Theo Baker HONEST Opinion On His Hair Transplant

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they're like soaring like it felt like there's like a saw going and i'm there like i could feel that blood dripping down my face [ __ ] [Music] two years ago you had a hair transplant didn't you yeah and i find like hair transplants on the whole are a bit taboo aren't they yes especially when i did it like no one talked about it yeah no one and i remember watching your video on it and i was a bit shocked that you were just talking about it so freely but then i was thinking but why am i it was quite nerve-wracking don't get me wrong doing it was it but the the response i had was inc i've never had a response to that in my life why was it no thousands of messages every day really it might be my gyms were just like it's just all these blokes coming to talk to me yeah saying like their stories and stuff like that it's so if the if the feedback was so positive why do you think originally it's such a taboo i didn't know that i didn't know it was going to be so positive i don't know it's just i think just in general lads are just a bit [ __ ] with talking about stuff yeah like we're all [ __ ] about talking about feelings and whatnot yeah so i think that's probably why and then i released that video and i was like oh wow people they don't really care or they do care that makes sense i think they care so much about and i can't speak on their behalf but the way i read it is they care so much about their own insecurity with their hair no one wanted to be the first one to really take that leap yeah and you kind of did that yeah and the kind because the first person who dart who does it'll be like when it when like a big-time footballer comes out as gay or whatever they will be the poster boy for that which will help so many people but also opens you up to [ __ ] yeah all kinds of [ __ ] from knob heads basically so when did you decide i guess this is two questions when did you decide that you were going to go through with the surgery do they call it yes so we actually were talking about it on waffling yeah um and i had a message from a fan saying oh my dad runs uh international hair studio do you want to speak to him and i was like i ignored it at first and like i had a couple messages like quite a lot of people reach out to be honest because we talked about in a podcast and then it was just that first like okay i'm going to arrange a meeting because i've kept putting off putting off but once you actually speak to someone at a place so much better like that came out the meeting feeling amazing not just because they sell you the idea it's just like you've finally broken through that like seal i guess yeah so i came out like that was incredible like and then it just went from there and it just happened so fast was your hair a big insecurity before that or not i say no but i guess it was yeah i'd wear hats a lot yeah and it was pretty bad if i look if i look back at it now i'm like [ __ ] out um someone could have told me they did they did they did but uh but the actual actual surgery was a [ __ ] like jesus like i've never had surgery before so what do they do they take it from the back your red and just plop it on the front are you awake yeah and i've had i think i had 24 injections into my head oh my god do they numb it yeah we're asking the ejections yeah so they're like soaring like it felt like there's like a saw going and i'm there like i could feel that blood dripping down my face [ __ ] really did it bleed yeah yeah it flees a lot yeah but you clean it up but like so mine took a lot longer than normal so i was under there for eight hours like nine till five it's meant to finish at two because i got quite fine hair anyway so you take a lot longer and then like the last hour they're like whatever if you ever if you ever start to feel it can you let us know and like the last time i'm like oh jesus christ i can feel this so i whacked another six more injections in my head and like these [ __ ] off needles like going in my brain i felt like they were like going deep within my brain so so they take the hair follicles from the back so do you not have hair on the back now then no i do that so basically on the head so this all up here is where you lose your hair you never lose your sides on your back never never no no one does why unless you've got like alopecia whatever yeah and you'd never lose your back and your sides it's like a different uh kind of hair follicle do you know much about baldness then why people do lose their hair or not it's mainly uh genetics is it genetics is the myth that if your dad's or your your mum's dad's got hair then you'll keep yours i don't know i'm sure there is some science behind like the jeans and stuff but like my mum's side are all like bored oh what the hell her dad and that yeah like my brother is balding on so my brother's like even my mom's side of my dad's side like one of the genes are stronger right so it's that side i was like it was inevitable it's going to happen yeah just not that early on so what what is a hair follicle when they say they take a headache so you know when you pull out our hair yeah it's just a lot deeper than actually when you pull out hair it's the little lumpy bit yeah bottom yeah it looks like you've got like knit eggs or something yeah literally literally so if you pull out a hair and you pull out that bit with that does that not grow will that hair not grow there anymore then it does yeah it will grow back eventually but it's coming out of that little bit and that's fine because they took them out here and they've grown back oh yeah and then they just pop it i don't know how the hell they pop it in i don't know like i don't know how that works it almost seems like too easy to be true like magic like before people knew about hair transplants they're like well if we just take it out here and put it in there that'll be fine i don't know how it works they like it they are drilled i felt like they were drilling in my head there was all kinds of stuff but oh my god i've never been like so the first like four hours you're face down in like a massage chair in the back yes you think oh that sounds comfortable oh it's not right just the pressure on the forehead for four hours i'm like christ above get me off this thing i had my calf tattooed i've got a big joker thing and then they're under that tape oh about five six hours and they blacked it all out like the background and i laid on one of those things for so long yeah and you your neck hurts it's just uncomfortable in it yeah and i couldn't really like i thought maybe i could reach around and watch something my arms wouldn't fit so it's such a sad thing i listen to like a podcast for like four hours and then eventually like you have lunch and then you turn around you can't fall asleep then though or is it just too much going on because you can't twitch so if i when i fall asleep i'm probably a twitcher yeah so i tried to stop myself from falling asleep okay so i'm literally just laying there just like just so bored laborious isn't it it was so long did you did you get to draw like design the hairline or how does that work you could i could have got it lower but then it would just look a bit weird like you want it to look natural yeah um so they drew on stuff yeah beforehand how many follicles did they do three thousand oh [ __ ] hell a lot i think i do it i think i need to my hairline's dreadful right now that's what everyone said when i did it they're like oh wow you actually look quite good i'm like right thanks i like i i keep looking back at photos with hair and i like it but the thing i always hated was my hairline like that looks good i don't know it does look good everyone said you've pulled it off i just look older though i'm only 28. it's still old yeah but like i look like 40. how old are you 25. 25. oh so you did actually go bald quite young then yeah yeah fair enough like 23. [ __ ] you know yeah did you did you know for a while you were boarding yeah yeah yeah because a lot of but a lot of lads like we spoke about a minute ago they're in denial about it because a lot of people like this is the thing i could be one of those lads but i've had the i'm pretty sure i've had this hairline my whole is it normal to have like a receding hairline like a mickey mouse that's not even that that's fine yeah like i know so many friends have receding hairlines but they're not balding right just normal it's like just your normal hairline so would you encourage people to get them if they genuinely felt like insecure and they thought that would help them yes are they expensive yes fortunately for me like i had a deal with mine yeah that's what puts me off yeah but the money you can go to like turkey and do it cheaper but then you don't know what sort of safety side of things yeah exactly i think i'm considering it i have been lately considering save up like put money aside or whatever like i'd say it's worth it if you get a good surgeon like it's going to last the rest of your life oh yeah does it yeah it's meant to right yeah just obviously you never know like male pal male pattern baldness you never know when it'll return or whatever oh okay like right now mine's a bit worse but it will get better like goes through stages like this does it yeah so with the obviously they rebuild like a new hairline for you but then if there's bits up here that are still gonna go bold at some point but not yet do they have to put it do they do the whole lot no they can't you can just ask them whatever you want like maybe i'll go back and get some more at some point who knows just see where it goes it's like a top-up yeah yeah like the the the technology right now is so mad what was the recovery like oh uh first two weeks was not fun i can't lie it was not fun like the first so i leave i leave the hospital josh comes to pick me up um and there's a giant bandage around my head at the back because obviously at the back where they take it out it's a lot worse someone's been murdered in the back of my head and i'm wearing a band to stop because i had so many injections like there's a lot of anesthetic in my head so if i take this band off it's all going to droop down into my face and my face will get all puffy oh so i have to keep that on for two weeks you have to sleep upright with a neck pillow which was probably the most uncomfortable thing i've ever done i bet it was like for two weeks just drags on yeah then after two days i have to take the bandage off at the back and i'd left it on like an extra day because i don't know why i did it i think it was like still healing whatever but all the blood had dried to the bandage oh so trying to rip that off oh i wanted i had to rip off a night to get like the my flatmates to help me like to wet it that was [ __ ] christ that was a that was an hour that was a half hour i'd never want to get looked back again yeah um but eventually that comes off and that the back healed up pretty quick to be honest um like the hair starts growing back pretty pretty quick there's just a few scabs the top is it looks like maggots for a bit does it yeah it looks like maggots for a bit and then what the scabs the the top bit yeah you see you know like r9 ronaldo yeah when he had that haircut yeah it looks like that it turns into like maggity things and then they heal up because you have to you wash it but you damn you have to be very careful because the first two weeks the follicles haven't healed in so it takes about two weeks for them to lock in if that makes sense so you don't want to like knock them off otherwise you can do that easy can you yeah yeah oh fair yeah so you've got to be careful okay i think the more you look after the first two weeks the better outcome you'll have right um and then after two weeks they're locked in you can be a bit better and it starts growing and there's like scabs and stuff and eventually after a few like six weeks six to eight weeks the scav starts falling off is it itchy a little bit itchy yeah and the scabs quite unpleasant to look at right but you'd guess like no one cares like you get used to it yeah but i remember i was a bit embarrassed to go to the shop and josh was like what are you doing just go to the shop so i did and a bloke thought oh i've had a hair transplant i'm looking at getting one myself oh first so it reassured me going to the shop that's why that's what i think is so good about your journey because you sharing it has probably encouraged a lot of people to get it and it's helped them with their confidence like so many like people go oh you're so lucky to get for free and i am but like from doing that they've had so much business have they so many people have gone there and even if they don't go to that one which i use they go to another one that's closer to them so it's actually i've had so i even get messages today to this day like saying oh thank you so much like you've encouraged me to go do this and that that's mad yeah and i think if it was me i think you are right as well i necessarily i don't know if there's a bad thing to say but i might not necessarily use the one that you use but it would encourage me to go through the door of someone exactly so you probably don't even know the amount that you've influenced there all i would say is if you're scared or whatever just go and speak to them like give them a call yeah one call is fine you just go speak to them how much do they cost in the uk it can be anywhere from like five to eight grand wow and then turkey i think like two to four maybe stevie you could probably get a brand deal anyone out there wants to give me a hair transplant that's why i do it that's what i did i think i would do it would you even after all all the scab stuff i was gonna say can you just can you can you choose a different color but they take it from you don't they yeah yeah yeah you can just dye it well no that's what i was scared about because the back of my hair is a lot darker than the front oh and it seems to have i definitely think i've like in there there's more like black hairs than you could see now oh really yeah i think it's a slightly darker oh fair enough yeah but there we go that's that's a lovely little uh bit of encouragement for anyone out there that's um stressing or worrying about it you had a bad experience with carragher did you [Music] when he clocked me in the neck i think that's more of a salt than anything
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 258,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theo baker hair transplant, theo baker hairline, hair transplant results, hair transplant turkey, hair transplant uk, hair transplant before and after, jaackmaate hair, hair transplant procedure, hair transplant recovery, hair transplant gone wrong, hair transplant good results, happy hour theo baker, happy hour podcast, hair transplant healing process, hair transplant healed
Id: fRgWbeweoL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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