This Is Not Good!

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[Music] so we got a call for a vehicle I think it said Durango that is stuck in the mud in the quicha lake up near Cedar City it's kind of a dry lake a Mud Lake but we're going to head up there see if we can get it out we got the wreer on the back and the whole entire family in tow except for Rudy Rudy's moving into a new shop today but he also doesn't live in our house anymore yeah this Lake I was here a couple weeks ago with he and we got razor out of it it's about 60° the sun just popped out it should be nice all right you can't see too much of it but the Lakes out there in the rainy season we get a lot of rain here that'll get in the quite you know quite a big area but it's only this deep it's one of them dry lakes that just isn't quite dry yet all right things are getting serious now now cuz we're on a bumpy Gravel Road I'm not too worried because I've got a diff lock look at this lively bunch back here that kid's been napping that kid's been napping that kids been napping they couldn't see me cuz I had sunglasses on but I've been napping also well fortunately the most important person not to be napping was not napping that's the driver I'm just trying to keep myself well rested so he can use my full potential to get this car out it is kind of a lazy Sunday afternoon not much going on I better check my map to make sure I'm still headed the right direction okay I'm seeing somebody right over there we got to figure out how to get to it it's a good thing Rhett's already been here because he's given us good information are you sure it's good yeah that's a stag area [Music] all right let's get this unloaded and then head out on our [Music] adventure you're all prepared to ride on the tool boxes yeah if it's cold where you're at you should get yourself a code at Matt Offroad they're just right over there and we've got to go down and to the right Brett and Colin you're on the back I'm so lucky look we fit pretty good those boys on are you ready so the customer gave us permission to drive through somebody else's private property are you sure he's talked to them I don't know I wouldn't just drive across people's propy that's him right up there it's sof T we sank down like a foot we can make it just drive through it all right we just sunk like just stopped so now we're in four-wheel drive both axles locked and we're going to try moving we're stuck everybody off yeah hey get Mom I say we just go F1 style of gasses oh my goodness [Applause] this is bad I hope he gets [Music] [Applause] [Music] out stupid [Music] [Music] we might get a make a call too I thought this was going to be an easy recovery this mud is just absolutely slick this is not good we might be making a call the Hefe or Rudy or somebody an easy Sunday afternoon recovery a little bit there's a couple other pieces if there was anything to hook to how strong are these those are pretty strong let's try let's try winching it's crazy how this just rolls around like soup while your tires are spinning we were out okay let's find the biggest you want to get he on his way just to yeah going to call he and just tell him to be on standby what's the biggest ones this one's pretty big b man this is the biggest one right here all right I think I want this one here going to drop it down in there want you want me reverse or neutral I want you in Reverse not a lot of throttle okay give it a tiny bit of [Music] gas okay we're going to get some human power on this start that thing up Jamie pull that out a little [Music] ways you ever seen T war between us and the wrecker well you're about to who's going to win the wrecker the wrecker that's my time the other looks good this side nice potential okay we're going to do this okay let me in through this thing that's how you're going to do it bad idea I don't think you're that big okay Jamie don't run over me or me let me get in here too nice and slow turn your rock Wheels okay Jamie then I want you to do a full s for two seconds or 3 seconds you ready okay three two one go okay Jamie pull forward [Music] man we are almost out that was close I I I don't like the logs they're too steep okay I like where you're at turn your front wheels this way just a little hold it right there H it's having me saw is that what you want me to do maybe but have a tendency to crawl your front end this way cuz look what you got there you see what you got there yeah traction okay put it in reverse step on the Brake Max the gas and let off the brake and go [Music] [Music] [Music] okayy I'm going to scout for you you follow me I can't believe we got that out of there honest honestly okay Jamie drive through right here call him call he and tell them we're [Music] out crab walk that puppy that's good right there just kill it oh my goodness hey Jamie I'm going to have you get out and run this thing since my hands are just so muddy all right tell me somebody yell when I get the end I got I think if you just get in it put it in reverse give it no how close go a little more I need five feet all right so no we're not going to snap that ball off so just calm down Okay jump in it actually got you jump in it just put it in reverse put it in reverse okay run that in with a bunch of tension on [Applause] it okay pull in you have to stay close Jamie okay pull okay give it the tiniest amount of gas that's that's too much yeah just let just let it pull now we go ahead and put it in neutral now we'll just pull you all the way over there that way my wi will be the wind will be nice and well it was drama free once we got here we got stuck and I'm like oh we learned something I'm going to drive back into the same situation gas all right go ahead and back it up just spinning all right that's [Applause] good they're decently deep not stuck as a recer yeah it's like half a foot [Music] deep pretty sweet they popped right out I saw this big beast thank you there's your shirt awesome um I saw this and I was like I was like oh he's going to bring that oh yeah yeah yeah all right well hey I appreciate you man thank you thank you so much Callin all you guys I don't know what to say about that you guys saw what happened I made a big mistake and then I made another mistake and then I somehow pulled a rabbit like not me we pulled a rabbit out of the house tce twice two times so anyway we got them on their way they're going back out the same way they came in we went out the same way we went at thanks for watching so we might make it home in time for a Christmas movie now cuz it is the weekend and I'm ready to relax I have lots of laundry to do now someone and someone has lots of vehicles to wash now what do you got Carter thanks for wait it was cold thanks for watching watching I got it this time I don't think it's going to be too bad oh yeah that's going to cut right off
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,611,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8AAgpRq_uLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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