay oh hold on hold on I'm sorry I'm okay here ADA come on let's do this what was going on what the hell is that she got a Batman here what is that track wiring and electrical shits aim and hold to hack ok this secret weapon time oh my really for real ok oh you so now I can go up here then we wasn't it good that it stopped okay I'm a big computer so I want to turn it on all right let's turn it on I don't know why they want me to turn the [ __ ] all right I choked on a prune y'all uh-huh okay let me sip never take a sip I'm all right here we go candy from a baby yeah some awesome candy for my baby I'm stupid all right no no it's just gone out [ __ ] that little paranormal [ __ ] it look like you hunting ghosts with that I have to use the [ __ ] again okay it's kind of cool I can't lie what okay hold on all right come on I ain't got no damn near no bullets am i do chill out man I'm trying to see if there's any bullets and shits around little spot okay no I can't do that with this [ __ ] here hey why he's down shoot the legs with my aim I could to shoot legs now I can't I mean I'm gonna try next time but okay good they knew they knew that they was thinking with my bullet this looked like the area where I fought big odd [ __ ] okay we're gonna have to take him at some [ __ ] and use the [ __ ] here that's what's going on here right Oh [Music] Oh [Music] I got four ships I gotta make them count down for the count hold on before any more bullets around here there's another zombie that [ __ ] talked there's another one I can't okay I'm at a dead end listen I know I look better than a wall waiting waiting some long hold on okay follow this long escort this is so annoying [Music] see this is a dead end right here I'm going the wrong way okay what's over here it's all bright away give me some bullets aside Oh God that's [ __ ] up it's right there are we for this [ __ ] I have to make it way the [ __ ] back is there a shortcut Oh [ __ ] thank you oh thank you for that okay they're all going to come and game up on that it's difficult out here there's no shortcut right just make it short wait there's something else right here [Music] okay all right tense Helen that means she have to go through all this - I can't see [ __ ] over there that kind of serves up a little bit as a flashlight persistent bastard aren't you know what wait wait no no no no no don't tell me I need to use this [ __ ] to figure it out hi I know I look good can I go back down I cannot Oh wait till Twitter get ahold of him you don't need a slammin just ladies down wait a second he's gonna [ __ ] me up a tiny me at least [Music] it's open now I don't care who's chasing me bullets oh [ __ ] oh my god this [ __ ] did not play the game right I don't have any health I I [ __ ] care I mean y'all telling me to shoot this [ __ ] but it's gonna take every bullet I have to get his ass down the [ __ ] up throw me the [ __ ] up Oh God Beach okay uh okay Aida I know I know Aida I know I can't believe I made it through that she's shocked I'm shocked okay anything over here bullets first aid anything okay please give me something all right all right it was cool that first this little hacking [ __ ] I'm over it now like okay oh I hate to say that this state you know let's do it okay here we go okay this is that [ __ ] this is gonna there better be no zombies up in this [ __ ] give me a first aid in a son that would be nice as [ __ ] please a damn letter I don't want no damn letter [ __ ] but he said what kind of material is that dress made out of out this is some government-issued Gucci dress I don't know what kind of [ __ ] this is made out of it Dale this Shore been through a lot oh they got one of them little shits I know y'all was mad that I missed it before but out here I'll shoot this one for you you know I don't need to be wasting no damn bullets can she kick it or some [ __ ] okay let me what is that am I gonna get trapped in here okay there's triple [ __ ] here look at it it's all personal thing gonna burn me alive now you'll never get your filthy hands on the G on the G was not the only one after it you realize that you won't die alone okay wait wait a second [Music] I know she's hot but [Music] I got a do all three of them we're gonna die but I'm just gonna know where to start as y'all can see that's why I died because we wanted to see if the dress was fireproof and apparently it is so you know now that we know that now we can finish this part I'm lying but this is raw witty what switch to assisted game mode and continue aim assist let me read this real quick aim assist recover a certain amount of health automatically enemies are a little weaker once you change the game mode it cannot be changed back [Music] you I am not doing it okay no y'all see it's on no I feel like I'm on Deal or No Deal right now No Deal call yeah continue no deal [ __ ] let's go where's it gonna leave me at though you can break open the incinerator by overloading the three [ __ ] so now yeah I know that now I didn't know at first but [ __ ] so no deal on that situation it doesn't help that this [ __ ] needs the first aid kit or something all right ADA let's be thugs about it okay hey she counted she kind of walking real cool when I was like it's kind of [ __ ] up cuz she's hurt I did not open the door I thought that it's a put me out of spot where she already opened it but she did not so let's limp our ass way back up here again and do this [ __ ] so you start from the bottom is it on ok it's on that here we go I know the only the only reason why this lady trying to kill me it's cuz she she hatin on Edith sweat she got this dope ass government-issued Gucci dress on I already know Bravo you're gonna burn your life now ok hurry I'll never get your filthy hands on the G yeah on the Jeep I'm not the only one after it okay you realize that yeah can you shut the [ __ ] up Oh where you out now she's doing yeah hatin that's what she doing where's she at now okay so I grabbed the bracelet what do I do with it again I D accident electronic key okay where do i where do I use it at is it here is this where I came in from Oh your ID is obvious until October 1st please return before this date not gonna happen huh wait is there anything I'm missing here did I miss anything I don't think it's necessary to save but I think that was a checkpoint when I go down there okay so I was going the right way they could have at least put some ammo first-aid sprays something over here but nothing they don't want to give her the necklace that's racist it's not really that's like here we go can I please get something I've been through a lot I just enough this cottonmouths game yeah let me get this over you lost tell me your husband's still alive or did you kill him so you could take credit for interesting theory you're gonna have an extra limb hey the dress is good though she didn't get the dress exactly see I like that you can see her weaker side right there like she has emotions what is that she passed him out she is passed out okay um now this [ __ ] waking up you had a nice nap hey y'all heard about the good news got a good snooze no wake up Leon wake up hey des hey des where are you the monster ADA y'all see what I did cuz it's like her name's Aidan and I said the monster ADA no I got a W on now okay I appreciate it here we go um do I have a map for oh yeah I do okay okay can I go out this door okay they do not allow me to go that way I'm gonna run into this [ __ ] oh what typewriter good I like that in this [ __ ] - like that - let me just assess the situation okay so we're good at how we are let's say be here if anybody's watching this after the life sorry y'all can be at the lockscreen but you're here now thank you I feel like he's gonna come out of all that [ __ ] right there that's a pleasant smell I'm hearing masterless sounds they better put something over here what is that okay I like that like volume is good take this I saw turn the volume up then I saw the volume is good I'm ready I'm ready flash now like a lot of action but like maybe like a zombie or two I've been through a lot he did oh that's one of them dudes dudes give me some I walked all the way over here for nothing hey my boys what's this [ __ ] okay why did he say okay I can make sure now I have to put that back in let me see what's here it's asking me for a cure maybe I think this part in it all right we're gonna put that part back into the [ __ ] right okay whoa whoa who is getting up put that [ __ ] back in there and listen listen listen on the real what the [ __ ] [ __ ] his boy okay No it's more of these shits okay I'll take that but it gave me a green oh I get it he said oh [ __ ] because right he is in [ __ ] right now I see what are you right there no business throwing kids at me that was unnecessary that was unnecessary they did not need to put that [ __ ] in there okay sweat your [ __ ] you don't wasted all that good ammo for that [ __ ] they better not throw nothing else at me right now cuz I'm not I'm good 9 the move let's go they could've gave me something I've just bought a ball like give me give me some herbs [ __ ] cable car interesting somebody say you said you wanted some action well I didn't want that much damn action I said I wanted a little bit Chico help an herb would be nice I need that little [ __ ] ahead there's some bleach throw bleach at that [ __ ] do something get it it like the sound of that oh hey des oh I left my knife on day humming ADA you're right I did leave my knife in that [ __ ] okay that's homey with the big ass oh the virus my boy off um all right I could I could discard whatever I'll just store it do I have any more gunpowder I got a blue herb don't need that [ __ ] okay store that will keep that breath spread it you know would be nice is milk oh here we go let's save it I'm not gonna stop it I want it I want to do I'm too into it I won't do a little bit more you know I don't know the song so I feel like something's gonna go down soon see look they keep giving me the wrong damn purse give me brain or if you give me that and give me a green right after flamethrower that is a flamethrower tool HP beta got that everybody's doing good let's how to make it to this cable park situation what type of flames you talking about I talk about my mixtape type of grades okay earth that would be nothing does anybody know the combination to the safe [ __ ] I'm out to Google this right now cuz I know y'all gonna give me all the wrong shits gonna say like 852 sewer sewer safe let me see if I see so mater I like see look y'all already [ __ ] up nope nope combination combination residents evil - it's probably on one of the notes region notes I I should read the notes all right I read the notes just cuz you all want me to read the notes we're gonna do this the right way it ain't on the notes I it might have been a note that I missed 21:42 4521 you don't even go to no day of 42y y'all the most recent no has it y'all better not be missing let me see heat-resistant safe combination is written on the side of the safe in chalk please remember to erase it it's right there I see oh let me take a picture in this right I haven't been good at opening safes but we're gonna try we're gonna try to open this safely to twelve eight to well 60 what oh do I put that on my shotgun okay I should get more and more powerful y'all I like that and I need that I do not need that herb if it was green I would go for it but I don't need that earth I just don't all right let's keep him move it y'all here we go this [ __ ] down to waiting on me [Music] yes [Music] whoa hey hold up do in the face hey come on man oh [ __ ] I miss okay [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] is right [ __ ] get him in the oh my god can you die is he dead I swear have that [ __ ] come back to life what did that button do okay I'll take that [ __ ] fell in the water damn bullets oh my god is one of them shits come on man okay all right turn my mic up for real I feel like I'm loud as [ __ ] all right hold up all right my mic is maxed out now if I'm too loud I want to hear [ __ ] okay I got three bullets I do not go keep doing what you do oh [ __ ] wait wait that's this [ __ ] I thought that that was a that was another [ __ ] but that's this thing we need to hurry the [ __ ] up before that monster throw them sons at your ass do I grab it Oh is he coming in here can that [ __ ] walk okay oh my god [ __ ] go leave okay I just got a safety so I like that okay yo you down right like you good okay more film I like that I like that okay you gonna stay down right it kind of look like Lamar a little bit don't don't tell him don't go don't y'all gonna get me in trouble y'all telling that yes okay here we go okay what am i hearing we just got up what is this oh I know where I'm at why is he so upset okay I'm where ADA was what whoa oh come on you two I ain't talking about the glue I know I just want to see if there was anything I left down here now there was nothing down here right now there was nothing down here I don't need to go down here I need it to go that way that's where 8:04 real just put the [ __ ] back on the ship I don't even know why I took the [ __ ] off [ __ ] okay use my map oh you're right I was just over here yeah yeah the break room that [ __ ] was locked what also I did have to go down that way no I have to go this way I'm very low on Emily why okay I have to go this I'll go down there am I going backwards we already did this whole sliding down situation wait wait wait before I keep going you need that bad piece to a puzzle get the key am I going the wrong way okay so let me do this let me go to the autosave I'm gonna go to the autosave real quick and and start it from there okay here we go cuz it autosave right here grab this so you're playing it smart now okay so now I get the piece right and then I go the other way okay okay grab the piece we go this way right yep do we do are we going the right no go back you didn't save it wait yes no no so I was I supposed to just grab the piece and and go back the other way say there's too many yeses and noes go to the typewriter room the [ __ ] is that um go back so I don't have to go this way is that what y'all saying okay hold on hold on my bus cuz I'm getting low a little confused as to which direction how come I don't want to deal with y'all right now I grabbed the piece like y'all told me to okay now we go back over here right go back what we do hold on okay right am I going the right place you forgot ever [ __ ] wet don't tell me Africa amiable am aware hold up I'll go back with some mo y'all don't gotta tell me twice oh [ __ ] right I love y'all man okay so now now that I got the ammo we are going this way right okay but there's that monster here now oh boy let me look can I go right slid down from I went in a damn circle gotta go get the flamethrower yeah some people are trolling so it's hard to tell which ones are legit trying to tell you that the truth okay but I don't know if I have to go back that way like why would they want you to go over there why did somebody say his weights inside of the safe let me read this maybe somebody in the donations is telling me sir chaos I appreciate that [Music] i'ma read the donations afterwards whole lot buleria I'll see you I'll see you okay go back all the way back but where here's my question I just need a simple answer to this I'm gonna try to go back in that direction and see what's up let me try to go go to the Watchmen room what where the [ __ ] is that see y'all mind patrolling I'm gonna try to go this way and see I'm just trying this direction worst-case scenario I'll restart it there was a couple of because hey listen though okay Oh oh I haven't gone this way yet this is this way so God I got a do that it was like these shits that I'm okay I see that donation with the hints hold on okay we got a key hold on a second let me examine that Sora key okay Oh Leon you're not you're not done up here yet [ __ ] y'all seeing this it look like stranger things Monitor room okay let me I know y'all talk about some flamethrower but you're not telling me where this [ __ ] is that let me see where the Monitor room is let me see yeah okay right there okay okay all right Allah I'll head in that direction hold on why would they want me to jump down therefore unless there's like item or something that might be the only go upstairs in a second okay yeah remember where I'm at I think yeah yeah no [ __ ] yeah this is where I came from okay I remember where I'm at I just need to go yeah this is where I monster chase me at and then I opened it and then I went this way go back okay am I am I kidding am I getting into it okay but let me see can I just see something really quick I know you're wanting to go back but hold on let me just see if this see I got opens this door just give me a second okay so go go back so y'all telling me don't do this yet don't don't don't do this yet okay hold on open the other facility door okay hold up back where you just used the wheel flamethrowers I'm not gonna go that way if go to the bottom water okay can I go this way is this way all right is this way all right flamethrower is with the stranger things Oh that's where it was okay so let me go back that way because that's the only way that I remember a stranger thing see somebody talking in my language like - goober swagger thing was and after the flamethrower we're okay now I got you all right so let me go back over there and grab that okay let's go back to things oh my god look at that [ __ ] wait oh that [ __ ] drop my life okay I'm not going that way that's that's the way that I'm supposed to go uh cuz I do not want to go that way y'all hold on okay that's where stranger things is so I need to get down there that's what y'all telling me all right I guess we're gonna go down here now if I get attacked by some [ __ ] okay no just [ __ ] oh boy Oh a queen herb [ __ ] I almost missed out on that and I'm gonna take this from your breath oh gosh oh my [ __ ] listen with that oh my god this is getting worse yes it is Oh this ain't looking good he's got a big-ass eye for me to shoot Wow I know I am in danger now whoa wait wait my knight does he have my knife give me my [ __ ] back I lost it once I'm not gonna lose it again [Music] Oh Sun is coming up I can't get around this [ __ ] okay put me through a lot I got a look I'm sorry because if there's herbs or bullets I'm success what the [ __ ] is that they fooled me because there's a spray can right there and I thought it looked like a spray can I almost got height okay we made it through that [ __ ] I heard somebody harmonizing somebody just said that switch your shits Oh can you imagine if I let what do I need more than once why is it telling me to what oh I got the wrong piece okay that's the problem so can I not do anything here or oh oh oh oh oh I'm locked in this [ __ ] can I treat my rap grab the [ __ ] go around hold on y'all I'm a look at the comments I know y'all tryin to help me right now okay that piece it's that piece did that open what just opened look around what is that what is that another I don't just grab it for now I'm trying to use my own brain oh oh there's the Flint oh okay what opened though when I did this [ __ ] oh this this path I didn't even see that it's too dark that is the wrong piece okay [ __ ] I just want to get that - the Queen open the door right next to itself okay let's go upstairs maybe it's here of course that's gonna lock that [ __ ] but then we could go around this [ __ ] like this okay we're about to make some room in the inventory because lord knows I'm leaving with this [ __ ] and that's gonna take up two spaces right yep alright hold on it'd be stupid to combine those two I need a green drink let me let me get rid of this [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] stop let me get rid of this the blue one okay discard that [ __ ] now I got two slots there you go okay got the flamethrower my voice does it have a Moen okay it does okay there's zombies down right I don't wanna have to deal with that okay we got the flamethrower stop yelling at your boy but I'm glad y'all did because am I gonna use the flamethrower on this [ __ ] that's waiting for me is there another exit oh yeah the Gunpowder you're right about that good call my boys I gotta get the pieces again that's oh I gotta get them [ __ ] oh [ __ ] right otherwise not be stuck I gotta go that way I mean I still have this one that's the one that I need no that's the only one I need you need you need them all get that one go is this somebody still alive is it how many pieces is it just three of them is it just three pieces I'm not to get rid of that damn thing I'm not to get rid of that film I'll be honest with child but hold up that now I'm stuck in here right how the [ __ ] can I get out of here is he dead my boys if I grab all three shits y'all making me really work my brain needs right now oh wait I can put one there to open this come in here take this one and then leave out that way okay I think I think my brain meats is working I got it I don't know which one goes it is the queen bee come on nothing about chess oh is that the queen is that okay watch it watch me use my brain needs real quick hold on watch this really I think I figured it out give me a second wait I don't okay I didn't figure the [ __ ] out on put the piece in the door opens the shits oh that was too long I can't read all that wait wait hold on hold on I'm figuring it out then you see what these needs to go here okay okay the King piece goes there okay we read what the comments I'm trying to figure out a mouse by myself oh wait I could jump up I could grab this I already have it jump jump through here I forgot about this oh never mind this is locked okay never mind that put the door and open the door hold on I'm getting annoyed with this I'm about to leave all these damn pieces and bounce because my brain meets does not want to cop cooperate right now that's the queen okay that's the wrong [ __ ] I'm already using the cool alright somebody needs to break it down to me because I'm done that door [ __ ] where were we okay grab this open this door here we go with the Queen which I think it's this one that's the wrong [ __ ] okay I just open this just don't leave now hold on I'm on to something I'm on to something that's it this is death this was it okay great meats worked the brain meat worked to my defense to my defense I have been streaming for three hours I'm a little tired I'm a little hungry alright I'm sorry alright um that was it right it's only three pieces it was only three yes somebody said took long enough to be so meet you right now alright Oh okay I just got a checkpoint oh my god do I have to go this way like do I have to [Music] down buh-bye he's down now guess what guess what autosave I just got poisoned I'm [ __ ] with that I know I just got the flamethrower but I don't want to use the [ __ ] right and waste all my ammo I just got it ok so I should use it I know like I know it's wrong alright [ __ ] it I'm gonna use the flamethrower I just didn't want to use it I mean it is easier with the throw all right I was trying to avoid that which herb is this that's the red one where's the blue one I discarded that [ __ ] is gone now what this [ __ ] about the Pantheon lien let me make sure I know he's gonna die Thaksin out eight okay you miss em Oh check your map oh [ __ ] this right here mag oh you know what for three bullets it ain't even which way do I have to go do I have to go some stairs or the other okay you know what Leah fussing let's use this [ __ ] have to get poison but I don't know if I go up this way or if I go the other way [Music] go up do I go this way yes okay put this [ __ ] away go back to your regular I really don't all right which way am I supposed to go turn around the other way somebody says stop asking all right so let me try go down this way somebody said go with your good what is that shield at the arm blocking it because I'm my my webcam is blocking [ __ ] okay the Monitor room which is in this level yeah I just filled up I just filled up bra do not do that right now not in the mood for that [ __ ] that's the way I just came from what about this way this way I gotta go up right I'm so disoriented where am I okay yeah I'm going the right way all right I know there's a herb there but I don't care about here we go we're going to the Monitor room y'all we're in the Monitor room what I got to do up in here do I have a tape no let me see something do I need that chess pieces right now plug puzzle no that's right game I'm gonna save it first of all [ __ ] I might hand it right here too let me just look around really quick okay right here there's a puzzle right here okay I don't know which one goes which or where I probably should have examined these shits which let me do that okay the rook I should have I should have done this a long time ago there's already one that's in there why did I take it out that's the one that belongs in there no right oh no no that's got the picture of this [ __ ] right look at the other pictures the other picture is gone there's only three plugs read the wall the rook and Knight are the same law the bishop and Queen aren't next to each other the Queen and rook were opposite that [ __ ] is [ __ ] my head hollow the Queen the rook the Queen which I feel like the rook and the Queen all right the Queen and the rook what is this alright rook goes in the middle okay so hold on okay now bishop then took the last one after I do this I'm saving it trust me what goes here I'm just gonna put all of them no that's not it what the [ __ ] no Queen rook night got it that's that's that's it okay that's the rook right it's already in there and then the knight know that's the king examinate know that's that's what somebody just said Bishop rook night okay so y'all gotta stop playing look behind me Oh what [ __ ] more [ __ ] oh come on with this [ __ ] I'm thinking that that was the only examine it up bishop and then what is this let me examine this okay examine Paul SARS dudes okay I'm still I know so people like - who's still alive I know I'm ready to go let me do this puzzle so I can leave Bishop rook night on this side okay what no no that's not right I'm about to Google this [ __ ] I'm gonna take all these damn pieces out king queen pawn king queen on what side King Bishop queen seat is too many things Bishop on the other side yeah but what is the order okay alright fluid this is how we're gonna do it it's how we're gonna do it on this side right here we're gonna start with the left side there's the left fix what what do we do on this side what is the order of that [ __ ] rook Knight Bishop Queen Queen pawn what see because here's the thing right I mean let me do something really quick first of all let me get rid of some stuff so I can come back here cuz there's too many pieces let me get rid of some stuff there's too many too many shits Bishop rook Knight shouldn't it shouldn't it be green if it's correct that's what's bugging me goes like this one right when it was here I thought it was green it wasn't green nevermind okay Bishop rook Knight okay rook Bishop rook Knight I'm gonna go with that that's the bishop right yeah bishop okay rook and knight so I'm gonna go with the night over here okay now on this side I know it's frustrating I get it King Queen okay almost there inna [ __ ] ain't about to be data if as long as your ass took just now Oh Lord okay alright let me save this [ __ ] horn red herb okay I'm gonna grab that hold on a second um I'll mess with these puzzles y'all Mac ammo I mean hold on Kiki okay I could I could have discarded those alright let me save it I'm gonna save the [ __ ] out of this right here while you're still going with the king queen and the prawn shits I we're done the doors open I need to see what's through this door really quick though before I go it's like you just want to keep going okay he's doing an autosave - hold on hold on [ __ ] what I just passed but they want to give me a lot of blue I'll grab it we'll see that's what I'm talking about this is making up for my shits that I that I missed out on combine okay damage okay need the power on first yeah yeah anything else I mean if I was leering I would've gave up a long ass time ago Oh need this first need that my [ __ ] what is it Ratner then he can see a lot first oh hell no okay that's where I'm gonna end it uh-huh I'm good [Music] and this is the easy one though this is the easy one but I'm done let's read some comments I think it's time to read memberships and donations this is the perfect time for that if it wants to load up there it goes okay let's scroll up it's time to read let's read you know one of my favorite pastimes um here we go um members let's talk with members so we got some new members in the house how you guys doing thank y'all for joining the secret Club um we got Merrick buck her Farrell galosh I'm [ __ ] up your name and I'm sorry Sailor Moon is a member now welcome zero zombies I remember you from earlier Reggie Lane bulb life king spice 58 Joshua Posada cyber gaming I see you okay Suzu Christy Nate Morales 18 rising phoenix i see you isabel Medrano I said right Mandarin oh okay Darius our Jesus is IA we're here there he is we got tilts T tilts see we also have peach Lynn Robinson we also have Merrick Cheyenne coughing I'm Ashley zoom steam jello p-- 0 0 60 toss X puffs no pass joseline Vasquez or Vasquez I don't I'm not sure how to atomic Maori clutch e the gamer okay I see you the put the pan [ __ ] hey it's like rancor like raccoon and okay Nick M Verano peach takeover reactions okay so I'm assuming you have a reaction jaelyn sick Abell Garza so it's like it's not like like Annabelle or not like that sick of bail cuz you sick with it no Brandon Frank mortal Mel C Niccolo Daniel de Maio so dark night ninja Dominic Gonzalez space toast okay space hey what that tastes like well a space toast King Israel phone oh I lost my spot hold on okay I see King Jilly or a giant lead or Jim Lee gridlock bold Steven Gonzalez okay that's it for the members okay okay that's a lot of it's a lot of it's a lot of donations we're gonna go through a couple of them lilia I see you I will see you on there okay Tanner Oliver I see you I remember you I see you darling Nikki I see you we virtue always coming through ICU I choose you we've it's you all right Susan Waller okay trovato I see you well I see you trovato tatted Tammi okay I'm gonna tattoo you got you know Jamila web I see you I see you oh yeah and I did see your edit on Twitter I see you okay we got albino gorilla of course I did I did say what's up earlier but you know eight libido I see you it was good and you were trying to help me with a cuz you know I'm stupid and I can't do this Ramo was good okay you already know sir Rama calling Rama the X prime X sound like a product to kill bugs like a roach [ __ ] get some of the extra mix just right Jared green okay take over reaction you donated as well see I'd be gaming 97 Justin never it sir chaos do a couple more here no this is boring I get it ah valera cattle okay fluffy bunny Darien there's real serious okay Simba the great 12 elite thank you and Suniya Johnson Joshu suniye Suniya Johnson okay um see y'all kick yeah see y'all keep donating so I could reach this but then I'll never leave doctor butter my biscuit I mean buttered biscuits and I'm hungry just like fresh out of the oven hey just like real boys I think I'm gonna go armed Marcelo you welcome to the to the club I'm gonna go eat this is a long stream I'm going on three and a half hours I'm like I don't know what's going on this bright as light I know y'all can't see it but it's like bright ass light in my face right now you know I should do I should take the picture and just kind of show y'all what what what I see and they're like what y'all see pirates booty Francisco just so y'all can see kind of like what I'm seeing wait hold on you see a lot of fingerprints the light is not allowing okay oh you could cut there's too many fingerprints and [ __ ] but yeah it's a bright as light in my face um but look I love you guys I'm gonna go I had a blast we've made it far why am i why am i doing - you don't do it don't do this to yourself - I accidentally did it I I can't believe I just did that I I feel like I should go save it I gotta go I gotta go I need to go I um I gotta go oh my god what the [ __ ] I know a lot of people left the stream so they missed that but yeah we we yeah that's uh watch me take forever to figure out that little puzzle again and I just did it in like two seconds ah you know what I need to do I need to replay that this moment right here in my next stream or whenever I record this or whatever and just look at that and whatever I just did do that [ __ ] again that's brain means I love you guys I'm gonna I'm gonna go I'm tomorrow I'm a CEO for the Mario maker premiere so be here or be square I'm gonna see y'all at the premiere we're gonna be chatting it up and Washington pisode together all right I said I said I want to go like eight times and then all right I love you guys uh have fun thank you for helping me and I appreciate y'all so much all right all right look love y'all all right let me let me stop the screen oh man okay let me
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 4,076,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil 2, remake, mr. x, funny moments, hilarious, live stream, lmao, lol, dashiegames, dashiexp, gameplay, playthrough
Id: Puh2ENdXIlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 59sec (12539 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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