theyre a 10 but theyve never seen kitchen nightmares

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uh wow i'm gonna have a good look at the menu the menu huge right the menu is huge the last i counted there was 126 things on there okay great right let's start off with oh fry drive early love them okay what about the linguine okay what was the catch of the day that's a mahi-mahi let's do that absolutely perfect thank you so much thank you [Music] decor's hideous is stuck in a time warp takes me back to 1981. okay i have a fried ravioli for chef ramsay fried raviolis for the chef my food is the best food that's possibly made but the problem with the restaurant because they're fighting so much alright ruby oil [Music] what's inside the rubber please uh it's at five cheese stuffed ravioli and the five cheeses are uh i'm not sure well it's a pre-made ravioli they're not homemade those are not homemade if we don't even make them here it'd be nice to know what's inside them i'll find out right now for you thank you how's it going i need to find out what cheeses are in the ravioli what cheeses are in the ravioli yeah what kind of cheese is in the bread and ravioli read the box it's a ricotta cheese it's a ricotta cheese oh my god ah horrible there's something deep fried frozen doesn't even taste like cheese jesus no you got a whole uh whey and you got american grana and a skim cheese yeah okay perfect you got it thank you yes yeah not good chef ramsay i checked on the cheeses for you uh mascarpone mascarpone ricotta ricotta uh also american guarana something called a cheese whey and culture blend where the [ __ ] is that from in italy i have no idea where that's from oh and a uh skim cheese skinned cheese in a fried ravioli what does that mean it's fat-free cheese dipped in fat dipped in front okay thank you okay skim cheese in a fried ravioli oh pots and pans yeah it looks good yeah joe here i'll bring it up tell him [Music] chef this is the fish special [Music] thank you you're welcome [Music] bland greasy no seasoning fish is dreadful and this is a special fish yes that is a special fish you know tastefully it tastes like mush almost like it's sort of old the food just isn't the way it used to be with all the fighting going on the standards and the quality everything it tanked that's special holy crap okay uh you said that this one right here where the fish was just dreadful it's all right i'm still hungry anyway i don't need to eat that i absolutely think he's wrong about the mahi-mahi and i thought it was perfectly fine it was just the way it's supposed to be that's from the mouth of a chef that knows tastes probably more okay that guy's up here and i'm down here but i know if he cooks for good or not that's his opinion i don't want you to feel bad because i don't feel bad i know i'm waiting for his opinion what the hell chef ramsay is here to help us and my brother takes this attitude that it's all [ __ ] complaints it's not you gotta listen to those complaints and keep your mouth shut here's the queso fundido and flower tortillas that you can wrap it up with brilliance next year [Music] it's just like a greasy mess so full of oil i can feel my arteries just squeezing mary is that microwave i don't know i'm done thank you can't really afford a heart attack okay thank you you're welcome children see we don't feel happy well it's not good greg are you putting that cheese on the microwave yes here is the chili regina thank you oh that is a very weird looking grana it's salty what cheesy man what is that so rubbery cheese is dreadful usually the cheese is melted inside but it's spongy and rubbery no honestly that's dreadful that stuff we show that to mary as well please don't yes damn starving greg look at the cheese chef said it's rubbery and ginger juice it's queso freer okay so black friar eh what is queso rare it's similar to the queso fresco that it wasn't available so i couldn't get it i drink he doing whatever he wants there's no mexican you don't want to do it the same don't do it okay he say the chief is priya priyer they said it was what cheese priers green brier korea something that that is not mexican no that was dressful and this is the cochinita pibio this is the cochinita corn there's no seasoning there's no it's all very uh protesting it's all very bland [Music] i think it needs to dry it's very dry why is that so dry before i make the coconut are really good but now i know it's the best of when you made them yeah now now that greg's making them they're not as good yeah i think you need to get back in the kitchen unlike the kitchen in what way it's always it's just sleep the floor is known for work i don't like the kitchen because it's too tiny kitchen and it's too hot you see the kitchen it's too hot let me go and check in how are you next molcajete come on that's really dry that's it serious what you give to drive i do it exactly how she says every time i do it so if it's not working well then you come back here and do it that's no good what do you give it to him i don't know don't check on your floor staff no huh don't check on your floor staff hi hey this small cat day is coming up this one should least blow his top this time let's see we're batting zero so far here we go jesus so this is the moncajete by something out of harry potter i feel like i have a facial steam okay that's the uh cactus yeah cheese heebie jeez let's have a little taste of the cactus first shall we there's your bit [Music] hmm it's like eating the inside of a golf ball it needs to be more cooked it needs to be seasoned bland bitter they could you all grab us a package of the old burgers sweet sourdough instead of buns we got to do what we got to do get them out the burger they're going to love it anyway sourdough or butter yes i was just going to keep trying to put the food out going back to regular fries so we started making the burgers on sourdough bread and using the frozen french fries in the frozen ground beef in an effort to make good on the orders order up ashley a desperate kitchen staff lowers its standards and starts delivering cheap substitutes sorry about that your bun that is all we have is a bun and the disappointment combined with the long wait is too much for one customer to bear [Music] [Music] tears uh she's in tears yeah what is that pile of [ __ ] what's that for the special burgers what whoa hey guys why is that burger on there the processed one john why did the 86 it when i said take it off we haven't got the right buttons we shouldn't be serving it and what's the point in lowering the standard just to keep it on it doesn't make [ __ ] sense boys that's to go bad he's afraid of pink sorry now i got two paper plates around some sort of big meatball how do you run out of potatoes such a shame because i got off to a really good start but then standard started dropping but john and rick accepted the sanders dropping and they just were happy to send slop so a real sad ending into the evening because right now we're back to square one okay this is their traditional location they're greek socialists look at that are they is that deep fried they fry us and they shall tear with their wine when you fry sausage like that the flavor's gone it looks like the remainder of a dog chew that is a mess from pool it's just smells of fryer where's the white wine and garlic too much grease i mean that's just grease there's more grease in this plate than there is in the greek oils i'm so sorry i don't know taste that please does that remind you of grease only i just garlic and grease this area of queens is called flushing right now i'd like to flush these right down the toilet excuse me a lot of garlic there oh jesus take some water darling you okay irene i'm okay i'm okay the local was too greasy doesn't have any wine sauce on the bottom was just plain greasy so he can't eat it i don't think it's greasy it's one of the best mechanical that we have in this neighborhood i don't know why he doesn't like it you put it 30 seconds bro let's make it good this time irini can we get this stuff to chef [Music] okay this is the prostitute wow this is dreadful it's like a bland pile of worms it's i mean that isn't depressing when something starts steaming that hot like that in the center it confirms it's been microwaved and that's for that concoction oh my god looks like the intestines of a cow that is a mess popular yeah that means no wow are we done i'm so sorry yes anything else coming no do you want to look for something else the bathroom that's what i like to look for sorry it just looks disgusting very creamy is it always this creamy yeah it's your queen it just looks like lobster was dead before they killed him they're from the lobsters from the tank you want to take a look okay is he dead no i think they're just sleeping you must be dead we keep a good eye on this keep a good eye on them surely not he's [ __ ] dead a dead lobster no he's gone what i'm concerned about is everything else in there they've been feeding off that lobster then they become full of bacteria that is extremely unacceptable dangerous people can get extremely sick with that i'll get rid of this right now okay please all right love you bye [Music] we should melt it [Music] it don't smell that lobster's fresh even though it died it's good this is my my page hey michael are you good good i'm doing fine thank you i know you saw a lobster in there that passed away well i try to we try to check that every day i was just slightly concerned to see the dead lobsters in there i try to freeze them right away and then i make the best from there okay you must be busy huh thank you enjoy thank you okay i'm gonna serve you right now the chicken and garlic sauce uh what is all that in there olive oil garlic they've got a little bowl they just drink some of that out it's like they're swimming thank you oh dear it's like a [ __ ] exxon valdeza too much olive oil for you you think there's too much olive oil in there it's like a heart attack waiting to happen i hope there's a hospital nearby the chicken tastes absolutely dreadful i just want you to taste the chicken just taste that literally it's dry you sound like a politician now jerry i'm not [ __ ] around that's gross do me a favor can you ask your brother to taste that i want you to try this what what's the next dish fire send the fire the paella what did michael say he's trying it right now we're not fine what do you have to say i thought it was [ __ ] good i'll tell him that have faith on me baby this ain't a normal guy it's a bread huh they're pain in the neck he thought it was [ __ ] good [Music] well if he thought that was [ __ ] good that i'm screwed if you're screwed imagine how i am and this is the uh marinara the lobster in this bayer did it come from the tank it comes from the tank oh [ __ ] i'll start with the uh fin the spring roll please good choice thank you can i go for the salmon as well please darling for main course i'll have a shepherd's pie please i think okay thank you melissa you're welcome [Music] i i want to see you and ramsay uh chug chug yeah yeah oh smoking tuck them in the bed good night i'm a very confident person and i've been in the kitchen for a long time i'm almost positive we'll get a good review when you get a family business right it goes on for generations and here it doesn't feel like a family-run business at all pubs are full of atmosphere fun it's got tweed neck curtains like you're going to visit your granny weird here you are spring rolls with coleman's mustard well god [Music] it's a very strange bizarre looking spring roll [Music] are they poppy on the menu um people really like them no don't half the customers are drunk this is the tough half hour of my life not a big hit you're like no brian's in the kitchen like wondering i'm just like nope aren't you kidding me he really thought that i was gonna walk back there and be like he loved it you know he wants you to come work for him come on let's try that one [Music] let me get you some clean silverware thank you go on and what's the stuff we please uh melissa on top is a balsamic reduction he likes to use that a lot he knows yes he does he on everything he puts a little drizzle on a little thank you you're welcome always the sign of a very insecure chef when he macerates everything in pulse with vinegar look at this horrible it doesn't taste like salmon at all off through does my shepherds probably have any balsamic vinegar no good lovely i don't even think he likes the water he said um will my shepherd's pie have any balsamic vinegar on it i said i can assure you it will not do i do i dare i don't like to come off conceited or cocky i'm very good at what i do i know the back of the house very well i've done everything that's out there [Music] let's try that one [Music] enjoy thank you you're welcome it's just a big ball of grease [Music] just very very greasy that's disgusting second door left oh oh no oh my god something made it made him sick i don't know if he went in the bathroom and threw up but he ran and he ran into the bed oh my god all we've done all that's happened is we have been attacked attacks attacked why are you behaving like because i'm insulted you verbally insulted me yesterday and i held my tongue out of class i didn't tell you the truth i didn't say nasty things to you okay really i didn't really when i told you about the burger you refused to listen you don't understand you're judging me on you coming in here disrupting the entire service i've been doing this disrupting you did disrupt us last night how could i focus when you're what about my lunch when you're standing here what about what i could for you who disrupted you then everybody what are you talking about blaming everybody again i do my best so our business doesn't close because we can't find qualified people you go get miranda and that little katie and jessica bring them here and let me see how they work will you do that of course do you know what they're scared of they're embarrassed but unfortunately you convince yourself in your little amy's world that everything you cook touch scent it's perfect i do not what are you in my art garlic as well with white truffles well let me show you some can i show you reviews hundreds of reviews that are excellent that we didn't write them from their customers no good reviews real customers that have supported us for sale you're attacking my business and my life this is all i do is live this life every day you're not telling me the problems you are saying i'm delusional i'm this i'm this i'm this can we talk about what we came here to speak about oh please yeah let them feel it you told me to be honest i am always about the problems that you've had that you cannot talk to your wife and the issues that she can't take criticism before she's not done that's fine i have no problem saying that that's fine i think you're too far gone okay then let's end the show you think i'm too far gone there's no hope it's christmas let's go home okay i can't help people they can't help themselves and cannot ever take one ounce of criticism and if you're not willing to change i'm not going to butt heads argue scream whatever you want to say but this is not normal and it's not normal for a restaurant to go through that many staff it's not normal for a kitchen that small to have 65 items on the menu and it's not normal for the level of animosity that you've built inside this restaurant and outside you have the right to run the business the way you want to run your business i have the right to do the right thing and the right thing for me is to get out of here good luck [Music] wow it's good yeah of course that's what i want to participate in this [ __ ] [Music] give me a break can they take this something out for me we don't need his help maybe he knows that it all has to come down and now he's gone he walked away he'll go on with his life sammy and i will go on with my life you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 1,518,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: SMY9onNowWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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