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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Rammite 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

The curling game would be AWFUL with stick drift.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TheBionicBoy 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Arin's goalie went from being at the wrong end of the goal (~19min), to blocking like 10-15 shots in "Additional Time".


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/skyyn3t 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am very weirded out by the way Arin said "Lady Gaga". He says it like "gah-guh", instead of "gah-gah".

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rock_Carlos 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Loved that this was a multi-game episode. Probably my favorite so far

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RinneganUser 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Normally when these guys play generic Nintendo games I'm always bored. Shovelware or anything non-Mario or Zelda related.

But fair dues to them: This game, or collection of games, looks to be pretty dang fun. And it's only $40 too. Not bad.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Bold of Nintendo to make (at least) one of these games rely solely on accurate joystick motion given the notorious lack of quality in joycon joysticks.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Akatsiya 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Are those the almost exact courses as from Wii Sports?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Wefee11 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everybody welcome hi who's up for a nice relaxing round of overhead golf with a gentle stream babbling in the corner oh that is not yeah it's a nice effect Aaron and I have started the first round and we can't exit out of it so we're just gonna keep going with this yeah that's Aaron who just took a swing yeah I really really landed right in the sand trap you can you can show a clip from that and yeah it's just a simple game of golf you know we got wind we got three different types of irons yup and just just was just going for gold baby come for that lowest score 174 okay so I want sort of a mid-range yeah I'm gonna do this action yeah too far too far okay I've made a terrible mistake I don't know what I was doing Oh God maybe like that oh well I got a little did a little you know Oh okay so how do I 48 putter okay little halfway point there yeah oops too hard no that's okay alright oh cool a birdie alright Aaron's going to complete some okay oh wow good for you awesome so it's so cool hey to a nice start yeah you're looking really nice Oh beautiful okay so that's what we want to get to got wind going one mile an hour to the south all right I don't think that's drawn that wind ain't strong at all I think you're good at is Drive it's strong you ain't nothing Oh perfect shot Oh kind of for the most yeah I actually hit it a little too hard so did I baby no did you captain look at that oh my god love each other Wow God there's not advanced math in this okay look you better watch out that better no gentle wind better not pout I'm telling you why cuz there's a [ __ ] ton of water everywhere alright so here we go oh oh oh my goodness that was beautiful thank you wait Aaron before you take your shot yeah I would just like to help you concentrate mm-hmm really really gets me the what you're farting in the basilica's shirt oh my god so especially cuz that fart is already funny but what makes it especially funny as it is always cut off at the head oh yeah agreed and I found another one I really like which is uh you gotta give me this AB dude oh it's not a nap all you have to do is type in fart sound board oh okay I look on the Internet [Music] stop sorry sorry I'm all right I'm fine everything's okay so the amazing thing about that Oh oh I don't know what to do here do I try to drive it over the trees or will I hit the trees what's the smart move I don't know man yeah I feel like the risky move is like the the tempting one yeah I'm gonna play it say this is three hits for sure that might be too far I'm gonna [ __ ] gambler oh look at that I didn't even see that what I didn't even see that chunk of green down there oh yeah that's not that's what you were talking about I I just was talking about hitting it over the trees baby you got it right how can I pop it over the trees now that's now this way you're originally that's got to be the it's got to be the plan right dead [ __ ] Center - okay all right you [ __ ] here we go I gotta launch this [ __ ] boom oh my god all right Sancho really okay I still need my driver yeah I switch to my eye on oh there we go yeah beer against the wind I know what are you gonna do man I'm gonna [ __ ] blast like I hear you dog but listen um looks like we're even and out on this one hit there it is all right yeah right inside mm-hmm [Music] good you dude I'm sorry I it was so so worth it oh man I'm so [ __ ] cross right now god I could just eat an entire goat Wow all right here we go sorry so what Ash and I have been listening we've been playing those fart sound boards for you know the past couple of nights in our house and just laughing uncontrollably and amazingly enough there's a game grumps one where you're like I farted or something like that and she was just like oh my god I can't believe this like on that sound board yeah yeah dude someone uploaded like a game grumps fart button oh my god it was the first time she and I have been dating a long time it's the first time I ever actually felt like a celebrity around yeah that's yeah that's my my comedy partner I was there in the room when that happened this one's kind of little trigger yeah a lot of 3-meter action going on over there yeah it's too hard no I'm just kidding Oh beautifully done no none of the green green grass the rough II mean yeah that's why I said green green grass and not just green right so oh boy yeah yeah come on go on oh you have to factor in the physics of the boy nice boy the flag Aaron the boy nice boy that was a little hard but whatever yeah the putter it's pretty forgiving on boy knees blowing dude all right oh this is nice this is going well yeah you're really wrecking my [ __ ] though you're really ripping my butt apart that was kind of like they say it was kind of like us getting used to it yeah a little palm tree that's making me feel like I'm back home and I hate it and I feel depressed now we have palm trees here though I know but this like land feels very Florida as opposed to California's it does that is true so just like to green California's not green it's only green when it rains that like one day a year and then it's like wow yes sorry yes I agree bro you gotta you gotta you hit it with the wind bro you got to consider the window Emily you have to consider the wind man that shouldn't count what a totally legal hit no I mean that shouldn't count as a bunker because I was just like tiny like oh boy you Brun you sprained that one for sure you know I always go straight for the pointy spring can I though I think you can make it yeah can I though oh oh I just missed it whoo fiddle-dee-dee that would have been hot yoga that would my hot dog that would have been the absolute hotness no one was so hot and eat my nuts boy he's frying lost my whole lead on this whole Oh wet yeah you had a beautiful run there I'll take that you mEagle blue all right yep that's that's two here's two backs the way in the lead though cut cut my leading hath good my lighter into thinking that she could be right half this is my last breath or dad don't you remember that it's the two restaurants next to each other what was called cut my life into pieces and the other one was this is my last burrito no genius geniuses out there oh look at that smash plastic fork I love their water effect yeah it's really relaxing it's beautiful too shimmery we're friends we're so next to each other we are like exactly so next to each other like right there oh that's you hard oh yeah thanks for letting me know what oh wow alright noted uh-huh wait what is oh it's you yeah yeah it was straight up out of bounds into pizzas yeah dude I'm just gonna completely replicate that no stop whoa you son of a [ __ ] yeah okay alright there goes there goes my lead bro yes yes bro okay oh is this me tis oh-oh that's a heavy heavy wind bro they were trying to trick me for a sec but I was like hmm hmm can't trick the trick er [ __ ] oh boy yeah you're really gonna slam it down that's about where I aimed it I know I can't it's kind of weird sometimes trying to aim it correctly hey don't like that don't like that at all oh you could get it straight in I probably can you can get it 69 yards oh okay um I'm just gonna go all the way with this Oh am I gonna hit the trees I don't know man I don't know either this is awkward yeah okay I did clip the trees okay that's okay you don't get you don't get points for that or you don't lose points for that it's how it is yeah mm-hmm oh [ __ ] that was really hard Oh my lead Harshman reclaimed I don't like this at all all right you got two holes left son talk to me about having holes that's precarious as hell let's see what happens yeah oh my goodness gracious mmm that full-blast I think it was oh oh did I get on the green you did Oh Oh sprang gee brewings I did get it on the green oh you can't putt though it's too far really oh it said it told you I know but I thought it would roll or something like a ball just so I could stop like yeah you put it as hard as your your little putt could hit desire oh they're tied though right yeah we are tied oh yeah we're tied for that hole all right let it final halt lembreaux Lim Lim so Oh God things could definitely change on this one this is awesome I love this yeah you could you could definitely hit that one Oh not a doubt with the wind but it's got four oh it's too hard it's too much too bad all right let's see what happens oh I hit it too hard yeah oh there goes the lead well oh no well it's just water hazards right there Oh Oh neat that's not that's terrible though yeah don't don't don't okay we're right where we were I don't like that unless I got a penalty for the water hazard which I may have out of Belle oh that's naughty oh look at my nuts dude yeah we go Oh nicely done just pop it in baby it's probably in just like that I can't it's too fat ain't do fanfare oh maybe not with the wind it'll bounce whoops that wasn't strong enough it was perfect oh my god dude what the [ __ ] what I don't know I don't know that worked out very well [Laughter] [Music] why are you too strong you're too strong for me wha want to do one more that was that was very relaxing and fun yeah is there other holes oh those are we're gonna be doing the same holes though there's not a whole lot of variety in this minigame is there like an easy Thai soccer toy soccer sounds fun to me uh I think you just move the ball these games are adorable I know I love them right okay let's see here Oh one of these it's called foosball I guess okay oh yeah that's right oh god this is gonna take a little getting used to now that's power Oh No oh stop stop it stop it stop it uh-huh stop this takes everyone a second to be like um well okay weirdo where am i ah you know goo no goo goo stay away you goo no stay away from here stay away stay away board passed it to you that's a [ __ ] act of God right there yeah I had to had to learn a whole new control scheme for the goalie so yeah I know I know it's only three seconds left Oh what [ __ ] oh it's halftime okay man oh yeah you're gonna have a halftime show yeah the parade comes out little toy lady Gaga Lady Gaga get like ever get [ __ ] satisfaction out of that okay I can never get it past you on this let's the kick is stupid just to get out of that part of the stage I'm done like the ball just wants to go over there and that's it Oh kick kick it kick it kick it kick oh [ __ ] gosh [ __ ] you really like playing with the goalie is like playing 40 chest like it's only one ticket Oh additional time oh no I'm for injuries stop your goalie is incredible you only got one second left holy crap okay Wow well yeah that was something else why do that one more time yeah I guess it didn't feel like I was getting anywhere that's how I feel when I play real foods I'm just like I don't I don't understand like it's just the ball ends up over there yeah okay yeah at least I know I'm a good goalie that's all yeah oh yeah come on knock it come on no no no get in there with the kicks the kicks get in there with the kicks worked but it did oh here come the kicks oh gosh please God just let me kick a [ __ ] gold Oh get in there what do you mean get in there I mean get in your goal I'm the one who should be saying oh my god get off I'll get it away with the kicks like the worst soccer [ __ ] talker the kick a real soccer game we just shout that from oh yes yes no no yes no yes yes no oh my god it is so hard to clear it from your side oh yeah knock it back Oh what I [ __ ] just figured out the whole point of this game what one one button kicks it a certain way and the other kicks it the other way did you not know that I did not know oh I'm so sorry I wish I'd known I didn't know that that is okay that does explain all of my difficulties boring it says it in the slide never mind the point is we had fun is it next about game Grubbs time Aaron if not oh it's not alright yeah those are such quick games League you want to play a deciding a deciding toy soccer boy curling oh hell yes what in the world you know we're doing Tilly curling do whatever it takes to make sure that's me done boy curling okay how do you play Oh No okay like you just smack it into the center aim for the center here we go no you're in control always this oh oh I see got it how do you aim it is it motion and now you're in control oh I don't like that it's so close oh I see oh god okay yeah yeah I get it it's based on how hard you're yeah flick it flick it is it whoever has the one that's closest or the most that are closer I think it is a geek cumulates maybe I don't know it is this is tough this is tough to control doesn't block you from shooting oh yeah get mine close yeah I guess it is just the one that's the close yeah it's just the one geez okay oops and you want to knock mine out of the way Hey yeah now what are you gonna do oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I [Music] don't like that at all it's so cluttered with [ __ ] pucks my my goodness oh no this isn't good you got a clear shot though if you can get it and no you yeah yes yes well done Aaron oh my oh my goodness okay let's try now that we know yeah yeah yeah okay mmm you can do with the right stick too I think really yeah that might be a little better I know it's the best okay whose turn is it your turn oh it's getting cold in here you can cold all this oh thanks I wash that [ __ ] in the stratosphere dude [ __ ] dick for doing the thing that the game is I didn't say you're a dick I said suck my dick okay wait what the hell the [ __ ] isn't working yeah it is you kind of gotta get a weird feel for it ooh there we go no okay I'm just gonna bash my baby boy a little bit closer no okay maybe I'll just do that don't you dare oh I'm Darrin you dick oh that's not good that stops your errant pucks or what just a little tough sometimes some reps cram in it oh great this is going well bad terrible well done well done what a nightmare all right one the one last one for uh yeah yeah yeah for all the marbles for all the marbles so the next these switch games are great I know there's so much fun they're so they're so pleasant and enjoyable I mean that's what you get for [ __ ] Nintendo whenever Nintendo makes these like compilations like Wii Sports it's like brilliant yeah genius going first is not a huge advantage little and little robot huh oh yeah blocking your [ __ ] baby oh you chaos perfect damn son you know we can't have that in this house oh crap and then I'm just gonna [ __ ] make it [ __ ] yeah you can't you can't just like flick it really hard the game like gets confused yeah yeah cuz it when it releases it yeah it throws it in a different direction yeah she's I think that's why it's so hard at like smaller yeah I'll just knock my bad boy in closer last three bad oh crap mm-hmm oh so hot oh you [ __ ] snake yeah watch me yeah watch that oh oh no oh god what fun damn dude you really nailed me oh well let's not say it like that but sure that's hot anyway uh thanks for playing games with us everybody yeah this was superb let's let's do one last episode like this oh hello um of these switch games cuz this has been a fabulous week for me yeah seriously no I mean I'm gonna [ __ ] let me play in this for years maybe we'll learn how to play backgammon oh my god yeah that's your dream isn't it yeah I've always wanted to learn I'll do it let's do it okay see you tomorrow bye bad I always figure out a putback Hammond yeah the game that rivals chess in popularity yeah I mean people people like it
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 588,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, 51 clubhouse, clubhouse games, nintendo switch, connect four, clubhouse games 51 worldwide classics, clubhouse games: 51 worldwide classics, board games, four in a row, 51 worldwide classics, connect 4, nine mens morris, hare and hounds, clubhouse games switch, video game, battle tanks, connect 4 strategies, connect 4 game, connect 4 shot game, connect 4 shots
Id: 5U3NT3xLCfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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