Chicken Tikka Masala with Indian "Bubble and Squeak" #BritishFood #PubGrub

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[Music] growing up in the UK English roast was Britain's national dish whether it was roast beef roast lamb rose chicken everyone loved that everyone looked forward to that on a Sunday times have changed now chicken tikka masala took over just recently from fish and chips as Britain's national dish they're all comfort foods whether it's the chicken tikka masala whether it's the fish and chips whether it's toad in the hole and bangers and mash all of that traditional British cuisine I'm here today at the London er in Colleyville Texas and I want to make my version of the chicken tikka masala but my version I'm going to serve it instead of with rice with a bubble and squeak an Indian bubble and squeak where I can put lots of different seeds and turmeric something in there to make it my own dish and the combination of the two together is incredible and well the argument about whether chicken tikka masala came from Glasgow London or India one thing we do know is the chicken tikka part does come from India and that's the part we start with first I've got all of my ingredients here going into the dish and it's the amount of ingredients that makes the dish so incredible and every single ingredient brings something to the table it really does whether it's that warmth of the chili the citrus of of the the lemon juice in there the garlic of the ginger everything all comes through so you can't leave any of it out I'm gonna put them all into the bowl and mix the meat all together so the chili the paprika the cardamom the cumin some oil garam masala ginger garlic lemon juice yogurt and salt mix them all together and that's my ticker paste now with the chicken when I'm doing this dish I like to use the chicken thighs and I take the chicken thighs I like to leave some of the fat on there that renders on the grill of the stove and then open them up so that they get completely covered and I've got boneless skinless chicken thighs they all go into my marinade and I can just mix all of this together [Music] it's going to go in the refrigerator for at least six hours preferably overnight to let those flavors really get into the chicken while the chickens marinating I'm going to start making the bubble and squeak I've got some mashed potatoes and some chopped cabbage and I'm going to add some salt some garlic paste a little turmeric that's going to give it a nice color and we'll get that combination of the Indian bubble and squeak into there as well and then hear from my dabba I've actually got my pants for on which I'm going to spoon in there to punch for on is Indian five-spice and it's made up of five different seeds he does come in and brown mustard fenugreek Nigella and fennel seeds in there and all those seeds come together to give that amazing nuttiness their little aniseed flavor that I can mix all of this together and make my incredible Indian flavored bubble and squeak once it's all mixed in I can then start making my little patties what I like to do is use a mold and go into that mold [Music] [Music] then I can refrigerate those till I start to cook the chicken the chickens been marinating now for 24 hours and now it's time to cook it before we make the sauce traditionally it will be cooked in a tandoori clay oven but you can cook it in a skillet on the grill as it's starting to korkin that smoke is giving off those incredible flavors I let it sit on there for about five minutes and then we're going to turn it a little char on the chicken is fantastic this the caramelization there of the ginger and the garlic and when that goes into the sauce is going to give such a unique taste to you thinking of the knee then he rested at the wall we put together the next part is making the masala sauce I'm going to add some oil to the pan and some chopped onions I'll show to you those onions with a little salt until they start to soften I want to try and cook them without color I don't want any bitterness in there at all once the onions have softened then I can add my tomatoes then ground coriander garlic turmeric paprika chili stir all those in together and finally some cream look how gorgeous that is it smells amazing and all those flavors for this masala sauce coming together once it's all mixed in and it's been simmering for about five minutes or so I just finally add my lemon juice and finally we just need to add the chicken [Music] and I'm just going to let that simmer away another masala sauce really get into the chicken [Music] while it's doing that let's meet the bubbling squeak I've got the bubble and squeak cooking away now I put a little oil on there first some corn oil to get nice and hot and then a little butter on the top the butter is going to really Brown the bottoms and then we'll flip them over and do the same on the other side and let them cook through [Music] I've got a nice crust on the top of my bubble and squeak and I put some naan bread on there just to soften slightly my chicken has been marinating and just sitting there in this beautiful bath of masala sauce all we need to do now is plate let's take one of our bubble and squeak and place it in the center there then some chicken [Music] with a little sauce [Music] a little naan bread garnish on the side some mint raita [Music] and cilantro to finish [Music] chicken tikka masala with a Indian bubble and squeak naan bread looks amazing it doesn't matter what I think let's see what the customers at the London I think [Music] so chicken tikka masala is Britain's national dish now and so I wanted to create this dish and then put my own twist on it with an Indian bubble and squeak so I'd love you to try it and let me know what you think it really is comfort food this and there a nice combination in there as well to go with a good beer and here are the London are in Colleyville I mean it doesn't get much better than this right [Music]
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 95,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, britishroyals, monarchy, royal, royalty, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, yummy, delicious, food, royal eats, summer food, british food, Gordon Ramsey, chicken tikka, chicken tikka masala, bubble and squeak, pub food, pub grub, chicken, indian food, indian recipe, indian, naan bread, the londoner, bar food, bar menu, colleyville, spicy food
Id: QS5rglqOF90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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