The Secret Build For Matt's Off Road Recovery!

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Don't see airbag deployments often, thought there was some interesting info in here and figured I'd share

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/deafboy13 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2022 đź—«︎ replies
all i could say is wow we asked you guys and of course you came through 6 000 comments every one of you said yes to the golden nugget week ask and you shall receive so you're going to be getting sunday wednesday friday sunday all golden nugget videos we're deeming this golden nugget week you're going to want to stay tuned today is wednesday we got our friday video and then boom right into it we appreciate you guys watching alright let's get to it we have something to admit we've all been lying but for very good reason we've been building a vehicle to gift to tucker tucker is matt's main editor let's back up all the way back to january 29th matt saw a 2016 toyota 4runner sitting in front of my shop for months and months and months tucker's been having to put antifreeze every single time he drives his what 2002 honda civic to work he can't even go home without putting antifreeze in it tucker is a very good family man he's a very good guy matt went back and explained to tucker that he found this perfect forerunner tucker was texting me back and forth you know asking about it i sent him some pictures i was pretty certain this thing was a total loss i let him know that i'm gonna try to talk to the insurance company buy this outright without going through the auction so goddess hopes up fast forward about a week plans changed matt called me tucker needs wheels really bad okay he's really excited about getting this rig that he was looking at but i want you to pretend you can't get it okay i want to do the rest of this kind of in secret or like really in secret and let's present it to him as a surprise so he texted me asking about it should i just like tell him i can't get it or something or yeah it'll be it's hard to get them from insurance anyway right yeah i mean that's that's real so i could just tell them that they won't sell it to me and we would have to go through the auction yep it'd be kind of a pain in the butt yeah let's do that all right this is gonna be fun perfect that's what we'll do then okay we'll stay in touch okay thank you bye bye all right so at that point we devised a plan i'm gonna break tucker's little heart operation break his heart engage hey how's it going i know you're pretty excited about that 4runner but i got some bad news so i talked with the insurance company today and they're not going to let me buy it because i don't have a salvage buyer's license so we're going to have to go through the auction with a broker and i just don't think it's going to work out on this one man yep that's fine it could have been cool but if you can't you can't yeah i mean i'll keep trying but as of now luck wasn't on our side no it's okay don't sweat it i appreciate you looking so thanks for taking the time to do that i know you don't got much of that no problem man anything for you tucker no i appreciate that no problem you're my best friend okay man thank you thanks man see you bye so at this point he believed us sorry again for lying that was february 10th from that moment on this 4runner build had to become a secret a secret from you a secret from them because tucker watches our videos thank you for that every shot every time we recorded anything inside the shop anything recorded outside that 4runner had to be moved this is how it goes nice window shade hi all right flap out the way let's get this thing pulled in [Applause] this thing right behind me was gonna be an insurance job tucker took a liking to this green mean green machine we're gonna rebuild this we're gonna strip all the green off gonna make it white so he doesn't recognize it i'm just super excited let's get to work oh look at that we're going to go from green to white just like magic 10 billion hours later so you can see right here we're having some failure i'm kind of thinking this is why it's been wrapped there must be some damage that we didn't know about but this might turn into a lot bigger job than we planned on it's okay because tucker will love it we're having a catastrophic failure you can tell when they strip this and painted it down they didn't let it cure enough before they wrapped it so it kept the solvents trapped inside and back down to the metal to where the paint is delaminating that is why you wait like 90 days after a paint job to wax clear bra anything if it keeps failing we'll probably be doing a complete paint job yellow sunflower yellow i've painted enough yellow to last me the rest of my life we're gonna get the headlights pulled out why does a bear wear socks to cover his bare feet oh he's he's laughing and holding it in we're gonna need that upper bumper bracket so we're running into some crazy issues pulling this wrap off it's just peeling paint off pulled it off of the door peeling all the clear coat off the door so we decided to pull this fender you might wonder what created all this damage it was just a deer hit but that deer ran right into the airbag sensor show you all the deer crap look at that just hiding behind there you can see the brunt of the damage right here we're gonna have to pre-wash it again get more of that gunk and crap off it's all for you tucker all right we're gonna tackle this hood now we've got part of the wrap pulled off the hood we got the fender pulled we've got the door wrap pulled running into some issues right off the paint is peeling underneath this wrap for whatever reason this thing must have been repaired paint's coming off the wrap so all we can do is fix it this is what a wrap looks like once you remove it we're going to show you the inside all the airbags that deployed every single airbag in this entire vehicle went off seat belts pre-tensioners roof bags knee bags dash bags all the bags it all blew up okay right off you can see this there's a reason it's called a curtain airbag it's like a curtain it comes down in the event of a crash and it keeps the occupants safe from hitting the window window's intact nothing happened down here this is called a knee bag it protects your knees from going up in the dash we've got the dash bag we're going to be changing the dash in this thing seat belts deployed this is how you can tell somebody was wearing their seat belt in the event of a crash it's locked in place this customer was wearing their seat belts good job seat airbag rips the seat right open the bag deploys saves the occupant so we're going to be pulling the front seats out putting new airbags in them putting new seat covers on this whole headliner's got to come out me and dinner are going to be doing that putting the curtain airbags in today you can see this side curtain airbag deployed also you got your steering wheel bag deployed your driver's side knee bag deployed driver's side seat bag deployed and again they were wearing their seat belt on this side too your back seat belts don't deploy they're not on pre-tensioners they're not part of the airbag system in higher end cars the seat belts in at every seat where your rear ones don't do that how are your how would like if you're wearing your seatbelt with the rear occupant how does it hold them in if it don't lock so your rear seat belts in like this 4runner they don't have explosives in them so they're not going to lock you in place but watch this when you hit the brakes it locks up tight okay i mean at any position any hard jerk your seat belt locks so then it comes right out oh look they had a dog don't care now that we've got our turn apart we can really see what the damage is we're going to need a few parts we didn't know about we got a wire broken right here this goes to the ac high pressure switch we're going to be getting that wiring gonna be getting that fixed so tucker can have some ac we've got an ac line that's hit i think this is a power steering cooler line so we're gonna be changing that we've got the course port all smashed up real nice check this out booby so we're gonna be getting everything disassembled we can get that core support straightened out we're gonna be throwing it on the frame rack showing you guys how to do that uh back here you can see the deer we'll be getting that all pre-washed off i ain't about touching it not my cup of tea maybe hillbilly will but i ain't doing it anyway we've got this upper rail that's all smashed in right here you can see where the seams have separated i'm not going to touch it but right here this is all blown apart all that needs straightened out re-welded seam sealed repainted got a washer bottle that's broken going to be getting that changed one cool thing no cooling was damaged in the accident that's lucky don't have to change the radiator or the condenser any of that fan assembly it's all fine this thing technically can run and drive the way it is if it wasn't wrecked so we're gonna be pulling the air box out this little think it's a pump something to do with cooling we'll be getting it out of the way we can get in there and get our repair work done all we're gonna do with this now we're gonna make a list of all the parts we need to get we're gonna get those all ordered up we do have some parts we've got one seat this is what a used seat looks like coming out of a wrecking yard we need the cushion and we need the airbag inside of here so we're going to disassemble this we're going to get a new driver's seat cover from the dealer so that it matches these are our curtain airbags show you what they look like before they deploy box cut they shipped the airbag in a metal crate that way if it detonates in transportation it doesn't blow anybody up just a little sheet metal cage that's kind of handy i don't think we're getting rid of that cage that's sweet no you can use that for so this is our curtain airbag so here it is just a big long snake here is the goods this is the explosive device so in here is the the explosive when the brain inside the computer tells this airbag hey we got an accident sends an ignition in boom blows this up and the curtain airbag all rolls out and it saves the customer kind of cool oh charlie that really hurt me got our dad or our steering wheel air bag so this is our passenger front seat airbag [Music] like i'm giving it a c-section so that's our driver's side knee bag we're gonna go cut this curtain airbags off got my trusty humongous milwaukee scissors curtain be gone nice so i pulled the steering wheel airbag off the two connectors that go into the back are melted that means we have to change the clock spring so in order to change clock spring gotta pull the steering wheel off we decided me and dinner we're just gonna pull the steering wheel off so that we can pull the dash out easier just like that steering wheel is off okay so this is your clock spring what that does is that allows your horn your steering controls everything to go through the steering wheel and the steering wheel can still turn that's what we're changing right there that little bugger okay we've got everything disassembled we're gonna pull this headliner out so that we can get in there and put the curtain airbags in so far we've got the speedometer out we've got the vent out the lower panels we've got the center console out we've got the controls we're gonna get this radio out there's a billion wires in here just going to start unplugging them hope we can plug them all back in who knows about 20 different plugs in here to run this radio radio was out there we go dinner got a few more things to disconnect and we're going to be pulling this dash out i don't know how we're ever going to put back together okay so we're gonna take all the venting off we're transferring wiring over to the new used dash assembly so when the airbags deploy they get super hot and melt everything got the wiring transferred over just going to get this buttoned up then we're going to put the vents back in it and this dash will be ready to go back in the forward runner bam just like that it's all put back in it dash is ready to go back in the 4runner look at how pretty it is let's try to fix that though first we're going to get this dash all bolted in we're waiting on an airbag controller and a clock spring we can't put in the knee bags we can't put in the lower cover we can't put in the center console the steering wheel none of that until we have those parts so this is as far as we're going to get on the dash so during the build mat and jamie came up a few times to oversee the progress you know see how things are going kind of get an idea of what we're gonna do to give it back to him we went out in the tow yard walked around it checked it out assessed all the damage i am excited about this this is gonna be good once again sorry tucker and we love you tucker we love you tucker it's all going to be worth it i've got this used seat that i'm going to dissect the seat cushion and the airbag out of we got demery over here ripping the wrap off got dinner behind the camera hey guys he's going to be helping us out tonight we're gonna be getting a bunch of stuff done it's a lot of peeling yeah if you want to put this wrap on put it on really good all right so i just ripped that entire seat apart to get this little tiny airbag and to get this seat back cushion now i got to pull the driver seat out and do the same exact thing tear it apart so i can put this the airbag and this new seat cushion on the old seat okay so i've got the seat all put back together i have a new airbag in it got the new seat cover and all i got to do now just sit in it and do nothing just kidding demori ripped off 90 of the entire wrap you want to talk about a hard job literally it took about one solid week to rip that thing off she'd peel it off and then we had to get all the adhesive off it was just miserable so we've got a lot done on the inside we've got the center console back in we've got all the seat belts back in all the airbags the dash everything besides the steering wheel got the seat put back together so now i'm going to install it that's about as far as we can go on the interior of this until we get get our new seat cover it'll be here on thursday and then we'll put this pad with the new cover and then we'll install that seat and the inside will be done so we're going to get this seat put in first thing i got to do is i got to reinstall the wiring and then we'll bolt it down so i'm going to get this all plugged in now we'll get the seat put where it needs to be so what kind of car does he have right now on the pivot like it's a pile of crap we've got all those installed now we're going to put the covers back on and this seat will be done tucker better like this because there's a lot of work just like that get these covers on and this seat will be done okay just like that now we'll make sure you can sit in it now we just need a steering wheel couldn't we just like set this out in the sun and then get really hot and then we could just rip it off yeah tell the sun to come out and heat it up would that really work yesterday when we pulled it in the wrap was a lot softer because it had been out in the sun all right re-engagement time this is a fender we're going to put it on the 4runner oh yeah it's like it was meant to be on the 4runner now we got to make it white but not right now oh dinner you're looking good what are you wearing hillbilly a shirt it's a good looking shirt corey where might i get one of those link in description so we're going to put the steering bag in oops okay we're putting the steering wheel airbag in i'm gonna tighten up the bolts and then the steering wheel is all on and centered and done so that's one step closer to having this thing ready for tucker [Music] sorry so what we got to do now right here is all crushed we need to get it over the frame rack and we're going to pull all this out and we're going to make the fender fit with the core support we're going to fit the headlights the bumper and the grille we're going to make sure this front end realigns like it needs to be all right so we got our 4runner over here right in front of the frame rack we've got the frame rack loaded so we didn't unload it uh the pole that we're doing is just a little bit of a sheet metal pull so i've just pulled up to a tower turn it around got the button what i'm going to do is i'm just going to try to work this out and see if it will work we're going to put the e-brake on in the forerunner and just see if the weight of the forerunner will hold it back if not we'll get somebody in to push the brakes hold all four locked up and get the sheet metal pulled out move this into a position and give it some tap in with pressure [Music] all the sheet metal separating from a bad repair prior so we're gonna get it pulled out the best we can get this washer bottle out of the way and then we're gonna try to work this sheet metal around the best we can [Music] see that the hammer marks here from the past repair hammer marks here i'm not really sure what to do i'll figure it out okay i'm going to try to pull this out i'm going to put good pressure on it hold it like i didn't want a lot of bodywork is trial and error try something if it doesn't work reassess it and do it again [Music] look at this whole structure it's moving like i need it see the bolts okay i'm gonna send dinner in to hold the brakes good yeah okay okay we got my son behind the camera little riker what's up guys you already know so i'm just re i'm repositioning the chain i maxed out the tower i need to shorten it up hold your brakes thinner i need a pry bar kind of doing what i need but not see this metal i need to get it on the backside of this so what i'm trying to do is get this metal right there when i go out this will all come back into place hey hold it [Music] so now we're starting to fine tune all this get all our metal flattened back out where we need it we're gonna spot weld the inner and outer okay here we go [Music] whoa okay we're going to switch attachments we're going to put this one in it so we can get all the way in there and spot weather get in here all nicely whoa that wasn't quite bare metal wowzer okay here we go again take two okay it'll work this time take three got it sometimes you have to do it 25 times ready right there this is going to have spot welds not the yingy yangi all right so you'll see all the welding that we had to do and the spot welding and the structure that we had to pull on the frame rack normally we would replace that but the wait time was so long for those brand new parts that we had no choice but to fix it in order to get this job done for tucker oh yeah yeah you're scared little one this is on fire i'm gonna flatten out all the sheet metal in here we're gonna beat all this out flat and then we're gonna spot weld a few more in there and then we're gonna get the mig welder out because there's a tear on the metal fix that seam seal it all fit a fender for the light for the bumper and it'll be done still feel bad for lion dinner doesn't though there's a buckle in here on this inner structure that i need out i'm beating it out [Music] got it that's all the spot wells we're going to put in that other than the tear don't look at the tear we'll fix that still got to fix all this it's coming along wheel away [Music] all right so we're supposed to touch that right after we weld just you got to make sure it's cooled off do you guys touch your hot welds after or is that just matt and me all right now all i got to do is go milk my wounds from all the burns grind this up and we'll be ready to fit a fender and put the center support in latch support latch headlights and see how it all fits we've got the fender on the light grille and the other light but i'm gonna show you the importance of why you have to build a part everything looked great i got a good gap here everything's fitting we'll check this out see right here i have no gap on my grill what this tells me is that my upper tie bar is out of square this side needs to go in and that side needs to come out so we're going to use our pogo stick we're going to pull the core support and then refit it all again by all measures everything appears like it's correct but this needs to come out and that needs to go in so when we attach our pogo stick right here we'll pull this out and that'll go in we've got everything fit up we got it gapped look even we got the headlight in and gapped everything's tight now i just got to fit the side bracket for the fender make sure that's going to fit and then we're going to throw the bumper cover up on here we got the grill put in the bumper mean dinner just going gonna throw it up on there make sure that the bumper fits and then ready for paint snap everything in okay so we just leave it green white and black it looks good green and white and black doesn't it so we got most of the wrap ripped off of the forerunner as you can see starting to rain so far we've just about got the entire wrap taken off the driver's side as well sorry tucker i really am sorry that we lied to you hope it's worth it because it is so cody got this all sanded down all the clear coat was peeling off when we pulled that wrap off so 180 to 320 that we're going to just prime this whole door and end up blending into the back door that means painting the color into it like this we're going to be priming that tonight getting it all guide coated ripping the door down when we go to paint it we'll pull the fender off we'll prep the door we'll prep the rear door pull that bumper off and we'll get it all painted and put back together so we can give it to you and then you can go to mat and be like matt i've got everything out of the way i'm to seam seal all the bare metal and all the stuff that i've welded and then i'm going to jam this out and go paint all the parts now we're going to use bare metal seam sealer a little there a little bit here hope all you guys are excited for tucker i think this thing's going to be awesome super happy that matt included me in this build to try to win one over on tucker and i think we are succeeding we've got all the parts prepped they're in the booth we're gonna get in there i've got dinner slinging the camera today hey guys we're gonna go in there we're gonna get the bumper the fender the flare and the door all painted up then we're going to go paint the jambs so that this thing can get finally assembled time to blow tack and static all these parts and let's get that white base coat put down make this thing look awesome again [Music] all right we've got the base coat all put down we've got a few little chunkies in the fender so we're gonna let that sit for about 10-15 minutes sand those out get a second coat of base coat then we're bringing you back in for the clear we're back time to blow tack static it clear it you know the drill make this look glossy you know what time it is time to get the clear on [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right it's all cleared i got all of tucker's parts taken care of it's looking awesome super glossy really happy with how it turned out no runs this time so i'm doing good today all right so we got the door out of the booth me and dinner going to throw it on and then we're just going to park this thing for a little bit until we can get it inside and get the rest of it put together dinner's carrying the whole load i went ahead and left the next part out you guys see me painting the parts well guess what i painted them the wrong color so we stayed up all night long sanding and repainting we're human now you know yeah i'll be able to love this all right so we've got a ton of stuff done on tucker's 4runner we've got three tires on we have two more to install tomorrow milestar patagonias they're super sweet tires they sent us out a set to put on so it's only fitting for matt's guys to have patagonias tomorrow we've got to get a knee airbag put in we've got to get a left fog light installed and a few more nuts and bolts and then we're going to be detailing this thing getting the title work done getting it insured getting it registered we've got all that logistical stuff to get it taken care of so that we can drive this down to sand hollow anyway it is tomorrow okay i don't know why that didn't work let's try this again it is tomorrow what the heck why is it not tomorrow i'm still tired okay maybe if my hat's on backwards let's try this again it is tomorrow nope all right corey corey wake up okay all right it is tomorrow all right so we've just about got the four runner all the wrap taken off hillbilly's getting all the adhesive cleaned off from it because there's adhesive everywhere i'm getting this other seat in the passenger seat airbag i rebuilt it put a new cover new cushion and then we're gonna check the airbag system hopefully it shuts off all the lights and doesn't have to go to the dealer seats in one step closer i'm gonna get all of my bracketry and everything in here hooked back up because there's some wiring that's unplugged so i don't want the computer thinking something's wrong and then we'll see if the airbag light is off all right i've got the air box and all the stuff on the inner fender all put back in and done got the wiring router where it needs to go got our air diverter it's time to put the fender on and do this without scratching anything cool so i'll get this all bolted up and then we're gonna move on to the splash shield the flare the headlight and the front bumper we still need to turn this thing on and see if the airbag light's gonna go off good luck first time we're gonna put the key in the ignition after you change the airbag system so you want to set yourself all the way back in the seat so when this blows up in your face it won't hurt that's bad yeah it's bad okay does that happen when it's done wrong turn off still on all right go grab the scanner let's see if we can reset it all right so we figured out our dilemma we got a knee airbag that's this device right here it's got rust this is a used airbag that we bought put in and it's got an internal fault so we've ordered a brand new one from the dealer that is like 750 times more money than this one and it'll be here tomorrow so we should be able to get it in and get this down before he even knows it's coming let's get the front bumper put on we've got the fender all bolted up gapped all out good so i still need to put the flare on and the splash shield but i want to put the bumper on first before i do that all right make sure this grille is on correctly just as simple as that sometimes you gotta really palm it good then you got the supervisor back here getting mad i'll get this bolted up get the clips in it get the top on and this front end will just about be finished we're going to get the milestar patagonia's put on this thing look at my buddy danny here getting the rear tires off we're going to start getting those mounted up look at that those will look nice so we've got the knee bag for tucker's forerunner because when this comes out we've already given it to him so he knows it's his it's tucker's duh so i got the knee air bag i'm gonna get this put in and i'm gonna see if the code goes away this is my junkyard airbag you can see this one's rusted this one is not rusted this one has internal problems this one does not have internal problems when working with airbags disconnect your battery i don't want this blowing up in my face i've already done this like two or three times so i should be an expert by now i'm gonna get it plugged in and put the bolts in as you can see i got my scanner in my hand airbag light was still present so i'm scanning the system again my trouble code that said passenger knee bag has gone away but i still have a current code it says open and pt squib right circuit what that means so pre-tensioner is your seat belt it says open circuit i just want to show you guys a robbie's human moment well we popped this off and what do you know that right there that's unplugged i accidentally didn't plug in the seat belt i'm gonna plug it in now and we're gonna try it again so we got that seatbelt all plugged in we got all the codes cleared so let's see if their backlight goes off it's gone we're in business airbag codes are all cleared airbag light is off that means that the airbag system in this 4runner is operating correctly before any of you ask or say anything i am certified to do airbags and so is he all right we got the last tire coming off the number five patagonia put on this is our spare they hooked us up with five these are a lot heavier it all lubricated up beefy tires poor little dinner got spooked everything it's like it's like you know those things when you open up the biscuits where you know it's going to jump at you yeah still smooth like it's going to pop it's going to pop i know and then you get ready for it then it pops like all right we'll get this one aired up get it back under the 4runner and we are going to go for a test drive all right i'm going to take this for its first test drive it's finally done got all the codes cleared airbag systems working horns working all the lights are working windshield wipers are working let's go you hear those ponies yeah tucker you're gonna love them this thing gets up and moves drives pretty good just pulls to the right really hard no biggie look at that no hands it turns perfectly fine for us all right this thing's gonna need an alignment we'll send joe to get an alignment done and then we'll detail it and it is ready to roll so the first test drive went pretty good we did realize that it needs an alignment so that's just one more thing to throw into the mix joe's going to be taking this up to get alignment and he's going to get back and get it all detailed up and get it on the tow truck all right so we've got everything done on tucker's 4runner we've got it in the wash bay we've got joe over here abby's jill's girlfriend you guys haven't ever seen her but she's here tonight putting in the midnight oil getting the interior of this thing all detailed up so that tomorrow morning it is perfect when we take it to sand hollow tucker you are so deserving of this that car you've been driving is just such a piece of crap it's gonna be such an upgrade you're gonna be driving in style you're gonna be helping matt out with rescues whatever you might want to do take your kids it's got the third row i am excited surprise seriously i'm here all right i'm out i don't know where he just went oh wow this isn't going to tucker it's too nice i'm just going to have to keep it for myself that was the build you guys are not going to want to miss the reveal that dang dollar store matt he has to screw everything up
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 511,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robby layton, robby layton nation, autobody and paint, autobody repair, car restoration, collision repair, matt's off road recovery, totalled car, toyota 4runner repair
Id: s3ozhJlsf1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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