I Shaved My HEAD BALD 4 Years After Hair Transplant | Surgeon Reacts

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I'm going to react to I shaved my head bald four years post hair transplant from the bald Cafe before we get into it I just want to remind you that we have a Weekly Newsletter that talks about hair loss and offers information on hair restoration be sure to subscribe to it at hairlines news.com she said what the hell is that on the back of your head like there's a big pre-pre-hair transplant I had a hair transplant that was back in 2019 so I had basically all of the front done the sides done because I had very receding hairline as you can see in the picture so he had a hair transplant at some point and what I'm seeing here is that they recreated his temples he has now this anterior Temple Peak and they kept his frontal temporal angle quite sharp he has some decent irregularity at the hairline which is good it looks like they went fairly high density with the packing of the graphs so yeah this seems like it was a fairly big procedure for the frontal scalp and the temples and maybe even further back but I just can't see the mid scalp from this angle all my sideburns here we're all receding so I basically had all of that done and obviously so people say sideburns but really it's the whole temporal area it's more than just the Sideburn portion from the back of the head and the sides of one year compressor so yeah of course they took the hair from the standard donor area from the occipital scale up and potentially the parietal scalp as well it looks to me this one year comparison actually shows a really nice result so his face is much better framed and he's kind of combing the hair down so it really closes down the forehead even more but it looks like I mean I don't see the donor area but at least from the angle that I'm looking at it it does look very good and like overall he had a great result so let's see what happened Harrison post and up to the one year mark had really good hair it's quite thick came back really nice but then after that I don't know what happened maybe a year and a half later it just it just started getting thinner and thicker well here's a question was he on any medical therapy any time that I have a patient who comes my way for a consultation the discussion is about more than just surgery it's about the bigger picture you know why are they losing hair what's the circumstance that surrounds that what's the family history are they on any medical therapy because surgery is not something that should be done in a vacuum you have to consider the bigger picture and so I I wonder for this gentleman if they even discussed medical therapy or if he was on anything such as finasteride minoxidil microneedling laser light all these things that we talk about on the channel remember the medical therapy is to preserve the hair that you have right in this whole DHT sensitive Zone and you can see some of the other pictures where I've got the hairline but the whole head is just really thin and that's kind of just been just playing on my mind ever since taking finasteride which I never took before and that kind of helped a little bit but not right but the question is did he start to take finasteride maybe too late so he seems to maybe have gotten on finasteride way like after his actual surgery and so if he had started on it right away even before he had the transplant I think he would be in a different position today some angles I do really like it biggest thing I noticed was after my wife pointed out to me she said what the hell is that on the back of your head like there's a big line oh is it the fut scar let's see it's basically a big patch on the back of my head from where they took the hair when I did the hair oh interesting so he still had Fue it looks like but honestly the scars did not heal great it looks like in many areas the scars have fused together which means that with the initial extractions they were harvested too close to one another and also in a fairly irregular manner so you can see on the back of the head how there's like this almost like this flow that goes up like this instead of straight across so they went into even parts of his crown for the extraction most of my patients are wearing the back of their head really short right after their hair transplants it's just especially you know young people these days that's that's the style so if you create the appearance of something that looks like this they're going to be very uncomfortable wearing their hair short this does not look good right because basically you can see a big patch of tiny micro holes of hair missing kind of even though it's done tactically and it's kind of spaced out but when you've got kind of like this shaving head buzz cut it's really visible so yeah it's kind of one of them ones I wish I had that's why it's imperative to think long term right to say I'm going to invest in a hair transplant regardless of how much it costs and then I'm not interested in medical therapy it doesn't really make sense right if you don't want medical therapy that's fine but just accept sort of the natural course of events don't try to get a hair transplant and then regret it later on we've got hedge funds but at the same time I'm glad I did because then I've got this kind of nice hairline at the front and it's kind of it doesn't look too bad even when I shave it off but to be honest this look you could probably have achieved with just SMP which is scalp micropigmentation we have a video on that make sure to check it out he can still get SMP into the Fue scars that might not be a bad option to mask the appearance of them I also used to try and keep my hair a bit at a perfect length whereby because it was so thin it didn't if it was any longer it would Clump and then when it's clumping you obviously see straight into your scalp so I'd try and keep it a certain length where it was evenly distributed to make it look thicker yeah people figure out clever ways of masking or covering up their thinning hair for sure so I kind of had that battle ever since many years for at least like 10-15 years now and I just kind of got sick of it because even now yeah as I've said in Prior videos when you're stuck in that in between state of having you know a bit of hair but not enough to make it look too presentable and feel great about it that's a tough place to be and sometimes shaving your head at that point is an option you'll just look 10 times worse I was washing it with shampoo every single day I even tried washing it without shampoos it leaving comes some of the oils in the hair yeah so a lot of patients ask me does it matter how frequently I wash my hair doesn't matter if my hair tends to be be quite oily most of those factors do not truly lead to a lot of hair loss I mean could it impact it to a small degree maybe but not in any major way if I was walking in this kind of windy and rainy a little bit of wind would just like lift up a big chunk of my hair and it was sticking up and then you just see your scalp it's it's just so fragile it's an extremely fragile kind of way of living where no one could touch my hair it had to be set in the right way all the time I was always conscious about it if I wore a hat I couldn't take it off and continue my day because the hat would instantly yeah I think when anything uh physical is occupying your life so much and and your thoughts throughout the day then probably something needs to change we just decided to book it so me and my mate we decided to go together and just get it done because I just thought you know what's the worst that could happen so you know this is um a real surgery and we have a video on hair transplant risks and complications you have to go to a place that you can really trust at least from like a medical perspective will take good care of you hygienic perspective it's quite spontaneous had really good progress as you saw in the pictures after a year really liked it but then after about a year and a half it just started to go thin again there wasn't any any real reason it was more so just to get my hairline back I think it worked quite well obviously apart from the unavoidable area where at the back you're going to have that scarring and the holes that you can visibly see so sometimes you guys ask me well why not do just like a mega session four thousand five thousand graphs all at once and it's for this reason if you do say two sessions of 2000 to 2500 graphs versus one session of four thousand to five thousand graphs the actual scarring that results is very different it's not the same thing even though the ultimate number of graphs is the same over the course of time turkey or yeah yeah so yeah I'm glad I've kind of had it done but if I'd known probably back then that I was going to shave my head off and just again this type of result could have been achieved anywhere in the world it's not the fact that it was just turkey there are good clinics in Turkey but you know we have other videos on on turkey and uh you know kind of medical tourism okay this is what I'm going to look like if I've got my side of my head and I think it looked quite good so I thought okay what's the worst that could happen that's true actually if you just shave your head the worst that can happen is you have a shaved head for a few weeks until you know you let it grow back there's really no major downside but does freak people out so you know I'm glad Harry from Ball Cafe makes it more acceptable for people to do that it makes them more comfortable doing that more power to them and there's nothing wrong with a little bit of bald right looking back is there any advice or any message that you would share with any other Lads out there that might be struggling with it or they're on the fence I feel like my my case was kind of unique where I had really thin hair and I was just constantly battling with no I don't think that's unique at all it's actually a very common scenario that I hear about all the time because I know when I had my hair transplant and I saw my hair really short basically like it is now I actually really liked it and no one ever said anything when I was because obviously had to go to work and stuff where I was in the office no one no one noticed and no one really said anything some people actually said oh it looks good see I think the biggest advice I can give is try it don't be afraid to try it yeah I think a lot of times we're Our Own Worst Enemy when it comes to people judging our looks I think we judge ourselves in a much more harsh light than how others actually perceive or judge us and that's just reality since you enjoyed this reaction video make sure to check out our reaction to Joey from better ideas
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 2,006,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hair loss, hair transplant, hair transformation, education, reaction, Dr. Gary Linkov, City Facial Plastics, surgeon reacts
Id: uzlTqoD1nPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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