Therapist Breaks Down Couples Fighting in Movies & TV | GQ

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I love that she said that if she heard a couple arguing like this, she would think they were going to make it. Such interesting insight!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 83 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sconeklein ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

1)Never enter a relationship thinking you can change the other person. 2)Trust is the backbone of a relationship. Without trust you have resentment. 3)Communication is key to a successful relationship. 4)LOVE isnโ€™t enough without communication & trust. Good advice๐Ÿ‘

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 35 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ReneeG62 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This therapist is good! I like how she doesnโ€™t point fingers and that thereโ€™s an optimistic outlook. Itโ€™s like a free therapy session lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 34 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/watremelons ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

such an interesting breakdown. I was confused about why Simon wanted to keep a close eye on Daphne, sounds like that was just a reason for him to keep her close awwwww โค๏ธ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TeeniMeeni ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I really enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/toriyo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i think if you just maybe tried harder oh i tried i talked to a therapist i talked to my mother i read every book possible i took a love seminars i took sex seminars none of it worked i tried everything except telling you what was bothering me that's the first thing you need to do you know you go to a therapist you go to your mother but what about the person who you have the problem with let them know i'm losing attraction hey gq i'm stephanie yates ibuy a marriage and family therapist and this is the breakdown [Music] first up marriage story you're being so much like your father do not compare me to my father comparing our spouses to their parents that's a low blow especially if you know that they have this desire to be different from their parents when you try to attack a person's family member and compare them the reason why that's so cruel is because they probably shared those things with you in a moment of vulnerability when things were going well so now what you're doing is taking things they share with you in confidence and throwing them in their face and it's really hard to recover from that at this point we're just trying to win the argument they're not trying to hear each other the point of a good healthy argument is to walk away understanding your partner's point of view people used to tell me that you were too selfish to be a great artist and i used to defend you they were absolutely right all your best acting is behind you you're back to being a hack you gaslighted me so what he's describing here is one of the things that couples therapists are always looking for which is an atmosphere of criticism we're seeing contempt here which contempt is basically trying to be superior to your partner belittling them he's talking down on her acting she's calling him self-absorbed all of these things to just throw daggers and what he's saying is that she was always critiquing him and a lot of times in relationships it is important for you to think about that balance of encouragement and support versus criticism i mean we'll never really know what the full dynamic was in their relationship but for those of you who are in relationships always be aware of that balance someone else i shouldn't be upset that i should be upset that i had a laugh with her do you love her no but she didn't hate me you hated me you hated me just want to quickly hear talk about the importance of when you are in an argument try to focus on using the i position and what that means is don't speak for your partner or whomever you're in an argument with if we can even call them partners at this point but saying you hated me you did this to me you're telling somebody else how they felt instead of maybe phrasing it as a question i felt like you hated me is that true giving them the opportunity to explain either you know verifying what you said or not i can't believe i have to know you forever you're insane he was trying to direct a punch not to her and so i view it a bit differently than i would in a moment where you have a couple where somebody's literally trying to intimidate someone i view this as him trying to relieve some aggression so that it's not pointed toward her and you wanted so much so fast i didn't even want to get married there's so much i didn't do thanks for that you're welcome rushing into a marriage absolutely can lead to resentment but that's not the only way and it's not a guaranteed way to become resentful what ends up happening with resentment is when we make a lot of sacrifices and compromises without communicating to our partner that these are things that we really don't want if he really didn't want to be in a committed relationship or get married those things should not come up later after the decision is made so resentment often happens when things take a turn and we're reevaluating all of the compromises and sacrifices that we made throughout the relationship that we never communicated we felt we were giving a part of our identity up for in an argument when you see yourself as the victim and innocent and your partner as the person who has done everything you're victimizing yourself that's not a healthy productive way to approach any relationship or conversation you want to come from a place of accountability because as a marriage therapist i'm never looking for who's right and who's wrong often what happens with couples is they start developing dysfunctional patterns that they both play a role in you have your job and then they have their job and the system just repeats itself and so what i'm looking for are the patterns and if i have couples where the person is like just pointing the finger playing the blame game then i'm probably gonna look at okay well this is part of your pattern is that you start pointing the finger and then you guys end up in these kind of altercations you're such a dick every day i wake up and i hope you're dead dead like if i can guarantee henry would be okay i'd hope you'd get an illness if i get hit by a car and die this part makes me sad honestly i think people have different reactions to these kind of revelations because we really just don't know if it's true i think what he's trying to communicate is this conversation this experience of going through this divorce has hurt me so bad that i want the pain to go away and he thinks the only escape would be to lose her but ultimately i believe that would probably bring him more pain and so it makes me sad that this is the only escape that he can envision at this point in his life i see this scene a bit differently than i think some people would see where they would just get mad and say how dare you be so cruel it is cruel absolutely but it is also heartbreaking i hate when i see couples like this not end up together in the end because there was so much love i don't think that he really wanted her dead not at all i'm sorry me too so that is probably the truest moment that we saw in that scene is that moment where even though they've just said the ugliest things they could to each other he collapses into her and she cuddles him when i'm looking for patterns with couples this is probably a lot of their dynamic he gets really up in flux she goes to caretaking and nurturing and that's how they both ended up compromising and sacrificing so much throughout the relationship that they're now very resentful it really just shows how heartbreaking it is that they didn't end up together we definitely know that divorce rates have gone up over the years i don't think that that has to do with people sticking it out i think it has to do more with access to resources and the family structure kind of supporting people you know you had a woman who typically was financially dependent on a man for example and to leave him would mean to forge a new path that for a world that was really not designed for her to be providing for herself i look at it more as now people just have so much more access to other options and i think we have a hard time in this culture with commitment we have so many things via social media dating apps we're always wondering if things could be better and maybe they could but in a relationship like the one we just saw where there's still a lot of love i have a lot of hope for those sorts of relationships next up bridgerton would you please ask miss nolan if my personal effects have yet been removed from the duke's bed chamber just provide a little context here essentially they're upset with one another because she wants children and he doesn't want children and she feels like he lied to her in order to achieve his goal of not having children and now they're in a position where she may be pregnant by tricking him that's why there's a bit of tension here in this scene kids is one of the most important things that you need to know before you get married if you're like i'm 50 50 on having kids don't be with someone who's 100 don't get with someone who has told you they don't want kids with the expectation that you can change them and don't know that you may not want kids and think oh i'm just so in love that i might ultimately end up changing my mind for this person because both of those things are sacrifices for a lifestyle that will ultimately lead to resentment no matter how you look at it when it comes to deception in a relationship the reason why this is such a tricky thing is because ultimately it betrays trust trust is one of the hardest things that you can rebuild in a relationship i know people who had some major lie that was told or some trickery that happened 20 years ago that still come up in arguments it's always better even if it's a very very uncomfortable conversation to make sure you are sharing with your partner what's going through your mind and the things that you want to try especially the things that will inevitably affect the both of you and while we're talking about deception and we're talking about especially like matters to do with sex listen male or female consent is consent so make sure that you're not making decisions on behalf of your partner that you all are having conversations about what you're wanting to see next in your future together could you please ask miss nolan if my personal effects have yet been removed from the duke's bed chamber would you please inform her grace that i will allow no such thing i just want to pause here because this is a great example of triangulation which is where you have so much tension conflict or anxiety between a couple that they bring in a third party to help relieve some of that tension when they are basically playing telephone instead of talking directly to one another it's a way of saying i'm not comfortable talking to you i'm going to punish you by not speaking directly to you a lot of us have been that friend where you've got a couple that's arguing you're getting called or you just happen to be there you know you hate those moments and they're wanting you to pick a side or tell them that they're right is this going to give you the results that you want in the relationship which is to have healthy communication and get to the other side of this argument so if you're being triangulated in try your best to resist but if you're in the relationship and you're pulling your friends in just know that that's a sign that you guys have built up a lot of tension so much so that you're having a hard time managing it just between the two of you i absolutely do understand completely why he is frustrated with her anytime we feel tricked by somebody we're not going to have happy feelings about it but on the other hand i totally understand her feelings too if you feel lied to that's also not going to make you feel good so i do think that they both have a right to their feelings but if they would just have some honest and open conversation they'd be able to see that both of them are just really misinformed about the other person's experience you cannot believe i shall welcome you back into my bed after your lies and deception rest assured marital relations are the least of my concern after your recent efforts then for what other purpose could you possibly wish to detain me because you are my wife people could have different takes on this but i actually think him saying because you are my wife i think that is almost an olive branch because what he's trying to say is i care about you i don't want to sleep apart from you and if we can find a space in our arguments to say you were my partner we plan to do this together i love you those kind of words even out of anger to explain your purpose it can really bring down a lot of the tension in an argument and you see when he says that there's a moment where she's taking it in like she still likes to hear that he's referring to her as his wife it is customary for a wife to reside in her own bed chamber once the honeymoon is over i will be kept informed as to the success of your conjugal endeavors i would never dream of concealing the truth of such important matters now granted she did already do some deceptive things so it's not like she's in the clear here but i will say in this particular argument that was a good response don't worry i would not keep that information from you that's a really important way of saying i still care about you and i care about how you feel yes you guys what has happened my brother seems to have been embroiled in scandal i must return to see my family immediately they will need me i will accompany you this is a family matter separate bedrooms may be tolerated separate households will not be suffered i want to pause just because again he doesn't want to see his marriage fall apart and even though she might be picking up on that because again you saw that little hesitance when he said that you know she probably liked that she's trying to brush past it and hold on to her anger but in reality i would assume that that makes her pretty happy that even when she's pushing away and being difficult he still has a desire to be with her i think it's really important here that we're talking about a family matter and her saying this is something for my family once you marry someone that person is on the family tree so they are a part of your family it's really helpful that you don't think of them as separate from your family those are some of the predictors of a successful marriage is when we can see that good integration of your partner and to your family your partner is there to support you and the family when they can and i think that that is what he's doing here the fact that he says if there's an issue i'm coming with you that's letting somebody know i have no intentions of abandoning you i shall not let you out of my sight until we know whether you are with child please request that his grace prepare his largest carriage i should require my space do i think he's really trying to monitor her conjugal efforts no because she's probably not going to be able to conceal it and has already confirmed with him that she has no intention to but he's just using it as a crutch because it seems to be the only thing that works for him to not have to create even more distance between them as she's requesting so again i think he's being open i think he's still being loving towards her and even though she's frustrated and upset this is one of those couples where if they were arguing like this i walk out of the session like they're gonna make it next up the office can you not do that it's disgusting you know i have soft teeth how could you say that oops you don't want to criticize your partner in front of people that's a sure way to lead into an argument most of the time when we criticize our partners in front of an audience there's a new layer of embarrassment and it makes them question why you're criticizing them in a relationship you want your partner to feel like if you're saying something negative about them it's constructive you're doing it because you love them and you care about them try to reserve criticism for your private alone time so that it doesn't seem spiteful and hateful oh hey babe yeah how about we take the beer sign down until our guests leave and then we can discuss it no no i'm gonna leave it up i think it ties the whole room together first of all we could tell that that was a very passive aggressive interaction they were having there and what does passive aggressive mean passive aggressive is when we're not saying what we want but we're trying to manipulate a person into doing what we want without really expressing that so saying things like you can if you want to when really want to say please do so i want to talk a little bit about that sign that he put up because it's deeper than just being spiteful why in that moment did he choose to put that sign up whenever we're in the midst of transition that can be very anxiety and stress provoking if you watch the office you know that she has lost her job she just moved in with him they're a relatively new couple all of this transition really leads to a lot of stressors in the relationship and so when we start experiencing transition and stress as a unit trying to find our identity as an individual and our identity in this relationship what do we do we typically revert back to our old self that's more comfortable so he's literally saying you treat me unfairly you're unkind to me so i'm going back to what i usually have up in my home i'm putting the sign back up you're not worth the sacrifice and compromise of not having up my sign if you treat me that way so be very careful of that when you're in the midst of changing within your relationship this is a relationship that i would say kind of reminds me of when you have a leech i think that jan uses michael for whatever she can in the moment he's a very amicable and malleable person so he's flexible to whatever she wants but as we see in this scene when she doesn't treat him kindly he's starting to get frustrated and upset because he's recognizing all of the sacrifices that he's making for her so i would say this is a toxic relationship not that it couldn't possibly work but there has to be some love there and things in the relationship that aren't just material that she's gaining out of it for it to work a toxic relationship to me is one where you by being in the relationship end up having less self-confidence you end up questioning your own goals and dreams and you feel sometimes trapped in the relationship as though you can't get out everybody's definition of a toxic relationship is different and it's really popular term now but those are the main things i'd look for before i would say that a relationship is toxic and i'm a candle maker but you don't hear me bragging about it man i would love to burn your candles you burn it you buy it it's all started with that criticism in front of an audience that's how this whole thing has escalated he's making fun of her candle making business that seems to be the final straw for her is him coming for something that she has not yet developed a confidence or identity in when you know that your partner is trying to endeavor on something that is unfamiliar territory and you told them that you're going to support them picking at their failures or picking at them when they are still trying to get on their feet those are things that they don't forget so don't give them yet another thing to stress about when they're already trying something new and different and uncomfortable that is a 200 plus your screen dvd you just killed good luck paying me back on your zero dollars a year salary plus benefits babe whenever we're having a passive aggressive fight or it escalates to destroying property i mean this is very immature even doing it in front of people that's an immature way to handle conflict in your relationship so it really reminds me of like when you're on the playground and you like throw a stick and they throw a stick back that jab for jab tit for tat type of arguing again the point of a good argument is to walk away understanding one another's perspective if you're just trying to win the argument then you both already lost if i was at this dinner party and i pray to god my husband would be there too we would use this as material for laughing for years to come when you argue in front of people you know you really are just giving them reasons to look at you differently you're not just embarrassing your partner so keep that in mind too next up euphoria who hasn't been in the position where you're trying to write something and you want to use the perfect emoji the perfect words the perfect acronyms to really get your sentiment across and i think it's really good to highlight here sometimes we really do need to think about the medium in which we're going to communicate certain things some people really do communicate better via text because they have an opportunity to look at what's been sent to them process it and then get their words perfectly before they respond and sometimes if you just can't figure it out maybe think about choosing a different medium the timing with an argument is highly dependent on both of your conflict resolution styles you have some people who really work best talking about it in the moment so they can remember everything that they were feeling and they can communicate that in a way that feels authentic and fresh and other people like to have time to process what's happened and think about what they need to be accountable for so i always say if you have even one person in the relationship that needs to take that pause always take the pause because if you force that person into having the conversation when they're not ready you're going to end up either in a shouting match or they're going to completely shut down and neither one of those options is productive i don't want to fight with you i don't want to fight with you either you have to understand that i just want you to be safe okay i just i don't want anything back to happen to you i love this clip so much because it's a wonderful example of a vulnerable and transparent conversation opening up with i don't wanna fight with you that is listen my weapons are down i want to have an open conversation with you where i can understand your perspective and share mine also i think it's important here a lot of these things that zendaya is communicating you wouldn't be able to see that via text or on a phone call look at how far away she is look at what she's doing with her hands and fidgeting she's looking down all of those things are communicating to jules that she's having a hard time saying this and it helps her develop more empathy in the conversation you know you just can't be mad at me for wanting you to be okay because i'm being anxious that's a vulnerable thing to say because basically she's saying even this conversation makes me really really nervous and when we can hold space for our partners not even being comfortable talking to us we're really on track to something good they're not even a couple here yet but they're already doing amazing couple communication that hurts my heart too much i just i i don't know it's the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time and i just i i just don't want anything bad to happen so just please don't be mad at me okay joe i'm sorry i want to talk too about her recognizing in that space and distance and that body gesturing how uncomfortable she was she knew that it was okay to close the gap and give her a hug sometimes that's all our partner needs you know they're up in flux they're going crazy and they just need a reminder like i'm not going to abandon you i'm not going to reject you for being anxious or being nervous or getting upset i'm going to be right here with you and i'm going to help you process this that's exactly what she communicated with that hug and i mean this is just amazing conflict resolution which is why i love this clip i love you you really do whenever we have developed a fondness or a good relationship with someone and that word i love you comes up especially if we have feelings it's helpful sometimes to ask for clarification be assertive when i say i love you i think of you as my person i kind of envision a future for us and see if they're on the same page that's the only way to really be clear about if it's a miscommunication or not we have to be willing to have those difficult conversations so that we get more certainty and clarity i'm sorry so you never know when you go for that big moment it's going to be a risk for any of us that first kiss that first i love you and we don't know you know somebody could say oh they were misreading signals or mixed signals she was giving if she wasn't okay with the kiss but we really don't know she might be just taking some time to process what happened and i think they end up getting together so clearly it wasn't that far off the mark but yeah i mean that moment her anxiety got the best of her and she ran out of the room but i'm curious if she would have stayed if they would have just had a good conversation about it and maybe expedited the process to being together the only time i view it as wrong is if you go for that and the person says i am not comfortable with that do not kiss me or they don't give their consent and you try to go for it again that's absolutely a problem but with the level of vulnerability that they've established in their relationship clearly they can be physically close going for that kiss is just a risk that she took to see if it could be something more with our earliest relationship experiences those really set the stage for our later relationship experiences if we're lucky we end up staying with that person forever and we have really good communication with them we never have issues but more than likely what's going to end up happening is life gets in the way they have so many transitions ahead of them graduating high school maybe going to college they probably won't stay together that's typically not what happens but if they are able to do a good job being there for one another communicating well with one another that really sets the standards for who's allowed into their space and later relationships i love this clip because this is such a good example of healthy communication where they both just wanted to express why they cared about something and hear the other person's perspective being open being vulnerable because honestly miscommunication is the number one reason that couples fight most of the time that's what i'm listening in for and once we figure out the miscommunication patterns usually i can apply it to 10 different subjects that they've brought up in session next up malcolm and marie why didn't you cast me when you first wrote it you wrote it for me i want to pause here because the way she opened the conversation this is the vulnerability that we need to see for us to make it to the other side of an argument she's being honest and saying the question that i have is why didn't you cast me she's hurt that she was a part of the process that her life is what this story is built from and she's not saying it in a mean way she's doing it in an open-ended question which is a great way to communicate with our partners she didn't say you should have casted me she asked why didn't you cast me and instead of him responding we see here that it's met with contempt so that's what this whole thing has been about tonight no you're lying yes it is that is not accepting the olive branch when our partner is trying to be open with us he just says so that's what this has all been about that's a very different response that really causes your partner to shut down so then when he says isn't it her response is no it could have been yes because it's probably a vast majority of what has been bothering her but because he put his guard up now hers is back up as well this opening line of her being vulnerable it reminds me of the euphoria clip and it's a stark contrast in how jules responds to her versus how malcolm does he responds to her by bringing another issue to the table and critiquing her criticizing her for not saying it sooner instead of appreciating the fact that she's being vulnerable and open and meeting that with a safe space for her so they can have healthy and good communication as far as him casting her i think some people might look at it that way and say had he just casted her they wouldn't have all of these issues right but there are fundamental breakdowns in this relationship that caused them to argue and weaponize and be critical of one another so i don't think that him casting her would have solved all their problems as a matter of fact her working in the movie might have led to even more issues in their relationship the problem is the way that they communicate with one another and i think that if he could just tell her i would have loved to have you in the movie i knew you would have been great in it that could have solved this argument i was in that audience and i thought to myself wow i did not mean to give all of that away and i don't want to get into all the reasons why you cast taylor if you see from the beginning of the movie marie is very big on arguing about one thing at a time and that is a really important aspect of good conflict resolution she said i don't want to get into all the reasons why you cast taylor earlier in the film she even says let's not have this argument we're tired we're hungry so she seems to be a little bit better at paying attention to their cycles and trying to prevent them but he kind of pulls her back into that cycle a lot of times and they end up having these hours-long arguments so often people have no clue how their actions impact their partner there are some things that you do want to pay attention to but a lot of times things go over our head we say the wrong thing we do the wrong thing but we have to be in a position and willing to be accountable when our partners try to communicate to us how something made them feel and often what we do instead is go straight into defense mode trying to convince the other person that that's not what we meant that's not what we did that's not how they feel instead of saying i didn't realize that i made you feel that way and i'm really sorry how can i help fix it leave it to you to spend the entire night burning it all to the ground only to reveal that in the end you're just jealous i'm not jealous yes you are all right of course you are welcome the feeling that i'm feeling right now is deeper than that here he's trying to tell her how she feels she's actually sharing a lot with him about how she feels how about instead you deal with what she's already shared with you about how she feels and maybe you'll get to the jealousy but why don't we deal with what she's already bringing to the table which is that she's hurt i think there are so many different understandings of jealousy i think from a very simplistic understanding sure of course there's a jealousy there that she had to endure seeing another woman in her place playing her role then that same woman is on the arms of her partner while they are revealing this project to the world and she's not in the forefront i don't see why she wouldn't be jealous i think jealousy has such a negative connotation that a lot of times we don't really want to admit when we're jealous but being jealous is a part of the human experience and you can use that to inform the direction with which you want to take your actions if seeing that for example did make her jealous then maybe it's time for her not to be a retired actress and start pursuing projects as an actress again that jealousy can actually inform us about a lot in terms of our wants you didn't try and that's the harsh reality of all of this that same instinct that exists in the mind and you the instinct to self sabotage that didn't go away i didn't try because you didn't want me now you want to play the video now you want to say you felt like i didn't want you so you didn't try so often we are in a place of trying to win the argument that we don't even recognize that we're talking about the same thing she's saying she wishes she was in it he's saying he originally planned for her to be in it and he didn't think that she really wanted it that's a miscommunication this is an opportunity for them to have a conversation and reflect on that the fact that i can't tell my story anymore i can't articulate oh chaos that's going on in here because you already but the difference is you were able to take all that clean and make it something beautiful i'm very impressed with her ability not to stoop to that petty arguing that he is trying to incite she's still complimenting him she's still telling him he made a beautiful piece of art she didn't say and what you created was crap and it would have been better if i was in it right because she could have taken that approach if i were to see this argument in session i would challenge him and say wait before you bring that up what do you think about what she's saying about her story being told could you see why she would feel like that opportunity was taken from her those are the kind of questions asked in therapy that will break up this type of dynamic because then he has to answer my question which is essentially what she's already been asking the whole time next step for getting sarah marshall listen i get it okay i just i need to understand what i did to make you cheap i just let's pause here there is nothing you can do to make a person cheat they make that decision to cheat on their own even if they're dissatisfied with the relationship they could break up with you you cannot make a person cheat so your first question shouldn't be what did i do we've seen couples be able to recover and come back from cheating think it boils down to their values if it's more important to you to make it work if you can let them know what they have to do to build trust back up in the relationship then sure we can see a couple survive cheating we see it all the time but i will say it's really really hard to get your trust back to where it was before you cheated because in the back of that person's mind they're always gonna wonder are you still cheating i think if you just me try it harder oh i tried you have no idea how hard i tried peter i talked to a therapist i talked to my mother i read every book possible i took a love seminars i took sex seminars none of it worked i tried everything except telling you what was bothering me clients do this all the time they'll tell me this big thing and i'll say and what did they say when you told them oh i haven't told them that's the first thing you need to do you know you go to a therapist you go to your mother but what about the person who you have the problem with let them know i'm losing attraction when it comes to effort in a relationship that is so subjective it really boils down to like love languages i think a lot of times so you might have one person who's like words of affirmation which means they feel really good because a person says nice things to them and they're expecting that from their partner as effort while as the other person might be acts of service and they want to see you doing things taking action washing the dishes those kind of things to communicate your love so when it comes to putting in effort there's a good chance your partner may not notice your effort because that's not what they're looking for so it's good to let them know this is how i feel love this is how i perceive effort and ask the same of them so that you guys are on the same page about what effort looks like to each of you i couldn't drown with you anymore don't you dare sit there and tell me that i didn't try i did you were just too stupid to notice i do want to take a second here to talk a little bit about the concept of letting yourself go because you know it's hotly debated if people are thinking i should love this person based on who they are not what they look like but physical attraction is an important part of what initially attracts us to someone and it is important to try to continue to be attractive to your partner now i'm not talking about things like weight because sometimes we don't really have control over those things but maybe tending to your hair making sure you're grooming yourself taking showers those kind of things sometimes we really do stop putting in effort and it can impact our relationship and it will impact our relationship so i do understand where she's coming from but her main mistake was not saying that to him and saying it to everyone else instead of him one of the things that we'll hear all the time with relationships is you go through this honeymoon stage and then once the honeymoon stage is over can you sustain the relationship i'll be honest i don't think the honeymoon stage has to end but if you are in one of those situations where you don't look at your partner the way that you used to if you're just dating it's okay to say that and it's okay to break up if you're in a marriage a marriage is lifetime commitment that's what we're targeting and hoping for you have to try to communicate that to them and see how long you stay outside of that honeymoon stage because it's really not just you're in the honeymoon stage in the beginning and then it's over you can go through ups and downs of like you're dealing with a lot of stress so you don't feel all of these happy hormones all the time with your partner you have to kind of be committed to the process you shouldn't be with the person just because they make you feel good because that might not last forever thanks so much for watching stay tuned for part two we'll be breaking down more scenes of couples fighting
Channel: GQ
Views: 934,503
Rating: 4.9760923 out of 5
Keywords: couples therapy, therapist, therapist breaks down, the breakdown, breakdown, therapist breakdown, bridgerton, bridgerton breakdown, therapist breaks down bridgerton, euphoria, euphoria breakdown, therapist breaks down euphoria, the office breakdown, marriage story, marriage story break down, forgetting sarah marshall, forgetting sarah marshall breakdown, malcolm & marie, malcolm & marie breakdown, therapy, couples fighting, couples argument, gq, gq magazine
Id: d27Cmudr8mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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