Queen Victoria Loved Curry. What Would She Have Thought Of The Dumbed Down British "French" Version?

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[Music] today i'm going to be making a traditional english curry a recipe we served at buckingham palace and that dates back to queen victoria now queen victoria love curries and although she was queen of the united kingdom she was also empress of india she even had two chefs at buckingham palace that just made curious for her every day to send up to the royal dining room now queen victoria queen victoria wasn't a big fan of corgis she liked king charles spaniel she had one called dash so we have no winston with us today come on we've got to keep with the theme well most people think that curry is indian it's not it's actually a british invention well i say british invention it was invented by the indian spice traders way back in the 18th century and they would blend all of the different spices to make the curries the different types of indian curries with a mixture of spices like turmeric ginger cinnamon cardamom cumin coriander mustard chili pepper fenugreek the spices and the flavors were incredible but the problem was that the brits just didn't get it they just didn't understand that mixing of all those different flavors [Music] to the british back then curry powder was curry powder it was all curry powder and so it was really clever of the indian spice traders to decide to make a mix [Music] there was very very mild that has lots of turmeric coriander come in fenugreek and chili pepper and that became the staple that became the curry powder that we know today and you can buy on the shelves ready mixed this is a super easy curry if you've never really been into curries and you want to sort of get into the market you know just taste one and it's not too spicy it's not too strong it's super easy to make at home and the queen would eat curry but very mild curries we do coronation chicken tartlets and that could have a little of the curry in it we do curried mutton pies which um the royal family would take out on shoot at balmoral castle but this one very simple very basic and it starts with some onion and then some apple the apple is going to give us the sweetness that just balances out then those spices and the chicken i cut into bite-sized pieces i use chicken breast in this but if you want to use thighs you can [Music] given that i'm making a traditional victorian curry today i thought it'd be cool to use my victorian patterns at buckingham palace they still use antique victorian copper pans they have vr victoria regina stamped on the side tin lines the pot and that protects it from the copper which if you just cook on its own is poisonous but copper is a great conductor of heat so they're perfect for cooking in and then i've got my mason cash bowls mason cash have been making these bowls since like 1900 and they're in every victorian home i just love using the mason cash cookware it like takes me back it's like being at the palace is like being on downton abbey i start off searing the chicken and put some oil into the pan and then add my chicken and i'll do this in stages because i don't want to crowd the pan [Music] once i've seared the chicken i add a little more oil to the pan i'm not going to clean it out i've got all those little crispy bits of chicken in there which are going to give it some incredible flavor then i can add the onion and the apple some salt and just stir all that together and i stir this until it starts to soften and all those flavors come together and those chicken pieces look from the bottom lift off after a few minutes i can add the chicken back to the pan and now my curry powder this is all down to personal taste so you can add a little or a lot stir that in and get it covering the chicken next i'm going to add some flour and finally my chicken broth [Music] i'll bring this to the boil and once it boils i'll turn it down to a simmer and let it simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes until the chicken's tender given that the indian chefs are outnumbered by the french chefs in the royal kitchens at the palace it's not surprising to learn that the curry dish actually took on a little french influence before it got to the table because we're actually thinking this with flour that's something that's not normally done in indian cuisine and what you end up with is a classical french veloute with curry powder in there so um avolute indian i guess chicken ala indian the flavors all come together in this and make this really thick creamy sauce i say creamy because just before serving we actually add a little cream into the mixture and stir that in it smells so good i've cooked a little rice with that too i've got some poppadoms for scooping up the rice and the curry sauce and i've got some mango chutney if you don't know where to get those i'll put links for those in the description below but any good indian store you can get either of those now all we have to do is taste it a little rice and some of this gorgeous curry the creamy sauce some papadum and a little mango chutney smells so good it's so good this is my curry my traditional english curry i'd love you to post your curry your favorite below this is a simple easy one to make at home this is delicious um winston what are you doing up there come on down you just had to be in the video didn't you it's too spicy for you you can have some rice though oh you want some cabbage sometimes the dogs would have a little problem with their constitution and so there'd be some rice and cabbage to mix in with the meat thanks for watching thanks for subscribing to my channel if you haven't subscribed yet please do click on the subscription below leave a comment tell me what curry you want me to make and tell me your favorite curry too i'll see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 169,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, queen, britishroyals, royal, royalty, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, queens chef, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas caterer, balmoral, balmoral castle, royal recipe, realroyalty, paul ainsworth, michael burke, mildred nichols, curry, easy curry, queen victoria curry, royal curry, royal recipes
Id: zO2bpLbyAKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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