There Is A Remnant | Perry Stone

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i normally have a text i read i will say turn to a certain chapter but this was going to be a little different i guess i could go to uh i'll quote it for you joel chapter 2 28 29 acts 2 16 17 for god informed us that in the last days he would pour out his spirit upon all flesh and he says this that sons and daughters will prophesy old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions i've had about five absolute full-color three-dimensional visions in my life and when i turned about 55 i started dreaming so i didn't know if god was telling me i was getting older because i don't have the visions but i do have spiritual dreams now several years ago i think this is one of the most significant visions that i ever heard in my life i don't usually get up and talk about other people's visions which they've had unless we absolutely know them personally we know their integrity we know that they hear from god but i was in florida in the land church of god many years ago and i met a young man and the young man went to the church attended the church the pastor confirmed his story and he said to me he said when i was about seven years of age i was run over by car and they left me they said i was going to die and he said during that time where i was in in the process of near death of course i said i lived but he said i saw something that i have never forgot in detail as a boy the lord showed me a vision of the very time of the end as it relates to the church and when this young man stood there and told me i made him tell me once i made him tell me twice i wrote it down and i have never forgot it are you ready for this i have never forgot it in 30 years it burns in me today and i see it happening in the church right now i didn't see it as much years ago over the years but i want you to track with me as i share with you the vision that jesus gave him after he'd been run over and came actually came back from the dead you might say about the time of the end he said to me he said suddenly i was standing and i saw this most beautiful grain field he said and almost instead of having a gold color it almost had a beautiful blue hue to it that may have been the reflection coming out of a almost a sapphire looking sky he said it was like it was bright the sun was shining it was beautiful out the people seemed happy and he said that in this field he could see an army marching and it was the army of the lord it was the church he said there was not one denomination there were many denominations they were from different nations you could tell that it was the body of christ as far as a a picture of the body now i knew the bible and i knew he did too but immediately i thought okay in the parables the field is the world so here we have a parable of a field a filled with grain it had beautiful grain and it said the grain was very high the grain was beginning to turn right the army is marching through the field and he said they're united together they seem to be very happy and very joyful together and he said suddenly something strange began to happen he said over in the atmosphere of this blue beautiful blue sky i saw the corners beginning to darken in the sky he said the atmosphere above the army of god was beginning to shift suddenly the light became a little dim in the atmosphere but he said here's the part that really got to me all of a sudden i saw what looked like the largest vultures that you've ever seen in your life and they start coming from different directions and he says i look and here comes one this way now look and there comes one in that and then the next thing you know the entire air is is beginning to get darkened from the blue is beginning to vanish the lights beginning to vanish darkness is beginning to come and when he said that immediately i go to the book of isaiah that talks about darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness to people i'm saying you know i don't know if he knows these verses but he's saying biblical things then he talked about the birds these vultures had something in there in their claws you know we called the eagle having the talons but but the these vultures they had something they were holding on to something he said some of them it was a very small object others others of them it was a very large object and when he talked about the birds having something in grabbing a hold of something as they're flying in the atmosphere over the field and over the army my thought went to mark chapter four in mark chapter four there's the parable of the sower sowing the word matthew 13 i think also talks about this as well and in the parable if you'll go and read it it talks about when the sower sows the word now don't miss this the birds of the air come and try to steal the word i saw this in israel many years ago we were there and they were they were planting the fields they had just farmed a large field right below the mount of beatitudes where jesus traditionally preached the sermon on the mount and it was the weirdest thing because as they plowed the field i there were look i don't i'm not talking 10 20 30 50. i'm talking about a hundred birds and they were going down in that ground and it's like they were trying to pull up things in that ground and now i looked over on the other side same field right over on the hill there's these huge basalt volcanic stones then i look right in front of me and there's several of these stones on that mountain where jesus preached and you know what i saw i saw thorny looking bushes growing up beside those rocks i said oh my goodness jesus is preaching on the parable of a sower i'm seeing exactly what he saw there's the guy planting the field there are the birds coming to steal the sea that's what he said the birds swoop down to steal the seed then he says some falls on stony ground that whole area is full of volcanic rock you can't walk there without rock rock rock rock rock you've got to get the rock out of the ground in order to plant the seed and then i saw those thorn bushes coming up between those it was just these bushes they were just ugly like weeds and they had real prickly thorns on them and i'm thinking this lord jesus this is so wild i'm standing here where you preached i'm standing here where you told those stories and i see exactly what when you said and the so they sewed on stony ground that audience it was outdoors it wasn't in the synagogue and they all were sitting on those stones and the thorns came and choked the word as it would try to grow up but the point i want to make is those birds because jesus later said watch this that the birds were demon spirits and i knew i knew when he said the dark vultures and what they had that they didn't represent literal birds they represented evil spirits that were going to be sent with something and they were going to carry something into the field so you know needless to say by now i said and again i made him tell me this one time the next day i wrote it down the third day etcetera because because i wanted to make sure i got it right now here's what happened the these vulture-looking birds would swoop down in the field right above somebody's head and they start dropping different things in the field and he said what was strange about this was they were dropping things that at time it was open enough that if you're walking you could see it and he said at other times it was kind of concealed where you didn't really see it and he said these these were the things that began to happen he said there were three things happening with the vultures and with the field pay attention carefully he said number one the vultures were planting tares in the field all right and i'll talk about that in just a moment he said number two now this is real important you hear this i'm going to talk about this in a moment there were stones like rocks in their in their in their claws and it had people's names on it with a problem it may say i'm excuse my name stone addiction it may say smith uh pornography and it had all kinds of things that people would struggle with now watch what they would do they would see that person and target that person and take that stone oh help me now which was a stumbling block that's what jesus told him see the stones were stumbling blocks and they would drop it in the field hoping that the person with that name that that was specifically for would not see it and would walk through that field or march to that field and stumble over it and i said well what was the whole goal of stumbling over it he said to hurt themselves they would stumble and fall a certain way and they would grab their hip they'd fall a certain way and they'd grab their knee or they'd hold their ankle and they started limping and he said the problem was that when they were hit with the stumbling block blocks and stumbling stones some of them had shields to watch and they'd lay their shield of faith down they laid their shield down that no longer protected them from what was happening in the spiritual atmosphere to focus on the wound that they had all right let me just i'm going to preach this through as we interpret it what happens in the church is the enemy's number one attack right now and i want everybody to hear this is to get you offended at someone in the church to get you offended pastor get get offended something with building or something that's going on here they didn't park me where i like to park and i don't like this and i don't like that and suddenly watch this you become offended then as you begin to talk about your offense to other people some people will say to you you're wrong and then you get double offended and all of a sudden you get such an offense now pay attention to this that it leads to a wound now what you do now is instead of focusing upon faith and worship and the anointing and the presence of god and having the joy of the lord what are you focusing on they hurt me they've offended me i'm never going back to that church so the enemy succeeded in putting a stumbling block called offense offense is a stumbling block and he succeeded and put a stumbling block with your name on it and instead of you watch this seeing it and said i'm not going that way excuse me and stepping right over that situation is anybody tracking with me and then you see another one saying i'm not going there that's ridiculous you're not going to put me in that trap you're not going to devil you're not going to make me go there you're not going to make me talk bad about my brothers and sisters you're not going to make me repeat gossip that somebody's talking i'm going to go ahead and preach this right here because i found out back east all those old-time pentecostals you know what they don't send much they really don't you know they don't send much but there's two things they like to do they love to eat they love to talk and they'll go out to a restaurant during the conference instead of edifying jesus man wasn't that great did you see the holy ghost do you hear about brother so-and-so did you hear what happened brother do you hear about sister isn't that awful i i know i'm not supposed to tell you this but i feel like i want to tell you so you'll pray about it phooey that's not why you're talking you're talking to run your mouth you ain't talking that somebody's going to pray with me are you still here now so the stones were to treat trip people up had their name some of them had their name on it had the problem on it so instead of instead of stepping over it which you should step over that you should ignore that you should just move on they tripped got hurt got bruised got wounded and focused on their wound when they focused on themselves and their wound what'd they do they laid their armor down what happens in ephesians 6 if you take off the helmet of salvation guess what's going to happen you're going to have mental attacks what happens when you lay down your shield of faith guess what's going to happen your heart is going to be hit with unbelief and doubt the enemy will start just making you doubt everything making you feel like god doesn't love you make you feel like god doesn't care it's an assault of the enemy because your shield what about the breastplate of righteousness righteousness is right standing with god it covers the heart it covers that what about it when unrighteousness comes into your heart why did it do it it's because you did not have on the breastplate of righteousness come on somebody say praise god if you believe what i'm saying right now now here's the third thing and this is important i'll elaborate on this in a moment he said the other thing i noticed now they were they were throwing tear like seeds of tears to make taros grow and they said he said i'm telling you when they planted it it grew fast it wasn't like three months six months it was like a planetary bam here comes the tear bam there's a tear right in the path of the person second thing is these rocks with the name and the problem on it right in front of the person some seen some unseen the third one was missiles and i said what do you mean by missiles he said it was like a missile just like you see uh in the military and some of these uh vultures had missiles that were so big that both of their they're do do can you say hey is that talent talents yeah and there weeks we back you know tennessee we just call them claws because that's you know bird claws but they had they had these missiles that were so large that sometimes there would be a little one in one and they're flying or sometimes it would be this real big one and he said what began to happen is at times they would begin to drop those in front of the person and it would explode that that missile would explode in front of the person and then they were burnt are you listening we call this the fiery dart of the enemy they would get burnt have you ever anybody have you ever heard anybody say i'm just burnt out what does that mean that means that emotionally mentally physically and spiritually they've had it up to here they can't take much more they want to go away and get away because you can burn yourself out good people you listen somebody good people who love the lord who are filled with the holy ghost can i prove it can i give you one example from the bible the kid didn't say this to me this is perry preaching now not the kid are you ready good example from the bible is the prophet elijah elijah the prophet is so anointed by the holy spirit he can do all kinds of crazy stuff watch this watch the process he it has no it has not rained in three and a half years there has been a drought he now knows he's going to prophesy reign and it's going to happen but before he does he goes on top of mount carmel now look we take a tour bus up there i looked at mount carmel one day and said you mean to tell me they didn't have a tour bus and they had to walk up this thing bro let me tell you you're going to have to have muscles and strength and energy to walk to the top of mount carmel now by paying this is important pay attention to it he gets up there and he is challenged by 400 prophets of the baal of baal and 450 prophets of the grove total 850. now let's just let's just use the number that there's 500 people in this room tonight now imagine this all of you people against perry stone and add another 300 to that imagine what that felt like to be so outnumbered i said lord that poor man was outnumbered and the lord spoke to me and said no he wasn't because one man with me is a majority any day wow that's a revelation so now now he goes up there he's by him he's pretty much challenging one man is challenging 850. then the false prophets of baal i'm gonna i'm gonna teach you something you don't know the false prophets of baal go and build an altar hoop and holler and shout right not trying to call fire down nothing happens two things you need to know the prophet makes fun of them so bad that he says is bell pursuing somewhere check out the hebrew in that is is bell gone to the bathroom i mean look he's like mocking these people unmercifully hey is he taking a leak going to the bathroom having problems i mean this elijah he's raw man he's hardcore all right so he's mocking him and then elijah does something strange and i heard a teacher in blacksburg virginia in 1980 explain this he said do you want to know why elijah dug a trench he dug a trench then he pours water on the sacrifice and it drains in the trench remember that and he does it again he says bring more water and they're bringing it from the the brook the brook keyshawn is just below the mountain so that's even though there was a drought there was still some water in the brook now watch why'd he do it because according to research the prophets of baal were known for building their own altars and then they would have somebody underneath that altar with the fire burning they made they built a tunnel and they could catch the the like if you had hay there they could oh yeah and all of a sudden the hay would start burning and that's how they got their followers thinking that baal was because he was a weather god was answering by fire that's why elijah challenged them let the god that answers by fire because elijah didn't let them go to their mountain where their tunnel was he took him to his prayer mountain and so the reason that he did the trench with the water is because if there'd have been a hole there for someone to just kind of blow some smoke so to speak up there then then then the water would have gone into the hole and he'd said oh you're just doing well you know you're faking it but it but when the fire of god fell it consumed the rock and the water and everything baal is in trouble now he has the false prophet slain keep tracking with me same day he then tells says sin's word to ahab get up to jezreel there's the sound of the abundance of rain he runs watch this he outruns the horses of ahab and his chariots ahab the king has is anybody enjoying this besides him now just stay with me we'll get back to this vision in a minute ahab has the fastest horses in the country a horse i've been told can run at its peak at 37 miles per hour at full speed now that may be right that may be wrong maybe you're you've raised horses maybe you know exactly but i was told that so elijah is running at least 38 miles an hour you're one of the kids if you wonder how that fast is how fast it is get get let your parents or you drive the car next time and get where the speed limit is 55 and just for a second go 38 miles an hour and picture elijah running beside you that's incredible now it doesn't end there ready it does not end there he goes to jezreel and jezebel threatens to behead him he had just beheaded the false prophets she'd been beheading the prophets and she put him on a hit list he became a target she said you go tell that prophet that very soon i'll have his head like i had the rest of him now this is interesting he could have walked up to that woman said hey jazzy come on out on the balcony i will show you some fire could he not he just did it he just did in front of 850 people but all of a sudden he starts losing heart there's a reason and then he says i gotta get out of here she gonna kill me i mean it's crazy then he goes 118 miles i track this out to mount horep sits under a juniper tree and says to god kill me it's in your bible kill me now some don't make sense here because if he really wanted to die just go hang out with jesse because you're going to be dead before the sun comes up because you're going to put your head on a platter like they did john the baptist she going to kill you but see he was such a proud prophet he didn't want anybody ever saying you know that woman killed that man that woman killed that prophet how great why didn't he run why didn't he do so he didn't want to he didn't he wanted god to kill him you better thank god he don't always answer your prayers i mean you know if somebody's driving the car and they kind of push you over and you you say i'll tell you one thing that that man is an idiot that man stupid he's going to crash he just go and i said oh my god look at he just crashed wouldn't it be bad if god answered every prayer of ours look you know it i know it's somewhere in your life you got so depressed you just you just said god i just wish you'd take me right you just got you got tired of life anybody know what i'm talking about i ain't talking about suicide i'm just talking about you got tired of life and said lord i'm done i'm done with it and aren't you glad god didn't say okay imagine how many premature deaths there would have been if god would hello that means come on how many premature deaths there would have been if god answered our prayer every time that when you looked at your kid you got a bad husband you got a sorry husband you kept saying you're gonna end up like your dad you better be glad god didn't answer that prayer i'm trying to help somebody in this house tonight if you listen now watch this he wants to die under a judith tree and what god did god fed him and put him in a cleft of the rock can i go a little bit deeper with this will you let where's all five of you gonna stay with me when i go deeper than this we're gonna go deeper for just a minute we'll come back we're gonna go deeper you gotta hear this do you know what was wrong with the guy ready he was totally burnt out he climbed a mountain built an altar called the fire down killed 850 prophets ran to the city of jezreel out running the horses of ahab went on a 117-18 mile journey sat up under jennifer tree wanting to die the man was completely fried he was fried emotionally he was fried spiritually he was fried physically imagine they didn't have buses he didn't fly down there he's walking in the heat and let me let me just say something to you when you have the enemy coming against you i'm going to go back to what i'm about to tell you daniel 7 25 talks about the spirit of antichrist and it says he shall wear out the saints of the most high god the biggest battle that a lot of you are going to fight in the time of the end and i'll i'll come off of this and get right back to it in a minute is going to be the spirit of weariness now here's the reason why the spirit of weariness is effective because when you get weary and i'm talking on the elijah level look folks i have been there i got so tired a year ago i told my wife i got to do something different let me i'm just going to quit the ministry turn it over to somebody else and i'm going to go be a tour guide in israel and have fun the rest of my life you come over there with me we'll go 10 days we'll tour a group i'll hang down at schwecki's shop i love ancient coins i hang out and go over his coins and i tell people i'll just have fun i love antiquities and i said i am tired of the whole thing i'm tired of putting up with stupid church people i'm tired i'm gonna say i'm tired of putting up with liars who want to lie i'm tired of putting up with narcissists because i've no i better shut up here but uh i'm just gonna say i'm tired of it all and so i've been where elijah has been but i'm going to tell you what happened to him god said to moses he said in mount horeb somebody said mount horeb in the book of exodus god said to moses come up on the top of the mountain in the cleft of the rock i'm going to quote it to you in exodus for there is a place by me in the cleft of the rock now if you want to know why elijah went all the way to mount horep your bible says he went up into a cave if you remember god said to moses i can't show you my face but i'm going to pass by and show you my glory when elijah got to the same oh my god help me jesus moses has thunder and god's in it moses the earth is quaking and god's in it moses has lightning and god's in it but elijah gets watch this to the same cliff of the rock because he knew there was a place by god at mount horeb he knew if i could somehow make it to where moses had seen god i think i'll be all right and the bible said the earthquake but god wasn't in it and the bible said the mountain shook and the fire came but god wasn't in it and all of a sudden it said but a still small voice came and all he needed was not a moses encounter because sometimes you need an anointing that breaks the yoke every now and then you need a god to come down that will shake it off of you you need a spiritual earthquake to shake you loose you need fire to burn in you to get your zeal back and every now and then you got to get to that place in the rock and you've got to have god touch you in a way that you've not been touched but i want to tell somebody that every now and then the earthquake of shaking your spirit ain't going to do it every now and then everybody's full of fire jumping and hollering it ain't going to do it sometimes god will say come up here and shut up because i've got a still small voice fold your arms and sit back and just let me talk to you just let me speak to you you'll hear me talk and let me tell you what god almighty when he got through out of that cliff of the rock when he came out of god's presence he got back to jezreel and he said hey jesse i got a word from god i've been up on the mountain i have felt the presence of the lord i'm not tired like i was i got renewed in my spirit and i got a word for you the dogs are gonna eat your blood the dogs are coming after you and sheep she knew he was a prophet of god she knew that what he spoke happened and may i tell you that every time an old dog would bark in the middle of the night it would raise the hair on jezebel's arm every time a wolf would howl in samaria jezebel would begin to tremble underneath the covers of her bed and elijah was taken alive to heaven but you hear what i'm saying when elisha came to power it was then that they threw jezebel over the balcony it was then that the dogs ate her up and her head was so nasty that they didn't touch her head her hands were so filthy by killing prophets they wouldn't need her hands and her feet were so filthy from walking the dogs wouldn't even touch her feet but she saw her death she saw her demise because the prophet of god said i'm not going to stay depressed who am i talking to in this house tonight i'm not going to stay down i'm not going to let them discourage me and i'm not going to let the devil wear me out because if i got to find a place in the cleft of the rock i'll find it but look out devil when i come out look out devil when i [Music] hey praise him in the house right now now i'll get to the end of this vision in just a moment before i do i want to talk to you about these three things let me talk to you about the tares the tear is when the seed becomes minglers the bible says there's sweet and then there's tear now i've talked to farmers from kansas and missouri and i said do you know the difference between the wheat and the tear they said sure you do he said here's what's odd i had him tell me this you really can't tell it's a tear when it's growing in the field because it looks so much like the wheat but as you get close to harvest time stay with me there's a one of the one that told me she says this is how we knew there were tears in our wheat field when the wind would blow on that wheat it would bend with the wind but the tear just did this it just it just stuck right there it was stuck and it wouldn't move when the wind was blowing i said i got a message right there the wind is representative of the spirit of god in acts chapter two and when the spirit of god begins to move in the church you'll find that the wheat will go with the flow but the tear will sit there with their armpit i ain't doing that you're gonna make me worship god i ain't gonna sing that song i'm i'm not singing no songs i want to read back him right that's what they do back i want to wear back him and i'm singing this i'm going to give me something off the screen god's not a god it's not in singing off the screen and there's that tear stubborn and stiff and not bending wheat will go a strong wind will bring the top of the wheat almost touching the ground worship means to kiss to a cross canelo means to kiss torment me actually is to bow and kiss the emperor's ring is the original meaning class of the greek bow kiss the emperor's ring so when you worship god you are bowing before him you are humbling yourself before him so you got to understand something about a church member that's a terror and church member of the suite you can tell the difference in them in the worship you really can you can tell the difference you can tell the difference in the prayer meeting everybody's praying and they're over there talking two people just pay attention the bible says they grow together in the same place in the same field they grow together until harvest time and god says here's what i'll do i'll send my angels to do my work he said let me tell you i've learned this about from experience when you have terror or people with bad attitudes wrong thinking in a congregation they always intermingle themselves with and the wheat is good but here you don't see it you don't see it in the surface you don't see it just looking at them you don't just see them in the church but they'll go and eat they'll go fellowship and they'll go to all people into their home and have dinner and go out to dinner the next thing you know watch this the root of a tear starts getting into the root of the wheat and jesus knew this if a pastor tries to deal with that terror who's a problem person and tries to say to them now you're going to have to stop that i'm going to have to remove you from your position the moment you do guess what they did guess what the tear does it takes all that wheat that it's been friend with in the church and starts saying you ain't gonna believe what the pastor did to me you ain't gonna believe how they mistreated me you ain't gonna believe how they just the next thing you know guess what they do they take good people with them and they walk outside the door i'm preaching whether you're hearing it or not so god says this he said you know what let him just go together because if you try to deal with it everybody's going to get all messed up he said i'll do with it he said i will send my angels to take the tear out out of the field itself now here's what i wanted is the one line i'm going to give you that i'm going to the from the tear to the stones that were in the field a tear will accept what god does not and permit what god forbids there are churches today that are going to the very bible that you and i read and saying ordaining men who are having relations with men is okay i got news for you no it's not scripture does not change and so what i'm saying is a terror will accept that a terror will say well abortion's okay it's just it's just a surgery there are christians that believe this no no no that infant at nine months already has its soul and spirit it came at conception the soul and spirit is eternal so if the life is taken by a physician or whoever might be then guess what happened you just snuffed out an eternal soul that has to go back to god that never has the chance to live on earth and fulfill god's destiny now i'm not trying to bring up memories for you women that may have had this happen when you were in sin because you know when people are in sin they do things they wish they hadn't done right but my point is this that a tear will will allow things and so if you if you're about people that just think oh that's permissible i got i'm free in christ i can do this and it's contrary to the bible you might as well get out of that field and go i'm going to hear where the wheat is i'm going to go here over here where the wheat is the stones now the stones according to this man were stumbling blocks now watch this for just a moment if we go into the new testament we find out that there was a major stumbling block that hit the church that almost split the church down the middle does anybody know what the stumbling block was that almost tore the church up in the book of acts almost for it tore it right down the middle you have to think for a moment you ready and it could be several it could be several things but there's one in particular here we go the jews taught you are not in covenant with god unless the man has been circumcised the foreskin of his flesh must be removed because he's not in covenant with god because god said in the torah that the soul that is not circumcised will be cut off so the jews are telling the gentile guys oh look i'm gonna i'm gonna be blunt here it's one thing to get circumcised when you're eight days old it's another thing to get circumcised when you're 30. i would prefer eight days old yeah abraham you go back when god revealed it to abraham he's he's lining up all these older guys and they're like this this this is where you're looking abraham is are you sure god told you are you sure god told you i could give you some real heavy revelation though on anyway about ishmael and i don't see i'm going on this rabbit trail should i go on a rabbit trailer i don't know do we have time or y'all got y'all in a hurry look the sun ain't gonna sit for nine hours come on somebody i'm in alaska you understand what i'm saying then they're gonna get dark what you gonna do go home watch the sunset at one in the morning okay it's really interesting that abraham went into hagar and had ishmael at age 86 right then god waits till ishmael is about 13 and then he says to abraham here's what we're going to do you're going to have a son all right and you're going to have this son and when you have a son the sign of my covenant is circumcision why didn't god reveal circumcision when abraham had ishmael are you ready for this because if he would have circumcised ishmael on the eighth day the way god later demanded ishmael would have been forced to be the covenant son because circumcision was the sign of the covenant oh you're tracking with me so your weight is almost 13 why because in judaism 13 is when you are no longer under your father's responsibility but you're a young man responsible for yourself and then god reveals it to him right before one year before isaac is born he said when you have a son on the eighth day you're circumcising it is a token to my covenant isn't that amazing why that god did it that way understanding his own covenant this is how it operates that was good okay now i can tell some of you didn't get it but it's okay some of you men are still like jesus can we get off of that subject come on parrot okay i'm gonna get off that subject right now now i just felt the streak of glory hit my soul glory to his name hallelujah so here's the thing about the new testament i'm talking about stumbling blocks right so here's here's a bunch of jewish guys here's a bunch of gentile guys just got saved heather and pagan coming to jesus and they said if you don't circumcise yourself you're not even saved and if you'll go to the book of acts and you go to paul's letter in galatia the whole letter to the galatians was why are you going back to the law your fathers couldn't even keep you want people he said paul said circumcision has to be your heart and not your flesh he said circumcision was the pr of the flesh prophet here's a jewish man who would have been the head rabbi of jerusalem according to the encyclopedia judaica paul apostle paul he not converted head rabbi in the city of jerusalem trained under gamaliel the top rabbi and he's telling he's telling people circumcised prophetess nothing oh you about to stir it up that's not anyone that's not what the torah says that is not what god said in the torah and paul said wait a minute you're going back to law when we are under grace all right so so my point is that now here's the here's the issue it could have it was a stumbling block to people and they made it a stumbling block and they made it an issue when you understand the new covenant it explains it circumcision is your heart being changed the circumcision of the flesh was the picture of what would come with the new circumcision are you checking out with me or checking out are you checking out or checking in hey so in other words it was a stumbling block that could have split the church now about to go deep here in all respect to all of us who have facebook or youtube or whatever especially facebook you need to block some people people will wear you out arguing with you about the rapture either you believe it or you don't and if you don't i'll kiss you and wave you goodbye when i'm going up if you don't believe in it okay you have people that will argue and the bible said this in the new testament avoid vain arguments that profit nothing i'm going to go ahead and say this i know it's going the internet wouldn't want to offend any of my former workers but i had a good brother who worked for us for 18 years a good man but he kind of believed the earth was flat and he wanted to argue with folks about the earth being flat okay my answer to him was who gives a rip it it don't have nothing to do with my salvation it has nothing to do with my holy ghost baptism it has nothing to do with me going to heaven and so if i if it's flat oh hallelujah praise god nasa says it's round satellites have proven it's round and so you know you're some of you looking at me and your flat earthers that's fine that's fine that's fine just do me a favor do me a favor get in the ship and go to the end and just drop off and never come back then i'll believe it's a flat earth so just prove it to me i'm just prove it to me i'll but i will i will be convinced oh george never came back he got in the boat fell off somewhere in outer space he's floating out there he'd be dead by now probably just prove it that's all i said i'll go with you i'll go with you oh you know i wanted to be a comedian before i was called to preach i don't know if you know that or not so anyway so so the point is we don't why argue it if it's gonna you know all day long everybody's gonna be fussing in office what's the deal i'm waiting for somebody to help me so the stones are stumbling blocks now i don't know why i'm going to share this with you but i had this word come to me just a few moments ago and i wrote it down so before i go to the third one here and we're about done with the vision i'll get to the end of it but let me just talk to you about something and i want you to pay very careful attention i'm going to be careful saying this um there was someone who was a young person who was going to was invited to be a part of a ministry and my daughter knew them and said let me just share this with you that you have to be careful you're young in the lord you have zeal but when you go like on the road with people you're going to see a side of people you never see you're going to see them get angry you're going to see them carnal and that's kind of what happened this person got in there and it became a little bit just like really disillusioned they did this they were doing that i don't understand that we don't believe that way i don't believe that way okay i want you to remember something about the disciples of jesus jesus did not always take all 12 men with him there were two times that jesus limited who got close to him ready transfiguration on the mountain and the garden of gethsemane do you all understand what i'm saying at transfiguration nine of the men stayed at the base of the hill and only peter james and john went to the top of the hill in the garden of gethsemane it says that he told them wait here and he told peter james and john come a little further the transfiguration was his glory gethsemane was the gore transfiguration was light brightness excitement revelation moses and elijah let us build three tabernacles for you man they're going into a building program they want to they want to build three tabernacles one you know jesus one for the church of jesus christ church of moses church can you imagine three denominations i'm of the holy rod what's the holy rod well you know that's moses he had a rod we got a stick hanging up in our church reminding us church of elijah what's in that church man we built a chariot you wouldn't believe the chariot that we build we this pastor stands up in that thing and preaches every sunday reminding us of the fire chair that's what people would do if they're in the flesh they would do that not spiritual people they would do that in their faith but here's the thing so that moment was so cool and jesus said hey when you come off the mountain don't tell nobody the vision that you saw that's like whoa this is so cool this is the coolest thing ever right then they go to gethsemane and they see another side of jesus they've never seen his sweat is becoming as great drops of blood he is under pressure he is in agonia luke says agony agonia which is just total complete utter chaotic pressure that he's never had and three disciples are sleeping they slip watch this they slept on the mount of transfiguration they are sleeping in the garden and gee they they're going to miss out because they're sleeping all the time they're not paying attention to what he's saying he said could you not tarry an hour what happens he prays another hour they go back to sleep till you're not tearing around what happens they go back to sleep then watch this watch peter in both examples so peter jumps up from his sleep huh let us build three churches oh my god oh and god has to interrupt peter and say this is my beloved son listen to him god's voice has to tell peter shut up listen to jesus nobody want to hear what you got to say look in gethsemane what's the god do he wakes up after jesus praying three hours sees a crowd sees torches and watches these men i am here and they all fall out and peter said oh this is so cool we're going to take this thing over he whips his sword out after waking up and whacks a guy's ear off his head i mean who needs followers like this you'll be in the newspaper every week when you minister with these people disciple whacks man's ear off in anger i mean you know what look at church members like this hello now now here's my point here's my point it would be easy for them to stumble and they did i'm gonna prove to you that they stumble out of all the disciples judas commits suicide john sticks with him all the way to the cross till he says take mary and the other 10 ran because they couldn't handle a sight of jesus that they never saw because they said he gonna be king we're gonna rule on thrones he's gonna take over the roman government now listen to me church folks and when it didn't go the way they thought they stumbled peter even said well i should have preached that message oh i got this message it's crazy but peter said i go efficient peter's ready to go back to the fishing business do you understand that until jesus got a hold of him there in john 21. so my point is this you will see now i don't know i don't know who i'm speaking to i think i'm speaking to someone that has you're visiting tonight and you've attended a church and you've seen things that you knew maybe weren't right or weren't done properly and you got offended and you stumbled because of it you will always have to see the spiritual side if you get close if you're on a stand oh i don't listen pam knows this let me can i just we all let me just preach a little bit because i i got to get this thing out of me i'm leaving i'm leaving in the morning flying back home and i want to stay here with some good folks okay you ready we've had people come and work we had a girl come from all over from california was a pastor's daughter really good lady by the way just a good lady but she thought her day would be sitting around speaking in tongues eight hours a day speaking in tongues and she didn't she found out she had to answer the phone and we were getting phone calls she had almost no break answering the phone and then she she thought that she would say this is the greatest ministry i've ever been i've never been anything like it as you're bragging on this look out when they start doing that so i had to tell her off one day i preached to jensen franklin's for three weeks and i went to revival what five weeks didn't i think five weeks five and a half weeks and i got in and i said y'all gonna have to work i'm behind i'm gonna tell you everything to do and she's in the phone talking to her former pastor in california for an hour and a half and i want to say get off the phone now you got to work i need you working and then she i said pam and i called her name i said i walked in and had to rebuke because she's in the bathroom crying and pam said to me i quote but you just lost her you just disappointed her she'll be out of here i promise you she quit a month later and then she said i have never seen a side of a ministry like that really really oh what you wouldn't like jesus taking a whip and turning the tables over get out of here you sorry dog i can't believe he lost his temper why would he do that that's not christian-like i'm preaching better than you're listening do you understand something i want you to look at jesus one minute he's blessing children the next minute he's calling people sorry hypocrites one million one minute he's healing the sick at the temple and the next minute he's changing throwing tables over because those guys were ripping people off with those blemish sacrifices so you got to understand it is not always they are being spiritual or they're being carnal they're just being a person and people will get on your last nerve and don't look at me like you don't know what i'm talking about and your husband will get on your nerves and your kids will get on your nerves and can i tell you there will be days that you will be like the virgin mary and there will be days that you will be like simon peter ready to take somebody's head off now here's what i'm going to say don't get in such a high expectation of people or individuals or church people or staff don't don't let your expectations be so high that when something happens that you disagree with you get stumbled by it preach perry thank you i will glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] third one missiles what are these ephesians chapter six the fiery darts of the enemy now let me explain to you in the roman time the three arrows that they used they used a normal arrow with an iron uh head on it uh like an arrowhead but it was it was made of iron and that's what they used in battle in a normal battle second kind ready was iron an arrow and they would take the tip of it and dip it in a tar-like substance and light it and it became a fiery arrow there's a third one i found out about that it's really bizarre that they would fill the arrow inside with with it wasn't gasoline but it was a combustible material and then they would light the tip of it and when it hit like a shield right it would hit a shield it would explode and catch that shield on fire because the shields were made out of wood covered with leather and so the guy the entire time realizes his shield is burning so he's going to try to get the so now he's this watch he's distracted and once he gets distracted he turns that shield or starts he gets worried about two errors are burning then what happens to him he gets hit right he gets hit from the blind side he gets hit from us from he gets hit and he doesn't expect it now here's what a fiery dart of the enemy is i want you to hear this this is going to help you a fiery dart of the enemy is a non-normal attack a non-normal attack attack that is not normal so the point that it burns in your mind and spirit and you can't get it out of your head i'll give you let me try to give an example let me hold this okay here's a good one lust of the flesh when persons get when a person gets into the extreme level because lust of the flesh lust of the eyes pride of life you all know this all sin falls in those three categories right but when you have a norm just a thought to come into your mind towards somebody of the opposite sex it's normal to see a thaw it's normal to look at some a guy that's handsome well that guy's really handsome my wife's never my wife's never said that about any guy that's the truth but it's still for a guy i said look at a girl and say well that's attractive lady but here's the thing when you say that look once and don't look again sit not really serious just move on move on because i had a scholar say this when it says that when jesus said if a man looketh upon a woman to lust in her heart he hath committed adultery i thought dear god every man in the world has committed adultery no because a thought comes into a person's mind oh don't you act holy you men out there i'll come out there and preach right up where you are acting like i'm sanctified baby i have never looked at one beside you but you must be blind or you know i'm not being funny but i'm being serious now in the greek it says this according to the scholar he says it can mean this whoever looks upon a woman to desire her continually will eventually have an affair with her see it helps you understand a little better which means you got to control what your what you see and what you hear so in line with this a fiery dart would be to have an attraction to someone and it burns and you can't get it out of your head that would be a non-normal dart because what does it do it obsesses you when you get obsessed with something that will lead you it could be it could be an addiction to pornography too it could be addiction to drugs it could be an addiction a number of things but if you have something that it's obsessing you and you can't get control of it or you can't get out of your head that my friend is the fiery dart of the enemy and the bible says the shield of faith which is all of the fiery darts of the enemy and when a shield got dry they did two things with it they dipped it in water okay and then they put carried a bottle of olive oil with them or oil little by a little thing of oil i say a bottle a little like a like a skin of oil and they'd rub the shield down with it to make it subtle again where it would be soft because if you didn't do that it would get dry and it would crack so you got the oil and you got the water and there's the washing of the water of the word the ringing of the mind and there's the anointing of the holy spirit so all you need is a little bit of anointed faith to take care of that fiery dart of them come on put your hands together one time and praise the lord praise the lord let's get to the end let's get to the end of this vision when the when the when the missiles came when the stones came when the tares came the army that was marching in unity starts scattering there would be a little pocket of people here that would be praying just a small pocket then over here there'd be two or three people that would be joined together praying and then right in the middle of the field of somebody wounded that can't get up and they're actually praying for them to get up and just i can't i can't i'm done i'm finished and there was just all there was like little battle scenes across this field where the where the vultures or the spirits had attacked now he said to perry this i will never forget there was an older looking grandmother that had a huge faith shield and she had it by both hands and she's marching in the field to get to the end of it and her grandchildren are behind her and said the grandchildren was started playing games with these vultures and they'd look up and say haha over here and they try to jump back behind the shield and they say hi look at me bet you can't get me and they start playing games you know what playing games means playing games with sin and what happened was they literally got hit when they stepped out behind her grandmother's protection but my son was addicted to drugs the only argument not an argument but this agreement my wife has is my wife said we need to just put him out on the out there on his own and let him make it on his own and just hard love and and she knows this was the only decision i said we're not going to do it that's let me tell you why we're not going to do it i had a friend of mine that was on drugs that said as long as your boy is in your house he's under your hedge and said if you if you turn him out he said i promise you the vultures and the drug dealers are going to come after him and he'll be dead in a year they'll get him hooked and i remember we talked about it she says well baby you're right and we we my boy was upstairs doing stuff we could have killed him and we knew it but i told the enemy you're not taking my boy to hell god didn't give me that boy for you for you to take him out of this world that way people die sick all the time but he ain't gonna die addicted to you devil what you're doing to him and we held on to god and we let him live in that back living that upstairs until god delivered him one day and set him free and now he has a house built right beside of us with two grand babies that come overnight and a pop-up and a pop-up hey give god praise for you give god praise for my blessing and my breakthrough hallelujah number two he saw a man to try to outrun the vultures but he got knocked down by a stumbling stone his shield was not up and they devoured him number three another one came across this big rock with their name instead of jumping over it they saw it but they stared at it they fell over it and the vultures literally began to devour the flesh because you know you know evil evil spirits are empowered by your flesh flesh sins oh you don't want me to go there i could tell you a hairy story on that one now here's what i want to talk to you about for just a moment there are three things the enemy will try to do number one is apostasy apostasy is a choice to willfully reject jesus and willfully walk away from him and to become what is called a reprobate a reprobate mind is someone that has been raised in church but they turn into sin to a level that they love their sin and they have no choice and no desire to come back for god it is the most dangerous position to get in the second position which is dangerous spiritually but it's not at the level of apostasy is what is called backsliding it can be a choice but it can also be caused by an attack and that is someone that has had faith but they've lost their faith something has happened they become lukewarm and they've turned their back on the lord and so what god says to remember what god jesus said to peter satan has desired you that he may shift you with sweet but i have prayed for you that your faith would not fail and when you are here's what he said converted that's weird it's a strange verse you know what that means peter backslidded his heart for just a brief period of time he had to be re he converted he had to be converted jesus said and he put a self-curse on himself you know that he cursed his sword that he didn't know the lord etc and the third is the stumbling block listen to this galatians six and one if a brother is overtaken in a fault you that are spiritual restore such one in meekness and that word overtaken is caught off guard and uh okay let me explain this to you okay two greek words pro which is before lambano to take or to take before let me explain the difference to you of willful sinning and falling into a senior everybody ready say amen willful sinning is to premeditate and pre-plan to do something days or weeks in advance and then when the time comes absolutely do it that's premeditated that's willful this greek word overtaken in a fault if i'm not mistaken i'm going to try to go from memory and i hope i'm right on this but looking at the word fault but looking it overtaken the picture is a elephant that a rhinoceros has taken its horn and ripped the side of the belly of the elephant and it's completely wounded and it's struggling in that in that womb that it carries that is the picture of overtaken quote overtaken in greek to a uh i think it's classical greek not just coin it's the classical idea of that word so overtaken and a fault and i'm gonna i'm gonna just give it to you as i wrote it down here is you did not premeditate it you suddenly fell into it like all of a sudden out of the clear blue something happens and it's like oh my god did i just do that or did i just say that so that's the difference one is i sit down and plan weeks or months how i can do something then i fulfill it that's willful that's really that's a higher level but to be overtaken is to all of a sudden be overwhelmed by something and fall into it and here's what the bible says everybody listen carefully don't be running around trying to judge somebody that had a problem because the bible says with the same judgment you judge it's going to come on you this is serious i've seen it happen to people and it says in meekness be meek restore them try to get them help try to find out what was the root overcome it bring it back to the kingdom bring them back to god lest you also be overtaken in that same fall so this is what the gentleman finally concluded by saying he said all this battle started the darkness covered the earth and he said the army was scattered and all of a sudden the remnant found each other and it's like that group found that group well i feel the anointing when i said that that one found that one and then all of a sudden they become this really bright holy washed spirit-filled tongue-talking army they he said but it wasn't the whole army as it was in the beginning but it was a hardcore group of people and they dug a trench in and they said we'll stand here and fight and the enemy and so the enemies are coming and the birds are coming they got their shields up they're fighting back there's they're praying words birds are flying devils are flying those those those vultures are beginning to dissipate and he said he saw in the distance a man on a white horse he said i don't know who it was but it was the antichrist and he was about to come on the scene and right before he came on the scene as he starts marching in that field that whole army stands up and starts raising their hands and praises god and the holy city new jerusalem was seen we went up so here's what's going to happen god is going to find the faithful the overcomer and the people that's going to keep standing and we're going to unite there'll be baptist methodists catholics pentecostals but you hear me in every church there's a remnant that sticks to their group and god is about to say you're going to have to get together in these last days sit in the same building worshiping the same god and feel the same power of the holy ghost and i'm going to raise up a last day army and we're going to you hear me he said we're going to win this thing when it's all said and done we're going to win this we're going to win this when it's all said and done thanks for listening to this message today if the holy spirit is speaking to you and you realize that you need jesus as your savior and you'd like to pray with me to either commit your life to jesus for the first time or rededicate your life to the lord repeat this prayer after me father god thank you for sending your son jesus to die for my sins jesus thank you for dying for me and bringing me forgiveness i'm sorry for my sins i repent of them today and i ask you to cleanse me and wash me of all my sin i commit to live for you all the rest of the days of my life and i pray this in your name jesus amen if you prayed that prayer today would you text the word saved to 907-357-2065 we'd like to send you some information and some materials that will help you in your christian walk god bless
Channel: King's Chapel Alaska
Views: 117,185
Rating: 4.8713303 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 50sec (3830 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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