Relationship Therapist cringes at DATING in TWILIGHT

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i'm designed to kill oh no i don't care why i've killed people before run it doesn't matter why i am a murderer fine i trust you why welcome to cinema therapy that's jonathan decker he's a licensed therapist i am and he loves movies but today i'm a victim you are about to watch me be victimized on camera because what are we doing today you sick perv i decided that since you like reacting to things so much i'd get your reactions to the fabulous mega blockbuster from 2007 twilight full of just quality relationships yeah see that's the thing like anyone can watch this and like pick stuff out but to me this is nails on a blackboard because these people need my help and they're not asking me for it so i can't give it to them [Music] okay so generally speaking go ahead in a in a relationship in a romantic comedy or a romantic movie you have a thing called a meet cute right right or you have a meat not cute but either way it's supposed to be some kind of interesting meeting of of the two people right when you sense the chemistry immediately between them here we have what appears to be pure revulsion and what is her response to that she blinks she is she's sniffing her hair because that's in the general direction of her armpits as well oh gosh wow [Music] i can't read that look okay here's the thing okay so this comes down to direction because truth be told a lot of people don't realize this robert patterson is actually a great actor oh he's phenomenal he's like really good like in a lot of independent films but that's the thing like indie films don't get a lot of traction with me so this is what mainstream global knows him from here the way he looks at her i can't read that and i bring that down to direction but okay so you're talking about a meat cute he's revulsed by her i can't even look at the screen i can't even look i can't even look at the screen i have to look at you okay so that's how you know it's bad he has to look at me so remind me because i've seen the films but you i okay so i'm gonna give you a brief history please do of me and twilight so i started reading the books just out of curiosity like why is this such a giant thing and i got completely sucked in i read all four of them not because they're good because you're a masochist in the same way that millions of people who watch the room are masochists okay oh hi mark right every page was so bad that i thought there's no way this can get worse and the next page was worse i did not hit her it's not true it's both i did not hit her i did not and that went on for like 3 000 pages of these books because they're long books right the the one defense i will make of twilight is i've read lots of things that are terrible and uninteresting and this was terrible and it i read four books of it i'm totally fine if if you're a fan of twilight the way you're a fan of like the bachelor where it's like it's junk food escapism that's fine i will not judge that right we all have our things as junk food escapism to be fair it's really not that bad no when i have a problem with as a relationship expert as a couples and family therapist is when people hold this up it's like some sort of ideal relationship yeah but there are so many problems and i'm going to put myself through therapy i might be giving you therapy through these beautiful let's do it every class is full just a minute here i'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology so he's trying to get switch out of her classes yep just to be fair i would try to switch out of her classes too if there was a creepy pale girl who just sort of stared at me like that okay so pause it for a second okay so what's the so is that is that the whole like he's repulsed but why would he be repulsed that's what i don't get shouldn't he be like oh like some sort of yep yeah and then he's like i gotta get out of here there should be some inkling of temptation instead of disgust yeah because when by the time like they circle around to how attracted he is to her i'm like really that's not what you've been playing for like 20 minutes i was not getting that at all yeah i mean that is hard to get to an extreme and her response you know kristen stewart gets a lot of flack for these movies as well she's also she's talented she's talented she's done some great stuff in a bunch of films there's two question marks there but they're both down to the director either you cast two actors who have zero chemistry they're both good independently but you put them together and there's just zero spark there and that happens that absolutely happens in order to get real chemistry between actors i mean a good actor can kind of fake chemistry but great casting means you don't have to fake it it's just there yeah and that's why unfortunately you see you know a lot of like on-set romances and affairs and stuff because these actors genuinely have a real chemistry together yeah well and these two in real life data did they yeah they did yeah so they had so that's it's not that it's not the bad casting director problem it's the bad direction directing problem where the director walked up to them said okay your motivation in this scene is ick and robert pattinson played it perfectly i know and kristen stewart your motivation is yeah and she played it perfectly and here's what i don't get here here's the thing about twilight this whole convergence catherine hardwick so she's a good director robert patterson's a good actor kristen stewart is a is good actress catherine harwick has made some good films i have no idea how this happened it is baffling to me like so much about these films is so confusing to me like how you could put together these you know those ingredients are good yeah you're working off of a bad recipe yeah which is the book but the ingredients are good yeah so you should at least end up with something okay and you ended up with something much worse yeah and then it was a gigantic hit and that's where i just kind of lose my mind golden brown why does she blink so much she blinks and bites her lips so much and he just looks like he's constipated all the time do not watch this film if you suffer from epilepsy like it'll set you off the amount of blinking what's in jacksonville okay so i have to put a plug in if you haven't if you guys can we pause it really fast if you don't know if you know what mystery science leader 3000 is the same guys they sit and they make fun of movies right it's the amazing technicolor cheese wedge the same guys did something called riff tracks where they do with modern films and the single best riff tracks you can download their audio commentary and play it alongside best of all time is twilight it is no question it is i i'm not even hyperbole not even hyperbole i laughed until i peed a little and like we had to pause it just a little plug we're not even affiliates with them like just just go to it takes this movie from being a very bad film and hard to watch and hard to watch to literally the funniest movie experience i've ever had greatest endorsement i can give this is going to shock some of you my wife is not a movie person so you're like what do you have in common we have a lot in common this is actually my outlet for all my cinematic side i'm your movie wife you're you are but you are you are my movie wife i think i'm gonna call you that from now on but we i watch this with her and she recommends it to friends an off-brand version of johnny depp wearing body glitter and that's my question oh you don't answer any of mine so i don't that's the basis for a strong relationship i'm guessing that's what we call okay so that's what we call hang on let's do some actual therapizing here okay you didn't answer my question well you didn't answer any of mine okay when it comes to defensiveness there's two there's two kinds okay there's playing the victim and there's launching a counter attack sure playing a victim is i don't deserve the way you're treating me right so i'm gonna ignore whatever you're bringing up and whatever problem you have with me i'm gonna ignore it and just talk about the way you're talking to me okay and launching a counter-attack is you never do the dishes oh yeah like you ever clean up your laundry right it's all just this back and forth and what happens with with that type of defensiveness is nothing ever gets solved and we just resent each other sure bella did to a twofer she did both in one she launched a counter attack and she played the victim in one statement oh my gosh you're right and this is the theme of bella i'm a victim who needs rescuing yeah which is why i don't want my daughters anywhere near this oh it's dreadful i want them watching buffy the vampire slayer uh-huh there is only one thing on this earth more powerful than evil and that's us you're gonna tell me how you stopped the band yeah i had an adrenaline rush it's very common you can google it you at least watch where you walk wow i'm so angry all of a sudden look i'm i'm sorry i'm being rude all the time i just think it's the best way guess who just asked me to prom i just realized something this is an attempt at a darcy elizabeth bennett situation where he's a total prick to her oh geez you're right and she's strangely drawn to him yep the word is indeed apply too liberally i cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen women in all my acquaintances that are truly accomplished and then it turns out later he's got this heart of gold what i'm not seeing yet is why pride and prejudice works and twilight doesn't and beyond i don't wanna i don't wanna be like well because one's good and one's not like i really don't what is the word yeah because this is the exact same setup so let's i think it's probably going to come with the turn right yeah because i i don't know the turn for darcy is so strong and so like his turn to i've got a heart of gold is fantastic after what you have done for lydia and i suspect for jane also it is i who should be making amends you must know surely you must know it was all for you yeah and edward's turn to a heart of gold we'll get there in a minute and we'll talk about it okay good luck we we shouldn't be friends you really should have figured that out a little earlier because we have to be friends now i mean why didn't you just look like were they in danger of becoming friends regret so you think i regret saving you we're on a dutch angle here like we're off kilter can you feel how off-kilter we are for what purpose anything mr director hi generally speaking when you use a dutch angle which is when you take the camera and you turn it slightly sideways like it is in this scene where everything's you know tilted in the background the buses right right that's to throw the audience off kilter things feel a little sideways so they feel a little tilted it's not quite the way it should be right it's a very subtle thing that you don't generally notice as an audience member but it has a purpose in this scene i think what the director was trying to say is our relationship is off-kilter and tilted right now see this is one of the reasons why when when we had this idea like i really wanted you on this because you bring this this perspective of filmmaker how does the filmmaking support the thematic you know what's going on thematically a fantastic example of dutch angles comes to my mind is brian de palma's mission impossible night oh yeah beginning ethan hunt thinks he's meeting with his handler to help him out because everyone else has just been killed and his handler says no we actually think you're the mole and i'm here to arrest you yeah and as soon as he starts pointing out the yeah the other agents everything even starts to figure it out and now his world is off kilter yeah and in it for the audience we feel as off balance as ethan does this whole operation was a moment here maybe it's like well bella feels really off balance because she thought she and edward were going to be lifelong friends based on the overall douche baggery lovers or lovers there's been no support yet for why are you in love with this guy other than he's real pretty which to be fair is exactly what happens in the book the book is 350 pages of this guy is so pretty can you believe how pretty this guy is yeah pretty and then it's 50 pages of wow he's abusive and then it's like oh i should shoehorn in a plot i would i would apologize to stephanie meyer first of all i don't think she's watching second of all she's had far worse oh much worse and third of all it's hard to feel bad like she's okay she's doing all right i do not feel bad for stephanie meyer if we give her a little bit of crap and to be fair i'm sure she's a decent person i finished all four of her books when the new one comes out from edward's perspective from edward's perspective i will buy it and read it [Laughter] this is going to happen but again everyone watching overseas you are confirming every bias they have about americans americans love crowd we're the worst we're the worst you know your moon swings are kind of giving you whiplash always thought it'd be better if we weren't friends not that i didn't want to be what does that mean it means if you were smart but stay away from me okay well let's say for argument's sake that i'm not smart it's a fair argument what i really wanted to talk about with this first of all yes you've just given away the whole plot uh but legitimately a lot of girls and women are attracted to the bad boy right i have always found that confusing because stereotypically it's women in the bad boy yeah but nice guys fall for the wild girls too oh yeah i actually just saw an article in like psychology today about this that men are very attracted to attractive women who are crazy yeah well the craziness adds to the attraction yeah there's this element of it i that i don't think is tied to gender when they talk about opposites attract it's true for a lot of people some people are drawn to their carbon copy like i have a cousin who's married to a male version of her and they're very happy but i definitely married somebody who is completely opposite for me like as opposite as you can get and i think of uh rocky where paulie's talking to rocky and he's like what do you see my sister and he's like oh gap she's got gaps i got gaps together with full gups i don't know psychologically i think we we think of what are we missing what do we need more of in our life okay right and so if i am someone who's very straight-laced very morality driven ethical abides by the rules either because that's my moral center or because that's how i've been raised especially if it's how i've been raised then there's a real allure to well a couple things something forbidden something that i can't control or something that's going to really declare my independence right that i was raised to do this but i'm showing i'm going the other way because i'm my own person i think one is a big reason for that yeah two a lot like an adrenaline junkie aspect to that as well like yes like playing with fire yeah they're oh definitely definitely like i i think there's a strong here's the thing we could when we could do a whole episode on healthy sexuality okay there's a strong sexual component of fire and danger and this is bad for me and yeah it is the adrenaline of it right and so i also think really nice people really good people really decent people have this idea of it's a savior complex not just in the romantic relationships but in all their relationships like i help people it's what i do right and i see the good in people that's what i do so what happens you see you have the adrenaline rush of this is so wrong coupled with the i see goodness there you know it and i i can bring it out and then it just becomes this perfect storm of i'm gonna stay in this relationship and we talked about gaslighting in the tangled video gaslighters and abusers and narcissists will give you just enough positive feedback and affection to keep you invested keep that right and go staying in it so look i i know edward is written is supposed to be like bad boy with a heart of gold but a bad boy with a heart of gold is going to be somebody who is who is probably broken from a life experience they're not like a jerk for no reason yeah like their original center their original setting was decent person he feels really bad because when he turned he killed some people to drink right before he became a vegetarian and so he's got his tortured past of like i murdered people i'm a monster yeah the edwards edward's got no reason but it's been a hundred years at this point since he did that he's kind of like the poor man spike from buffy this spike's a far more interesting character far more interesting because he's genuinely a terrible person who then comes to goodness and then suffers we will return your soul immensely for becoming good and hates himself for it well spike was good before he became a vampire right and edward like that's my thing is like there's no there's no reason for him to be a bad boy there's no reason for him to be rude he just is and that's not bad boy the heart of gold that's just a jerk that's just a jerk yeah it's all superhero stuff right now what if i'm not the hero i want to find the bad guy you're not what are you trying to put off but i can see that it's just to keep people away from you it's a mask okay you're so pretty so this is this is my issue okay i'm starting to feel bella says you're not a bad guy it's a mask to keep people away from you right okay so in the writing it's it's they're just saying here's who he is and bella sees it and we're explaining it to you but if you actually watch it she has no experience that would show her anything but that and she had other than the fact that he saved her life right yeah and since when is bella this trained human observer like this great she could see into the souls of men well you know i mean the evidence that we have is overwhelmingly that she's a [ __ ] and can't tell anything about humans because she's evidently a very pretty girl who moves to a new town i don't think she's pretty i do some people don't i think she's very proud i think no i listen i'd hold her hand but it's okay megan my wife it's not gonna happen yeah so bella is a terrible observer of humans because she's a very pretty young woman uh moves to a new town and is absolutely flabbergasted that she's getting so much attention from all of these people it's like you're the new person in town and you're the the prettiest girl at the ball like how are you stunned by this how is this surprising to you yeah because the way this is playing out she should be like that guy's a douche monkey and i'm gonna have nothing to do with him and credits pretty much this is a five minute movie if it's you know well written with an intelligent character if anyone treats you the way he's treating her do not pursue i don't care how high his hair goes do not pursue it's not worth it his hair does go really high it does i don't know how he clears some of these doorways it's good hair next time on cinema therapy i just figured out the problem with edward uh-oh he courts bella the way batman terrifies criminals [Laughter] i think that's supposed to be romantic i tell you i can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you okay that to me encapsulates everything that's wrong with bella as a character this is going to be a doohickey i think there's something wrong with you is it that i have identified how is it my fault i must have caused this i feel really icky all of a sudden like really gross [Music]
Channel: Cinema Therapy
Views: 737,674
Rating: 4.959187 out of 5
Keywords: cinematherapy, cinema therapy, mental health, counseling, therapy, mental health therapy, Jonathan Decker, Alan Seawright, Twilight, Team Edward
Id: KgpY9nCo43k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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