They made God DLC for Pokemon Legends Arceus

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let's fight God again so if you beat Pokemon Legends Arceus there is now an update and an event for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl you have to beat the entire game to unlock this [Music] glowing stairway appeared [Music] he's here it's an event I only got to experience with a uh I shouldn't Replay for Nintendo DS back in the day here we go [Music] foreign there's only room for one day is he here oh God he's starting strong gosh no oh Fox we defeated them back in the past we can defeat him in the present good nothing oh it's a bit close got him [Music] no that that just exploded [Music] God it's not even like it's barely shaking just keep chucking them over 50 of them this is I believe the hardest Pokemon to catch in any Mainline Pokemon game it has the absolute lowest odds [Music] yeah it's not even like there's no way that any of these are even going to contain it right now oh my God and he recovers I'm just gonna Chuck him from here I can't weaken him anymore I have to hope for a crit keep tossing that's the most we've ever gotten that's two God almighty I think he's running out of recovers at least he keeps using healing wish a lot Jeremy is also dead one you have to believe [Music] God can be captured oh [ __ ] you still got recover [Music] get in the ball God stay determined no hey we can um what have you done your Pokemon gamedxp all right Cornelius now level 85 well [ __ ] now I am your God uh well we defeated God welcome back to Pokemon Legends Arceus uh there's new content in this game carotene is having a nice day in the farm it's like I am the deity of distortion in the Underworld all will be ripped asunder space and time matter not at my domain and he's having a lovely day out the fence contains him so we meet again been hearing plenty about your impressive exploits but of course I've always known you would impress this ever since you dealt with that Alpha Cricket tune for me I've had my hands full as well I have no idea why but Munchlax keeps trying to run off in different directions much oh there he goes he feels shame look oh man I just wanted to show you something oh God sending me a text again your little [ __ ] of a grandson just killed me in the present how could you let this happen what was that just now it obviously to be responded the bunchlax it's reacting to Munchlax and displaying its destination it's point to Romana silent but I ask you to visit Romanus Island to try to shed some light on this new mystery okay let's go all those server here we're not supposed to be here uh can I quickly catch all the zarua oh maybe maybe quickly is the wrong word what way do we want to say we found Pokemon well climate change seems to be increasing its intensity uh non-native species have been forced to migrate here the ice caps have melted in the surrounding Island and Jesus the planet's starting to heat up over the Industrial Revolution was a bad idea it hardly tells me anything what kind of Pokemon did you see then those spiteful foxes those little shits on the Hills they did me dirty in the icelands was that it much likes you were curious about zarua wait there's two of them now I'm seeing double there four munchlaxes but naturally I would never fail to recognize my own Munchlax [Music] it's you right not the Munchlax next to me the other one oh no Munchlax is gonna feel very neglected please mama why did you not recognize me your son she's just not gonna comment on it she's just gonna Dodge it maybe that's why it's still a Munchlax because Munchlax evolves with love and friendship maybe it doesn't know that that's quite sad if you think about it Grandad things are growing worse after we powered it Munchlax reacted to several different locations and it was a mass outbreak at each of them these must be somehow different from the mass outbreaks we know why don't we call this new phenomenon a massive Mass outbreak but like a mass mass outbreak a critical mass outbreak Munchlax ran out into the rain dramatically like do you think Munchlax was trying to run away leaving unlike the dead of night this poor Pokemon is Munchlax from the Shawshank Redemption I don't think that I don't remember seeing him there Munchlax played by Morgan Freeman I can't do a Morgan Freeman voice God I was about to try but it's not going to sound right that was the last time no I can't do it I can't do it Irish Morgan Freeman oh Jesus I'm in [ __ ] jail I just that's lad Andy now he's doing well in the prison I still don't know what's causing these mysterious massive mass outbreaks mysterious massive mass outbreaks Mighty mysterious massive mass outbreaks Mighty Megaton mysterious massive mass outbreaks how many M's can we put in half that fancy map of the Earth since you can show us something [ __ ] I don't know use Google Maps yeah there's a new firmware update just have a look there oh my God there's a lot of them you found the Pokemon that reported did I they all kind of left we'll just murder these ones the level 61 as well like what's the prerequisite for unlocking this it's just post game so imagine if you find this early on like you're gonna be murdered why is that Shining what does that mean it's a double Mass outbreak it means there's an extra horde oh so it just means there's more of them is it there's more Pokemon after the first wave of them right so we're just killing a bunch of balloons right now I probably shouldn't be doing this so I heard you guys have family that's why I'm going to kill you now mass outbreaks that occurred during rainstorms never heard of such a thing of course life is full of surprises after all it's not often that Pokemon from beyond our world appear at the Temple of Cinema eater how do we head back to juvenile Village I was shot may be a good place to visit that girl's place is awfully popular after all where people gather information about of course the hairdressers there's probably like better shops The Gather at though never mind like a bar or something like that yeah people getting a haircut where they only go like once every three months people tell hairdressers anything like I killed a man in Cold Blood a little more off the top please not quite happy yeah that Fringe is nice yeah take an extra character attention to my Fringe as someone who's now going to be living on the [ __ ] Fringe the next while well I did hear something weird from a diamond Clan friend of mine Point like at these dialogue options just to make me feel included in the game they said it's not a mass outbreak of Alphas in the crimson irelands but seriously do alphas ever Gather in groups my friend must have made a mistake right it's natural to worry about the unknown that's why Granddad is investigating for this for us no to put our concerns to rest you're right it seems the next step is to investigate the myelins uh I take it we're gonna be going between each area like let's learn this new video game mechanic by repeating this five times hey ho little people don't need the Fret Melly has arrived not you again yeah some people were saying that like uh medley is the ancestor of Avery from the sword and shield DLC uh which would make sense because they're both [ __ ] you little [ __ ] I know you're great great grandson doesn't end well for his great great grandson either go on take them there are God berries quite a rarity here in the sui you know here's 20 of them they're very rare the like gold dust munchlaxes you just eat some of some of the agoth berries he ate five of them munch munch cod's texting me it's like you must prevent this calamitous future if munchlaxi consumes any more of the fruit the worst timeline unfolds please I've already been killed once today oh my God Arceus is like Doc Brown in this context we have to save him by teaming up with him in the past as he communicates with us via text message oh God he's just highlighted Everything Jesus there's one with a berry it's just a Cyndaquil outbreak that's kind of cool but why is Munchlax like The Keeper of the outbreak it's like well I I know my friends are coming but it's gonna cost you you gotta give me a little something first you know Gotta Give me a little little something good under this counter the Munch Mafia the Munch Bunch that's not an imposing name for a mafia the Munch Bunch sounds like a kid's play area in McDonald's they don't exactly Inspire fear or like I'm gonna like break your knees the Munch Bunch crunch lunch that sounds a little more menacing honestly hey get him Doctor Who this is a bad neighborhood you don't you don't want to mess with us Munch Bunch Turf imagine Snorlax just evolves they just throw one in the future game it just becomes like a blimp flying type oh cool yeah sure I'll take that uh let's catch it instantly and not risk anything okay thanks oh we got the ringleader welcome to the munchford there's a whole platoon of Cyndaquil only two of them want to fight okay only one of them wants to fight that's a big Cyndaquil we can get a bigger Dad if we want he's his eyes don't look as menacing because they're still like the Happy expression he's doing his best to look me these tough stuff muffs rival gang to the Munch Bunch Hello friends you're coming with me oh they actually are hostile I'm just gonna catch one more all right okay all right you've made your case you've made your case I'll leave you you and your family be have a lovely life you turn an investigation into Cobalt coastlands next lunch uh yes Munchlax I know what's been keeping you busy azizian don't worry you'll get your berries you got anything more under the table because if you're doing investigations I can help you you know you just gotta you just gotta cross my palm if you're you know what I'm saying yeah Munchlax is just pointing us where to go it's like supply line line there's a lot of spills apparently as well oh we gotta hit up this feels look at this gang oh they're so good get in the ball professor lavington and I have been researching these massive mass outbreaks too Captain silence orders look at that akari's doing something again it's been a long time Granddad battle me please I need the train more in order to become an even greater member of the survey corpse waiting for you at Ginkgo Landon right why why don't we just do it here why you gotta like walk 200 meters in the opposite direction here's fine uh There She Goes you know this beach is really beautiful right up at this time of year the Lash and rain really brings it out okay what level does your team akari you've got five Pokemon now that's impressive but you haven't involved your Clefairy okay and it's only level six right okay well the bat good fight okay star after actually uh oh that's not supposed to happen you're not allowed to do that move okay hang on I think I think she just can't find evolution items or something an overall I eat you either this is just sad this is just sad okay akari the rest of them I could forgive because maybe you just had bad luck you couldn't find the item that print pluck's been able to evolve for like 30 levels keep smacking it Jeff routine has been defeated like what incredible straight I'm proud to call you my prodigy please evolve your Pokemon to carry you understand each other that means Pikachu and I really can get stronger I think we'll start by sharing a nice big plate of potato Mochi Carrie you need other nutrients there's not a lot of vitamins okay goodbye no words of encouragement at all just okay see you good luck with that I heard an odd rumor believe maybe the key to unlocking the Mysteries behind massive mass outbreaks you must first acquire 10 mushroom cakes call this my tricky treat strategy even Munchlax is looking at her it's like what mushroom cakes and some quality ones at that now we're just getting started leave the rest of me return the Jubal life Village I'll share how successful my strategy was when I'm finished is that still Munchlax making a bit of a different noise oh was that a Zoroark or something did I have I been robbed oh that's pretty depressing I got mugged my my what's on your mind the mushroom cakes what in the world are you talking about mushroom cakes and strategies Bunch I'm gonna think of it Rita also came to me with a lot of request she asked me for Hardy grain so I gathered some for her is there like a zorark squad just making the rounds I mean it's not that bad though because apparently the zorark [ __ ] paid me for that all right everyone in the village is a zorrock like what a Twist God just Reveals His true identity oh no it's this annoying little girl why are you here I hurried here because of a vision with my Clairvoyance showed me big packs of Pokemon might not be much trouble if you got a trusty partner but if you don't Eep I'm scared just thinking about it think about it Savvy you need to learn in this harsh Wilderness think about hello Mario how blood will go everywhere it's a dangerous World which came first the Vault over the Pokeball I mean I think voltorbs are just like Pokeballs that became sentient or something weren't they and the voltorbs came first and like the concept of a Pokeball is actually very Twisted because that means people basically he caught the Vault captured the voltorbs in like a nest hollowed them out like gusset their insides and then decided this makes a good capture device uh what do we want the last one to be yeast Dad okay all right yeah I didn't think about the easel oh we can find his long lost ancestor here the evil might have perish in the current timeline but back in the past he could be alive and well I don't think the Eagles and this might be why the usual's dead now it was the last of his line to Simply escaped the slaughter but Granddad commits us thank God for this particular message was like hang on now maintain the timeline there only I want to not die the usual must perish yeah there's only two left I think that one just off in the background is probably the usual's ancestor like what have you done my family they're all gone oh no he's walking back over okay we'll leave that one alive for law reasons uh let's check out the snow over Granddad is the reason why Heracross is so rare folks in our clan the Pearl Clan are all helping investigate these massive mass outbreaks whatever you call them I thought what kind of leader would sit back and do nothing while you're all working I figured I'd grab whatever supplies I could find that might come in handy for you I thought I'd help here's a bunch of acorns that went off wow thanks I'll be able to use these for fertilizer or some [ __ ] but okay look I found some murders well I know leader like your admin there's a critique of modern politics in there somewhere Mochi Dex doesn't actually sound that bad no don't give them ideas I've already got to do the bloody Curry decks what food decks will be in polka Spain that's a good question what would be like the delicacy that we could should expect a curry decks equivalent for chorizo Tex [ __ ] chorizo text collect 50 different kinds of sausage with spice oh there's a lot of cool ones here Viola's pretty good oh there's two oshawotts okay I'll do one of the the Oshawott outbreaks oh I guess they're dying it's okay we won't have to catch any of them oh no they're hostile to me I guess I gotta battle them oh no he saw me you horrible man there's still one of them there's a Survivor there he is finish the job not a problem dealt with where can I hand in my mod sword I can't work under these conditions you utter murderer look the game's already been kind to me today and it's rewarded me for such a Slaughter I already got a shiny Toxicroak like if that wasn't a sign you know what I might go actually kill the other pack of oshawotts they're still lingering aren't they yeah Emperor gives 500 bits and says you are not my favorite streamer or YouTuber anymore after killing a fictional Pokemon in a game that allows you to kill things I have never been so hurt in my life poor little Oshawa don't kill the alpha kill the rats just not him it's too late we do not need them you catch it you get more money for Alphas this isn't a question of money this is about sending a message apology video for killing oshawotts I don't think that would be the video you think it is though guys um gotta dress the elephant in the room I gotta talk about something I'm not happy about and it's the Oshawott kill and spree I recently went on and took a lot of Glee and pride and you know and I just want to say I'm sorry because one of the [ __ ] got away I just don't know if I can live with myself knowing that there's still some of them out there you deserve better I should know better it's the Sun what do you think who's to say [Music] it's lovely space give them to us by Mighty Palkia in this Fleet in time Mighty Dialga gave us such a beautiful view is only possible because we have both together did you enjoy surveying This Land once again the Pokemon company would like feedback on this free content did you enjoy it wasn't a [ __ ] [ __ ] I suppose we still don't know for sure what caused these outbreaks after all yeah we just gotta not gonna have any closure for that we can continue our search for answers that reminds me I spread the word of the people of Hisui should be alert for massive mass outbreaks during rainstorms thanks for that arita hopefully no more poor souls will wander into one and prepared and take a beaten so what like your solution to this problem is if it's raining you just want to be careful because those monsters we didn't solve anything seems like our lives are gonna keep on changing we'll keep adapted just as fast or we'll be [ __ ] killed apparently tell me Granddad how do you think the future of people of fasui will live with Pokemon not long they'll battle in gyms or they'll enter contests well I mean they'll enter contests for a while but the future's not very kind to the contest feature so I think the Gym's more sustainable long term I kind of dropped the ball on the Pokemon contest front Whatever May Come of the future and we lucky to have been born into such fascinating fast Changing Times I understand this in video game land but in real world history and what's been the last while I'm getting kind of tired of fast Changing Times not that change is always good and there'll always be people who don't want to change it all but hey that's life we'll just have to work hard and push on jeez [ __ ] read the [ __ ] room after that what a shitty conclusion like I appreciate the new game mechanic like what a horrible takeaways the end does anything even happen with that sore Arc but the game didn't even have like a payoff a build up for it it's like gotcha you lost your mushrooms oh Ingo oh please tell me there's more happening with you you're one of the coolest characters in this game I wish to have you you try your hand in a new form of Pokemon battle I used to think the Pokemon were terrifying creatures to help me see otherwise please let me know when you're ready to try your hand at these new battles [Music] oh there's a new Mission there one second dingo have you tried any of ingo's patches Solitude battles yet no Ingo was gonna explain it but I guess you're now going to explain it instead way to steal his tongue Thunder guard ah the path is Solitude a chance to master the air to battle him with a single Pokemon Ingo works hard on this you could let him have his moment he say powder Solitude is tough to beat but that's exactly what I like to see you do give it a go myself oh well those sort of house is just way above my level 's patch of solitude is there a badoof mission there's one for AV as well [ __ ] worm a damn get that's a bit random Abra Blissey bastio dance they just throw like darts at a board to decide which Pokemon get these challenges this is a really random selection Passage would hit one of your Pokemon against Pokemon in My Chosen what will you do okay right uh let's get this badoof as ready as we can sword stands double edge Crunch and then yeah because like on the seventh day God had a short rest on the eighth day God was a bit tired so he put the assignment off a while God must Triumph accept the challenge I need to send the rest of your team away there's only one Pokemon I need very well then let's produce Pat of Solitude begin all aboard [Music] get him Badu fulfill the prophecy he is but a weak Evie smashes skull [Music] there is nothing you cannot conquer [Music] pathetic bring me the next victim wait what hang on wait that's it it's kind of lame it's a short [ __ ] pass like the doorstep a Solitude is more accurate three members in a series of battles there's no there's no criteria for that though let's just try it I feel robbed okay this might be a little more challenging [Music] I think the music is playing on their side this time because these guys are the boss now oh that's not a good start okay we're gonna need to use a sword stance defensive stats were raised [Music] you can take it down Badoo I hope for God they don't hit first God is very badly hurt oh no [Music] God is dead again getting another text message go to bed you can hear a voice calling to you will you answer the call it's coming from your mobile device oh God we're back here hello Arceus we've already caught you I thought welcome to the eternal battle bravery I bestow upon thee this test of skill and luck that thou may try thy metal in battle trust in thyself and see how long thou canst remain Victorious atom number one is upon thee what would style do a minor challenge would style face is that just gonna be Cresselia overcome this challenge will grant the six points what does that mean God Noah if you gather two of every animal that's 14 points in my good books and if you get 20 good points you can exchange them it's oh no it's still only badoof oh it's level 80. come on God take a bite out of them you can survive the Sun God is dead again it is a Pity but thy challenge had come to an end fare thee well until we meet again they are a noob I'd rather battle y'all you head in the bed no I'm heading to fight Theory and Pokemon tropical snow what's a tropical snow Pokemon let's make the strongest ones we can oh that's a flying type okay Jeffrey died leads though it's fine is this gonna be like actually challenging battle arena it only seems to be one Pokemon ahead of time though okay seven points when battles in the eternal battle reverie and further points will be die reward use these points to make wishes and gain all manner of Boons ahead of time battles sacrifice HP for double points oh okay so you even have to it costs money to change your Pokemon do we hadoop's gonna be fine right like you know take this bread it is my body share it there you go I have some of Ash now it'll give us some more points that's a bit of a weird battle challenge I wonder how far it goes like what's the end goal too can I beat this yeah it's eternal so what's the ultimate goal is it just experience Pokemon of the Lakes 12 points is this all three of them oh let's see oh it is that's cool oh no it's not that cool anymore it's frail kill it thank God for that for that you're okay oh no uh this thing is swapped it's stacked so it really needs to go okay that's good because it hits less it's not so good though because it's using it twice one shot killer that's cool like that could lead to some like actually quite hard fights as we go along you want a ground type A Steel type the darkness of the world that has existed Beyond time itself oh no it it's just the alga it's okay Jeff or dad is gonna carry us the victory dad might have messed up with God in the present but we can correct the timeline here that's a real good fight music too I like that primordial chaos has been defeated I suppose see what the banished Pokemon is Giratina origin I just want to pick the Pokemon that give me the best music okay that's a real good that's good Strong Style it and hopefully kill it that was agile and it did less this is strong and does more we're good Theory and Pokemon as long as it's not as long as it's not thunderous Thundurus is the scary one well [ __ ] wait wait okay it didn't just immediately kill us we get the switch all right it's just a cheeky Stone Edge the victory go could have been way worse just a male Pokemon it doesn't really narrow it down I wanna fight a man I think it's just some guy yeah we have to take that one oh here come on that's under selling it a bit that's a bit fancier that's a quite significant Pokemon I'm friends with some bloke you know you can't be that casual about alanderos oh no leg's okay all right significantly less okay now I might have to use a heel that gave barely any points too all right they start asleep at least don't wake up okay that's a bad start a really bad start the eggs are [ __ ] oh please stop hitting me foreign oh my God it's just a Beatdown it's our turn to make a move on Palkia gonna be sleepy that was disastrous that's gonna cost me 30 points to heal the egg so we lost we actually yeah we made a loss on points because I had to pay to sleep and sleep them there too and it cost me two to get the double points the last book one always patoof in the lead the doof no God you're not ready I'm gonna have to pay just to change him gotta got the burn oh never mind [Music] the Pokemon recovery seems very valuable to have a dragon type Pokemon for 10 points [ __ ] it yeah just your average dragon type that seems fair come on come on you're a water Moon blast come on one shot it the egg's gonna be all we have left at this rate seven if I can beat a man come out you gotta stop understanding them this is [ __ ] this is not just some bloke you found off the street damn it I have to take it out foreign fight just man in this poor bat because he's gonna [ __ ] you up Crown type it's Landorus I feel like it's always like one of the theory at once they fit in so many categories oh great he's dead this is looking real bad I I have to kill this thing so do like an air slash into strong air slash we got him it's gonna be all down to the egg it's gonna be another Landorus oh it's actually not oh but that's the worst one right now all I have is a Garchomp this is it it's level 100. just hit it with everything you got [Music] I did nothing if I can hit it with a Stone Edge well that's it go Badoo you're the last line of defense he's not even gonna get a move oh God it's dead we've ruined the timeline in the past and present something has been placed before you those are actually some pretty good Rewards thanks God you might have ruined the timeline but we got some candy [Music] foreign
Channel: RTGame
Views: 916,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irish, funny, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, funny stream highlights, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon arceus, pokemon legends arceus gameplay, pokemon legends arceus lets play, rtgame lets play all, pokemon legends, pokemon legends arceus playthrough, pokemon legends arceus ending, pokemon legends arceus postgame, pokemon dlc, pokemon legends arceus dlc, pokemon update, pokemon legends arceus update, new pokemon, pokemon legends arceus daybreak, rt
Id: It2do-8jGjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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