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hey guys welcome to the vlog it's absolutely beautiful in Seattle Washington tonight we have our first live show tonight is our first live show no more rehearsal no more enough that it's time I'm anxious I'm nervous I'm excited I don't know what to expect I've never done a live show before somehow in the mix up of traveling I lost the toothbrush so I have been let me take in this towel putting toothpaste on it like that don't any of you've ever done that but desperate times call for desperate measures we're out I'm ready I think I'm good so tell me what we're doing right now we're going because people unlike you grow facial hair all right I grow facial hair this is a good two months not one that's the color the complexion of your skin yeah I'm glad you brought it up because I was thinking I need a good trim wear for mine you don't have a hair Lucy so this is before and this is whoa you think you think you can help me out to get pump on there for you hotman ago I got the beard all trimmed up ready to go looking good Hey look at you that's a real thing I didn't know I didn't know you had to do that all the time he does this like every day every other day warpin over to this place called kosis we ate breakfast here yesterday and what's matter you're mocking me going into this barber shop I realized I want a new hairstyle like I'm not okay with this anymore it's hard to do my hair is just different it's old school you know I mean it's like old Rama now and I want to be like new and fresh like maybe a Molech no you know you should do cut off the top and leave the sides Oh a puppy Longstocking techie techie thank you I wish I do guys for real I've been telling Brittany for like two months I want to switch my hair up cuz I don't know I mean this is me though this is not have been for a long time but I you step long hair like I've always had different hair through high school blonde white black green all different colors over a ball fade a ball fade means they this part that there's no hair and then the top is shaved like a bus cut and then they line it up did you see these years dude if I don't have a hair here I've got Dumbo dude like Dumbo Chumlee do some of this top of this how this I swear and I'll talk to you about this after I'm a good barber god I swear to God I might complain let me cut your hair if you want me to cut Romans hair thumbs up okay alright another option what should he cut it if he does cut it what should it be cuz I don't I don't know man i guess switch it up what would you put it no like I'm serious I know how to cut here nobody trusts me but you don't have your hair I do III shame you just paid 12 bucks for a little too long yeah because the beard is hard because my beard like is I just you know it's hard but I can cut your hair please please anything you want I want myself if I mess up I'll pay for your haircut you just don't know what I want like I need something I get a picture and I'll do it you do the lizard in my man I can do the lizard doodle is I got a lion I can do an elephant I can do the whole jungle oh shut up this is exactly why we found love at this place oh my god they're all right guys just ran up got my coat got an extra vlog battery it's go time I think we're ready let's do it I just took a crap night and ready oh oh that's thunder so I literally just noticed a whole mountain over there with snow on it you see this top line wrong in because here we are the show everybody's getting ready yeah like what like a tower II to the show that's Ali girl Ali girl yeah yeah yeah we go so least I know where else in people ruin are you guys all coming tonight whoo it's about time you guys got here dude huh happy shout all the seats are in yo fou say are you ready yo Jim yeah yo so know you get to fake me bet yo so how do I give these away at the end of each night especially yours delive yeah I don't even look like you guys yo I know does here but wait if you guys get sick where your understood this place is about to fill up plug in the hole all right so before this really gets started we're gonna head backstage this is the craziest backstage I've ever seen first of all foo see we'll have to run during certain bits down this door all the way down to the other side of the stage and then we have a spot that we can come up here this is where we change this is where we hangs I don't know this place is crazy man so a little backstage hangout area the Lula fridge is loaded dish we've got 150 people and we've got one hour for the meet-and-greet angry okay so that's like 30 seconds a person oh that's not good yeah so just that's not good spending more time than that because they this was expensive meeting great yeah so just keeping your mind and like if you have you're talking about three people at one time then that's a man and a half you know what oh because they'll probably coming group yeah so if they coming to curses they came look but just just be conscious that we've got to keep it moving sound okay and maybe in the future we do the me treats after the show so that we can spend all night with them yeah to this kid wake him up do go jump on it or something we got a full three hours before the show we're gonna send the camera out with Pedro wait what's your name Pablo Pablo we're changing his name ever Sara every single night see I'm different I so Pablo is gonna take it out and get some people hopefully should be boss I wait oh there's tons of them I'm ready hey guys this is for the vlog oh my damn feet there's kids waiting over here for it hey guys a quick update from Ohio we are dropping mail off Britney's helping me there's kids waiting over here to see if it's Roman I bet and so yeah we're just wrapping mail if I wanted it let you guys know smile more stores always running even if we're out of town the girls are working on it they're getting it done okay guys so we have a new product that came in today that I'm dying to show you it's not going to be up on the site for a few weeks we have to do picture still hi guys so we're I'm really excited to show you hopefully I don't pass out yellow blue green pink red and I think I'm just gonna do it assorted pack so you get one of each color yeah so those will be going up in the next few weeks I gotta get pictures of them and then get them up on the site so I have been working in the store all day maman Kane have been hanging out so I can get some stuff done and there's not beads all over the house I wanted to give you guys a good update on the smile more store but they're still out there working and there's not going to be any lights it's gonna be dark soon um so maybe we'll do that tomorrow take you a tour of the new smile Moore building which is awesome I cannot wait to move out of our basement into our own building in our own smile more store Taj is called I'm on the phone with him I have to clean the skimmer which isn't that the fish poop oh it's the fish Boop don't make me clean the fish poop so if you haven't seen we have this little secret room in our basement the little lock up top this is our fish room oh the water that goes in the tank and this is the skimmer it's clean out I'm just trained set the camera up on a little tripod Oh Hey with this oh my god hey yeah I got it but is it like the inside comes out it's bubbling all over the place okay that's normal I'm picking you guys up very carefully with my poop covered hands oh my god that's so nasty oh this is I feel like worse than a litter box of like cats or like picking up dog poop out of the yard look at this and it stinks like rotten eggs okay you guys ready to see how clean this baby is look at that that is so much cleaner you could probably eat off of it it's okay okay everyone I'm going to end it over here in Ohio we miss daddy so much I hope he does awesome at his first show I wish I could have been there first first show see how many times he messed up cases hi say Q say hi Daddy hi dad yeah we missed daddy huh yup but we will see you guys later hopefully tomorrow bye say bye bye bye guys mwah we love you Oh hopefully I didn't selfish poop on my hand ready let's go what are you waiting for I wanna sit on this code we gotta go I cannot help you with your shoe situation it's funny you brought nine bags left flip-flops with socks yeah I can't do that you just told everybody that's how you're wearing so before every show there's 150 VIP tickets Lucy and I meet-and-greet 150 of you so we're supposed to be down there right now I'm ponch and he's literally naked right now a min show stop you're taking too long you just bragged about wearing flip-flops now you're wearing and they're too big and a story - there's space boots it's big on me kind of sneak up you're gonna sneak up Oh you wanna say I would give it to pain in 2010 Wow number one you're a huge fan because you have smile more in the side your head number two you have some bootleg smell my future then I didn't make there you go I would be like it so he got he got scammed online he got this on some random website so there's a real one that's for you what fit all right man high five you know man I like both of it I think the fouseytube shirt smell work that's it actually I like that that's the most important thing enjoy the show guys that's right that's right good Wow man Wow we just banged up we have to get a whole new suitcase for all our gifts this is incredible look at the merch that looks good good good job for me a good night it'd still be a good night we're gonna have some fun all right guys we are about to head out we got five minutes till Showtime whoo happy be here with this get dressed although I'm up I'm up you onstage let's do this you ready you guys let's go I'm sorry literally 4-minute from going on stage all you have to go the other side damn damn damn no right up and I got to do my earpiece let me go better this is it I can't show you any of the show but I'll get this camera out there at some point you ready I need some of these up like this it's audio time are these on like once even put them on source okay so this is it this isn't the intro to the tour but this is a part where we're going to vlog so here we go good where are you but dude that was so cool that was unbelievable guy honestly um speech I'm actually speechless like I'm trying to explain it to you guys but I'm just I'm on cloud nine that was the greatest experience it was a really good show man good job with the Rockets - yeah didn't kill anybody that's my favorite part of the show I wanna say one thing for Roman you guys have never seen him in the kind of light you're gonna see him on stage you seen him do pranks you seen him do vlogs you seen him do crazy stunts you're gonna see him in a movie you'll never experience what it's like to see him on stage until this tour I got to give a shout out to the soldiers you guys blew it up tonight dude there's no denying their power I would imagine that after most shows for most people they would go out have drinks party go crazy celebrate food scene I are about to start editing vlogs and get up early we got a tour bus check this out I'm going to show you right now this is our tour bus we're heading to Portland Oregon in the morning that's our bus 9 a.m. wheels up doors shut we're off to Portland Oregon can't wait to see another sold-out show bottom out dude see you tomorrow tour bus talk soon come yo get your work done look at you you don't sleep you help me I'm tired humpy so much adrenaline guys that is gonna wrap up the vlog I don't know what us to stay mad my mind is kind of popping right now I'm on cloud 9 my adrenaline wore off and I'm just like uh I don't even remember today yeah but it did thank you guys for absolutely everything for being a part of this journey and for hanging out with me every single day it's so fun I hope you guys enjoyed Britney sent in some footage in the show continues we're on a bus 9 a.m. to Portland Oregon which should be great I love you guys thank you for everything smile more so I've always seen this big guy in movies on TV and pictures but I've never actually been here have you been before I've never been in Seattle I thought you were born here we go here we go now be
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,789,322
Rating: 4.9592791 out of 5
Keywords: kane atwood, romanvsfousey, family vlogs, family friendly, Atwood, kid friendly, brittney, kid-friendly, seattle, daily vlogs 2016, ohio, youtube pranks, Natural Born Pranksters, roman vlogs, family-friendly, roman vs fousey, washington, Roman Atwood, Roman, tour, best pranks, family fun, on stage, roman soldiers, pranks, roman atwood vlogs, noah atwood, atwood vlogs
Id: 2lnAQ6rrruY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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