175K Q&A Including "Why Aren't You Working For The Queen Anymore?" and Answering The Mean Comments!

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i was hoping that i hadn't said your mother has the face of a water buffalo or something like that but winston we've reached 175 000 subscribers and it's time for another q a i've got so many questions here i could sit answering questions until well until my tomatoes are open let's get started var polaris82 every time i see these videos i wonder why he isn't working there anymore presume you mean at buckingham palace kensington palace back in the uk i've spent 11 years working for the queen at buckingham palace and then four years with princess diana up until the car accident after that i moved to dallas texas from the palace to dallas next one susan hind can you cook them in the freezer bags in barely simmering water susan's talking about the last video the beets cook sous vide you can use the ziploc bag susan but no you you know the barely simmering water the whole purpose the whole point the whole science behind sous vide is actually cooking at that steady temperature and with it simmering away the temperature's going up and down so it's going to undercook or overcook get a sous-vide they're not expensive jacqueline wesson as an english person can only call them beetroot calling them beets is odd to me jacqueline i've been living in the states now for 24 years calling them beats is odd to me too i guess we just get used to it beats beats root we both agreed that they really taste good shadow star can't beat darren's content had to say i'm sorry shadow star get your coat and get out jai blang love the videos love to be a child and find this youtube channel it's amazing because it makes people think that cooking isn't that hard and it's enjoyable ja you've hit the nail right on the head that's what cooking should be it should be enjoyable it should be fun you should you should want to get in the kitchen and enjoy what you're doing start off with the easy recipes and then just work your way up but most of all have fun and enjoy what you cook bob morse from connecticut darren i'm a dairy farmer from connecticut did you ever visit the queen's jersey herd at windsor castle and use the dairy products from a dairy bob my goodness we did we had the fresh unpasteurized raw milk sent up to the kitchens every day at windsor castle at buckingham palace it was amazing and in fact bob i've got a video coming up soon on raw milk and all about the windsor dairy which was absolutely amazing inside it dates back to the victorian era you're gonna love that one look out for it steve burrows i can't believe a chef of your standards would use inferior american cheese on this dish that's the mac and cheese that we cooked with the chicken steve gruyere is the classical cheese that goes into the monet sauce that comes from the mother sauce which is the bechamel but when it comes to mac and cheese it should be parmesan cheese right me adding a little american cheddar in there is going to give a nice little color and my goal was to actually get kids eating real mac and cheese and not that box packet mixed up with all of these ingredients dana can you show us how to prepare a proper pot of english tea i have my brown betty that and i want to learn to make a property a brown betty is not the american you know fruit dessert with the crumbs on the top no a brown betty that um dana's referring to uh is the the actual teapot dates back to the 1900s this and it's actually a part of british history it really is but i've got a great video coming up on afternoon tea and i think we should use a brown betty hey darren this is from lauritana hey darren did you ever get to cook for margaret thatcher and what do you think of her lauritana i did get to cook for uh margaret thatcher she was super sweet super nice photograph of me with her she actually grew up 15 miles from where i was born so um we had sort of a little something in common when i actually got to meet her brianna gordy hey darren a few questions for you what was it like on your very first day working for the queen or better yet what was going through your mind the night before i think brianna it was actually in the taxi ride to buckingham palace i thought what am i doing here what if i get to meet the queen on the first day what do i even say to us what was the absolute highlight moment of your career there brianna's so many you know meeting all the members of the royal family dancing with them at balmoral castle getting to talk to them individually holding prince harry as a baby feeding prince william and and harry as young children chatting with i could go on and on and on highlights so many alex killerton for your next q a what's the most demanding event you had to cook for while working for the queen did things go wrong and how did you deal with them uh there was a lot of stress i must admit you know big events like garden parties for 5 000 people state banquets for 156 i think a real stress time was actually on the royal yacht britannia we were flying out to join that but on the way we actually flew out to kathmandu in nepal and we had a banquet to cater while we were there and i was supposed to do a peach melba dish and the peaches were supposed to be really really ripe when we got there they were like cricket balls they were like bullets i mean we couldn't use them so off we went around kathmandu to try and find some fresh peaches and i had a little handbook with sort of different phrases and things in and i had to try and ask for some fresh peaches and i asked one guy and i think i said something like well i i don't exactly know what i said i was hoping that i hadn't said your mother has the face of a water buffalo or something like that but i can't have done because we got the peaches they were good the banquet was saved sassy when you eat in the chef's dining room are you served food that you've just cooked yes you are sassy but then also you serve the food that the royal family didn't eat and is sent back to the kitchen you know the spare courses and things like that really got to eat good in the staff dining room svetlana darren thank you for this video i'm curious if you ever cooked or baked anything russian or slovak cuisine svetlana oh my goodness i would love to go to russia it's on my bucket list i really want to explore the food and and experience the scenery there i i really want to go to russia uh we used to serve borsch and queenback at buckingham palace and um i want to make palmani if i can maybe i should do that in a video too db stila dmac dmac i know you cooked a lot of game at balmoral when you work for the royal family do you cook anything with wild game now i'm most the time cooking in dallas texas and we have a lot of game um we have a lot of venison and we got the quail from just you know east texas down the road uh so we do get quite a bit of game um wild boar i guess sort of but i mean the game that we used to get at balmoral was incredible they're all off the royal estate sandringham as well um you know the the pheasant the partridge the venison the grass uh the wood coat the snipe the teal i mean that was really cooking game yeah i do missing out justin i love this dessert but his meringues are brown not nice and white oh that's the eaton mess just in it's about color you know i wanted my meringues a little darker if they'd stayed white then they would have just blended in with the white cream and that would have looked boring if you want the white meringues just reduce the temperature a little bit let them cook a bit longer and they won't go brown it's all about appearance justin that first look tomboy nats when he used a metal spoon to mix the metal spoon knocks all the air out that he's just spent ages whisking oh tomboy classical cuisine here in the kitchen did you not learn this at culinary school when you use a metal spoon you're cutting and folding cutting and folding into the mix if you whisk in that knocks the air out that's why we switch to a metal spoon a little bit later on to add that flour and butter barbara j was that your wife and children at the picnic table with you it really was they were sat here they were all around the table and yes that's my family laureen one stick of butter is four ounces but 113 grams is equal to two sticks eight ounces i went by the 113 grams this is the chocolate cake and my dough was mush too much butter it was too much butter rain because your mouth is not good today 113 grams is not two sticks it's actually three point nine eight five nine five eight ounces so try it again but just use one stick joanne gannon thanks for sharing darren when did you leave the palace and where are you now uh joanne after prince charles and princess diana separated i moved to the united states i have my own catering company eating royally in dallas texas we do events all across the country um and i consult with different uh corporations uh around the world too richie atkins were you a royal chef during the fire at windsor castle any stories you can share did you cook for the fire crew i was a chef then i was living in windsor castle in the grounds the day of the fire i remember going up to help unload those huge oxygen tanks the empty ones off the backs of the firemen as they came out and load fresh ones on they were so heavy and they had to go back in and fight the fire with them after that i went in to the queen's private apartment because i'd been security cleared i guess and helped move everything out they were really really sad times really sad times elise maxwell have you done any catering in canada elise yes i have i actually worked recently with the fairmont hotel uh across canada i had my royalty menu on there i loved it i love going to canada i love the people up there and i love the food too david freeman what have you been your cooking shows to watch please say the two fat ladies i love the two pack ladies clarissa clarissa dickinson jennifer patterson i love watching them i've met them just as fun or were just as fun in real life i think that growing up i think my first tv show was the galloping gourmet i used to sit there as a little boy while my mother was drooling over graham kerr and at the end you've probably seen it where he comes down and gets someone from the audience my mother used to stand up and put her hand out thinking he'd come through the tv so that was my first cooking experience on tv graham kerr the galloping gourmet joseph brown jr hello and congratulations thank you joseph did you ever cook anything the queen did not like joseph no me of course not i wouldn't tell you if i did would i uh sports guy paul anybody kind of hope that someone plays him in season five of the crown that would be fun just saying if i see a chef in the crown season five i'll assume it's darren sports guy little inside info i know there's contracts got talks going on right now between um tom cruise tom hanks brad pitt they all want to play the gorgeous dan mcgrady the royal chef not really peggy buto did you uh cook the pureed food for infants william and harry yes i did puri and you know beautiful apples and pears from the fruit farms at sandriam then you know chopped food the same as the royal family were having and then right up until you know the accident and the sort of you know fast foods the pizzas and things that william and harry love too while blue how often did you get to travel with the royal family loving the stories how was cooking on britannia you know britannia was amazing it was the highlight of the royal chef's career to actually travel on there i traveled all over the world with the queen on britannia i went to australia several times had the most amazing time and love going back now britannia is actually in scotland in edinburgh in leith and you can go there and tour and i take culinary trips there in the summer love going back on board chart historian did you ever cook for or meet any prime ministers of australia ah i did i uh as i said i did two trips to australia with the queen and i actually got to cook for prime minister fraser when i was there claus kellerman so basically they throw away half a crap uh no they don't throw it away uh talking about the crappy lunday's clauses uh no the chefs eat it a little cream a little jam they're so good it's our treat elizabeth traynor enjoy your videos very much but please lose winston it's annoying and juvenile elizabeth me juvenile canadiana talking about the chocolate cake the queen's birthday cake you lost me at 12 egg yolks diana that's like three dollars a dozen um cut the cake into twelve that's one egg yolk per person that's like 25 cents come on make the cake share it with your friends terminal lumbago i thought the royals went to sandringham at christmas time ah christmas was always at windsor castle until 1987. spicy bella can you make a peach pie peachy's just coming into season in texas so yeah definitely we're gonna do some really amazing peach dishes strata g you should wet your hands scotch eggs you should wet your hands when shaping them don't use the flour the eggs should be slightly runny nobody wants a dry egg there's nothing worse than cold egg yolks nasty but when you're doing the flower egg bread crumbs the panning why would you you've got a sausage meat that's already wet why would you dip your hands in water and make it even wetter you're gonna put too much flour on it no you straight into the flour flour coat the sausage meat and then into the egg and then into the panko trust me i'm a chef jocelyn shipman darren i'm obsessed with your videos so inspiring and fun my three-year-old daughter also loves you she has to watch chef dara mcgrady almost every day oh jocelyn that's so sweet well a big shout out to liliane lillian thanks for watching thanks mum for sharing her name callum donnelly maybe not the most seasonal for texas right now but any chance of a melton mowbray pork pie i love melt and mowbray pork pies my father is from melton mowbry and leicestershire so yes we need to do one of those too mia diev do you have a restaurant here in texas and where i don't i have eating royally catering as i mentioned uh we do catering events all across the country so mia diev if you want to try the food give us a call talk to one of the team and we'll come and cook for you genified in the picture of your family the girl sitting next to your wife looks just like princess kate love your channel you like a happy sunshine oh thank you doggie even trained cooks every now and then turn to lazy guilty pleasures and get certain market ready-to-eat foods or fast food what's your advice uh j-doggy i think i uh on a friday night if i'm not cooking if i don't have events we'll often order a chinese takeaway yep that's a lazy guilty pleasure space is limited congratulations darren keep it up did you ever cook for a saudi king if so what did you cook greetings from saudi arabia space is limited i did i cooked for king fahd in 1987 he came to buckingham palace sasha we love your videos thank you for bringing these dishes to us it'd be nice if you could demonstrate how to make a perfect apple crumble blackberries coming into season in texas my favorite dessert or at least one of them is apple and blackberry crumble so yes we will do we'll do that sasha all right last one uh clave septum all the dislikes are from alternative universe where darren mcgrady didn't become a chef sending some love down you are officially a teddy bear that's a great place to leave it you are officially a teddy bear that's where we'll leave it thanks for watching the q a leave your questions below for the next one the 200 000 subs one it's not that far away give me a thumbs up please leave a comment below share it with your friends and if you haven't subscribed yet please do and i'll see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 53,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, wedding caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, victorian food, Q&A
Id: lzj_4ywiYMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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