There Are Burgers And There Are Burgers!

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when it comes to burgers there's burgers and there's burgers I'm going to show you the perfect burger Erika is considered the home of the hamburger but rissoles of chopped beef have been a staple of East European cuisine for centuries especially in Hamburg where German immigrants arrived in America in the 19th century they brought the hamburger style beef with them in 1885 Charles new green hamburger charlie was selling his homemade meatballs at a local State Fair and he soon realized that everyone wanted to see the fair not sitting he these meatballs so next day he turned up with some bread sandwich the meatballs together smash them down so that fair goers could get the meatballs to go fast forward to 1948 brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald recognized that name with burgers turn their restaurant into a drive-through and we all know what that led to the burgers become more sophisticated since then since those early days and today's burger can be made from chicken and lamb and soy anything pretty much rarely with toppings as varied as sliced tomatoes and even foie gras when it comes to burgers all burgers are not equal when it comes to burgers it's all about the meat the quality of the meat and the ratio of the fat to meat a really good burger is 80% me 20 percent fat and so when we look at sort of sirloin and Chuck they're probably two of the best meats to go into the burger the sirloin is meaty and rich and as a delicious flavor but on its own is too dry the Chuck has a lot more fat in there and it has just the right amount of when mixed with the sirloin to make the perfect burger once you've got the right meat combination then it's forming the patties roll them into a ball push them down but don't mold them and bash them all together if you start seasoning them seasoning the meat we're not making meatloaf okay we don't want it to go all claggy and nasty we want this gorgeous texture of flavors when we look at my burgers how I've just patted them down you can see the shape of where we've ground it that's what we want after that it's the seasoning and as I said the seasoning goes on the top not on the inside so a little oil and I like to use some corn oil because it has a higher flashpoint just brushed over the top not too much oil because we don't want a high flash point we don't want to flare up on the grill once we've done that I'm doing some salt and then I'm going to add some pepper celery seeds my favorite the secret recipe of mine the burger that I'm making I love to put celery seeds and some English mustard powder for a little warmth once that's on just brush that in and then it can go onto the grill we're going to put it on the grill seasoning side first and then season the other side afterwards [Music] [Music] the patties are cooking don't be tempted to keep pressing on them if you press down on them you push out all the juices and any of the fat that's rendered and that causes a flare-up and you will have a big fire going that's not what we're looking for when we're cooking burgers have been cooking for about three and a half four minutes and I've turned the gas down to medium now it's time to turn them over they already smell amazing I can smell the celery seed and smell that mustard on there as well and I can't wait to get these into the buns they're going to cook for about another three and a half four minutes on that side as I said my burgers are going to be caramelized red onion and Stilton English Stilton cheese so I've got to caramelize the onions while the burgers are cooking and then salt and a little pepper turn them over same on the other side and then onto the grill my burgers are just about cook so I'm going to put a little bit of my Stilton cheese on the top because it's thick and chunky it's not going to go all melty and soggy it'll just start to melt a little little bit my onions are almost done - I'll put the lid down and let that soften we all know that the bung is there just to stop your hands getting messy when it comes to burgers but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't give it a little tender loving care a little attention and so whether you're using kaiser rolls or pretzel rolls or brioche or just a white or a wheat roll what we need to do is just take the buns and pop them on the grill just to toast a little and that will make them nice and crunchy on the inside and it helps stop stop them getting too soggy I like the lettuce and tomato on the bottom and I think it gives it a gorgeous flavor and a really nice texture as well I love heirloom tomatoes they give it that gorgeous sweetness when you cut into them look at how gorgeous those tomatoes are just a nice thin slice for each one they're really super soft but that just means they're gorgeous and the full of flavor especially this summer yeah and then the other pieces I can say for a salad burgers are ready my buns have been toasted and now I can start building them I've got some mayonnaise then I'm gonna put on the bottom of each one give that as little spread around on there these really nice crunchy burgers and then some lettuce on the top I like butter lettuce and then my gorgeous heirloom tomato laid on the top of that look at that absolutely gorgeous and finally the burgers [Music] push down that cheese a little look how its softened my caramelized onions then a little more mayo on the top of the bun [Music] when I was at Balmoral Castle and Prince Philip used to love to cook on the grill all the time he'd come in the kitchen and say yeah let's take burgers out and we'd make venison burgers and beef burgers and lamb burgers and we'd put lots of different ingredients and things in them and made the burgers like Scooby Snacks just like these ones they were amazing he come up with new ideas too and he'd love to cook on the grill he was an expert but these burgers oh the the beef the Stilton cheese the caramelized red onion in there too that's what I call a burger that's the perfect burger that's my burger that's eating royally burger that's a royal chef burger old healthiest meal but we all agree it's a classic burger thanks for joining me today hope you enjoyed the video click on the link below subscribe to my channel leave a comment tell me what you wanted me to cook next cooking at home has never been so important as now nobody's going out to restaurants and when you get to use a beautiful outdoor kitchen like this this is amazing I want to thank Debbie Marie from Ally Beth for letting me cook in this gorgeous kitchen 46:33 Post Oak Drive here in Frisco Texas
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 431,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, britishroyals, monarchy, royal, royalty, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, yummy, delicious, food, royal eats, summer food, british food, burgers, burgers recipe, grilling, father's day, fast food, McDonalds, kids food, kids menu, kids recipes, perfect burger, Gordon Ramsey, best burgers ever, outdoor grilling, cooking on the grill, dads food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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