How to Beat a Speeding Ticket in Court

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Hi, I'm Barry Kowitt, one of the attorneys here at the law firm of Unger & Kowitt today wanna talk to you question we get asked all the time which is how to beat a speeding ticket in court the first thing you have to know about how to beat a speeding ticket in court is that you gotta be prepared you can't just walk in expect to get the case dismissed it doesn't work that way. You have to do a little bit about to take the ticket you receive in this case it's a speeding ticket look at the actual ticket look at the citation number of their and go online either Google or somewhere else and look it up and actually read the elements that this state has listed that the officer must prove against you in court if you don't know that you don't even know where to begin so is the first place in Florida an officer will generally use one of three ways: determine your rate of speed a radar gun which I'm sure your familiar with. Pace clock which is when they use the actual speedometer the vehicle they're driving in, or VASCAR which is a time distance measuring device when they set up two points on a road and when you go from point A to point B the computer tells them how fast you were going. Each ticket does carry with it a certain type a paper work and it's your obligation to look at that and make sure it's accurate. I can't tell you how many times just by asking to look at the paperwork the officers indicate they don't have it and they're going to dismiss your ticket. so that's a nice thing to know. The other thing is if you actually look at your ticket and you don't see the typeof speed measuring device the officer used that's another way to get the case dismissed go to the judge obviously wait for your name to be called go to the judge and tell 'em there is no indication of how the officer determine your rate of speed and therefore you're due process rights were violated because you were not able to prepare an adequate defense see what happens some judges might agree with you and some won't, but if you ask nicely respectfully there's nothing no harm in asking so I definitely think you should give that a shot. but if it is on there, talk to the officer beforehand look at the paperwork and this is where a little bit of common sense comes if you see something that doesn't look right it probably isn't right, so that's an opportunity to go to the judge when your name gets called and say you looked at the officers paperwork and something didn't look right to you and show the judge. Many times the judge will see what you're talking about and dismiss the case so that's another great way to get the case dismissed hopefully a given you some good tips you can use to get your case dismissed If, for whatever reason you're not comfortable going, or you prefer to have an attorney go on your behalf no problem just call the number on the screen and we'll see if we can help you out thanks good luck
Channel: Unger & Kowitt | Traffic Ticket Lawyers
Views: 338,668
Rating: 4.8640981 out of 5
Keywords: how to beat a speeding ticket, Traffic Ticket, Court (Building Function), Miami (City/Town/Village), Fort Lauderdale (City/Town/Village), Broward County (US County), Lawyer (Profession), Department Of Motor Vehicles (Organization Type), suspended liscense, Insurance (Industry), Driving Under The Influence (Criminal Offense), speeding, popped, stopped, cop, police, law, Attorney At Law (Job Title), Speed Limit, Cops, Judge, Crime
Id: fDh4RZ1kIz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2011
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