The Dungeon Run - Episode 2: The Fallen Lodestar

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[Music] [Laughter] greetings and welcome to the dungeon run it's a live tabletop role-playing game where your interactions help tell the tale I am Lord Arab an Keeper of Secrets and your host for tonight's campaign together we stand witness as our intrepid adventurers face terrible danger and most certain doom in their quest for glory valor and most importantly treasure throughout our time together you will be called upon to help guide decisions made within the game in addition to our live chat interactions those that are brave enough can purchase one of three unique digital items one you can bestow upon the adventuring party the gift of inspiration an advantage or a dice rule or perhaps you'll take pity on a particular player and send them the gift of a mystery item or summon terrible monsters to test our heroes and combat awesome beasts whose mere existence is a nightmare beset upon a world Titans with an appetite for destruction and doom perhaps in Iliad like I don't know me whose hunger for brains has become virtually unbearable due to this boring fluorescent fungus diet that I was told with a result though goodness sorry Blizzard TMI alright so as their journey continues I Laura Rubin will be joining you in our social conversation around the game so keep an eye out for my avatar and comments keep the comments coming the ever vigilant and let the dice roll let me play some Dungeons & Dragons everybody yeah well you know we go way back you mean I all right let's catch catch everybody up as you know it started as a simple dungeon run five adventurers all starting over with new lives answer the call and delve into a Dragon's Lair hoping to retrieve some treasure what they found was a magical item trapped in crystal unable to use or even identify this magical item you all arranged a meeting in a tavern with a powerful wizard said to be able to free the item from its crystal prison it turns out the wizard tour vault the timid sent his apprentice to the meeting instead and just as that young boy suff Talde them that his master would be able to help them the tavern was attacked by an army of angry kobolds in the ensuing chaos and fire sethe opened a portal back to Torvalds camp and our adventurers all managed to make it through that portal but sadly a local perfume salesman met a grisly end attempting well yes and also sup himself was killed as a new monster unexpectedly tried to pull sawed back through the portal throwing something we feel yourself throwing stuffs decapitated head and arms in a sack our adventurers met with Torvald finally and [Music] and tour vault told them that he was part of a secret order of wizards called the natural order their task is to right wrongs and maintain a balance in the realms of mine tour vaults tells our team that he and Sethe had set up camp and were investigating a strange structure in the woods and asked our team to go investigate it in his stead while he works to break through the magical crystal and figure out what lies inside it so bounding through the forests are large parts of which have been cut down systematically our our team of hearty adventurers arrives here at this massive structure so this is where we ended last week all staring up at this incredible thing this is normally where I would describe what you're looking at but don't have to just pretty rad it's right there yeah you see it it is quite large it quite doesn't belong where it is okay so as you arrive and see it what would you guys like to do you may okay so it's not actually open like this it's correct this is a cutaway so that we're able to see inside you can imagine that this it is damaged and the lovely artists have have indicated how damaged this is and you'll see as we enter it there's a lot of damage inside it's not supposed to be toppled over like this obviously and but yes it is this somebody pulled the lid off of the top and we're looking inside so there is a giant crack in the back but but it's continues over the time okay so approximate I would say probably about 20 feet the closer the closer we've gotten James has started to hyperventilate uh what's wrong what's wrong I just sort of point to the giant thing in front of all of us yeah it looks weird why do people build tower sideways I don't know okay I think it's maybe fallen over something like can you see there's a bunch of dirt and roots around the bottom well didn't he say it was up in the sky at one point alright so if it fell from the sky then maybe it could have been on its side of the sky you never know can I confess something yes honesty is the best policy all right um I'm a librarian I'm not an adventurer okay I said yes to that hanging sign back in Kipple turn because I was running a little low on money and and not and then we ended up in a in a cave and now now all of a sudden were here looking at this and I'm Way in over my head look I tell ya I read lots of books and you know what you might be more prepared than anyone else because how many adventures have you gone on in books huh how many faraway places have you read about but if but if you need research a card cataloging or I don't know what needs to know about these the ancient elven agriculture I am your man oh I don't know about this I don't want to know something what what is librarian I read a lot of books and I help people find other things in books these adventures as a book and what you're helping people find is exactly what we're doing either here on your own story right but Lily I mean I don't want to be rude but so the Wilson go once weren't you working happy hour on Bingle I mean look at this thing hot tip every hour is happy hour I mean what are we doing okay I feel you I was hyperventilating yesterday too because honestly it's been a rough three days for me also I'm not an adventurer either but listen if you lose your confidence if I lose my confidence if any of us lose our confidence then it only hinders what our mission is and it only makes us weaker you know we can we can't let whoever this person is see that we're scared I just I talk a good game but I books that's what I do III am feeling mostly underprepared for this who's your favorite adventurer in a book let's just think about it you don't have to say it out loud but maybe pretend you're then is this what humans do turn around talk about how we feel we're not just going Sargent kill things I mean I hate to agree with ago but I think we might be underneath a little bit of a time crunch I just want to say James Kiehl think so for know you come out I was but those were like rats and and kobolds and and I barely knew what I was doing I know a couple spells I didn't know that to you just say now yeah I talked a good game as I say but think of it this way those rats and kobolds still had mothers I'd rather not think of it that way actually I'm just saying like you've already done him okay yeah you already murder rap once you start killing you might as well just keep doing it that's what I do I trust all of you I think I I'm just very games that's a very human thing to do feel better buddy all right James yes do you want this hat for my disguise kit okay I thought maybe if you put it on you might feel more confident maybe it's a cape or something oh yeah Jess you ever need me just say I'll go help and I helped thank you you're welcome if it makes you all feel better I think I could go up into that crevice poke around and then come back and tell you what I see how are you going to scale that that's about what she yeah you have to Oh giant claws just appear out of his paw hands I made that's what I do oh well maybe that will give you a moment to collect yourself okay and did we want to UM go through our things and make sure we're yeah prepared I guess we got those those items ago you had that belt I also have this perfume and I was gonna take out the perfume that he got from the poor lost just I'll do faux it's gonna put a little bit negative - to stealth check yes come with you no no I'll go I'd appreciate it if you let me go on alone and then I'll come back and tell you what I see okay but the potion of haste yes I would like to keep that I think you should take that and the potion of healing you should take that I I think you you took a lot of damage and I don't need the potion of health I'm perfectly capable Venturer thank you very much you might need it to give someone else sort of the tip of the spear so to speak yeah okay thank you okay okay it was a long night so I'm gonna take a moment well we're collecting our things Lily Lily's gonna take two secretly a ritual cast unseen servant okay so so I'll take ten minutes to just kind of sit okay I think it's just one action even right okay so you you have a little bit of material in your bag that yeah it pops to life it's a little bit of what what did you use to do it's just a bit of wood one creature with a little ladle out of the wood and it's it's kind of like this little tiny piece of wood that's just kind of standing next year you're gonna tell it to do something right now no James I have a surprise for you all right um I you know how much we all love digits yes well I thought maybe because every time I say hi to him you say he can't understand it maybe he got lonely so I learned something oh this is Ferdinand oh great you're home a visible yeah they can be friends okay Ferdinand will do anything for us you know he can do small tasks he can clean up he can make fire it's a creature that's very useful kind of fascinating yes it's like an aura can you make you crawl on me then oh yeah from nen pepper on the base [Laughter] first is the voice in that in my head invisible thing poking it I will I will pretend that I like it I just can't see it I don't like think that I see I understand see James we've got this okay great as I'm going through my things as well I notice a new book in my pack hmm and I sort of quietly give a small gasp of surprise but I I'm fine I think well should we do this I was wondering at the same time she was doing her ritual can I do ritual for comprehend languages yes so everyone kind of sits down in the shade of these lovely trees staring up with this massive structure and can I go yeah okay it's okay so while we're doing yeah takes this opportunity to depart from the group yeah somebody wants to actually do things friends using your claws to scale the side yeah right explain to me what we you would like to do exactly okay well when I get over there I'll just kind of examine the general area first okay um just to see if there's anything sticks out like there any a lot of stuff sticking out all these trees sticking out is this these the forest was squashed by right the landing of this structure so there's lots of stuff sticking out so can I actually see if the stone from the structure is buried down into the ground like it's sank down into it yeah it looks like there was a massive impact here I said and so there might be like a subterranean level to this thing you aren't able to tell that now but certainly this is this wasn't the bottom of this structure God we're the size so I can tell that it was cylindrical in nature before it hit well I it certainly seems that way from the outside okay and because it's on its side okay so in theory this would be the base the bottom of the stretch right okay and is there any like footprints or like claw marks or rope or anything has anybody gone you can do an investigation check okay first roll let's get above a ten when you have inspiration from Big Joe nineteen manage on this advantage on this right hey Jeff okay I'll go gonna sit down and take out a pen or quill well and start writing in the or canary okay while we're doing and he starts mumbling things that I go have ritual to I'm gonna save my inspiration because I rolled a fifteen alright so you don't see any particular signs of footprints or activity that stick out to you okay okay well then and it's it's daytime right I can see there's no okay great then I'm just gonna scale up the twenty feet so I can poke my head inside alright do you want to start check please oh it's just my race oh it's just your Rachel so we don't even need to do that okay so you want to kind of land up right here yep okay and as you peer in I would like to be stealthy well let's roll for stealth okay in general so you do need a dexterity check mister I don't need a dexterity - that's a nineteen nice all right so you sort of your way up and you find purchase in the nooks and crannies your little free solo action you find purchase in the in the kitchen crannies of the stone and you clear your head over the side and as you look in in the corner of one of the areas you see what looks like a canine kind of shoot chewing away at what looks like some bones and scrap of a dead creature you can't quite make it out because it's behind him and it's in the corner from where you are my voice inside your head no don't do that unless you're going to warn me that you're going to do it because then you're just gonna keep talking hold on just hold on a sec so you said there's a canine in there and he's chewing on something but I can't see what that something is it looks to be it looks to be like some scraps and bones or something that looks like like a dead creature but you can't you can't make out what kind right right is it a big dead creature or a small dead creature well you can't really tell but there's a you know there's a significant amount of material in that corner that it's kind of sniff around what about what about the rest of this area and I realize that's the first thing that I see cuz it's gonna stick out but is there anything right when I scan around so it is as you see there's a fireplace on its side in the corner there are trees poking through the windows that now serve as the floor of of this structure and there is a spiral staircase up in the upper right that leads to the higher area but of course it's higher up on the side of the wall it's as if this thing was vertical and there was a spiral staircase that led to most like a Wizards Tower in a way yes okay well maybe Wizards could possibly look it's like a good be and Airbnb for Wizards yeah okay all right instead of like turning around and doing hand gestures or whatever I'm just gonna come back okay yeah all right so you'll climb back down still stealthy yeah and we're back what you see well it looks like this was some sort of tower or structure that fell down I don't know out of the sky or whatever and crashed yeah but inside there's windows that trees are coming up out of I'm guessing the trees that it fell on top of there's a strange canine like creature chewing on what I can only assume is a carcass something that's there dying or died relatively recently maybe I don't know and then over along this side and I'll point over there there's a spiral staircase but because the structure fell on its side it goes side to side instead of up and down is that right I think so yes and there's an opening but I don't know if it's going to be easy for any of you to go up the spy spiral staircase sideways you may be using a lot of rope right a lot of a digit maybe right yes yes and 30 then the dog is chewing on this thing currently the Fahim it didn't Torvald say that you might know something about the Loadstar he said I was likely to yes but is there anything else you could tell us that maybe you know you can do a history check well you know you definitely remember your father telling you stories about the load stars and you you seem to remember it's sparking interest in you as a young girl because it was a place where magical creatures were so the only thing that I know is um my dad used to tell me stories about it but but it was really just sort of fairy tales and magical creatures might've been around the Loadstar so I don't have any practical information okay where any of the magical creatures doglike mostly flying creatures of a flying creatures but it's only a dog it's probably merely just sort of a puppy did it look mean I don't know it was eating something that was dead so could go both ways I would assume it would with any better than eating alive things I guess maybe I could go up there and I could get Ferdinand to go get something whatever it's eating well I mean what's the best way for all of us to get up there is it do you think attaching a rope well yes if if you can if all of you are good at climbing I can easily attach a rope up there and you can climb up the rope Jeff if you know stealing himself a little bit James approaches the base of the stone is is there anything around kind of the where the impact hmm close to you know where where the weather lodestar sort of hits the ground is there anything to be seen any further cracks or anything that I'm not seeing I mean you definitely see cracks in the stone and large divots in the stone you you think you could probably find a hand holds in it okay you're not a climber but you kind of see how someone could climb it there are trees and shrubs everywhere there's lots of you know it landed in a forest on top of trees hey Jeff yeah I'll go it's gonna scan the sky just to see if they're flying creatures nearby because everybody seems to be focused on this thing and as soon as you said flying creatures oh no it's I mean it's a it's a dark cloudy sky and but you mean you can real perception but you don't really see any there you don't I mean it's we're in the woods so you hear twits and tweets and when you hear you know the sounds of a forest there's nothing in particular that Jeff there's no dragons or any flying around I think the two options that I see is that I could sneak up there and I could kill the dog with my bow or we can try to just sneak past it it's going to be protective of the of its kill but you don't know if it's a dog I don't want you to sort of spring any traps that I mean it's it's canine like but it who knows what it could just be an innocent creature it could be an innocent creature could be food I think I think we should all try to get up there I can't believe I'm saying this and and kind of then we'll figure out our next move but I mean you on your own that worries me okay you seem capable but you don't know what's in that as soon as James says it's probably a good idea what we should do others gonna start trying to climb up into that crack okay you take anybody really say something before we go in there yes okay okay in front of us we see a force it's a loadstar of course we may not know what lay ahead but we listened close to what torval said we'll explore it fast and then go home we don't know what we'll find in here we'll explore it fast and then report everything we see we'll when in doubt we'll make a call to torval on his earring thing when in doubt we walk away there is no shame in fleeing good story but there's definitely shaming running barely notices your tiny little okay as I go it's getting ready to climb my sort of um you know not really knowing what I'm doing I sort of touch him and I go good luck be safe and I cast guidance on him okay so you get a d4 to add to your next check nice thank you you're gonna do athletics to climb up you're just gonna go diri solo-style do you want a rope I can climb up there and attach a rope just cuz you have claws doesn't mean I can't climb he's gonna try to do it [Music] oh I get the D for the athletics check is a 23 Wow okay so even with Lily on your back you skillfully kind of just punch the wall with little bits of the stone which is it's gonna pale and it looks as if it it once shimmered but it's sort of pale there's like bits of of reflective material in it but it's dimmed take them if I can yeah part of that I'm just really save that for me so you managed to scale your way up with Lily on her back I'll follow all the way but just enough of a hand I would probably say I know you're not gonna be able put my miniature up there but I would probably scale up along the side and be up along this edge whoo I need blue we should get a little like sticky things all right so as you go and in a little EQ you can both just passively can tell it there yes it is exactly as described it there is this dog that certainly doesn't seem to even notice anything that you're doing it is quite a ways away across the the entire length of this structure about how much distance between me and the well these squares are squares so I mean just go 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 44 is it is it more than 120 no okay oh yeah how dark is it in there it is there's light being cast in through this giant hole that you're standing in and there's also holes in the in the you know and that okay beams Lance mornings do they have these on the top right okay okay all right James I think yeah all right it's only place where I'm I know standing where I can secure a rope it might be tough I mean this is sort of jagged stone you can give it a shot but it it there's not really any kind of post where it's like oh they're not really up toast I mean you mean try to do I so I'm gonna tie it to myself okay so they were both pretty I didn't drop drop the rope it sounds good to them it's a 50-foot rope so I don't know if that's enough funny holds on to the Rope I will see I don't know I don't you down here by yourself please I'll figure it out you both can just hang on I'll pull you up don't need your help thank you very much okay I'll go starts pulling the Rope up okay do the straight check and they should be no not before you said you needed no help [Music] like very like this rope and crap but like I'm Indiana Jones or something and and and start to like climb okay very like what I think is athletically let's do an athletic stacker okay with the deport yes and 22 so you give the Rope a little tug you put one foot up on the side you put the other foot on the side and then before you even know what you're all the way to the top you kind of surprised yourself you just scaled up that that cliff face pretty quickly you're right you don't need help so this is getting a little crowded okay get in there Oh crawling all right hold on so you're sort of here are we still trying to be stealthy yeah oh yeah okay I mean they can make as much noise as they want but I'm gonna start I'm gonna start sneaking over to the other side I don't even want to mess with this all right so let's let's do another stealth check please okay you still got your advantage if you need it I will probably use it differently - uh I got a I got a 21 X 21 all right so you you know hell innit you know I'll take out my bow and knocks poorly from here it decides to run over and start attacking right yeah okay so where are we headed I want to sneak over to the other side of the room to see how much of a pain in the butt it's gonna be to get up to that opening it's gonna be a seven a seven pain in the butt okay so you you you know there's not tons of light in here but even even in the you know the the shadows yeah even in the amount of light that's peering through the window in broad daylight you sort of seep into the shadows and lurk into the corner you're kind of standing directly underneath that spiral staircase that's above you do I see anything new now that I'm over on that end uh nothing no new feature in the room it is kind of as you see it okay then I'll just wave for you guys to come in okay all right and Fahim is now to the top as well yeah I'll stick around and make sure you get up okay thank you and so do you want him to pull the rope or do you want to I'll try I'll try James come on you can do this yeah I sort of look at my hand and kind of go alright and I cast guidance in this sort of weird smokey shadowy thing kind of seeps in and gives me a little bit of luck here we go 14 yeah you uh you steal yourself and take a deep breath and grab onto the rope and as you saw Fatima do ahead of you you put one foot on the side and then you put the other foot on and you're 2 inches above the ground but you're kind of looking back and forth one hand over the other got us eventually you make your way up to the the precipice and I'll go kind of grabs you and pulls that's a 13 God what so then I run to catch up with Civ okay so as you run here the dog ah ah and it blinks out of existence and then it blinks right oh boy next time I just killed the dog you hear you just kind of see the air kind of shimmer in a couple of other areas it's a dog it's step now that we're seeing it it's it's a certainly it looks like a dog but one of them looks a little more wolfish as they pop into existence Oh guys I tell you I don't like things like I see oh there's one right near you there was not going to be there was not we you have JP couvert to thank for that by the way who has created our map so thank you Jay we this wasn't planned this is monster time you go see the dogs taken to church with you it was my prayer that I say 23 Fatima I am 13 Jame 1921 Thank You Belle and Lily all right what are the guys get a surprise around cuz Lily sort of didn't made that at least Lily's gonna get an attack first oh don't see what our alright is one so yeah on the map currently there's none next to Lily did one guy did one get let's see we can go 40 feet so I think we can get okay yeah yeah so we're not gonna get all the way to her so we're all right there's that one no no I did those not only those own links yeah exist yes I'm gonna go here okay I'm gonna make a buy two sacks on the back of Lily okay and that is 1414 to hit Susan I'm 14 meet or beat so that is five points of damage Thanks all right and Lily you have been awarded inspiration from oh dang it okay that's when I supposed to use coming okay so who's up we have yes we have Civ so I see Lily get bit by this thing and don't want to fire into melee combat hmm that sucks okay I will quickly put my bow away and I will run to Lily's aid drawing my rapier and can I get off an attack how far away is he well you do the - are you just gonna - to her yeah that should be your action though no no no I hope I have cunning actually oh well yeah then you I mean you could get to her no problem yeah five ten fifteen yeah you don't even need to use it yeah yeah awesome and then I'm gonna sneak-attack him because there's no other villain within five feet okay since I'm a swashbuckler now yeah so hopefully I hit hopefully you buckle the swash uh thank you eleven plus six seventeen it's a hit okay so d eight plus six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen coincidental so you run up and that dog who just took a bite out of Lily still has his glunk jaws sort of clenched around her ankle and well it's not because she's so tall shoulder and so your your raper comes out you Stata right and it's shoulder and blood spurting out an it is very badly injured didn't take them down okay these things are tough all right so that brings up go I'll go you have your plus one lanyard on right yep you used it how far is I'll go from Lilly you can see it's thirtyish feet cool yeah you could get that I'm going to enter rage dog thing okay I'm also going to reckless attack let's see if this happens I get advantage you will get advantage on any attacks in the next turn Jeff okay against me right okay so you're running toward Lilly yeah yeah smacking the attack role is 15 that's a hits cool so as I'll go brings down his giant mall on this monster dogs skull human and half orc spiritual barbarians start kind of almost petronas style love diving into the the dog anyone who and if this dog attacks anyone other than ago it will get disadvantaged and anyone who's hit by it gets resistance to the attack okay so now you see these these giant spirits of work and strangely human as well come in and swirl around the dog what everyone who see that the dogs about to be in dead though i think it takes it takes 11 damage yeah so as those spirits are swirling in and out of it the dog it's bleeding from the shoulder from the from the rapier wound your Maul comes down and it smashes it and you are your ancestor spirits go it is it is a smear where once a dog was alright so we're up to genes I'm still up on the ledge can i how much of my movement to jump down in is that like maybe 10 feet yeah I'm not even okay yeah I'm going to because there's three other dogs over here so I am going to jump down and back up so that's 10 15 20 25 30 kind of putting my friends getting getting a little bit out of the way the dogs backing up kind of here and I'm just going to toll the dead on the closest one yes that's within sixty feet on the closest dog all right yeah so make a wisdom saving through they have advantage on anything that requires sound because they are hearing and smell that is that is a 19 that beats that yeah okay then that's my turn damn but we all hear it huh yes and we see that doesn't work yeah we see that it doesn't work alright so that completes your turn then we're up to Louie okay so that dog is very dead that one next to me is dead I need to see where I get the feeling that that's gonna happen to anything that attacks living so the other one is how far away so you've got a bunch of dogs sort of on this side of the room and you guys are kind of on this side of the room so there's three yeah okay um well Lily is hurt she's holding her shoulder and uh was surprised the she turns around and just gut instinct is to look the first one in the eye and half vicious mockery so she looks at the first dog that she sees the one foremost closest to her yeah yeah and she goes you're you're a disgrace to your sleazy okay she has a rolled-up newspaper and everything so you don't have to roll for oh yeah it's a wisdom series it's a again it's gonna be hearing advantage I know but they're both bad it is an eight so I'm sure that works psychic damage three psychic damage okay all right so now the dogs are up you hear you hear another and sort of feel the temperature of the room changed slightly and they disappear oh another one appears oh boy and it goes [Music] and then we're off to the races okay so this one is gonna charge a go cause it's not to smash its friends huh ten fifteen twenty right here and it is going to make a bite attack on ago and that bandage ooh it gets advantage against him you get two attacks yeah I didn't need it that's a that's a 19 and still roll it cuz you better hope you get in that pony I want to be fair no bogeys that's right so that is eighth four points of damage oh and then right after it bites it is going to alone you are aging so it's it's just piercing damage I assume what the might have data like Damon yeah okay so you're resistant resistant to blink speak up to change and this one ten fifteen twenty or thirty going to it's just gonna sort of charge at you guys and it's friend is also gonna charge they're coming at you yeah alright that brings us to Fatima okay this is very difficult for me to remain quiet other speeds fifty sorry no we're gonna make it tell ago I apologize no it's fine we're gonna have to bite attacks and I'm fine but oh the other one blinked up there okay together you guys who I'll go is not worried are still fighting still advantage yeah okay that's it that hits school and four points of damage resistant it's still piercing when he's raging resistant resistant grade bludgeoning and slashing and then a 15 is 15 hit yes it does okay fine two points of damage one point of damage so I love all creatures so these ones seem pretty aggressive to use my action to figure out what I know about if I know anything about these you can try yeah you can do a nature check if you want but they'll use my whole action it would yeah can i okay they are attacking Lily I know okay um they were just attacking ugh I can see these two also blinked that's right they blink at the end of their turn yeah they can really get the beginning so I'm gonna yell because because we surprised them all right I always stop and I'm gonna jump down and go up as close as I can to the one on the ground [Music] and I'm gonna pull out a rations and offer it to okay let's do a animal handling trick I guess okay I heard don't have proficiency it's alright it the dog takes it one step of the ration and just bares its teeth and you know and then take some tack of opportunity no opportunity yeah but you got close to it and it didn't like what you did it's gonna use a reaction and bite bite at you alright so twelve okay okay so it literally bites the hand that feeds for three points of damage you reach your hand out with a ration and it takes a sniff and just snaps at your finger oh my god and that was the day for Hema stop trusting as every day that goes by it seems like Mahima and Lily get darker and better and better I mean I'm going to go stab one of these things actually I'm gonna go stab the one that just bitter why not do it oh I'm a jungle jump over the trees run over to this thing and can I like my cunning action what have you can I flick some dirt or dust and then stab it so essentially that's like that's a feint almost sure let's try to do a dexterity check pen ash it's mainly just to explain the the game mechanics of being able to sneak attack something that sees me kind of I die okay I'll be doing a lot of dirty fighting I like it so what would you like me to roll sorry I just dick sorry thanks dirty that's terrible six so you kind of kick your foot at the dirt and yeah [ __ ] it's stuck in the dirt but you can still minor action still static um so it doesn't look as cool natural twenty [Music] all right you kicked the dirt nothing happens in your like ice my sneak attack as well not none of your modifier but okay you're right dice okay okay so double what I roll or just roll it whatever the dice the die is that you roll for this attack you roll two of those got and then add the modifier got it so 7 plus 4 is 11 plus 4 cube 4 gave inspiration to ago thank you so 16 points of damage wow that is pretty painful for this little guy you slice into its head right down the middle blood and gore and its large growling and angry not dead but how many said 16 yeah not quite dead what it is anger breathe and I'm going to try to put my hand out and get you behind me so that you you know can do your thing just a little rules thing here critical hits do roll all damage dice yeah oh the sneak attack dice - yes all dice and then modifiers ok I'll do that on the next sorry we are - oh ok ok how far is Oh from young Fahim like 25 30 feet no problem yeah but there are two next to him Bret no there are no they all blinked out so ok so he's not threatened at all no I cannot attack okay charging the one next to Simmons Civ is right next to there you sure you want to do that put me it seems in battle yeah so then put me in a I can't think of the word right now flank thank you plank position oh no you don't know why movement unimpressive every round so I was actually to move an additional yeah you couldn't get it okay and wraparound player too very cool and you'll be ended you'll have advantage almost all person playing Frank perfect okay I'm going to go reckless again who does a twenty one hit it doesn't need again this the one that bit for Hema that one is gonna have again he takes ten damage all right the ancestors once again celebrated Maul comes crushing down on the head of yet another dog smashing its skull brain smearing across the ground so we are up to James yes alright I'm seeing okay well there's currently one on the other side of Lily I'm very worried and I did notice that I told the dead wasn't very effective last time so I'm going to run and against all better judgment put myself between Lily and the dog right there and I'm going to use my bonus action to cast hex on the dog okay and then I'm going to pull out a sling that I don't use very often and I'm going to I'm falling over I need I really need a better base to fire the sling which one are you firing it the one that's yeah on the ground there with us on the ground yes okay not great eleven there's a miss okay well I miss it in that kind of oil like shaking too nervous but it is hexed so I'm just sort of holding my ground between it and Lily all right now we're up to Lily the model is amazing and yet there's two up on ya there and then there's that yeah one who's okay James through the sling so Hardy yeah no no none of the none of the others have any damage okay well I'm gonna do a vicious mockery again because again she's flustered and James was right there so she's worried so she looks up and looks the dog in the eye and barks and growls okay so this dog is gonna run up to James one just sort of entered a pretty close range oh [Music] yeah so can I use cutting words then to give him on whatever the damage is it's all B minus a d6 sure that's a reaction it's a reaction yep so it's you you roll the d6 after you roll the damage roll a d6 yeah and I use one of my Bartok inspirations okay so using this yeah so I have 6 minus 2 10 some points of damage okay and then this one which you guys can tell seems to be bigger stronger more menacing than the others it's gonna stay up there and kind of keep howling it's howling and howling at its compete Rian's okay so we're up to Lily ready went way up to FEMA alright where did it bite me just so I know in your leg and leg yeah your one-legged footwork yeah so um this other dog is in melee reach of me right if I ran it would get opportunity Zac only if you were if you ran away from me would have an opportunity moved anywhere basically you could yeah you could disengage this your action right also you have you have an inspiration from citizen 69 105 okay so I'm going to well the cats out of the bag now but I'm a friend an Aussie so I'm gonna do a is that a sad joke what do you think I'm gonna do burning hands racial trait so thankful I will they have to make a dexterity saving throw alright and it's a 15 foot cone so I'll just make sure it's if it's not in that column thanks 12 no make it cool so 46 fire damage 11 fire damage 11 ooh it's just starts glowing hot and all of a sudden as you hit lay your hands on its first into flame the fire is scalding the skin underneath the word it's pretty injured I'm going to hopefully dispatch this thing it's obviously not holding on to me anymore yeah so I'm gonna spin around to its flank and skewer this thing in the kidneys okay yeah good advantage on your hip roll over being in flink yep twelve plus six is eight teens a hit shoot nice let's do some damage to get it get it revenge revenge revenge or eight nine tune 11 11 points a day exactly what you need [Applause] yeah you've come around the behind it and you slide in just in its haunches you slowly the sword goes all the way in and it comes on its mouth the blood away and then Toro my sword nice twirl you're gonna do it informants check my leg is bleeding I need some practice on performance 9 you yeah you twirl your sword in a bit of blood for the one more right two more still up there down next to me oh oh okay um everyone is hexed by the way and I didn't specify let's say strength checks okay a disability or disadvantage I thought you're gonna do wisdom because it has well we were messing that up last week that I can't affect saving froze I can only affect the lady checks with my hex it's gonna take a hand axe and throw it up at the the dog is up there is this good how did you know his name was coward okay throws so let's try that nope and ask you to go six so I'll go behind him for his hand actually good then and grabs it and throws it it goes fleeing up and sticks into the the wood of the staircase there and we are up to James right this dog is still practically on top of me yeah since I I'm basically in melee now and gonna be like good reach my hand out and try to cast shocking grasp on it's one of my new spells that's a 23 no touch attack yeah 23 so hang on shark and grasp what do you do again I know it loses its reaction so it's not allowed to take of any opportunity for the next round and it's gonna take 1d8 lightning damage cool plus a d6 of hex yes so one lightning damage okay so since it no longer has its reaction I'm gonna back away from it okay and just kind of try and get away a little bit because I don't like having it on top of me gotcha run away from Lilly but okay yeah that's what I'm gonna do right there if I can stand up yeah that's my turn cool Lilly all right am i is he still in front of me yeah your uh how many feet away am i you're right next to it yeah there's a ten but five ten feet away from you okay so Lilly her insults haven't been working so she she kind of her shoulders bleeding if she reaches in and she pulls out her her rapier and it's like so sorry and just stabs down at the head of the dog right she's looking she's like okay so it's an oversized rapier it's a hurt is a really you're right oh gosh I'm gonna use my inspiration you guys okay so 12 plus 5 is 17 yeah that's a hit for sure and it's it it is my rapier but I'm just doing it like this th-three did you do my ideas right yeah yeah okay so two plus three so five Papas inch alright uh you'd stab it and it's it's back and it you pierced the skin blood squirts out all over your hand and arm the new experience perhaps still gone if you want to back up yeah and so I I pull my routes back up back to behind James again kind of alright still within range but or like with like 20 feet of it right yeah cool and now it's time for dogs okay so this dog doesn't like dogs this dog turns invites seven points of damage reduced reduced to throw and this one is going to teleport okay is it coming down yeah it came down it puts its nose into the air it goes and it smells like a sickly sweet odor that it can't it wants to 1919 yeah that thing so it blinked next to him eleven points of damage reduce is it a piercing yeah roast all right so it blinks down its sniff see what realizes that's where that terrible smell is coming from and it just takes a bite although your orcish tough skin reduces the piercing that the teeth can't quite penetrate but it definitely latches onto you right that's our dogs and we are up to Fatima okay well I'm going to mmm fire bolt dog alright fire seemed to work last time pretty well so I'm gonna make a range spell attack and mate it's a big one er against against the big one of the little forgot there's two yeah um you should hit the little one yeah the little ones already wounded yeah okay get a little one yeah finish finish any 20s in the last like six seconds there's no like turning light but mayor of running hand callings like so that's D 1002 T tens and we're rolling to right we're not doubling the one I would prefer a role to I think I think do it however you want okay that's a two five yeah modifier if any no modifier okay so ten points of damage you turn and the the searing pain in your finger from where the dog bit you fuels you and your hair begins to crackle and burn and kind of form out from the sides and a big fire shoots out of your hands and sizzles the dog again the smell of burnt fur nice fills the air is not down and we are up to top the rounds city get it get a cat my bleeding calf I'm going to still attempt some acrobatics jump over the top of the tree and I would like to once again flank and skewer said small dog nice in the side more s's sss 19 natural 19 plus my blabbity blah yeah 9 14 19 points - rape you're so far it goes in one side and out the other yeah it's like a hot dog on a skewer basically it falls to the most of them we need ground stats on how much damage you've done in this fight alright that's a gharana clapping fire and piercing messed up logo is gonna recklessly attack the big one all right get it and say yes troll guardian I'm rolling 46 baby okay so that's that is 24 damage okay so as you turn to the thing that was sniffing you inviting you all of your ancestral join in as their weapons their spectral weapons and your special weapons sort of form one mighty blow and it comes down on this alpha dog and it hits the back of it breaking its back and swishing it on the ground and it kind of goes and its tongue rolls out of its mouth and it expires all right are you okay are you okay well it's still shot that fire so uh I guess so dogs um can I do that check now to see if I know anything about the dog okay check miners profession all right well I have to d4 +2 18 you recognize these as blink dogs blink and maybe the one that died last you might even think it has some wolf ancestry and it feels like it's a little more wolf than dog but these are creatures that you are aware of from your studies that can literally teleport through space as you witnessed but they are they're vicious wild dogs that also have the ability to move through space time what do they eat well they eat they're carnivores and you know just a cursory glance in the corner you see that they were munching on what looked like you know bird carcasses or some winged beasts that they were eating and you can see there's bones kind of you know littered in the corners but clearly they teleported in here to feast on things that may have died inside and so I seem to forgotten the excitement button I actually have heard about these before and I should not have offered attractions and seems like leader might have been part wolf and I don't think that they're from inside I think they were just seeking out food in here so there's nothing controlling I was gonna the one who swapped out the big wolf type he's gonna cut that tongue and put in his pack Jonica see oh what are the bodies to make a sketch go around and close all the dog's eyes darkus team i the only one that saw the spirits of creatures flying in and and damaging the doll no I saw that too yeah this guy's Esther's okay you could just call your ancestors out yeah you noticed ancestors human you're part human no well can you just explain um so apparently distantly related humans are an orc are related huh rule history check it see tell a well I mean III think he I believe him but I'm not sure he's right okay that's 15 well you certainly are aware of some humans and orcs having intermingled through time you know you are aware of half works world you're not aware of all orcs having you know the same history is right huh okay so they just follow you around they seem to celebrate you in back yeah when I'm angry they get angry it's like ancestors angry hurt family that's very impressive see okay you should always bring them out families are like that when one person is angry everyone's angry you know so passively you're able to tell that really there's only one exit out of this chamber it's the way is the one through the top of the staircase I'm going to go over to the caucus you just said it's bird bones just kind of what it was eating I'm going to use my invocation elderts site to cast detect magic and so within 30 feet just kind of now that we're inside this room kind of am I seeing anything is any blowing is anything popping up uh it seems like the creature that had been feasted upon was a magical creature hmm but it is long dead you said this was a you said the load stars were like homes of magical creatures didn't you right maybe I could identify the creature oh you did it's a blink dog no the one who was feasting on oh oh I'm sorry the caucus was magical or the dogs were magical well both oh yeah the the the thing that you noticed was the carcass was of a magical creature that had all right yeah I sort of poke at it with a dagger and kind of try to flip it over and look at it is it identifiable or is it chewed up no I mean it is yeah it's it's mostly bone but it seems like a creature that had wings you know really sure what it is but you're detect magic got you some sign and I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna do a full circuit of the room with with detect magic running is there anything else that's that's showing up nothing in this room that seems to an inn you know you know it seems to be magical at the moment got it James yes do you have torvalds earring yes I do can I borrow it please report you know right just call him with anything good idea this ain't gold jangly earring ahem I think you have to put it on okay Lilly takes out her earring what's on this earring oh thank you and you feel like a heat on your ear I sort of like warming the your lobe and then sort of the upper ear and into your ear cavity that's like a a warmth and a heat that sort of like warms your entire skull at a certain point and then you hear I'm never very busy I just what I'm sorry so just okay this is gonna be totally different it's Lily sorry are you okay yeah we're safe I just okay I'm oh my gosh so hot I just wanted to let you know that we've fought some some dogs dogs I'm okay I'll go kill them we met some of those ancestors are very nice it sounds like I picked a very capable okay and they really have a lot of work to do a thing I know but there's a magical bird here too oh my gosh so hot um it just is there anything else you need to know right now you must get through the Loadstar and find out why it is for them okay through the load sir thank you okay bye okay and your skull begins to kind of cool your face begins to cool your ear because the cool and you're back to normal like a cartoon you said it was getting hot yeah I wonder if you to tell me you might love it honestly you might love it for me it felt like a sunburn that happened immediately well sunburns not great it's bad for your skin [Music] yeah you need some kind of special plant to cool it down usually it goes away on its own anyway Torvald seemed fine okay he said we're capable and he was really busy with work and we needed to get through the load/store star sorry guys it was just really still a little more we need to get through the Loadstar okay bones okay got it well it just needs a minute I'm looking up at the stairs so alright and and that's the only way we just have to kind of sift you think it could climb out yes and maybe we dropped the rope I guess yes well one one quick moment I'm going to do a quick cursory check on these dogs I would like to know do they have like a collar is there any kind of marking do they just they like to watch real wild dog okay cool at that point I'm not gonna worry about it and I'll be lying it over to the wall and there's wood yeah I mean there's like wood inlays it's a stone staircase but there's like you know that I'm in remnants of a wood this right here that's wood going on okay perfect that's gonna be super easy for me to climb okay put the rapier away kind of crash my knuckles and yeah yeah decide panache up he goes onto this thing and you're gonna peek your head through to the other side yeah alright so you peek your head through the other side you look on this this side of the wall and you see an empty room looks like this obviously it's got you know a sort of a lower hanging area to the west I guess it would be and there is some rubble over one of the windows and you can make out some movements underneath that like a flapping or they're very kind of chaotic movement underneath flapping like wings it does sort of look like that you can real perception and maybe really kind of spy it out the 19 yeah you can sort of see in there there's like flashes of red and maybe even sparks kind of littering around inside there Mahima what do you have a sister I'm seeing something flapping around with red fiery sparks like I said I don't think so yeah come up here I'm going to lower my rope down is there anything to tie this rope off to here I mean you could probably tie it around you know none of the the thing itself yeah yeah yeah I'll do that okay and then I'll drop the rope down alright so the Rope drops down that's you can't do it I want to make sure to kill things if they or another side I can do it okay and then I'm going to kind of scoot out of the way so that she can get up there so do it athletics check for Hema guidance thank you do you say that means be with you thank you I like like you know six episodes from now good oh boy you know you strut you're struggling you're struggling you're having a hard time you're kind of trying not to let anyone notice how difficult this is for you but you're managing to get hand-over-hand but everybody's standing and nobody wants to say anything it's gonna try to help her okay yeah even if it's just a matter of like climbing the rope and having her get on back and climbing up why is that how you want to do it yeah let's do it that way okay so I'll go comes underneath you guidance thank you and sort of kind of comes underneath you and effortlessly great but I think you'll be fine yeah guidance right yeah or I mean we got an inspiration for you as well okay so [Music] right team yeah so you sort of effortlessly put you know kind of come up from underneath you and your legs sort of feel his shoulders and everybody kinda gets pulled up at the same time now you're all up here on what is a kind of difficult to navigate horizontal surface it is it's not it's not easy but you're sort of you know clutching it and holding on precariously so you're standing on this horizontal staircase you can make this work and I hold out an arm or a tail so the chicken oh that's awesome yeah you stick your tail whew if she grabs it and then I pull her through fine okay awesome and you're up here as well are you still underneath no I'll come up and just kind of nice is there anything outside of what heat is it obvious what he saw yeah I mean I think you all see sort of flashes of light even in underneath a window it's underneath this this sort of broken stone okay how that roar is the drop it is I would say about twenty feet I'll go we'll jump down okay really see you a team with 2d6 is it 2d6 I think it's Wendy 6 / 10 feet right it is can I attempt to try to land on my feet yeah let's roll it real dexterity cool there weren't even athletics if you want yeah I'll use it let --ax and I will take you got to well what was the net one so that's the other one is going to be on 11 alright so you sort of that you land awkwardly let's do half damage cool so 2d6 you want her older me you can roll okay all right so I take two damage you hit the ground and yes you see as SIV described this hole with a bunch of activity oh so it's a hole in the ground inside it's like a where the window was you can see in the model it's where the window was but there's rubble on top of it sort of closing it in and you can only see sort of peeking through anybody coming down yes one moment I was going to wait for the others James should we do this yes certainly would you like to go first okay hidden underneath my clique jumps on the rope yeah acrobatics or sure you can do let's do F Lennox athletics + a d4 okay okay not amazing nine nine okay so you're trying to get up the rope yeah yeah you're again struggling you're little and your light but you're not super strong and you're trying to scramble up you're managing to do it it's taking a lot more effort uh approach I'll climb down and so yes if kind of lowers himself down and sticks his rump out and the tail comes down and you feel like a little fur buyer about how much you can lift with the tail let's just do a quick strength check on lifting Lily with your tail Athletics yeah sixteen alright so yeah no it's not a problem she kind of grabs on you're just gonna lift her up onto the service tool that you're at okay standing on James yes do you think you can do this by yourself or do you need help I will try and here I go and I can guidance on myself yeah we should teach them how to climb things that's uh athletics or Acrobat athletics athletics that's a nine for me as well again here you know you're sort of having a hard time if you just keep trying out up there but is it hurts you know your shoulders are hurting okay and I'll go back over to where lily is that and peered through to see what ago has got himself into all right so I'm just looking up there just kind of will climb onto my back and I'll climb down the other side no no just jump down I got you climb down I'm better at climbing just like Princess Bride yeah got you nice okay so what happened you climb down yeah Lily so Lily and sieve and ago are on the ground yes and you kind of hear some now you kind of hear some movement really just fell to her couldn't hear some movement in a sort of dark under area there movement that has a sound we just turned on oh well it's not a language that you you just it's a sort of a sound effect that I made it sound like a person that bought the monster to put any monsters into your game he wants you to fight okay I still have detect magic running Am I again now that we're in this chamber I sort of poked my head through do I see anything you don't see anything yeah you you know poking your head so I mean you see that you see the flapping that everybody has sort of referred to you see that so but no magic pings within 30 feet yeah okay got it I tell you you jump our catcher I'm gonna climb back up I can jump get my rope attached my rope to the inside of this room and drop it down now you can climb down and using the rope sort of like yeah you sort of more fall than climb every buddy has made it into the room you so we're all down here you see the if you're the flapping and there's a sound coming from underneath this area underneath Nathan the fallen Rock know that that definitely is what everybody noticed first right now underneath this sort of low hanging there's there's a sound there's more sounds like peer try to see with my dark vision I'll try to see into the dirt yes so you you take a real close look I need you to roll a constitution saving through a post No got that for days say be say that you still have one more in spirit can we stack inspirations should we stack them not Constitution saving throw luckily I am proficient so that's going to be 12 all right so you look underneath in the dark and your dark version season the first thing you notice is there seems to be a chest under there or some sort of container and then your eyes looked in the corner and you see yellow slits and you kind of feel something happening in your body as you look at it things are stiffening and hardening and it doesn't feel good and you can't you realize you can't move paralyzed yes and oh my gosh I'm just gonna stop like waiting and just attack the first thing every room we go into something moves I attack yeah I'm at a 19 anybody beat in 1970 M Fahim a 17 Jane well I use twelve all right so you are how tall are you James alright okay so your debt you you got down as well are you on the ground as well yeah yeah I think we just Civ you you're sort of instincts perk up and you see do I see a go see I'll go sort of like stop moving strangely but you don't know what's going on at all so I don't see the creature underneath no he's the only one that looked underneath there son of a [ __ ] okay okay but I see I'll go stiffen up yeah then I guess my natural inclination would be to just walk over to ago and like are you all right no yeah no he's not able to speak or move I'll go you kept going to really sure what's going on yeah I'm going to shake him okay he seems stiffer than normal I mean he's a big strong muscular at work but even to your touch he feels like he's stiffer than norm something's horribly wrong with agha all right so that's that Sims tournament he's constipated to Lily okay well I I go over to go and I say ago ago okay um okay I'm going to cast lessor restoration to help just restrained right now technically just restrained yeah okay cool oh so I can speak then I don't think you can speak yeah restrained yeah I think so I think it can speak if it's not paralyzed no chick yeah you're just restrained okay just restraint I'll go can't move okay this is no time for jokes well I can't I can't I take that back it's always time for jokes I don't even know who I am anymore can I sense what's restraining me at all I mean it's that it's it's just the eyes of gays gays now Lily when he pointed under there did you look where he was pointing okay just okay um I'll go I'm gonna help you all right so I I I touch him in a castle lesser restoration okay which I can end disease or condition yeah okay I'm gonna rage as soon as I can all right so that's Lily Stern do you want to move yeah yeah no I'll stay there I have my hand I'll go still just making sure he's okay okay for him is up I'm going to move up to be close with my party and cast major armor okay and got an inspiration oh it's raining inspiration for me so inspired that brings us to James Wright do you look into the darkness I do not and I see into darkness very well now but I'm not looking over there Odile mm-hmm and I'm going so kind of hearing what I'll go saying kind of seeing a little bit what happened I'm gonna try something and I'm going to I assume there's like some loose rubble or something over there and this in this area probably stones yeah there's some smaller ones there's a large one over that window area but there's loose stones all over them okay basically 15 feet away from that window and between us and the chest area I'm gonna cast darkness okay and I'm gonna put a sphere I'm gonna put it right around here okay so it's gonna cover the window 30 feet right yes yeah 30 feet total okay 15 foot radius and basically no one else is going to be able to see through it including the other side except me dropping a sphere of Darkness in between us and that chest area okay yeah I cast it on a stone I got on a specific little rock so I could go pick it up if I want okay and I'm going to go walk into the middle of it okay and so see me what happens is all of a sudden inky blackness sort of erupts from a point on the ground and it sort of grows and grows and grows and then you see James stride off and do it I say I say I've got this and oh yeah he sort of disappears as it envelops I mean it looks thick maybe it's a darkness that looks thick and you hear me in your head yes it's me it'll be fine okay slightly becoming the hair of his own story James so that's James's turn now ago okay so now you can't see yeah where's the 30-foot darkness it's basically it ends at the door at the doorway so it's covering that and it's you couldn't get around it you could go that go wide around so it's gonna be like right around yeah basically but whatever staring no longer see the thing that was staring me is under this like fallen mm I can't wear the thing that was underneath this overhang see this with my with my dark vision do I see anything under there if you look yeah yeah you see but it can't see me well because you're standing in the dark that's right yes you see a you see what looks like a container of some kind okay and you see a creature that looks like a reptile okay I'm relaying that via awakened mind to everybody there's some sort of reptile standing next to a chest and it seems to be able to it's got some ugly yellow eyes so all I heard was chest so for my turn I'm going to rage okay save and straight where I saw the yellow eyes before straight to it okay so you run into the darkness yeah and as you go everything turns inky black yep but you are running full speed ahead and you kind of come out the other side of the darkness and as you run into where you were again you make eye contact with the creature and again another Constitution saying since this has happened once am I at all now a little bit used to what's happening or is it stroll just straight I think you're still still Constitution James you're the only one you were saying I'm the only you're the only one that sees him come out the other side everybody else thought go go in runs right by me in the door and tonight you can roll your attack whoo reckless get it yep he's on it now okay he's right up against take a swing so again human and/or ancestors come out at night it's gonna be nine damage all right so you run up underneath this sort of overhanging thing your ball isn't able to have the backswing that you normally do we kind of take a side you smack this thing in its big reptilian face and it goes black it turns at you so that was so it's gonna take a bite at you how big it's big it's big in fact is it and it's like a lizard it's not like a snake dragony maybe it's a little that's a big okay it's a big big reptilian creepy group to leave oh that's not good eight I get to damage his reckless right still not good nine no no no okay so it turns into snaps at you and and you're you know it misses your face you're kind of face to face with it but you're not making it making eye contact we're back to the top of the round which is you're just giving us a play-by-play but it's darkness so we can't see so we can't do it there is there is a an area of Nan darkness off to the right okay to your right that you could probably skirt your way around the sphere if you want I can basically guide you into and possibly through it is the basic basically if with awakened minor with my voice I'm like just keep coming straight you're fine you're fine you're fine okay yeah then I'm going to I guess I guess I'll take out my bow and knock an arrow and if I see that there's an area that the darkness is not along the edge like he's saying then I'll go around the pool of darkness basically and I have in the corner no it's thirty feet there to me yeah so it's the whole witless link one it 5 10 15 20 25 30 no it's not so there's like 15 feet there still buddy so like 7 feet on either side shirkuh so i'll essentially run - all the way around with my bow and arrow we're going to get around the circle of Darkness to get a shot at this thing okay so you come around and but I can't see it right because it's in the darkness it's underneath that in darkness it's you know it's not in magical darkness the gun but I used our plain old everyday okay I have dark vision so I still see it and I'm gonna even though it's in combat with a go I'm gonna try popping a shot at it okay I need you to rule a constitution say okay natural 20 you kind of you're able to you're so skilled with the arrow at this point you're able to pull it back and not even look at where you're and not make eye contact on so I know where I go is cuz he smells like cat senses yeah okay so shooting the bow uh and I do not get sneak attack right or do i cuz you're you do mainly with it I do yeah okay great so 14 plus 4 is 18 18 points of damage or 18 to hit 18 to hit yeah okay that's quite a hero seven 12 plus 4 is 16 all right so you you send in the arrow into the darkness not even looking and you hear in the inside is it 18 I don't know dang okay is that little is the Rockpile in darkness what's the thing underneath it with it I don't believe so right you're you mean the the window where the red thing is yeah basically kind of keeping the darkness on top of that as well so it's that if there's we're talking about in the doorway thing yeah the thing that's like right here understood yeah no then not yet and it's a creature yes there's some sort of red flashing creature right there was two different things right there's one thing underneath underneath here that we've been attacking that that I'll go ran into the dark into this under yeah under here and then there's something in a smaller kind of yeah it was fiery feathery thing that I saw it fluttering isn't it before the darkness we've determined yeah yes it's on the other side of the darkness actually from where you are or you go around like still get around it just a little bit but it was trapped from before what we saw like it's trapped underneath it doesn't look like something is trapped underneath it okay and we haven't not yet perceived a threat from that no correct okay okay um so lily is gonna walk around the darkness cautiously and go over to that pot can I get to that pile sure it's a lot of moving here all the way here you may have five how about you move me at five to twenty five five ten fifteen twenty five you can dash to it you want it to then your your action is done mm-hmm I'm sorry I just need to see how close it is to the the other did okay so it's like right there it's yeah it's in the rocks yeah you can put the rock between you in it you probably won't have that issue with the eyes yeah yeah so I'm gonna yeah I'll dash over to kind of over to that rock area okay great so you use your movement in action you want to and yeah so I'm over there kind of to see what if I can see anything more now that I'm close so you're looking in and there's a bunch of rubble that sort of collapsed over the top of this hole and in the hole you see sort of a small fiery bird-like creature flapping and hitting and smacking into the walls and you see a bunch of eggshells all around tons of all but it doesn't look injured like it's like or is it stuck is that what your he does look stuck it looks like he can't get out okay it doesn't particularly look injured although it's smacking itself into the wall and trying to trying to get out okay okay so so Mahima yeah Mahima can you come over here I think that there's this I can't tell if this is friendly or not but I think that maybe this can help us this famous turn yeah and it's also hilarious you're asking for humor for advice after the blink okay cool so I'm gonna move as far as I can up to you - and probably make it up to her oh I don't want a full no event all right there without you do I have any ice scientific at 1:30 I mean you can see it from afar I don't think you can see it as well as Lily can see there's darkness oh and there's such a magical darkness in the light of you hug the wall if you hug the wall you can yeah if I hug the wall using my film regular movements do I on both things around the darkness we mean both things that thing in the like there just like the crevasse and also the pile of rubble with the flaming thing yes I mean you can you can see the line of sight yeah you can see past yes yeah okay this is as far as I can go um but I'm very interested in checking out that rubble however I am going to cast a flaming sphere baryon brand for FEMA and I will actually I do need to see where my money is I'm taking my pastor the range is 60 feet joke episode I got news for you they're all okay so 60 feats of range I can cast as lame of the sphere of fire and then as a bonus action I move it up to 30 feet I'm tempting too so it's like full 90 from me I'm attempting to ram it into like in English the cave yeah I mean it's gonna go through a go I think we're gonna hit a go well I go up to 30 feet so I can move it around I guess I wouldn't get into the cave that makes sense you can sort of do a trick shot so I kind of you can see I go and you can see he's sort of obscuring the the vision of the the creature so you know you don't really see its face but you can see where it is in relation to him and so you send it careening it kind of goes around look like a bowling ball split on the creature to the to the under a bit does it get under 20 mean under it has to go underneath it to get to the creature okay so the creature is still underneath that overhang okay and so it has to kind of go around a go underneath the overhanging okay so 90 feet didn't get underneath I'm sorry I don't know since you're asking yeah you have plenty of range to get to it yeah okay sorry that was my question okay cool so it needs to um it needs to saving mmhmm yes Dec saving through thank you I've never used this spell before three six and it also sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius okay so alright tell me have the diamond nine points of damage okay so you see this fireball kind of go in a half circle around ago and right in front of you ago you see it slam into the side of this giant lizard creature and it explodes and the the creature goes and it burns and then the light illuminates underneath and it kind of billows out and you see this sort of chest container thing and you see everything underneath there there's bits of bone and you know gore and stuff in the corners and all is like it's like it's daytime underneath there and you see it illuminated and the creature itself is is quite large and standing right in front of ago it was hurt pretty bad Wow the helo your your stopping the flaming sphere right because when it hits it it stops it stops right yes if I'm within 5 feet of it I have to take damage so right just to make sure so I move no to move but just to well so we were time in this earlier I believe only one creature at a time can take damage from me moving this I can't like move it like right but your turn yeah yeah sorry this is a long so we're up to James okay hmm no I don't want to I don't want to pull the darkness away yet because I don't want to have to make that Constitution saving through because that is not my strength so I can I get line of sight on the on the on the lizard staying within the darkness yes kind of okay then told the dead okay is my action so make a wisdom saving through all right that is a seven yeah that's a fail it's gonna take a d12 of necrotic damage nice 10 points of necrotic damage and I'm sort of with my bonus section I'm sort of like looking over to Lily going like what what's going on over there well there's this thing still under the rock it looks like a bird maybe he wanted me to do reckless yeah i sensing a theme that's purpose it's gonna be a 17 that's a hit okay okay what did you want to know just what you saw under the rock there's lots of eggs and Rochelle's okay so it is so brilliant and bright you have a good view also going to move five feet away from the flaming sphere just to make sure so you take take your your ten and you smack this creature it you hit it and at first you're not even sure you heard it but then it just goes and it kind of collapses dead and oh that's where we'll take a break minute break Lord Arab and we'll will entertain you and we'll be back to find out what's in the jack half the chests I think some folks had some power in that chest Soho okay good job guys [Music] yep [Music] yes have we not had fun everyone well listen fear not adventurers our campaign will continue after a brief intermission right now it will be you me and my brain though ask your questions talk to me let me know how you're feeling I'm here for you for the next 15 minutes anything you like look my left hand my fingers oh the arthritis it's it's gone away I feel so much better huh I wonder if one day my legs will become less less arthritic most likely not listen I'm glad that you're all here I'm glad that we're here together and we're having fun I hope everyone is enjoying themselves I hope you've all had a chance to have drinks and enjoy the show is there anything that n t want anyone wants to know about me or about our players because I'd love to tell you if I have to or can how is my diet maybe as well it sucks all right being perfectly honest with you I've been dining on fluorescent mushrooms and I don't know about you but they give me terrible gas likely because I'm not supposed to be eating mushrooms I'm supposed to e be eating brains they give me health and wisdom and happiness on the other hand the mushrooms not so much just extra toots it's a little bit like beans for you humans do my minions serve me well as a scrip a shrimp not really I don't have many AI I used to I used to have a massive hoard of them but recently in the last couple of years and especially in the last couple of months on this diet I have lost a lot of my psionic abilities and am having trouble keeping people in order really the best I can manage is this particular group here they're doing great though how do I feel about selling Arab and merch well very good let's start that up can somebody hello Milo I do have one minion Milo Milo can you do me a favor write down on your little pamphlet there that we need to start doing Arab and merchandise yes no no no soon quickly if I had to score my intelligence what with a number how high would it go this is from Genesis 803 well in the DND world how high does intelligence go can someone remind me quickly 21 I have a 24 where all the players no nor did they audition oh very good question King 78 they're all just very well known players that I used my deep the psionic abilities to harness and gather from around the globe and got them here and now they play for me really for me they play for us how about that noble noob is saying it should be over 9000 years but that's not really a number I feel comfortable saying because I don't think it really fits though if it existed I would be a 9005 about that are there gonna be any surprise guest banner bricks that's a wonderful question and something I've been thinking about I'll tell you what if there aren't already I will figure out a way to bring them soon we'll alex albrecht ever be a guest well perhaps we should ask him maybe one day he can come to the throne and hang out with me and talk with you during an intermission I don't know we'll see that sounds like a great idea though you seem a little short for a mind flayer has it hindered you this is citizen 69 105 well what height do you think a mine player should be the usual height is I'm accustomed is somewhere around 6 feet is that not correct yes exactly well I'm 4 foot too likely because I was born the runt of the litter and that's one of the reasons I don't hang out with the rest of the mind flayers in fact I was sort of cast out at one point which is why I hang down here with all of my riches and put on D&D games for fun can Ned Stark be a guess one of a piece well sure why not sapphire Sookie how do you say your name I like that name thank you I appreciate that Curie you'll be my family but that makes me feel I'll tell you what this is something that is a truth a truth for me I was once a part of a very large hive mind hmm a very good community of shall we say elicits and others known as as mind flares of course I don't really like that term that being said I used to play jokes on everyone and which would sort of screw up the whole mind hive or the hive mind concept everyone thought that I was always playing too many jokes on them so so they asked me please if I could tone it down of course I didn't have that ability because I like joked too much so they asked me to leave and lo and behold that's why I'm here are there any benefits to being your minion hmm I can't really think of any other than the fact that they have no choice I mean yes you get to be my minion and get to hang out and hold my gold if I let you my love stop holding the gold put it down where your knew where your hive might not conceal I appreciate that I really do and I'll tell you what that makes me feel very loved and connected and and something I haven't felt in a long time so that's that's really wonderful thank you isn't being his minion reward enough jinks arts you speak the truth do you watch any other broadcasters on caffeine caffeine caffeine aha the broadcasting platform on the intranet which is something that is very new to me yes yes I have seen it before and yes I have checked out a few I don't like naming names though I don't want to be to pick any one out in particular is that all right I appreciate that je media I chose this robe specifically for you tonight technically I wore it last week too but look it's the only one I have right I am back from my epic quest to get food what did you miss wolf man you missed everything but don't worry when they come back we'll do a recap I hope but I hope Jeff does Pepsi or coax is Genesis 8:03 both are a problem for me due to the the carbon bubbles I don't really like those they burn but if I had to choose I mean if I had some sort of weapon to my head hmm I go diet most likely a Coke Zero no and I hope they're not a sponsor or other are they of this show here probably not most likely a mountain Dew's as sterling miss never heard of it I'll have to try it do I have a special someone in my life ie a significant other hmm I had one once it's a story I don't really like to go into much I guess lady carabiner thank you so much someone say that I don't know were you reading my mind that's that was her name got lovely lovely their tentacles by the way were the most beautiful I'd ever seen eight feet long each unbelievable size really glorious and I dream of her every night although I don't dream every night I should say when I dream I dream of her you have a brother and sister I don't know I was an only child I said run to the literally er what I really meant there was I was just small noble noble ooh thank you I really appreciate that that is very generous of you up and makes you feel much better what kind of brain is my favorite who don't remind me mmm really I've been working so hard on this diet that every time the eel isn't when I check all right listen if there's anyone out there that's willing to part with their brain here's the real problem I don't like killing people anymore okay I've gotten into the the habit of just letting people live and the whole brain thing requires the killing and the death and the whatnot and I'm not interested in that so if there's anyone out there that that does want to provide their brain for my delight and pleasure I would happily take it otherwise I really don't even have a favorite I just really want anything at this point if we sent you a brain and turned a blind eye would you break your diet Charles you were like a pusher like a drug dealer like a pimp but yes I would can you say I to me I after Borderlands three you could have my brain all right Genesis I'll take it first brain is always free that's how they get you great one not man I agree hmm how fresh does it need to be because medical donations Oh interesting interesting point is there a no I'm wondering if maybe I could work with the government and see if they could just hand me a few of those brains I don't really like animal brains to be honest with you art art a [ __ ] and they are not as tasty I do like human human plus brains I've got an Abby normal brain for you maybe if you're hilarious I love you and thank you by the way you gave us a monster in our last show very very well done do brains taste different based on the intelligence of the creature if I tell you yes is that mmm speciesism I don't know I hesitate to tell you tell us about your amulet oh great one board game corner this amulet is really great I love it that was coughing not laughing it's great I love it I like the color I like the style I had it made specifically for myself recently and and I hope you enjoy to move finis move Fitness 23 I am in lipid otherwise known as a mind flayer I don't like the term though in fact I feel it's it puts me it cast me in the wrong light because I am technically very good and nice and loving and caring a decent and sometimes evil and very often angry but not right now I feel great right now how about now great I feel great chaotic yes all right so what I'm evil I'm I'm evil neutral and chaotic sometimes I don't I'm everything listen I'm a mind flare all right and humble yes of course chaotic good no I don't think that's what I am I'd have to check I haven't checked my manuals recently what who's your tailor I've been needing a new set of robes let me get that information to you I don't have it on hand right now and he was actually a company that made it and I may or may not have accidentally eaten the brains of the original CEO it's nice to see that your brain is super wrinkly yes yes well normally I will say a very healthy illicit normally we'll have a a slight mucus covering the entire entirety of the skin now you might notice that I am NOT dry but I'm certainly not as mucousy as you would expect and again that is due to the diet lacking in brains it really is a problem and I do at some point need to get off of it do I have like I do have legs yes although they are not in use currently again due to the lack of the brains the elephant related community that I originated from yes that I was somewhat - I was asked to leave I guess is the best way to put it I was causing some disruptions F practical jokes truthfully if you and I were to marry would you take my last name is your last name moneybags because yes I would if they were did these jokes did these jokes involve murder every joke involves murder does it not please you need a hat to match your robe to keep your brain warm that shot is it sheriffís like Omar Sharif is what a great name I love it some people donate their brains when they die I've heard about this and the question is is how do I get in on that racket a flat cap I think a flat cap would look great on my head especially during my and my lack of mucosa stage what's my favorite type of brain I am wabbits ooh I'll tell you what brains I don't like this is for real I do not like rabbit brains or bunny brains or hair brains done because they're too sweet and I do not like sweetness meg lamu you can eat my brain don't tell me that don't know no remember I'm trying desperately not do that and you just offering them for fries like again it's like offering caffeine to a coffee addict does anyone here like caffeine or coffee I do often so you don't like candy I do not know and I don't eat candy unless Milo offers me mints I like mints especially after a very healthy ocher brain again which I'm not in currently enjoy I do not enjoy those currently they just want to be clear on it all right wonderful okay so good news everyone remember that game we were playing in the other room will yes it's about to come back so let's go back and rejoin our adventurers and remember I'll be joining you in our social conversation [Music] so when last we spoke the whatever the creature the larger large lizard underneath the stairs and are not stairs underneath the overhang lizard was despatched by our mighty team and their remains conspicuously a container of some kind one might call it a chest and also there's still this flapping sound and a giant inky black darkness that James is standing in the middle of going near I will pick up the stone that I cast it on and I'm gonna kind of hide it in my cloak a little bit basically it's like a light so if you hide like a not light yeah it's a it's yes unlike an X lighter than light and I hide it in my sleeve basically so I'm still concentrating on it oh god I'm hiding it so the darkness goes away so you kind of secret it away up your sleeve and you have the darkest elbows that's right that's right but everyone can see again yeah what is this nature nature check we're gonna ask you that every time we just drop his hammer right into its skull again just to make sure it's dead yeah and it little bits of goo kind of squish out its little reptilian ears guys are you all right oh I'm gonna use my inspiration it's really got on that all right sing it can I use my second okay you better you don't know it's seven yeah you're looking at it it's not a creature you can quite place right now it's maybe because it's a little flatter than yeah it started out maybe because it's got goo coming out of tears whatever the case you can't place exactly what it is I have no idea how big is the the chest it's not huge it's you know about yay big okay during this Lily's peeking around she goes pardon and get me that chest the scene servant goes and starts to bring my the chest to me because it what is a [ __ ] things what is it able to look like ten pounds that's like us to strength let go it's moving it has AC ten one hit point and a strength of two it's like it's inching your cuz you're you can see your little guy going yeah try is darndest to pull it and it is it's inching across the the stone floor is that your thing birdie man ago his name's Ferdinand oh I can't see him so he doesn't have named me for short I love it no name is good I was trying to get him to get the chest for me because I'm still apprehensive you go under that ledge what's happening with the bird yes can i okay it looks injured or something and it looks like it's children have been taken Jeff why they're talking and discussing the bird I was gonna go and pick up the chest okay yeah yes alright taking it away from Ferdinand yes okay he's unseen we did take the box and set it down and I'm going to inspect it for traps okay right try to open it up go ahead see what are you doing detect magic yeah you don't know how many just just itself is not magic yeah it's fine it's detect magic darkness goes away because it's concentration you got a 10 well there aren't any traps that you are aware of okay I'm gonna check to see if it's locked or not it is locked and I'm going to take out my little creepiest things in this place all of you [Music] 25 yeah it's a trivial actually it's for you to unlock this thing the lock falls off and it pops open and inside you see two items so two items one is a little flash that says Big Joe 1990 on it [Applause] strikingly like a health potion that you've seen before is a what could only be described as a boomerang hmm a wooden bent wooden boomerang it says Jerry Trainor on it belong to mr. China that's why his name is omen Jerry give me a girl good sorry you're right could it be a training boomerang you know you might be right I've never thrown a boomerang before I'm just going to pick it up and we whip it across the room okay so the boomerang goes out of your hand oh six oh boy nope that's how I lost my leg ouch up out of the hole you guys came in through out here I suppose it may be it's going back to the person that owned it was he giving off a magical aura it was oh yeah oh boy well maybe it's going to go thatched I'm thinking then come back I suppose mr. Springer was Rena China maybe you'll find it and come help us out I don't know so you have yourselves an empty chest or something somebody got a health potion right give it to flapping fluttering all the way subdued now you're not hearing it with such a vigor is it giving off a magical or as well I mean it says it's like flames coming off its movies or something indeed a magic can we know don't kill it oh okay let's let's try and free it first do we know what's 10 karat maybe I need to just lift the rock okay please strength check he does have a valid point away so maybe here in what city for yeah thank you sir forgot about your guidance oh yeah nice the 17 yeah so I'll go you go over it's a massive stone this is a massive piece of stone you can probably see it in there fluid as he does this - yeah advantage I will do it again to see if it look better I do do it I said do do it so the the the lovely flautist the flute music fills you with inspiration and you also remember to use your legs which is great oh and you were you achieve this massive stone up and out and you see this this red winged baby bird it is they got fire and there's eggs all around it cracks eggshells okay yeah they're all debris of cracked egg shells the strength checks with 25 and if I can I'm just gonna take that stone and throw it on the basilisk it lands with a thud and yet more use seeps out underneath the rock nice can they do another nature trick yeah you want to get it right one these times hmm you want a different dye and can borrow one of mine yeah thunder thunder in the Box it's got it thank you Wow which is plus two so six plus four plus four is eight yes hey you are it's pretty clear I mean anybody any any more on Katella you can it's pretty clear that this looks like a baby Phoenix Wow and you can kind of see that it has sadly died and been reborn over and over and over and hatched out of an egg and died of hunger and been reborn a little ration from her bag of weight is Phoenix bad so the little baby Phoenix does looks at you cautiously and I make direct eye contact Lily loves that as a form of communication animal handling okay eight it is it doesn't trust you it's it's kind of its it you can tell it's not able to fly away like it wants to it's still kind of been bashing itself into the sides of this hint just gently and pick it up so it's not bashing it's on fire oh it's still burning so I'm gonna follow your lead and I'm gonna put my hands on fire yeah and then try to like reach down do it okay so what happens is it sees that warm fiery glow in your hands and it immediately feels safe mm-hmm and you reach down and you cradle it in your hands it's a small it's like a little hatchling it's a little baby Phoenix and it's a little burning wing this kind of like rest on your burning hands and the warmth of your hands and the warmth of its wings you can kind of see it's gained a little more heat a little more fire and it's kind of gaining a little more vigor and what it's able to do it it looks up to you it's big glowing eyes and I guess take this ration like starts to like cook it a little bit this seems like trapped oh go go it's okay I think James what do you think I our Phoenix native to our plane or is it like a fait wild type of deal you've never seen one before no you aren't sure that there have ever existed and if a real but you've heard stories of you imagined yes about the idea of a Phoenix hi this does not seem I think this is part of what's going on with the Loadstar of wherever this came from I think this Phoenix was native to to that place right she said that there were magical creatures exactly and I think this must be one of those but it doesn't seem evil I mean I'll go look at it no I mean it looks like baby but I've babies try to kill things sometimes and the eggs are just broken it's it's just shattered and rehashed every time yeah it's it I mean it's the same creature dying and being reborn and dying and being reborn like in an unnatural way like it's died it was trapped here and it died of a hunger it died but when a Phoenix dies it gets rebar gets reborn there's a lot of eggs there yeah they're more of down no I think those are all its own eggs cuz it's circle of life all in one being are you going to be able to take that it's going to in a way and I don't know so is it like catching anything on fire and it's in your hands your hands are on fire it you know it the wings are really what's burning right so it's sort of underbelly is just sort of red and warm but its wings are ablaze and it's sort of wrapped its wings around its body because it's fine and to get you some fire resistant robes that it talked excuse me party excuse me birdie the bird looks at you you sense that it can understand you oh I'll go Lily Lily Fahim ah Lily Lily curtsies to the birth and then bow scuzz okay as if we don't have enough creatures already I'm not offering but I'll go no be excellent well there goes my idea do you have a name Bertie what he's saying meep we could just call it is it is it speaking like a language you really it understands it does understand but it is not it's just making it's not making clear discernible you have languages and you're not you're not okay yeah meet me may we call it it does seem to have sort of a connection to you it really enjoys the the warmth of your hands it's sort of like looks up at your hair the way it's sort of red and and kind of has sparks in it and it sort of has an affinity to lovely I really like it maybe me should we ask it if it's seen anything have you seen anything else maybe the baby Phoenix has it has a quality called language of emotion so I can't communicate to you but it can express its emotions in a way that you sense yeah and so it you feel gratitude wash over you emanating from it and and it is minoo there's there's a sense of kind of trust in the in the warmth of your hands and then or you you you know released it from where it was trapped it's so injured right yeah it's still I mean it does seem like it's doing a little better now that that has sort of fire around it it ate the ration there's no problem I'll ask it is there more danger here and you get a feeling of fear I think it's telling us that maybe something else here is dangerous I think it's helping me that's helping us I think that's how it can talk yeah he made you not everything talks with its mouth remember me should I go inside your head and go remember this look right here right now I will I'll go I was trying to prove a point you're doing it to help you that's not helping me because that's what I was trying to I was wondering if you had like some sort of vessel or bottle or something to put it in soda shoulder so it if you sense an overwhelming ocean of happiness and compliance it sits there and it kind of loves your long read sort of fiery hair and it nuzzles its face in your hair and it kind of unfurls its it's fiery wings and then just sits there and you now have a baby Phoenix familiar this is the second time that said has seen a fortune flat [Applause] does this count as a short rest by the way can we take a short rest yeah I think you guys as you kind of sit there and for Hema is nuzzling her newfound friend because James hasn't taken any damage but he'd like his spell slots back yeah yeah and then I can do so just be sure I'm note down that meet you and so there are there are rules for the familiar that'll be on there for you and it will cast certain things in combat well that's awesome they will be able to communicate with you telepathically Wow what okay during our short rest I'm gonna do song of rest - oh thanks nice so anyone who can hear me regains an extra 1d6 and hit points oh so I think that you maybe it can affect me yeah if you want to heal it you certainly heal me yeah so you should know about the Phoenix when it dies it will rebe reborn the next day as an egg so if it dies in combat it turns into an egg and then it would that egg will hatch the next day [Music] what if the egg I'm just gonna get dark here what egg gets smashed what if any gets us a B Phoenix is dead okay but then does it get reborn that next day isn't it no if it dies as an egg its death flying and it goes to zero hit points and turns into an egg it takes no falling damage okay okay I just saw the rest so I'm gonna I'm gonna take out my little flute okay so you guys are sort of sitting in this dank dark just to let you know Jeff I'm going to spend a dice you know I hit dice to heal wall or short risk sounds good is it has anybody else going to do that is a 1 d6 okay okay I don't actually I don't spend the hit dice because their song arrests great I'm gonna I'm by the way I'm gonna kind of sit and lean up against the wall and pull out my new book and I'm sort of so as you guys are sort of leaning against these wooden walls that are really the floor of the floor above this floor that didn't make any sense as you sit against what is the wall to you but would be the bottom of the floor above if this were on it's correct on its in right there's a lily leans back and pulls out a flute and plays sort of a a melancholy tune something slow and mingling and beautiful and L of you sort of feel refreshed as you sit there and contemplate what has happened and fátima sort of sits nuzzling her her little bird as it is it puts its little beacon arms and in Earth wings in her in her hair so can I sing my song arrest you please oh no you bumped your head it could be worse you could be dead oh no you got a bruise we'll all feel better when we take a snooze we all feel invigorated in much better and about an hour passes and then you kind of get up and dust yourselves off and take a look around and you reel that unseen servant probably goes away after an hour but where the spiral staircase continued up into the upper floor there seems to be a blockage it's broken it's shattered even part of the staircase was what was what had trapped the baby Phoenix so that looks like an entrance up here to another room this is like the third act of labyrinth I'm trying to do this without the mop like so I'm assuming that that's if that's the only direction we can go that that's gonna be a sieve thing to get up there okay if you want to I mean if digit wants to make an appearance I don't need the rope I don't you like to go ahead well certainly I mean I'll save you the trouble so I'll cast mage hand and my smoky black hand so it kind of crawls up and out your body appears and I it takes the rope and it kind of takes it up to the top I can't really see I don't know if I can really get hold it up there no I mean hold it up there for you but you it's gonna be up to you different I'm up there so like secure it to something because yeah otherwise it's just gonna hold the rope and it can't hold our weight all right I will climb up there okay so you quite easily climb scale up the side of the wall and transfer to this wall and then climb through what was a doorway clearly a an entrance where you see even a broken door lying on the ground below it a wooden door and you peer in through that room and you notice this room is there's a lot of paraphernalia broken and shattered around it it there's there's plants everywhere there are there are vines growing on the walls there are tables it looked like it looks like a navy or uh like a indoor garden you know garden nursery a tracery atrium is the word I wanted there we go an atrium that has because you know it collapsed there's broken things everyone pots and stuff yeah okay but there's nothing shards of glass and things that are yeah there's nothing feasting on something no no you sure then in that case I'll tie off the rope and I'll I'm still going to be stealthy I'll whisper down to you guys I'll say all I see are broken houseplants it seems to be some kind of atrium or indoor garden no potted plants lots of them broken I'll try to I'll try to climb well trio mmm I need to get well I don't need to but if I stay and go last I can cast guidance on everybody as they go up so I was gonna go next but well I have a question so what we're doing right now is to get through the Loadstar yeah so do you can you determine from where you are that that's a ways to get through well there seems to be a window yes on the opposite it's not a window it's like what was a trapdoor that has lines growing up through it yes there is a way through okay all right it was on the floor of the building right if it was right yeah yeah if you go first you can detect if there's anything that we should be worried about maybe true okay all right here I go and I'm sort of nervous cuz they're watching me and climb this rope now okay oh yes thank you I can't cast guidance on myself that is 21 all right so you have a sort of a newfound confidence as you sort of pull yourself up the rope it's still feeling you know after my rest still a little sore in your arms I mean even not a person that does this quite a lot but you've managed to get up there pretty easily think about it don't make me think about it all fall as I'm standing up next to SIV in this doorway I'm going I'll cast a tech magic again and look down into the room is tonight am I seeing anything you definitely see smatterings of magical energy in the room and in the corner smashed a beneath debris you're getting a pulsating magical sensation am I able to tell what school I'm let's roll okay Arkana yeah pretty good that is a 20 so it is a it is a nature magic like it is a natural okay got it okay understood all right I can't I don't want to jump down there but do you have rope I don't but we have the rope that's that's one I'll just take a guy's rope and if he ties it off on the rope I'll pull my rope up untie his rope tie it off to where I'm at and then drop down and drop me down so I'm gonna drop down as stealthily as I wrote montage yeah yeah we we know the routine at this point being able to remove our way up and in yes dungeon rope and I'm going to as quietly as I can drop down into the room and hang there in the corner watching that thing and you're in a role of stealth check yes please come on up yes yeah so you managed to sort of land softly yes sit there and you don't see here any movement you don't see any anything alive and orient their plans gonna start climbing up Lily with okay thanks I go yep so you sort of take 20 and just yeah do it yeah and we're gonna take it ten because I think that'll be enough yeah we're up and in everybody's up and in yeah freaking made it up and in as well yeah you guys can sort yourselves out there save do you want to drop down to the room are you fine up there no I'll come down I'll uh you don't tell me about the magical items oh no oh I am telling everybody there's something and you said in the corner which corner was it this this that's that one the last one this one yeah okay so I'm sort of like quietly pointing like this something magical over in that corner do you want me to go over there and see what it is Oh I'll go with you and so yeah all right all right so the two of us will approach slowly that I don't know yeah I'm gonna have a dagger out just in case is it moving at all I'm gonna techno movement all right then I'm gonna I'm gonna lean in pretty close okay see what do I see it's a pile of debris and just garbage really things and you use your sensing whatever it is it's underneath that all right I'm gonna keep digit so how heavy is the garbage is heavy okay so you know stuff that would be would be on a table has been smashed and landed all over the room I mean he was digit to kind of sift through it okay he keep like 10 feet away from glass shards and paraphernalia little wood bits so what you okay so it's table and yes is like what's that would be in that kind of in a in a indoor garden got it broken and smashed because it causes yes I think I got it and and as you sift through it you what you discover that has been the source of this magic feeling is a little sack with a cinched top okay like a pouch like a pouch I will use digit to lift it up okay and bring it towards me okay so you see or your mage can kind of crawl across the ground grab this the sack and lift it up towards you and it's a nondescript Brown little pouch all right I take it I sort of show it's a lot like oh nice and I sort of show it to everyone and I'm just gonna open it up and look inside yeah [Laughter] they're not funny here I don't know what you see are scenes okay seems do you see scenes plant seeds but they're magical maybe later all right I'm gonna kind of tuck it away that's good very tight yes so once he's done with that I'm just going to move along and climb up over to the window trap door right I'll go is following right behind him okay is there anything else to see in the room though I mean we can kind of sift there's the drives and plants and most of them are sort of dead and dying it looks like this was a thriving beautiful indoor garden but it has gone to ruin there's nothing else value in here not that you can tell okay no ok then I'll stealthily crawl up to the trapdoor window and look through okay so as you peek your head through what you see I was gonna do that so skillfully [Music] whoa you see a figure upside down that looks to be hanging from long spiderwebs oh there's a figure of moving no oh there's a figure humanoid it is it has it looks to be female it has sort of a pale gray like blueish grey in a bald head and it is it looks like it's in not good shape okay we it I'm turning around and I'm whispering this now so you know that I saw something um well um well there's someone hanging from large spike large spider webs I mean larger than you would find in your attic there's enough to hold a person like all in that thing no it's just what sort of likes like a Spider Man came in and there's a full web correct in that room with my dark vision just to make sure once the spider webs you see you have you climbed up to with okay you see spiders spiders I also have dark vision how many spiders are we talking about right now you see - yeah even if I see the - there I'm gonna keep Yanks I want to do a deep scan of the room if I can just holy cow is the spider that big oh whoa you just put one on there no there's one up on the post to the other side of the Ring okay perception roll Jeff is 17 what are you looking for just to see if there's other spiders yeah you only see you only spy - right now you're looking around the room and you're looking at every nook and cranny but there are you know - laughs damn it's a very big chamber okay there's anyone know anything about spiders spiders right of fire yes yep sometimes their webs will cash right I don't think that's a good idea knows this moment is still alive what against - it's gonna be hard who meet they're afraid of nothing they're poisonous as well Oh happening they can be yeah can they see you I'm sure they could if I went in there yes you reach one with your arrow yes I'm sure I could shoot them but then they would know we're here and perhaps yeah cos that's not but I think we should try to get set up as best we can do any of you have any spells that could help spiders not myself but I could cast some darkness again down at the base to kind of cover our entrance mmm so that we could get into the room yeah and kind of and kind of you know further we also cannot see right I will be able to guide you okay Oh with your fortune yeah okay I'll be very quiet a bit okay I I understand that maybe you had a rough experience with some mind things in the past I'm getting well people try to manipulate I'll go all the time so alright so as you're as you're talking guys are starting still peering out of this hole right yeah you see this spider kind of yeah okay I see it coming over and I go boom darkness on us yeah basically if we're all up against this window right so none of you guys can see anything anymore except James you're kind of like a squid I'm going to alright so to climb up maybe I'll go can just give me a boost up into that window that doesn't look very high yeah I think that's our air good and I'm going to what are you doing I'm gonna drop the rope into the room all right and then all of us can go down and drop into the corner through the darkness right and then okay and then we'll see and then and then we'll be able to get into the room without this thing seeing us but I want but I can't see it and then we can do whatever we want but otherwise it makes the decisions for us right I'm just asking maybe we can do some sort of bait yeah to lure them both into one spot I could cast minor illusion artists that's good this darkness only lasts ten minutes so let's go sorry you're able to see the the spiders continue to move around it's still okay it's sort of like going down this thing check checking on its prey like doing some business it's doing some business that you don't like no yep moving around if James is telling us to go inside and to sneak down to drop the rope then I'll start climbing done yeah quiet as I possibly can okay so basically the darkness should if I'm standing up here the darkness should get you pretty much all the way to the to the floor okay so maybe it'll start to fade out pretty much by the time you hit the floor so I'm sort of helping them kind of taking your hand putting it on the rope and just kind of guiding you as much as you can and I'm like alright just drop and you can drop down into the room okay yes good and I goes right behind me yeah soon as you guys are all complete pitch-black darkness the thickest darkness you can have ever been at yeah and it's a little disorienting you're not super comfortable in it but James has been whispering you in your ear and in your head and that's comforting his back makes her feel more like she's in control really just get a saddle really we should last and I'm kind of guiding them into the room keeping them within the darkness moving it all James are they still there what's going on I assume they are right oh yeah they're still you know they're they're up to something they're doing stuff my obvious one is like excited they're you know they're you're moving around you know my other invocation gives me a hundred and twenty feet of darkness of dark vision okay do what are there any other spiders you don't see any other spiders with your doctor's you know okay got it PS I'm hiding this baby Phoenix like I really don't want to take damage okay alright I'm gonna take out a bow and knock an arrow I'm just waiting for you to tell us what to do now okay basically so I'm I'm kind of instructing you base if you go ten feet that way you'll be out of the darkness and there's a spider about 430 feet to your right to your three o'clock okay so baby you can wear three o'clock okay I basically kind of turn you and you hear my voice in your head going if you go ten feet that way hmm you're out of the darkness I don't want to do that okay now you let me know when to start shooting at spider what are we okay so I want to try to give us I guess a surprise round are we are we going after these things right I'll get it if I'm going to try to save this woman yes I'm probably not within 30 feet of her am I 30 feet of her yeah I don't think so no no I cannot from that I can try and get 30 feet would be like you're right I that would be very close yeah remember when I told you I learned that spell that could help you not fall yeah I forgot to prepare it today okay it's okay it's all right okay one time I needed that is judging by the miniatures that is the bigger one on the floor yeah right all right I am going to okay basically instruct everyone to kind of get in into position and gosh I'll go to go should I all right this is what I'm gonna do all right everyone ready just put their hands I push I'll go as close to the edge of the darkness as I can all right and then we whisper he's whispers and and then I hide the I hide the the darkness stone in back into my cloak okay so it goes away so let's let's roll initiative and we will do you give a surprise around on your yes spiders Thank You G tactics that we used yeah I got a 15 okay seven seven nine nine we're gonna get a surprise round yeah I don't get a seven cuz I'll go wrote a five and we got a baby bird now you got extra pressure Fatima yeah all right time to okay though because we're using the variant for familiar right yeah so it's gonna automatically cast a spell on you yes the protective trout so you know all about it yeah it'll do the protective shroud on me and then I will cast li-ming's fear again okay noise where's it headed I'm guessing towards spider number one the big one big one big daddy all right yeah that's it this fears how large it's a five foot it's take something that will hold five foot square feet yeah yeah it's person-sized yeah that's a ball of fire a bowling ball that's huge alright yeah everybody pretty good with that oh and sieve in the front yeah okay but I am being careful I know that the web is up here but I am being careful to not cut oh shoot if I catch the spider on fire though yep no I mean just don't catch the web it's done yeah so I'm gonna Ram the the flaming spear with my bonus action into the spider okay spider needs to okay that's not good yeah yeah no I did fail big-time great cool 2d6 fire damage the spider on the floor yeah for the big one eight nice fire damage okay that's the big one yep all right who else is surprised round you fire your bow yeah is it cool if I roll yes please yes sorry I'm going to use my inspiration because I rolled terribly thank you whoever gave it to me at the beginning of the game I still rolled terribly yeah that goes sailing off into no-man's well like what 3 plus 6 is 9 yes yeah okay the miss so it's famous if we were up to James in my cellphone oh I'm sorry this surprise round still oh yes so I'll go do you want to charge it Oh charge it like a MasterCard are we gonna do yeah I guess you could could probably you said that the hanging person is clearly not a human it's humanoid but not a human right it's good it's really nice yeah you would be able to tell that yes it's also shedding light so you can see better that makes a difference yeah there's a it's a brilliant blaze of fire that went in and hit this this spider it wasn't even looking I mean it's standing there kind of doing its thing and all of a sudden this fireball hits its side singeing it's hairs and it sort of legs lift up and it turns to see what's going on ice and yes the whole room is now bathed in a big bright glow like daylight kind of like that Wow okay as a roasting spider as a bonus action this is a hard thing yeah okay so I'll go is just gonna as a bonus action he's aggressive since he's at work he's gonna move 60 feet 30 excuse me on additional 30 just a thirty first to the two that is that gonna probably like get him if we were here one two three four now yeah that thirty will feet look at you'll get you there let's bring them all down let's can we have a die for the placement of the flaming sphere good idea yeah I got I got a red I got an idea where would you like it to be FEMA uh just right next to the spider okay move me five feet to the lab there okay great then I'll be great we're not used to fighting this way you know running in from the darkness I'm alright so anything else you want to do in the surprise round can i mock it viciously does it have to understand you know it doesn't have to understand me yeah you owe me so then you have to do it wisdom saving throw but it's surprised so does it just automatically get it no he still gets trolled yes I think through wisdom sorry with I'm saving throw on oh I'm a spider that is a sorry talking to the folks this is the big spider yes Wiz saving through oh that is in 11 so yeah that succeeds then okay so um D for a second D for psychic and then you also get disadvantaged okay yeah yeah nice one disadvantage on attack roles on the next attack on your next attack yeah got it and it takes one psychic down one psychic damage alright yeah it's it's being burned but it also like has a nagging sensation at its head it doesn't like lastly for my surprise round told the dead all right and that's another wisdom sitting through it right yes critical fail yeah it's taking damage yes okay great yes that's eight necrotic nice you've done the most damage to it James yes actually yeah my stuff here but no I don't know if that's our order that was just a surprise aren't oh alright so that that's the end of the surprise round Jeff yes I have mixed up my notes of your pardon me she was like your arms all look like one arm yeah now it's your turn looking at the wrong page talking to the folks we don't know Porter Charlotte Reuter sorry got it ones up here this okay so we are top of the round which is a very real relatable diem moment right yeah sorry yes vickima okay so throw the ones away that I'm gonna do with things that I've wanted to do for a while so I'm gonna cast pyrotechnics and you get inspiration on this role I think it's well on the next role yeah yeah cool so the tar uh I'd choose a husband 60 feet and like can someone help me Madison six if you don't move up if you can yeah you're like 35 okay so I'm gonna yeah you're about 40 each creature within 10 feet of the targets so I go are you within 10 feet yes yes okay I'm sorry yeah must succeed on saving throw or become blinded okay is your flaming spear still going uh yeah I looked it up and it's the UM discretion but it I mean I think it can still 16 for the spider con save save okay so you are blind yep dang it right so you flash of light comes out the giant pyrotechnics yeah and then the spider doesn't even seem to notice it's got a lot about it's only until my next turn okay so our tactics seem to be going awry do i section those flaming spirit mm good point sorry can I do that with my bonus action I can move the flaming so another deck save me still there ii like move around and then boom it again yeah did a nods but yeah you can even swing it around so so l goes no longer next to it yeah I'll do that thank you sorry sieve necks eating through okay on the giant spider again yeah that is a fail 1 and that's a 2 3 3 fire damage okay do I go for the check that's hanging down there is that other spider up there yeah I think I'm gonna go take a potshot at that spider the one up there yeah okay there is a I'll go your next role yeah you get advantage on from like Knights to the gates my thank you so Jeff I'm going to run over to the opposite side of the Ring I can see the spider that's up on the pillar yep I'm gonna try to take a potshot at a great from where I'm at okay now because it hasn't acted yet does that mean if I hit I get sneak attack sure okay if I hit which I might 19 6 11 plus 4 is 15 all right so you an arrow goes through one of its legs and it knocks it off oh this thing and it lands on the ground and it's you know it's very close to dead oh great thanks that's the sound of a spider fault ok so that was saved now we have spiders okay so this one is just gonna write itself didn't like that at all this one's gonna attack the thing right in front of it with disadvantage because glutes yes guess what I got an advantage with a straight roll and it's gonna take a bite ago which is a 13 miss mrs. vicious mockery so it tries to bite you and it just misses wildly in the air but you kind of feel the the spidery spires have gone that means we're after teams okay I'm going to kind of move further into the room very kind of but like diagonally kind of keeping some range between me and that spider I mean it's my biggest weakness um basically all right slow hand I'm gonna get within 30 feet of the humanoid hanging okay and I'm gonna try to talk to it okay I'm an awakened mind and I'm like are you alive move if you're alive weakly sort of moves okay can I how does is it's a pretty strong like strand of something so I probably couldn't like break it with mage hand or something I don't think you made you hand would be able you means you can't attack either no it can't alright then another told the dead on the big spider wisdom saving through okay oh it's a 19mm that's a safe so no damage alright so the bells go off and again the spider seems focused and I'm still concentrating on the darkness it's just being held within my sleeve okay next up is Lily okay um i standing old back there all right I I'm really concerned because I can tell that I'll go there's something wrong with go are you okay [Laughter] mercury again at the spider and just alright I'm 19 again the effect you would expect oh yeah more to do no I'm just gonna say as I think it's a bonus action no never right yeah okay okay I'll go uh so I'll go can't see nothing so he knows what the spider was and damn that spider for giving him blindness so he's gonna attack the spider anyway just take the disadvantage okay oh one of them was an ant or the other however was a big ol oh wait I don't have this advantage because somebody gave me advantage did they and I had this advantage yeah members on you next rise yeah Wow should I roll them or tape no I'll take take you can take off right we're gonna take the net 20 okay sure thank you thanks Jeff there's a really kind of view of a DM and it is going to be 13 damage okay this thing is very hurt you you're using your ball again yeah yeah you smack it smack it and one of the legs starts to kind of buckle you see a little bit of like spider venom kind of drool out of its mouth and it did not like that it is wobbly I do not see any of that because I know you hit it it's drooling we are back to top of the round seer no [ __ ] you mouse keys now I'm gonna Ram yeah I can oh wait did this phantom move I know it turned in a tactile go yeah it hasn't moved yet so it must have ended its turn next to my fire oh it takes damage from that right make another deck safe yeah Oh confirm that natural tonic oh yes no does it take half damage well a natural 20 you think that was half as much okay roll to d6 CX and see it it's on fire it's been smacked in the face it is not doing well at all so that was just from the last round so now I'm gonna Ram it and you're just gonna just I guess like shove it again so another deck safe okay that's a sixteen that saves okay damage roll it again oh that's right thank you what I have a learning man librarian right here some things alright so as it takes the brunt of that fire in it and you kind of feel like it didn't it can it's trying to shrug it off but the fire is seeping in even like in through its nostrils and its eyes start to pop and burst with it and it starts melting from the inside out collapses in the heap did you see that yeah that was I'm gonna try to end that other spider yeah let's just see if I just mostly dead 12 plus 6 is 18 that's it and I don't get sneak attack this time right because it's right yeah 9 damage so pretty good yeah now it is dead so the the arrows cuts through the air goes right into the heart of the spider and it goes I mean collapse is dead and I would like to use my move and with that no no I'm just saying all those gonna take his hand axe and just wing it up at the spiderweb all right I was gonna be a high VC yeah yeah I figured yeah can I run over there and so that if the body falls on this guy catch it sure okay again going through hand axes like they're going on how high up from the ground is the woman she's quite a ways I mean that's about what about 20 15 20 feet yeah all right then I'm going to turn to you and say instead of that how about I climb up to the top of the Ring I'll cut the sinewy spider web and when she falls you can catch her but she did I don't know she's yes I don't think she's dead I almost killed her yes you almost did kill oh yes yes okay I will catch her you car down yes so put away my bow scamper scamper scamper to the top of the thing take out a dagger cut the spider web let her fall are you open arms all right so she go even to the point of if he has to sacrifice his own body to catch her safer all right well let's just ill do a strength check and just see how that goes for you strength check is gonna be a 13 yeah it's no problem she lands in your arms she's kind of light anyway Oh surprisingly light and she lands in your arms kind of still covered in spider web it's sticky and I can feel her sticky she's kind of as I'm holding her and Lily runs over to that she kind of opens her eyes and and weakly looks up and she was beautiful I don't wish come true are there any other spiders don't think so we saw two are there any more of you no I'm the only steward of this Loadstar steward what what's your name can I I reach out and I go still carrying her yeah just hold on yeah she's sort of weakly just laying in your arms I didn't cure wounds on her okay which is a d 8 plus 3 such as blue-skinned it's like it's like a greyish blue it's really kind of those 5 5 points she did she kind of perks up a little bit as you lay your hands on her yeah she kind of like gains a little bit and actually the color of her skin kind of warms a little too like color that's purple well no I don't mean I mean I mean it warms on the color spectrum I mean it like goes from sort of a dull blue gray to like more of a less dull yeah that's gonna healthy or blue so she blue-gray yeah ah didn't work correct okay what is she you are not or do we recognize do any of us recognize what race she is no what are you no no no what I'll go yeah take it easy you can't just ask people with their races why not take it easy cuz why people ask me all the time are you orc listening I'm sorry you were saying I'm a sky child I've never set foot on solid ground I suppose I'm not I'm sky child any longer you'll always be a sky child in your heart how I'm afraid that's not true love what happened here how did that how did the Loadstar fall to great commotion there was there was lightning in the sky and dragon wings the problem is not here the problem is there she points out this giant window and I go yeah you kind of walk her up to where you can all sort of peer out through this giant glass dome that's fitted on the top of this fallen Tower and as you look up you see the cloud layer above you that was dark and brooding and you'd never noticed it before but as she points you can just see cresting through the clouds a fully upright lodestar resting on the clouds it's stone glistening bright in the sunlight past the cloud layer reflecting the the the Sun and sort of shimmering it's almost like you could if you weren't really looking right at it you could miss it so it's miles away it's it's resting on a cloud right yeah the troubles there that that's dangerous is that what you're saying up there that's the problem that's what you need to be forget about me you're gotta get up think how well we could go speak to torva and that's where we'll end for tonight we did it we traversed the innards of the fallen lodestar we've discovered that there's still a fully upright and operating lodestar in the sky and we have to get around applause for building this now we cut any weight and eat it like birthday cake next week at 6 p.m. Pacific time we will figure out what comes next we hope you will be there with us we appreciate everybody watching and we're so glad to see where the next step of this journey takes us may be the clouds I'm definitely going to cut the spider sex poison attack out [Music] to all of you who played along and interacted with us throughout this evening our humble thanks please join us next week and every Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific right here on caffeine dot TV as the dungeon run continues and make sure to follow the dungeon run to get live notifications until next week may the dice roll in your paper [Music]
Channel: Caffeine
Views: 123,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, caffeine, critical role, katie michels, ron ogden, morgan peter brown, jessica parsons, jeff cannata, jarred kjack, thedungeonrun, #dnd, #thedungeonrun, dungeons and dragons
Id: gCtXNzmkLrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 10sec (12310 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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