Top 5 Foods For A Healthy GUT & Microbiome

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my friends I've been eating a lot of gut Friendly Foods lately so I wanted to walk around the store and show you about the top five gut Friendly Foods I've been eating because when you learn about the gut and the microbiome and the fact that 70% of the cells that make up your immune system live in your gut and why it's so important to Foster it and keep you healthy and especially your immune system this time of year it's in your best interest to eat these foods that are fermented full of a ton of bacteria and a ton of fiber uh before we do that I also want want you to check out using my promo link down below Thrive is the longest supporter of my channel but the reason why I like them is pretty much anything you can find in any grocery store is on Thrive market and it's cheaper and the Box comes to your door you don't even have to go to the store if you don't want to and I typed down a list in the description box put my favorite Thrive Market food items and personal care all below and my link down there gets you 30% off your first order and a free gift so check them out so I've been drinking a ton of C cafir what is cafir it's basically drinkable fermented yogurt the one I drink in home is not here but it's dairyfree harmless Harvest which is a great brand of dairy free one if you want a dairy one this is great because it's made with grass-fed milk and I've never seen this before LifeWay has organic grassfed why is this important because look what they both say live and active prebiotics this one also says belly friendly probiotics there's literally billions of living BAC in here that are gut friendly but what did I say a second ago there's also an ingredient at the grocery store that hinders your gut and that's sugar there's no added sugar in these which is why these are Bobby approved but anytime I repeat anytime you pick up a flavored one so this is the same brand right here with strawberries strawberries sound lovely and cfir the problem is yes there's strawberries that are organic with no natural flavors which is actually kind of impressive but there's cane sugar and and this one has 5 G of added cane sugar and something like this raspberry one has 6 G so that's over a teaspoon or a teaspoon and a half of added cane sugar let's think for a second what cane sugar does cane sugar weakens your immune system cane sugar kills your good gut bacteria and feeds the bad one well wait a second we're drinking this fermented cafir because it's gut friendly but if you're having all the cane sugar it defeats the whole purpose in the first place so yes this is incredibly good and good for your gut and I recommend drinking it every single day but stay away from the flavored ones because the sugar defeats the darn purpose in the whole place there's a dirty little secret about yogurt which I'll tell you in a second but yogurt is often times confused as a dessert but it's actually a fermented food that's incredibly gut friendly and the reason why I say it's confused as dessert pick up almost any flavored yogurt even something as anoculus as vanilla which you think wouldn't be sweet it just has some vanilla bean no number one it has natural flavors in there and a little bit of vanilla extract but there's cane sugar as the second ingredient and 3/4 cup serving has 11 G of added sugar which is just under three teaspoons of added sugar per which is why you want to get plain yogurt and I'm going to show you the best fermented dairy yogurt and non-dairy yogurt right over there so sikies is actually Bobby approved and I find it really weird siggies you're on the non-GMO verified list but you don't have the stamp on here so this is Bobby approved they should put the stamp on there cuz they're already paying for it but what did I say a second ago there's a dirty little secret in yogurt making and it's the fact that this is a fermented product all yogurts are fermented but almost all makers of yogurts will ferment their yogurt and then pasteurized afterwards the reason they do that is cuz it's more shelf stable the more living bacteria the more unpredictable it is on the on the Shelf you just killed all of the bacteria in there so independent test actually show that many of the yogurts on the market that save billions of living bacteria in the front don't have any and sometimes they have barely any what they do is after the pasteurization they sprinkle an over-the-counter probiotic in there for a little bit of living bacteria which is total BS siggies actually pasteurizes their Dairy then ferments which results in a lot of living bacteria which is what is gut friendly in the first place so siggies is great and if you're non-dairy let me walk over here and show you the other better option it's right here it's coconut cult dairyfree better in my opinion than the other ones why because there's more living bacteria in this one than any other brand uh full disclosure my friend Noah is the founder of this company I'm a small investor in the company but there's actually so many living bacteria in here 50 billion of them that it tells you to start off with just a couple spoons because you might not be used to that many bacteria and the diversity of the different strains of bacteria is unbelievable even with the ones that have a little sweetener the sweetener is just a touch of coconut nectar and that doesn't kill your gut bacteria like cane sugar does this stuff is amazing stay away from most flavored uh yogurts cuz it's really just a dessert and with that much sugar you're killing your vital microbes in your gut you're weakening your immune system and you're not fostering the bacteria like you would with something like siggy's plane or coconut cult this is something I eat pretty much every day it's sauerkraut also would fall in that category kimchi all of these Brands here are fantastic because they're fermented they're living in the cold case for a reason why because you can buy sauerkraut in the middle aisles but that's that's pasteurized this is raw fermented and you'll notice this is the same brand that have at Costco right this is a small 18 o jar for $8.99 it's actually about 50 cents cheaper for a 56 is ounce jar in Costco which is why I always buy it there but what's so interesting is that when it's fermented like this it's a probiotic and you'll notice there's no vinegar the lack of vinegar means there's a natural fermentation and why it has to live in the chill chest I don't care if you get this or the kimchi or that brand of Kraut all of these not only have living bacteria that's gut friendly but what's the bonus of Kraut made of cabbage cabbage has fiber what is fiber rich foods they're called prebiotics they actually feed your gut bacteria so you get probiotics and prebiotics you're doing a double bonus for your gut start eating the this but if you heat this up like some people ask me you can do you just killed all the bacteria in here I just eat it as is if you need to Spruce it up pour a little Bobby approve salad dressing on this but this stuff is so gut friendly and immune friendly 2023 on social media was the year of cottage cheese which is so cool because I remember cottage cheese back in the day that my grandma used to love I used to come to Florida and visit my grandma in the winter from Chicago and she would put cottage cheese in the center of her cantaloupe at the Jewish deli that's the only way people ate it back then but last year people were turning this into dips and sauces and desserts and that's a good thing because number one this has a ridiculous source of protein and there's a trend going on now and last month in January for getting 100 grams of protein well a half a cup of this has 14 g of protein which is nice and I do love the fact that this is organic too but read the ingredients right here living cultures here with the organic fat double cream is good because what lives in in this kind of fat omega-3 fatty acids combined with the living bacteria unbelievable actually my favorite thing to do for lunch is take this and put it on a bed of the sourkraut together there's something magical about this with my keto turkey sandwich that Baba makes me every day now that she's been staying for a few months oh my gosh yummy gut friendly and so darn good for you A lot of people see avocados and they know it's a healthy fat and I wanted to talk about this briefly because a lot of the foods we've been showing live in the chill chest cuz they're fermented but also fiber rich foods are prebiotics they're very good for you and people know this is a healthy fat but what a lot of people don't know that in the produce section this is probably the most fiber rich food you can get because one avocado has about 13 to 14 Gams of fiber so you get your healthy fats and you get that kind of fiber and you get once again the pre Prebiotic so if you can have a diet that has prebiotics which feed your gut bacteria and probiotics which flourish the microbiome boom baby home run all right friends that is it from the grocery store with the top five foods that you want to eat in general but especially now during cold and flu season because they're so darn good for your gut your microbiome and your immune system uh do also check out using my link down below 30% off your first order and the free gift and remember I typed out a list of my favorite market items both food and personal care put it down below but from the grocery store my favorite place I leave you like I always do # keep on cooking mad love and peace bye
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 295,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gut health, gut healthy foods, probiotic foods, microbiome, probiotic rich foods, best foods for gut, bobby parrish, flavcity
Id: 7yiZlnIls0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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