Top 5 Food Lies And How To Avoid Them

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if you walk around any grocery store in this country heck the world it's going to be built on smoke and mirrors and tons of lies and I'm not exaggerating and a lot of that stuff happens in the middle aisle you think you're eating a fiber-rich food they actually stripped out all the fiber and I'll tell you why you think you're eating foods that have no added sugar because it says so on the back of the label they're lying you think you're eating fat free foods because it says zero calories zero fat in the back they can be lying in many many circumstances I'm gonna expose them right now just like Chris Hanson on Dateline NBC so less talking more shopping let's do investigative journalism 101 here in the grocery store there's a very disturbing Trend going on with the foods in the middle aisles of the grocery store and it's fiber and where the heck did all the fiber go spoiler alert it's being processed away it happens everywhere but a main example is in cereal let's just pick up something like this Corn Pops Corn Flakes we know they're probably not that good for you but corn is actually a decent source of fiber I think it's like a one and a half cup of corn kernels has over six grams of fiber so it does have fiber which is very important for multiple reasons we'll get into that but I ask you this then why does Corn Pops which has a serving size of what I'd say one and a half cups and if you dial in on the fiber right there zero when the main ingredient is a milled corn how does it have zero grams of fiber or the iconic Corn Flakes with the rooster here and the serving size is a cup and a half how does it only have one gram of fiber when the first ingredient is corn the answer is ultra high processed foods are we listening we're taking notes there oh you're so sweet oh my gosh ah you're so sweet oh my God that autograph on the shopping list I like that thank you for watching you're so sweet I appreciate it thank you oh so nice um ultra high processing strips all of the fiber from these processed pre-made food why is that a big deal because in this case for example this is a breakfast food fiber satiates your hunger so if you're eating something that has no fiber it won't stay your hunger it'll spike your blood sugar and you'll get hungry an hour later and then eat a donut at school or the office and you'll get fat fiber also is known as a Prebiotic it feeds your gut bacteria and fiber also regulates your blood sugar and glucose so if you're eating food that has no fiber you're majorly majorly messing up your body well hey I wonder why so many of us are obese and fat and over 50 percent of us are type 2 diabetic and pre-diabetic bring back the fiber stop taking it out of our diet because that's travesty I recently went shopping with a friend and she told me she likes to use Pam because it's zero calories and zero fat per serving so I said to her how is that possible when this is just a canister of nothing but oil and she said because of the serving size so she actually knew the answer but this is such a lie how can a can of nothing but fat and actually in this case anti-foaming agents and butane and propane be zero calories zero fat it's because the serving size says a quarter second spray so literally that's it and the government says that if you have under a certain amount of fat per serving I think it's 0.5 you can call it fat free if you have under five calories per serving you can call it fat free well that's absurd because this is nothing but fat and for people who actually count fat and calories you're doing a huge disservice all of this stuff is pure fat and more importantly when you get something like this in the traditional canister you're also getting an anti-foaming agent which is also used in paint I believe and the propellant is butane and a propane which is horrible so you're much better off with a non-propellant can but even all of these usually say zero calories zero fat it's not it has fat don't think you're cheating the system and you're also getting the nasty chemicals in here too but that's a sleight of hand and we ain't going to fall for it taking a walk through the little Personal Care section here at Walmart I Spy the same whitening strips I have at home in the bathroom from aluminum I like these because one I need to whiten my teeth I don't want to use the traditional ones I'll show you in a second I want to use non-toxic ones and the whitening strips from luminux if you see the ingredients night and day compare the to the competitors a hundred percent plant-based no irritants but no harsh ingredients what do I mean here we go so something like the leader this or any to be any whitening strips to be honest look at the ingredients if I can find them here here we go hidden at the bottom look at this so Peg are usually petroleum-based preservatives but more importantly hydrogen per oxide hydrogen peroxide yes it makes your teeth nice and light but your oral microbiome is way too sensitive for something like harsh hydrogen peroxide and keep in mind whatever you put on your gums does go into your bloodstream I would stay away from that aluminous white strips once again plant-based no hydrogen peroxide and also yeah they're safe for enamel and teeth sensitivity but more importantly they work and they're non-toxic they give some promo codes sometimes on Instagram stories so check that out over on the flavor City Instagram but I know they're Nationwide now at Walmart so I'll put a store locator in the description box down below if you use teeth whitening strips try these from luminous they are really really fantastic wow that is a ginormous wall of condiments and Mayo I mean how do you know which one to pick but I'm going to focus on first how can you trust any of the labels so this is real mayo and we go back to this technicality from the government it says zero grams of sugar per added per serving and a serving is a tablespoon but clearly in the ingredients up high right there it says sugar how how do they do that because per serving if you have under a certain amount of sugar you can call it sugar-free but that's misleading because no one come on what's a minute no one's using one tablespoon you're going you're using at least three and then it really adds up and considering the average American consumes about 20 plus teaspoons per day and so many of us have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetic this is why all of these pre-made Foods in the middle aisle and some are good right but so many of them have added hidden sugars and for this one if you're just reading the added sugar is zero it's very very misleading uh that reminds me when you're in doubt at the grocery store because when you're looking at a wall like that of condiments or a wall like that of dried Goods like that scan it with the free Bobby approved app just search Bobby approved on Android or iOS or put a link down below it's like having me shop with you you scan the barcode it tells you if it's good or bad and why so if it has a cruddy ingredient it will highlight it in red tell you why and give you better recommendations we also do sweet promo codes just for app users and so many people have been scanning lately it's been amazing so get the free app it's like having me go shopping with you and it takes the guesswork out of shopping let's say you're diabetic or your keto and you're not using regular sugar because you're trying to lower the amount of carbs in your diet or the amount of glucose in your system well you pick up something like Stevia you pick up something like Stevia In The Raw you're like well it's Stevia I'm gonna get it oh this really boils my blood the first ingredient is dextrose then Stevia dextrose is another word for sugar straight up sugar so how do they do this because the serving size is so small one gram has less than one gram of sugar well no poop Sherlock of course one gram is going to have less than one gram of sugar because the first ingredient is actually sugar so misleading because if you use a few of these it adds up and one gram is only a quarter teaspoon so it looks relatively low when you're looking on the macros but the first ingredient is sugar and you're selling it as Stevia shame on you all you have to do do they have it oh they don't have a clean one is by pure stevia they used to have it here make sure you buy it in just Stevia nothing else added to it the serving size is going to be tiny because Stevia is like 300 times sweeter than sugar so you just need a little little pinch of it they probably put the sugar in there as a bulking agent so they can put it in a packet but when you're buying Stevia and the first ingredient is sugar major dekembe Mutombo there's a huge difference between pure vanilla extract and imitation vanilla flavor and the difference isn't just the price big bottle of imitation a buck 46 tiny bottle of vanilla extract for 12. tiny bottle though has what are the ingredients there we go vanilla bean steeped in alcohol that's literally how you make vanilla imitation vanilla flavor very different water propylene glycol not an ideal ingredient at all but vanillin caramel color to make it brown nasty preservatives vanillin but the thing is the nilin is the active ingredient for artificial vanilla and you might think listen how bad is it bad not only are the other ingredients bad but vanillin is derived from petroleum and the more I learn about artificial ingredients the more they're derived from petroleum artificial colors derived from petroleum artificial vanillin petroleum bad news so even though it's more expensive buy that I mean go to Sam's Club or Costco it's cheaper and use a little bit of it because this is the real deal that I would not put in my worst enemies body I would say 99 of the balsamic vinegar We Buy in this country is not real balsamic even though this says it's a product of Italy balsamic vinegar should technically be one ingredient grape musk but we add wine vinegar to it or they add white vinegar to it to speed along the process to make vinegar and technically that's not real balsamic I'm not as concerned about that you know when you turn it over here you'll see wine vinegar is the first one then musk but after that almost all of them have caramel coloring and caramel coloring is a fake food additive a fake coloring just to make it look like true balsamic that kind of purple Hue you know it's like Costanza from Seinfeld pinkish Hue on the cheeks this is a purplish Hue in the model the problem is you would get that natural purplish Hue if you let it age in the barrel long enough but that costs more money so they add caramel coloring to cut the process it's a horrible horrible trick that most people don't even think about they buy this they make their salad dressing they're good to go you don't want caramel coloring and if you're buying any of these glazes here thinking it's a balsamic just reduction it's not look at this is insane so basically it's the caramel coloring sometimes we'll add sugar but how do they thicken it with guar gum and xanthan gum I've also seen GMO cornstarch used if you get like a 20-year age balsamic that will be a beautiful glaze this is nothing like that this is just made with filler ingredients and thickeners this is to be avoided at all cost all right friends that is it from the grocery store and I like making these videos because it's so hard to shop and it's so hard to read ingredients and labels but even when you do sometimes they're lying and technically they're doing it legally but it's so deceiving to us consumers so I hope this video helped if you want further help just download my free app search Bobby approved on the app store or the Google Play Store scan any bar coded any grocery store in North America it will tell you if it's Bobby approved or not and why but from one of my favorite places the grocery store I leave you like I always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 179,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foods to avoid, food lies, food lies you will not believe, fake foods, fake foods exposed, deceptive foods, fat free foods, sugar free foods, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: 0UHrujNot-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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