Former Royal Chef Revisits Prince William's 'Chocolate Biscuit' Grooms Cake for the 10th Anniversary

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leg of lamb william and kate are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary when did that time go i still remember princess diana bringing william down to the kitchens of balmoral castle just before he was going riding on his little shetland pony smokey he'd have a glass of orange juice and a piece of chocolate cake where did that time go i think william loved chocolate as much as his granny the queen loved the chocolate biscuit cake and so it was no surprise to me that he chose the chocolate biscuit cake because his groom's cake when he got married we even had to share the recipe with the prince of wales chefs at highgrove so they could make it for him there too the queen's been eating chocolate biscuit cake for years and it's a favorite one out of all the cakes she has a large cake for afternoon tea every day whether it's a lemon cake a fruit cake a ginger cake a jamming cream sponge and she'll take a little slice out and then it goes down to the kitchen and cut up into slices and sent into the staff dining room so it's not wasted the chocolate biscuit cake is different she has a little slice it comes down to the kitchen and then we keep it safe because it has to go up again tomorrow and it goes up again and again and again every day until it's all gone definitely our favorite cake if we put the cake on the menu on a thursday and the queen approved it and it was sent up for tea we have to send it to windsor castle for her for the weekend i remember one time at the palace we forgot to send the cake to windsor castle and i went with the cake in a biscuit tin on the train down to windsor we had to make sure the queen had her cake a chocolate biscuit cake for afternoon tea once at windsor castle for royal horse show i remember the chocolate biscuit cake being on the menu the chefs had all gone out drinking in the evening and we came back and we'd all got the munchies everyone was starving and we went into the lardy kitchen and we started making sandwiches great big sandwiches scooby snack sandwiches we lost one of the junior chefs one of the new chefs couldn't find him we thought he'd gone to bed the next day i was ready to send the chocolate biscuit cake up for afternoon tea i couldn't find it it was a big panic i went into the kitchen i said has anyone seen the chocolate biscuit cake and then the chef that had gone to bed or so we thought had actually been in the pastry kitchen he wasn't into sandwiches he got a sweet tooth he finished off the queen's chocolate cake i've never made another chocolate biscuit cake so fast in all my life and then just before the footman came down to collect it i cut out a little wedge so it looked like the original one sent it up to the queen i don't think she noticed now when i say biscuit cake i don't mean biscuits like these in the uk we call cookies biscuits the best biscuit for this one the original one in in my opinion the best one too are rich tea biscuits mcvities rich tea biscuits and i've put a link to them in the description if you can't find them i've seen people make the cake since i sort of released the recipe from the royal wedding and then eating royally and people you're using graham crackers people are using digestive biscuits but if you want the authentic recipe then you want the rich tea biscuits in there of course you can make the recipe your own too you can put chopped apricots in there and chopped dates you can put m m's folded into it that's smarties in the uk just make the cake your own it's so easy to make and just get the kids involved this is a gorgeous cake let me show you how to make it we start off with the butter unsalted at room temperature and then you add the sugar and blend until smooth and creamy it's best to use a mixer so that your hands aren't dropping off and you cream it until it's light and fluffy next you melt the chocolate and stir it until there's no lumps in there at all add the chocolate to the cream butter and the sugar and now mix it until all of the chocolate is combined break the rich tea biscuits into walnut-sized pieces this takes forever but it's worth it and don't be tempted just to crush them with a rolling pin or a pan it's all about the texture get the kids to help you add the chocolate mix to the rich tea biscuits and stir it in you have to keep mixing until all the biscuits are covered in chocolate then you spoon all of this mix into an eight inch cake tin that's been greased with butter around the edges it's really important to make sure that the bottom layer is flat and smooth and this will become the top when we invert it refrigerate it overnight then push the cake out onto a wire rack and onto a baking sheet and melt the chocolate to cover the cake again make sure it's nice and smooth and no lumps ladle or spoon the chocolate over the cake and swirl so it runs down the sides make sure all the sides are covered i like to run a spatula over the top of the cake to make sure the chocolate is just evenly coated it smells good already right refrigerate the cake until the chocolate's set for about an hour or you know maybe a little longer carefully release the cake from the wire rack with a small knife and onto a serving plate all that's left to do is decorate the cake when prince william chose the chocolate biscuit cake as his groom's cake i was invited onto the oprah winfrey show the day of william and kate's wedding i got to make a three-tier cake and i was thrilled to be invited on the show the recipe was in my book it caused eating royally to go into the sixth printing uh which was fabulous because i donated all of my advance and all of my royalties from eating royally to the elizabeth glazer pediatric aids foundation princess diana was friends with uh elizabeth glazer and two of the princess's charitable goals were children and aids and i just put the two together i thought this is a great way of raising money for for princess diana's causes so i donated all the advance and royalties to pet aids i decided to make a an edible picture frame of william and kate uh together uh for the top of the the cake and it was it was all made out of a cookie background and a chocolate frame on the outside which i just dusted in gold to make it look really pretty and then prince william well he's prince william of wales so i thought okay well i need to make some sugar daffodils and they can decorate the cake and some roses too because kate is just england's rose right and i made all of the sugar flowers and decorated the cake and it just looked fabulous and then the oprah people said well we want you to make 400 small ones too so that everybody in the audience gets one because it's oprah after all and you get a cake and you get a cake and you get a cake chocolate biscuit cake it's easy to make simple to decorate absolutely delicious perfect for the queen's afternoon tea spectacular as prince william's groom's cake and the perfect cake to celebrate william and kate's 10th wedding [Music] anniversary happy anniversary william and kate so good
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 383,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, wedding caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, victorian food, chocolate, birthday cake, chocolate cake, queens birthday cake, biscuit cake, chocolate biscuit cake
Id: _mR4Oxljq9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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