Theo Baker’s BEEF With Jamie Carragher

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you had a bad experience with carragher did you yeah when he clocked me in the neck i think that's more of a salt than anything [Music] i think it was chris md that said this like i've met loads of celebrities been really really lucky but there's something different about footballers yeah we adore them and it's hard to put into words isn't it like because we all wanted to be football yeah i know that from a couple of weeks ago meeting rio ferdinand yeah the most embarrassing thing i think i was okay in front of him if this goes as a clip can i put this in oh yeah yeah you've got to do it for the contest it's not meeting ferdinand so i just met rio ferdinand at the premiere for people just do nothing and i'm a man united fan so to to to me it's like he's a legend united we knew he was there all night and once i had a few drinks so i was like i know it's not done thing really at these types of things but i just want to say you're an absolute hero you and vinich were the two guys i know you've never heard that before um you were the guys i loved and he was he was really nice about it was it in the toilet i don't i didn't think it was don't tell me it's in the toilet he's just going for a week i don't think it was no it wasn't it wasn't it was by the bar but that video is near the toilet yeah because it was later on when i saw katie let's play your reaction i just met i just spoke to rio ferdinand and i went to him and went mate honestly no ignore this i went i support man united this is it was mental i was i was smashed clearly yeah it was a free bar i've just met rio ferdinand [Laughter] you're a guest you're you're allowed to visit me like that yeah [ __ ] wreckage your face and whatnot because of those podcasts that was different i don't know why footballers are a different breed and it's because deep down the majority of people especially the people in our circles yeah that's all we ever wanted was the dream that is the dream yeah we've all been there trust me like yeah i was at a so i used to go to the glorious sportswoods in monaco oh okay last one was in berlin but it was in monaco and at the end of the event um there's a big party and this is like the the people at this event are like like all my days they're like the top tier of every sport oh wow so like what is the event sorry it's a charity sports awards that they just give out awards okay and they recognize a lot of good within sport right so like you've got like uh the older footballers like tony hawk uh chris hoy federer all these guys [ __ ] out and i'm just at this party looking around and like okay there's there is uh marcel di having the time of his life um and then it got to like three a.m and i'm pretty hammered and i'm like oh my god federer is still here well i'm about to go i'm like if i don't take this opportunity to go and say hello to him yeah i will regret it how do how do you deal in terms of like that environment like you asking for a photo thing like we just not do it i wouldn't i [Laughter] and i go on this like oh like heart felt sorry about how i like cause i'm a big tennis like i was really into my tennis as a kid yeah um i was like oh you're the hero in my family like i followed you my whole life like you're all the reason i got into tennis he's like oh thank you like he was a bit hammered as well we had this great part in exchange i thought yes i started walking away i'm like i can't i can't i go back and i'll make can i please get a photo yeah he's like of course of course so i've got like this really drunk photo of roger federer at 3am in a club in monaco i love that and i was like i'm so happy i did it now because if i didn't i would have regretted that moment yeah okay so we don't want to i kind of do want a name but i know you're not going to give me your name but have you had any horror stories filming with footballers yeah i i've spoken about this like recently uh like quite i need to stop saying the same story because otherwise everyone's going to think i hate them yeah i think given the name yeah every time it was i've said it like multiple times in the like last month and i feel bad but it doesn't matter uh yeah i was filming with bournemouth and it was like uh steve cook adam smith a phobia and jack wilshere i thought we just left i was like okay goodbye what during the filming he just didn't bother he just he'd obviously had a bad debt training or something so i don't wanna i don't i don't wanna go into it too much yeah but he left yeah um and then so the the precipice press is that word yeah a precipice yeah yeah the video idea yeah so bt filmed their goal recreation the premise the premise yeah there you go they filmed their goal recreation and then i got time with the players afterwards so it comes to my video the physio comes up and goes oh oh mate you guys can't kick any footballs i'm like right so you've just ruined my entire video because they're not allowed to kick any footballs because jack wilshere steve cook adam smith so i'm like okay fine so i had to change the video to me recreating this free kick and then like judging me right now i'm there having to do all the free kicks and they're just standing there watching me i'm trying to like squeeze every ounce of like joy out of them yeah and they just were not into it they would it was just the deadest video i've ever see it was painful it was painful to be there oh and then like halfway through i think jack realized like oh we should probably like start like helping him out a little bit yeah so fair played like first half of the video was awful fair play second half jack like you know nudged him a little bit and was like okay let's let's start picking this up and they were they were they were cool towards the end of the video right but like the first half was so difficult and i was like i was dying inside so i was like how is this how is this going to work yeah and then second half they picked it up it was great the comments [ __ ] hated them because you could tell like when it's not authentic yeah the second half was great and to be fit like i spoke to them afterwards they were really nice guys they had obviously just finished training they've done a [ __ ] they just couldn't be asked yeah and like i've i've spoken to jack like prior to that as well like he sent me a signed shirt and like oh wow signed shirts like he's a nice guy yeah i think i just you know you just caught them on like the wrong time yeah and i was like it was it was hard it was really really and it's hard because they would have probably well they would have definitely preferred the original idea yeah but they they weren't allowed these teams around them are a bit like why can't like yeah yeah they could have kicked it it would have been fine but i understood why they weren't allowed it's funny um i'm not sure if he's still got the same um kind of a not agent but like i don't know what he's what he's called but bellerin's right-hand man right was just this geezer from london like he was class and i remember we were filming and we had a there was a few footballers and we asked it was for sport when i worked for sport and we had to give them a bauble and say how many kps can you do but none of them were again were allowed to kick a ball so they weren't even allowed to do that and a couple of footballers can't remember they were but they were like no i can't do it i can't do it and then we went over to bellerin's guy and went is he all right to do this and he just looked and went yeah yeah he's like what like yes but when you get somebody who's just normal like that like he's not going to do his acl like doing flicking that up you had a bad experience with carragher did you when he clocked me in the neck i think that's more of a salt than anything do you know about this no in my defense it was during an interview as well he just went back in my defense like i tried to magedy spin him yeah in front of 36 000 people yeah i had it coming right i had it coming but why can't you if you can pull it off jamie if i pulled it off like his career was done let's face it you've been schooled by like a blonde haired [ __ ] like he's done but unfortunately i [ __ ] it up and as he was running he went and he just clocked me in the neck i was like choking i was like oh my god and everyone's seen it and the ref just said play on wow there's a stone wall foul yeah but did he do something with joe as well he just like started him on the on he didn't even make contact like the video is like you can see it like he's gone in for the studs but he hasn't really made contact yeah but like everyone made a big deal out of that and now i'm there it's like mate you know i can't breathe i'm i'm on the floor choking and no one said anything but do fair like every time i see him now like he's fine yeah like he's like he'll come up to me and say hello oh really yeah he's like he's a nice like he's a nice guy yeah but i in ibiza i was on an electric surfboard going going around the yacht and uh how the other half lived yeah and i was on the i was on the surfboard i was like oh it's jamie carragher just on his yacht i guess oh i was debating like but i thought maybe not you go past your elbows yeah we'll leave this one i don't antagonize him anymore we got put in this secret room in weber spoons and we're just sitting there on this table just us free like with a barricaded they barricaded the door in so what
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 285,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theo baker jamie carragher, theo baker carragher, theo baker bellerin, jaackmaate hector bellerin, joe weller wembley cup, theo baker wembley cup
Id: q7pgncC3J1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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