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hey guys welcome to the vlog we are currently sitting in Massachusetts Matt you go yeah but I ate it first okay dude I think you actually hurt my arm oh did I gonna get mad at me now don't lie you did he did to me he hit me hope you guys are having an awesome day we're on day two of rehearsal tomorrow is our first official live show in Massachusetts everyone said I said Massachusetts fine I say that funny say Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts you say cars are wrong well I don't even know what that is cars are let's go look for cars are getting very late start today we've been in rehearse wall day it's been really boring for you guys and I just haven't been filming you go ahead in front of me okay car Oh get this way the wrong place what is this watch your noodle let's do something to look at this cage oh look at the oh my gosh dude you know they hide bodies in here I'm going in there what I'm not going in there I think I heard somebody whistle you want five second vlog you and I'll have the footage no wait what is this dude OH turn it on dude bro flashlights chopped creepy stuff dude I'm not gonna lie these old venues are fruity skin look at this wall do not get the ceilings gonna come down right now go run run day two guys day two I know we're here dude there's no secret uh-oh we have a one-hour lunch break we decide to come out for a little bit and explore check this out this is so pretty down here definitely one of the coolest parts for me touring and traveling and doing what I do is getting to see different places in the world different places the country I mean this is this is really pretty here hope you guys are having the best day of your life man and you realizing how silly some problems are and know that it always seems like our problems are so big at the time and then time passes which is the ultimate healer is time those problems usually turn into something that we end up laughing about later in life it's crazy how it works and our minds just they trick us our mind can be an enemy to us or it can be our best friend getting all sentimental down here at this River man emotions calling I love it it's just rehearsals all day so we thought we'd come out get some fresh air we're in this building to like 10:00 p.m. tonight or something like that so it's an all-day thing we're really stuck inside Brittany's vlog and hope you're enjoying that she's really saving everything because she's run the smile moist or she's taking care of the kids the dogs the house and she's trying to vlog for you guys so big thumbs up to that girl man love you bread Oh morning 10 to Angus it is exactly nine o'clock the girls are here working out we were supposed to start at 8:00 just get in the light start okay we're gonna try this flasher and try it with me flash flash do and try it with me okay this is the next one that we're gonna try it's just old fart all right Veronica can do it here you go Oh watch out ready all right we can do this we can do this ready yeah it looks like the video oh it's perfect no oh boy yeah Walternate yeah I just got out of the shower and I came out also what's moving over there on a carpet it's a frog Oh flash must around Manny's all oh my car it's like a tree frog oh my gosh oh so I had the door open yesterday because the air the air finally got fixed but I had the door opens I'm guessing he just found this little way and he's like it don't smash him I'm not smashing him oh I got him it's our new little pad back you want to give me put them in the bathtub Lisa's not a snake kiss the hole okay I dried my didn't completely dry my hair um but I'm dressed now and we got the Frog out of here there was a frog in here this morning grandma oh there's no inside in the carpet a little green one did you leave it there dude that's what I was thinking played with them um so Roman ordered me something before he left bang so I'm gonna switch over I think I just have to switched my battery and card over um so yeah hang on one second tell me if it looks any better or different or worse or anything is it better you see now I can see myself and make sure but I think you guys get annoyed if I look up at the screen I had this little tripod on my other camera yeah just like screws on oh I had this one on my old camera and I think I'm gonna put on this one but I also ordered one of these fun guys I don't know I don't think I want a big thing hanging off the camera socially cuz I like stick it in my persons oh so that's why I like this one so much I just got her hey ray grandma's here kids are playing and I'm going to go out to the store um Kayla which is who are exploring came in she's like uh we have a problem so I have to go I had to go to work so let's go she's like oh hey I guess it wasn't that much of a problem we just have the women stickers now on the bags are supposed to be like this little em sticker whoa miss whoa so the sticker is supposed to be pink now for the woman's but I think while they were switching over they were still clear and whites of we were just look kind of confused on which ones were the women's and which ones were the men so yeah this is the smile Moore store there's Emily and Kayla and we have D an and amber and you're leaving she came in on her day off to help us get orders out so that was awesome thank you so much it's so I'm not sure if you can hear me Oh with time to nd I'm just taking my far over to get we're gonna get fix this thing sounds so bad it's like squeaking and going crazy I hope they're something like really wrong with it I really hope you can hear me if you can see in the back seat it's like complete dog hair because this is the car that's easiest to take these places really hard for him to get in the truck there's no AC it's so hot in here ruined my hairdo for the day and yeah so one way they convicted nothing really like really bad by little Carl see you when you're all fixed up we're gonna stop and look at this little boat thing here oh that's so cute I mean if I was a kid I would hang out in here so I got a little picnic area and you can spy on the people that serve up there are you trying oh this is like whoa that's a little slick but it's really nice you guys could see my wrist row Roman never puts the wrist strap on it for sure yeah I mean this is fun I don't know I like this thing because it has the baby swing on it and it has like the rubber handles is off but you know here hahaha oh my god heard the truck out of me what did you just see the truck and saw us yeah I even turned around came back that's funny sorry bye I don't think I'm buying anything I just wanted to come look for some prizes yeah they're expensive oh they're Amish made that makes that I guarantee Aaron I like how they have it labeled lofty view you pull up Oh your hair is dragging in the dirt right now so my mom just came over she's gonna grill out and we're gonna eat dinner together and hang out for a little while and I am going to end this vlog right now and send the footage over to Roman so when he gets done he can he can download it and start editing when he's done so I will vlog tomorrow for you guys not sure what we're doing yet um all right guys I am going to end this vlog from Ohio but I will see you tomorrow bye ah all day rehearsal when I see smile more shirts I know that's gonna be a good show Pablo's getting love did I yelling for you doesn't it yeah uh what's up hi how are you what's up dude are you me hug are you guys what I'll do one mortgage instead of how long has she left earlier came back to give you a howl you're here for like two hours right now and now you're here like wait two hours early I just don't know I need this how you they fight over who listens to your blog's run and yell at each other Patel yeah watch at the same time we watch it on our TV sometimes thanks guys look if you wanted to buy you a pet gate for your dog oh you know don't borrow me nothing but you guys are all I need then it's not even a question like how awesome our fans like the best polite very nice kind people I can see it's such a good feeling in rehearsal like they're calling our names what to do where to step has his phone in his hand playing this game you did that okay I can multitask I know exactly what I'm doing I know exactly how to say it and I was orchestrating everything don't be mad just because I thought we'll see tomorrow everyone stay Oh strong sonic don't panic Roman where are we while Spiros right here I don't know what that is Roman what's a while Spiro oh man here are you cereal in the going the camera gonna care are more doing it go what do you mean just go stand there go stand on there yes then she's right next to you oh I miss she's right next to you Roman don't kick her oh she's right next to you I swear you're stepping on her almost let me catch her I got her I got her I got her oh my god your foot almost stepped on it oh I got you in there you were in hell due to Pokemon see not oh there he goes guys I am back in my room I really don't have anything else for you today we literally sat in that place all day except for we ran down the river to fly some drones and that is it so I am I'm so sorry that it wasn't very entertaining but that was my day I hope you still were able to enjoy it hope you're keeping your head up I hope you're being positive and I hope that no matter what's going on in your life you're able to just keep pushing forward that's the most important thing you can do love you guys so much thanks for all the support we will see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile wait-wait-wait
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,207,612
Rating: 4.9383349 out of 5
Keywords: family vlogs, roman vlogs, Natural Born Pranksters, kid-friendly, Workout, pranks, kid friendly, brittney, Roman vs Fousey, Brittney smith, daily vlogs 2016, Roman, ohio, kane atwood, family-friendly, Atwood, Roman Atwood, roman soldiers, family friendly, Roman Atwoods tour, vs, noah atwood, family fun, best pranks, atwood vlogs, youtube pranks, roman atwood vlogs, Roman Atwoods girlfriend, Tour
Id: rZrDs5R53YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016
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