Dig Dug's Last Ride

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oh whoa good morning I am working out my shop today and I have a ton of stuff that I need to get done I need to get this truck up and running again which means I need to put the cab back together and I need to hook up that fuel pump the roll cage is all installed now but I need to put the seat and the seat belts back in [Music] while I'm working on the inside of this cab here I've decided I also want to take care of this big open mess right here I've got an aluminum panel that I made a long time ago that fits in here but it's really a pain to put it in because there's all these little bolts that have to be attached and you have to get to the back side to get the nut on so myidea aidea is to drill all these holes out and put a Riv nut in each one of those and then it'll be really easy to take it on and off so I'm going to go find the panel I'm going to go find the riv nut stuff and see if we can finish this up oh yeah so that is going to look much better than the big wiring Ms that I've had for several years I'm going to go grab the riv nut tool and the riv nuts and see if I can find just the right size drill bit to make this work this is the riv nut tool and these are the riv nuts and they work work kind of like a rivet you squeeze them and they expand to fill the hole but they have threads in the middle of them so you can screw a bolt into them I found just the right size drill bit so I can get a really tight fit and I drilled a little test hole right there so this Riv nut here turned out perfect I can show you a mushroomed on the back my/ Quin Bowl goes in nice it's time to go drill out the rest of them in the cab the holes are all drilled I'm going to use this Christmas tree really quick to deur them all and then we can start popping in the rib nuts I'm not worried about deur in the backside I actually think the burr back there might help the rib knot not spin in the hole so it might be a good thing and I can't get to it anyway to [Music] [Music] sorry if there's a lot of background noise in this video the air compressor keeps kicking on because Peyton is chopping up some stuff outside ow how did that get me the finger I traded him some plasma cutting time for some goat milk the rib nuts are all in and looking good I'm going to try to get a camera or something back here that I can see the backside and see if these things have expanded out like there's supposed to and I'm going to go ahead and start bolting this [Music] in that is way easier than it used to be I used to reach back there with the nuts and try and tighten these up this is going to be great I think I'm all done with the interior now it's looking better than it has in years I'm going to move on to the fuel tank I'm just doing a temporary install on the fuel tank for now I just need to run some fuel lines over to it and hook up a couple of wires right now all my fuel lines are routed over to this side of the truck I think I could pull out a loose floorboard here and Route some temporary hoses and wires over to the tank eventually this whole floor will get replaced but that'll work for one last ride all right these are my fuel hoses I'm going to Route these down there and hook them up to the other side and these will come up to the tank one line is the pressure PR side that goes to the engine and the other line is the return from the [Music] engine there's my pressure line need to go there somehow I need to Mark these so I don't mix them up pressure line is hooked up tighten that up these are all tightened up down here I'm going to go up now on the fuel tank side and hook all those up I'm using this stuff it's thread sealer and lock tied in one and it says it's good for fuel so I'm going to give it a [Music] [Music] try I'm blocking off the vent on the the fuel pump because I'm going to use the one that I made on the tank these wires here were running to the fuel pump and to the fuel gauge so I'm going to extend them up and over to the tank these aren't my favorite kind of connectors but it's temporary so it's a good time to use up the cheapies got a whole stash of wire over here hoarding has paid off again it's really nice when you have these little victories I think aing is a way of helping out your future self it's kind of like a savings account count like a 401k put try that [Music] out the fuel lines are all connected the wiring is all done if I get some gas in this it should be ready to fire up I'm really curious to see how many gallons of gas this is going to hold I had people online saying oh that's only going to hold 6 gallons I did the math and I think it'll hold 31 but we'll find out when we hit the gas station for now I got to go find a jug get a couple of gallons in here for a test fire the lawnmower jug has a couple gallons in it so I'm going to start with this I got to leave enough in there for one more mow or two I'm going to go find the key and we'll fire this thing up I'm excited I'm going to Prime this thing a couple times before I fire it up to just fill all those fuel lines with fuel and hear how this fuel pump sounds with the tank most lampy that's actually very quiet fuel pumps make noise you can hear them when you turn the key on this one is pretty quiet for only having like a gallon and a half of gas in here all right I should have fuel in the lines now I'm going to go check them out and see if they're dripping anywhere before I fire it no drips here no drips down here I think we're ready oh I didn't check my gauge what happens when I turn the key check this out this is a really good sign when they turn the key on the gauge goes from below zero just up to zero that's where it should read so I haven't calibrated it with actual fuel yet I just calibrated it on the bench but this is a good sign let's fire this thing up ah yeah one shot sounding good now I'm ready to head to Maverick and fill that tank [Music] up never mind I have a major fuel leak right here I thought it was leak free but that is not true I got to figure out where this is leaking from and then we'll do our trip it's got to be the pressure side oh whoa okay [Music] all right it is early in the morning and it's already about 80° it's supposed to be 106 today so I'm trying to beat the heat I'm going to head to a gas station right now and see how much fuel we can stick in this tank and then we'll get out there all right I've stopped a fill up for gas and the good news is the truck ran fine with only like a gallon and a half in the tank that means the Tank's design well I can run really low and it still runs okay and drives so right now I'm going to fill it up with gas we'll watch the meter to see how much I can put in this [Music] tank it came in just short of 27 gallons and I bet I could squeeze in a few more if I lifted up the [Music] hose I'm heading out to Sand Hollow right now to get one last trail ride in digdug before it's completely torn down and totally rebuilt when it's all done it'll be a completely different machine sadly my fuel tank is still reading zero that means there's something wrong with my calibration I'll have to check it out when I get back we're here at the water tanks now I'm going to hop out and lock in my Hubs and put my flag [Music] up today I'm using Onyx to scout out some new trails for some friends that I've got coming into town I'm going to use the Discover Mode to find something new we haven't done before and to find something that's just the right level for the rigs they're going to be bringing with them looks like I need to take a left or right [Music] here I picked out a little Trail called Resurrection and Onyx helped me get right to the trail head one of the things I really love about Onyx is that I can download all of the maps so when I'm down in a wash or a bowl and I lose cell phone reception I've still got all the maps with me and I know exactly where I'm going [Music] [Music] [Music] Onyx shows an extra little loop I can take here if I want to looks like it goes out to some cool rock formations if you want to give Onyx a try you can use code TomTom at checkout for 20% off your first year membership there's also a link in the description of this video that'll apply the discount code automatically It's probably hard to tell from these videos how harsh the ride is in this truck by converting it to four links with coil overs it'll be way smoother it'll have a lot more wheel travel and it'll be much more capable [Music] there's the old fence this put us right out on fence line road just like Onyx said it would this has been a fun ride but I'm here at the Sand Dunes now so I'm just going to take those back down to the water [Music] tanks now it's time to head back to the shop I am sad this truck is going to be down for quite a few months but I'm really excited about what it's going to turn into so everything ran great the fuel tank worked really good the fuel pump is super quiet I got rid of all the leaks back there the only thing that didn't work was the fuel gauge I still got to figure that out right now I'm going to move on to the rear suspension I've got this dana7 axle here that I need to weld in the tubes install a truss and convert it to disc brakes my axle fell off this table the other day and I don't have a good way to put it back on cuz I got things blocking the way of that engine hoist that I normally use so I think we've taken off enough parts we can just muscle it on [Applause] there a beast huh yeah it's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] fun okay I was trying to move it off of the jack stand and it was kind of slow motion it like chipped and then slid and then Clank and then boom I just stood back and let it go in the comments I've had a lot of people asking me why don't you just move this table around and do this or that with it this table weighs like 12200 lb the top is 3/4 of an inch thick it's 4x8 and it's just super super heavy so I don't move the table unless I really have to I've got to figure out where the trust should sit on this axle so to do that I have to know how far up the pinion is going to be tipped and I think it's going to be really similar to the setup I have in my truck now so I'm going to go measure that I'm actually going to measure the drive shaft angle down here and that's what I'll use as my starting point over there woo I need a lot more I don't know if this is going to go high enough 10° okay that's not working I'll figure something out this right here is pretty close [Music] [Music] so I know I could just take this and hit it with a plasma cutter and knock this thing off but when I do that it gouges into the tube really bad and I want this thing to be full strength so I'm grinding and chopping and it's taking a long time but I think I've almost got this one but I'm also burned out on doing this so on the other side I might hit it with the plasma we'll see how this one goes all right that was a workout I got one left to do still wow that is really [Music] good all right when you see little cracks start to open up all around the edges that's a good sign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that definitely was not coming off with some little claw hammer I want to weld these axle tubes to the housing so that they never spin or come loose and this connection is as strong as possible to do that I've got to clean up the connection here really really well and I've got to heat up this housing and lay in a super hot weld I'm going to start right now with a wire wheel [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got these axle tubes cleaned up pretty good most of the rust is off of there all the stuff that was attached has been ground off off so I'm getting ready to weld the center section to the axle tube and the axle tube is steel and the center section is cast iron so they're have a tendency to crack if you weld these I've had them crack before on me what I want to do is heat this up really hot that'll help with the cracking I wanted to get it to like 400° but it's a big casting and it sucks up a lot of heat so we'll see if I can even get it that hot so I'm getting my torch set up I'm getting the welder set up and I'll just start burning it in here nice and hot I'm glad I checked my welder down here I am just about out of welding wire so I'm going to swap on a new spool before I get started I've decided to run this big powdered metal core wire that I've got a spool of it's 045 diameter that's bigger than I normally run but this is also a really big weld so I'm going to go with this stuff and do a couple test weld make sure I'm happy with it and then we'll give it a try to do that I have to change out these Drive rolls to the 045 rolls it's been a long time since I've run this stuff but I really liked it on big [Music] steel all right I'm really happy with these okay those are the settings I'm going to start with I am ready to go here I've got the temperature gun out out looks like we're starting at about 80° so I'll fire up the torch and we'll see how hot we can get this [Music] [Music] thing we're at 180 right now so it's he fast we're really close to 400° right now I'm going to go for it I think it's plenty hot enough [Music] [Music] [Music] that other side went really good so I'm going to do the same thing right here [Music] [Music] all right this thing's hot it is time to [Music] weld whoa [Music] that scared me there when it hopped off the jack stand but it was a good time for a break my gloves were starting to overheat let's take a look at this Weld and see how I did I think those are going to be really good this side is still nice and hot too it's cooling down slow I think they're going to hold great I'm going to let this cool for a while and then I'm going to start figuring out the axle truss since I got the plasma cutter I don't use the torch near as much but it's always fun when I do it's perfect for projects like this when you're just trying to heat something up acetylene is so hot it just Heats things up way faster than propane or math gas the fit is actually incredible there is very little I'm going to have to do to clean this up to make it go right there it's touching all the way around on the axle tubes it's almost touching right here it'll be easy to weld the Gap this thing's going to be perfect so I'm going to pull that off and weld up the truss on the back side a little bit everything that I can't get to after it goes on I'm going to do that then I'll come back here and put it on and bomb it in [Music] I welded all the backs side of the truss that I'm not going to be able to get to after it's installed now I'm going to tack it in place I've already got it leveled up and I've got it centered [Music] all right that is a good tight fit everything looks perfect now I'm ready to bomb it in [Music] [Music] this axle is all cooled down now but while I've got everything here to weld on it I want to figure out how to convert this to disc brakes so I got calipers and rotors from Summit Racing and I've got a universal bracket here from Barnes off-road that'll Mount these calipers on here some so I need to clean up the Hub that I've got and then figure out how to fit all this stuff together and see where to weld on these brackets [Music] so I've got this spindle and the Hub down here all cleaned up and I was going to mount the rotor to the back side of the Hub with some new wheel studs but it seems like it wants to mount right on the front side so I'm going to try that I'll fit it all up with the caliper and the bracket and see if we can find a good spot to weld that together [Music] now it's time to figure out how these calipers are going to fit on here and get this bracket set up I know I have a problem these calipers just won't go on there's just not enough room between the brake pads for this thick of a rotor but it's super close so I'm going to do one of those things that you should never [Music] do I think I just took off 2,000 Mi worth of Life on these brake pads but that's totally okay I think that's all I needed to do to make these fit [Music] my caliper is fitting now which is great and the brake bracket is mounting right on the back side of this backing plate which gives me a perfect area to weld to but it's a universal bracket and I'm going to have to reshape the arch in it a little bit so I can lower the caliper down it's up kind of high I need to bring it down about half an inch that should get almost all of the pad riding on the rotor's surface and that's exactly what we [Music] need the bracket's all reshaped I'm ready to test fit this thing and if it works I'm going to weld it in that looks pretty good it's looking like it's going to work I'm going to put the whole thing back together because the caliper will hold it in place while I [Music] weld I've got everything together now and I've got my welder set up so that I can tack this into place so I'm going to rotate this back I think like 60° I'll tack it in two spots I've got a wet rag here to stuff in there to protect my spindle then I'll have to take it all apart so I can get to everything and do the final welds [Music] [Music] that welded up really nice I tried to weld it enough so that I would never worry about it again but not so much that I warped anything now I'm going to put the Hub and the brakes all back together so that it's a roller but I'm not going to have any grease or seals in there it'll all have to go back together one final time in the future [Music] [Music] check this out this side looks beautiful now I just need to repeat this whole thing over [Music] here all right check that out [Music] that came together really good the truss fit amazing and the brake hardware went together nicely so this axle is ready to be installed that's going to be the start of a lot of huge things for digdug I'm going to start tearing into it and it's going to be down for quite a while so it was great to get this truck out for one last ride thanks for watching I got to get one of these [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tom Tom's Shop
Views: 134,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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