Stevie Reveals His BRAND NEW HAIR After Transplant!

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so he doesn't stab a hole put the hair in he just stabs stabs all two thousand seven hundred holes whoa that's it [Music] stevie you look different yeah i've got hair well starting to get hair it's a bit um put your head down it's a bit scabby [Laughter] you've had a hair transplant because my hairline was [ __ ] atrocious but because i kept shaving off people didn't actually know how bad it was but you didn't no one here was going old stevie's balding did you think that did you i knew i knew his hairline was a bit claps but if i don't never thought in any way that you were in a border you did that charity stream you shave your head no then like you're sitting on top though like put your head down you're a bit thin here still yeah but you couldn't tell you shouldn't touch it [Laughter] i forgot but yeah it still looks a bit thin there because you've just touched scabs jack that's the hairs are compressed below scabs because that's where they've put they've put new hairs there are they giving you a date to finish off the bits of the side so i don't want to just tell you about the whole process wait wait wait see robbie's got a little bit of a point you you just had normal you had normal hair like yeah and no one was thinking i was baldy stevie or anything like that and then you did a cherry shoe hair shave thing you shave you have charities you did that and then suddenly like a few weeks later you're having like [ __ ] so what's going on because my hairline was actually quite bad when i had this big quiff i used to use the length in the sides of my head to hide how far back my hairline went so if this is a clip i imagine i can i'll send you pictures of what my hairline was like so you can see it would look like a basically like a mcdonald's i'll show i'll show you my hairline's like this you've got a luscious lock uh head of hair robbie thank you for a man of yours one of my special skills from a man in his twilight years yeah on the way out taking the ball to the corners of life that's that's what my hair was like taking the ball to the corner yeah that is to be fair yeah so that that's how how it was before so it was it was bad i'll accept it i can't believe it what if i don't accept it then i can't exactly go i couldn't look at that and go oh well i didn't really need let me have a look at that like you see that ball of hair at the front yeah that's like they've taken it from there we've just moved it forward yeah yeah it's weird so it's like a little island of patchy so they filled that island in and they've obviously made the hairline a lot a lot straighter they don't do it like an action man so when you go in they draw they draw um the lines on your head so i've got a little drawing i'll show you the image of that so they draw that on your head yeah and they draw and they basically say are you happy with the line but they they say in advance they're like we don't want to do it completely straight because the hairs that they're gonna put back into your head you'll never lose oh how come because if you look at a really old man you'll notice that they still have like they tend to have if they don't shave their head you'll see the sides and back of their hair at the bottom it's still there isn't it like an eight-year-old men will have like long hair at the back and sides that's because men don't tend to lose that area of hair so they're the hairs they use to put back into the front right so for the rest of my life now i'll have this hairline so if they did it like an action man and like a perfectly straight hairline i'm a 60 year old people would be a bit like so they try and do it as naturally as possible can i say how annoyed i am by how good it looks like i'm properly fuming you so the only days are scabs and stuff like that yeah like frankenstein's monster's gone wrong whereas now it looks like quite cool how come it's like almost back to normal when theo baker was like [ __ ] for about six months i don't know if something went wrong with his because what he described to us is that when he should i go through the whole process and then when i get to hit that yeah you might as well because we've got nothing else man yeah about three minutes okay so i went to um british air clinic in um shenfield essex um this isn't an accident they haven't asked me they haven't asked me to do any of this i don't have to promote them on happy hour if i don't want to um but obviously i will because so far i'm happy and we're talking about it so i went there um and had essentially a little consultation where they kind of tell me what they can do in regards to bringing the hairline further forwards or making it straighter the other thing is that he told me for every millimeter of hair that they bring lower down you have to give me a kiss on the penis for every millimeter that they bring it down that would be another 300 grafts from the back of your head so it's such a big like that's such a big difference so it's almost not worth it anyway because they already take out quite a few thousand anyway so i go there i do the consultation he draws on the line um and then he shaves then they shave the head the first part of the process is the extraction process so um i get that i think the whole thing starts at around about 11 quarter past 11. the extraction is where they take the grafts at the back of your head so that's the hairs one by one from the back of your head the first five minutes this is the most painful of the whole thing it's vile pain i'll be honest like hated it they put anesthetic into the back of your head the needle doesn't hurt it's like a little botox needle really thin needle goes into your head you feel like a sharp pain but there's nothing but the anesthetic going in is like acid burning the back of your head and he had to put it in about 16 times that's how he described it to me it was like it's like an acid spreading through the back of your skin it lasts about five minutes of quite bad pain but like obviously some people are gonna handle it better than others but i hated it i was clenching my fist you're on like a massage bed as well so your head's like through a little hole and i'm just looking at the floor and i can just feel this happen in the back of my head like grit and my teeth yeah once the anesthetic kicks in which as i said only takes about five minutes the pain goes completely oh and then for the next two and a half hours you feel nothing you also see no it's just inside as well yeah i feel nothing so my face is down in this like massage bed and you only have to move it slightly so they can get to the angles because they that's when they start taking the hairs out the way that works is they use like a small like circular type drill with a hole in the middle and they cut around each hair individually just stabbing into your head each individual hair and then they pluck it out like with tweezers essentially and pull out the full graft that's right like the follicle and everything the whole thing yeah from the inside of the skin because if they just pluck it obviously they're not going to be able to regrow inside the front so is it like when they when you get like a you buy a tree but it's like in a pot yeah exactly that imagine that so you cut around that whole bit until you get all the roots so that's essentially what they're getting the root of the hair um but they kept calling it graft that makes me feel sick it is so i've been disgusting it is a bit disgusting um but i didn't feel anything during that so two and a half hours i actually fell asleep during bits of it and i'm just laying on a bed and then doing that to the back of my head and then at the end of that um you got lunch when i first got up the anesthetic's like obviously still kind of there and i was so dizzy like just standing up kind of walking over to go and eat lunch um but you felt fine as i said i was vlogging the whole thing so i still spoke to the camera and whatnot yeah um and then after lunch this is when the incision part happened so this is quite gross um this is now you're on the other side um laying on the bed on your back now um but they've just got a tv up on the wall so i was just watching netflix same thing again anaesthetic into the front of the head this time didn't hurt as much as the back nowhere near as much but still about it's like 16 jabs into the head so each one yeah well at a time one at a time that was the same as the back like because you've got to cover the whole area so you go in do a little bit i've had teeth taken out and then there's just just two in there yeah because look how much of a small area they're covering for your teeth compared to all of the back of this yeah if you had a thousand teeth taken out you're pretty boring oh also as i said with the with the grafts being taken out they have to count them one by one as they're doing it so you can't really talk to him anyway so you've got to be quite quiet music's on and stuff and you can say what music you want on oh funnily enough they said that people have been in there and asked to listen to happy hour whilst having it done so he knew about the podcast which is cool um it might not be the most painful thing of the day so um yeah they took over two thousand out of the back of my head what if they lose count what if you start again let's put more back in and start again well as long as i have a fairly rough idea it's gonna be kind of fine but yeah well over two thousand they took out of my hair um each graft can have one two or three hairs in it as well so where people have like really thick hair it's likely that their their one kind of follicle graft has like three hairs in it right so my amount of hairs equate to something like five and a half thousand hairs have gone back in right rather than just the 2000 and a bit from the back yeah um so they put all the singles at the front and then doubles and triples so it thickens out um that's clever yeah so incision process exactly the same with the anaesthetic along the front hairline they do it along the line that they're drawing because that's that they've drawn on because that's where they obviously want the new hairs to go the incision is like he described it as like a needle that is the perfect depth so that when he puts it in he can't get it wrong so it's like say half a millimeter and or one millimeter in depth or something and he puts it in and it just stabs a hole into my head and again couldn't talk to him during this process because he had to count 2 700 holes that he put into my head so he makes the holes first so he did the in yeah so the holes had to be stabbed into the head forward so he doesn't stab a hole put the hair in he just stabs stabs all two thousand seven hundred holes whoa that's it he's just so he's got like two and a half times magnifying glasses on so my it will look like he can get in between so where where that hair was really thin in the middle he did loads in that bit but even the front bit where he said oh i could actually add some extras in there if there was a big enough gap for him to make a hole he did he did some in the front as well so yeah i had to do that and that that took about probably about an hour and a half as well i'd say and then once we'd finished that it went on to the final part which is putting all those grafts back into your hair putting them back in took about three and a half hours because they're having to pick up the grafts from this part one by one putting them all back into the head and also making sure they're doing the ones with the single hairs and the double hairs and the triple hairs in the right place right um because that sounds a boring job there well i imagine it's fairly well paid oh and it's got to be i don't know i don't know i was going to go how would you get my money for this um but yeah so that that's kind of the whole process um this is what you asked about theo baker is why his healing process didn't seem to go as well as mine i'm this is a complete guess but it's kind of based on the conversation we had with him he said about so when they finished all this they bandaged up the back of my head but just left the front they cleaned it up but didn't put anything on the front of my head because if i was to risk pulling off a bandage from that i could be pulling all the grafts out all right so the whole transplant process was about eight and a half hours i want to say he's being stabbed in the head repeatedly yeah but it's all you're numb the whole time i'd say out of that eight and a half nine hours ten minutes was pain this is an important question are you more numb when you do that or when you leave the studio every thursday studio um he should have just commented on it during one of these episodes wouldn't have needed the anaesthetic um so yeah so it's about eight and a half hours long the the worst part of this whole process has been the recovery so much worse than the actual surgery really yeah so you you have to follow worse than having acid burning yeah the recovery process you you have a list of things you just have to follow so i don't know whether something went wrong with theos or whether he didn't follow it to a t but i've been like on it like probably too much i've been sleeping on the sofa instead of bed because i'm slightly worried of rolling in bed whereas on the sofa i've not got room to roll um but like the first two nights after you have to sleep with like a aeroplane pillow like a neck pillow you have to sleep on your back and you also have to sleep at like a 45 degree angle oh wow so the first two nights i got five hours sleep over those two nights yourself and um just pillows you made ariane stay up all night just holding you up yeah what pillows have you got well i've got like i was because i was on the sofa we've got like sofa pillows and stuff as well yeah so we just used what we could but i'm still sleeping on my back now because i'm still not allowed to touch the top of my head until day 14 and i'm on day 12. so what i'm at the moment is kind of like they're still small scabs so anyone watching this on youtube it doesn't look gross on the screen at all but it's just like ever so slight scabs but um they'll come off in the next couple of days but yeah so the 14 days you have to spray your hair every couple of hours with a saline solution um every you have to use like savlon and tea tree oil on the back of your head to make sure that heals fine back my head's absolutely fine so it looks no nothing at all so when i've taken the hairs out of the back and put them in the front yeah is your back not weird now i've got the photos of what that looked like that does look a little bit gross when they've first done it but you can see all the hairs that they've kept in still it's not like they take out every hair well loads of hair still there but the back of your head will be thinner than it was then i don't know i never actually asked but i always have the back and sides of my head shaved so it wouldn't affect me yeah does it have to be head hair i imagine so i think it will grow in a different way if it's anywhere else great if they said i used to know someone that uh that got burnt right and that hadn't needed the skin graft so they took it from like the pubic bit and then it would they'd grow pubes in their um i wish that happened to stevie's day but yeah so the so the recovery yeah the recovery stevie's pubes want to get some someone else's um i haven't taken enough out just a few of these the recovery has been awful but like i've just been so i haven't left the house or anything because i didn't want to gross anyone out was kind of like my reasoning you can leave the house like some people go back to work within a few days three to five days people go back to work but you're not allowed to exercise you're not allowed to shower properly or you can shower but you have to avoid getting on your hair you start washing your hair like a baby so like i put it in um lukewarm water in a cup with baby shampoo and pour it on my head um so there's loads of things you have to follow like oh the one thing as well is i think it's from the anaesthetic falling down your face for gravity but my face swelled up like a balloon over about four or five days so i'll give you the photos for that that was my favorite day first first it swelled at the top of my forehead where the anaesthetic went in and arianne kept calling me dolphin boy because my forehead came out like a dolphin then it dropped to just above my eyebrows and i looked like buzz lightyear and then it dropped to my eyes and my eyes bruised and i just look like i've been stung by a wasp [Laughter] full circle ironically when you look like buzz lightyear it gave me a wordy [Laughter] and then he's like type something and get some woman to come over and i start to get a bit nervous at this point he went now we can't let you on and the flight's about to leave in like an hour and a half
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 163,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hair transplant results, hair transplant process, hair transplant procedure, hair transplant uk, hair transplant journey, hair transplant before and after, hair transplant results after 1 month, british hair clinic, hair transplant recovery, stevie white hair, stevie white hair transplant, happy hour hair transplant, happy hour podcast, stevie11white hair transplant, stevie white vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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