I Raced My First IRONMAN 70.3 & This Happened...

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] everything that could have gone wrong in the last two weeks has gone wrong um and now we're what six days out he's gonna die he's gonna die project Iron Man 2022 we're here wait here we are then Saturday night Saturday evening the night before my half Iron Man I'm feeling more confident than I was this morning this morning I was a nervous wreck but I've done a lot of things today which have helped me out but the last couple of days have been they've been actually very very good you know we we got into France Thursday afternoon spent about four hours driving down to a lovely Chateau in the in the middle of the French Countryside a lovely a lovely job I will say in the pouring down rain but by the time we got to the Chateau Sunshine it was beautiful I did a light ride today and my last swim was on the Tuesday the last week you want to sort of be coming down so you're meant to have reached your Peak rest for a bit because you're not going to lose much Fitness in a week so you rest you know do a bits and balls like I did the swim the light cycle ride and then at your Peak you're ready come race now you're fully rested you're fully fit and you're ready to go the mistake I did was I went to red chili peppers on Saturday and got smashed so I'm hoping a week's past but I'm hoping that doesn't make a difference in the race maybe that's the reason I'm not gonna finish it we are currently loading the car with all the transition bags and the bike we've got to take this to the transition area essentially the day before um so dropping off the bike dropping off the T1 bag T2 bag and streetwear bag so yeah it spent about an hour just making sure everything is in the correct bag got all the stickers on the correct place but we've got there finally let's go do it I wish I had done like one of these iron land before like if I did a second one I'd be so much more calm all of this is like the unknown I remember going into my uh in that first like Triathlon I did so nervous not knowing what to do where to put things exactly the same this time like once you do it once I feel like you're much more relaxed so this is like popping my uh Iron Man virginity even though I'm not racing against anyone the only person I'm racing against is myself I don't really have any reason to be nervous it's just quite like overwhelming I think I think that's what I think that's what I'm struggling with but uh yeah we'll see how I am in the morning and tonight I wonder if I'll be able to sleep at all right I'm off to go put the uh the stuff in transition one what is an Iron Man 70.3 well it's half an Iron Man so it's a 1.9 K swim a 90 kilometer cycle and then a half marathon 21.1 kilometers a total of 70.3 miles of racing I've absolutely hit the nail on the head with this one I've got an unbelievable location Okay so it's done T1 T2 transition all done seeing the transition area now has maybe more confident it was like it was the unknown that I was scared of I think whereas now it's the gnome and once I drop off this little bag here we're ready to go I don't know I reckon there might be a few tears you know it might be a bit overwhelming I don't really know I'm going to react because it has been Lumen over my head for the like the last six seven months so I think it'll be very overwhelming plan tonight get my dinner in me finish off my nutrition plan and get a very early night's sleep because as I said it's a four or five a.m wake up tomorrow morning is there a sponsor and of course this wouldn't be possible without the help of I've got to say a massive thank you to hella fresh they have sponsored the Iron Man video for me and if I'm being honest I've been using hella fresh for about two to three years now they are absolutely amazing if you don't know what they are it's super easy okay you go on the website you're ordering a meal kit for you to Freshly prepare at home everything is fresh you get to choose up to two three or four person meals loads and loads of them to choose from on their website and it arrives fresh at your door in a matter of days so with that being said let me cook you up a little storm unloading my ingredients ready to pick up that storm and what do I find a free bar of chocolate I absolutely love hello fresh I've got my ingredients out I've got my recipe and I'm making the bulgogi beef bowl it says make it within 20 minutes and that's what I'm not gonna do Pepper's done rice about to get cooking and I'll tell you what the best thing about hellofresh is the simple to use instructions I can't cook but I can cook with hello fresh [Applause] I am the crusher of peanuts hello fresh is convenient especially with how much training I've been with the Iron Man knowing that I have a gourmet food waiting for me in 20 minutes perfect see you and I present to you my bulgogi beef bowl by hellofresh tell me that doesn't look absolutely Sensational made in only 20 minutes and if you want to get yourself 60 off your first order of hellofresh plus 25 of two months worth of hello fresh use the code theobaker six the at checkout all the links are in the description down below terms and conditions of plan if you want to make dinners like this use hello fresh oh my God that is amazing very bad this morning feeling a bit nervous all right I think I'll be asking Carl when I get there just wish I had more sleep it's a little like um foreign [Music] but obviously we're gonna have to get there nice and early get a good breakfast in us go to the transition area I'm guessing walk around meet a fellow participant say hello to the family um it's gonna it's gonna be a lot of probably hanging around and like nervous nervous tension nervous feelings and then come eight o'clock which is actually quite a late start um it's go time straight into the sea the Arctic no it's not the Atlantic thank God it's not the Arctic it's the Atlantic uh I don't know if they'll find a spot here maybe they will this is the chip that makes the the clock go round and let's say puts on my left ankle at times with everything so the goal is now I've got my tri-suit on got my sliders on I did actually I've forgotten my uh my streetwear bag for after the race so I'm basically I'm gonna have to give my bag to Jody and she's gonna carry it all day sadly but um at least I haven't forgotten anything important most importantly but yeah I'm gonna drop off my two water bottles into my bike now and then it's a walk down to the to the starting line [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's for sure I'm gonna go do a bit of a warm-up in there in the seed do a bit of like running I'm trying to get as warm as I can so I'm not cold going into the water but you know what there's so many people here like the swim doesn't look I was a bit nervous about the swim being like crazy start I like getting trampled but it looks pretty all right to be honest so yeah we're ready now we're ready foreign [Music] is definitely the hardest thing for me and I think if I get through the swim I genuinely think like I'm just cruising if I get through the swim I'll complete the whole thing if I get for the first 400 meters I think I'll just settle into a nice Rhythm and we'll get out the other side you know I've done a marathon on no training if I think back to how much pain I was in for that matter from no training then weirdly enough this should be okay [Music] all right you get out the water and then actually I think I'm pretty sure there's like a bonus 200 meter run so it's actually a I think a 200 meter run to the transition area where like socks on obviously getting the wetsuit off shoes on making sure I've got everything from my T1 transition bag for the bike so I included all the nutrition the bars the gels making sure I've got all of that and then hop on the bike and we and we're flying basically foreign as I said I want to do it in around three hours three and a half tops which is an average of 30 kilometers an hour I'm hoping I do that and actually the cycle for me is the most important bit because I obviously as I said I've done a VO2 max I've done a sweat test and even though I'm not a heavy sweater I am a heavy calorie burn I burn a lot of calories so on the bike I'm doing a gel and a bake alternating every half an hour so I'm doing a lot I'm trying to consume as much calories as possible because on the bike it's the easiest place to get those calories on board obviously a lot of water and electrolytes as well but for me it's going to be eating regularly on the bike to set myself up and put me in the best possible State for the Run [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] the third of the way through pretty much bang on an hour so if you keep it up or of course they're finished the bike section three hours which is better than I wanted I want to do three and a half so as I said let's hope we kind of continue this pace it's better it's high [Music] oh we've upgraded the bike this year oh my goodness me we dropped money but I had to my bike I was using previously it was a good road bike but it wasn't good enough for an Iron Man to keep up with it like yes people will use any bike like people will use any bike but for me if I'm being honest like I need any help I can get and ever since I bought this new Cannondale system six it has been unbelievable it's like a spaceship like you just you just fly through the air Nothing Stops me you're just cutting through the ice fan I it's the best one of the best things I've ever bought in my life I absolutely love it that will definitely help me and make a difference on this ride I think especially over 90 kilometers it looks like [Music] foreign whack off the shoes whack on the running shoes and you've got a half marathon to do I mean why it just sounds brilliant doesn't it 21.1 kilometers I've actually ran no more than 12K in my in my practice you know last summer I was doing like 15 so I know I can do it and I also know that when it gets to those dark points like with that like running the marathon I know that my body will just keep Left Foot Right Foot Left Foot Right Foot just all that timing that's why I wanna my goal is to basically survive the swim annihilate the cycle go as fast as I can and just leave nothing left on the bike and just hope that my brain can just take me through the Run thank you foreign not here [Applause] together Thea's been training really hard since last August he decided last August after the seafood Triathlon that he was going to do this he's worked incredibly hard and had to cope with injuries as ever running regularly cycling swimming he's come down to Seaford and swam in the sea quite a lot and he's really persevered I'm a very proud dad today Theo's got a great attitude in life and is a great example to all the young guys around who he sets himself a fantastic number of different challenges and this is probably the big high point to do this event is just staggering I wouldn't even contemplate it growing up he's always been sort of driven to to sort of exceed the limits um and now I think he's at a time where you know this is just this is what he wants to do today oh once he puts his mind something he's uh he's gonna he's gonna smash it uh he's doing incredibly well I was filming him going into the water and you know we've been tracking him on the app and I mean I just can't wait to watch him cross the line he was worried that he wouldn't complete within eight hours so probably would have just said that he definitely would do it he's been training him really hard there was no way he wasn't going to complete it okay Thea you're doing really really well so good luck keep going keep cycling hard keep running and you're doing really well love you darling we're looking forward to seeing you coming in triumphant at the end of this event it's been great uh keep it up and I can't wait to have a beer and a celebration with you later he's done amazing so far I've done CIA very proud foreign [Music] I keep thinking about the moment of crossing the line and I feel like I'm going to be a blubbering mess because I I'm gonna be in the bin I think because it honestly this training is like it really has taken its toll like it's actually been quite stressed I can't lie like saying no to a lot of things and it's always on your mind so every time I go out for a drink even if it's one beer it's always at the back of your mind everything I can't just relax it's always like should you be doing that should you be doing that then you have Iron Man training to do I honestly I can't wait for this to be done I cannot wait for this to be over [ __ ] hell oh that'd be in my time by light but I couldn't even imagine doing it that time oh thank you [Music] oh my gosh Jesus Christ man [ __ ] blubber and mess oh that was that was hard that was really hard let's go find the family eh oh thank you boys you look very [ __ ] okay we are back at the hotel now and I've got my high priced normatec 2.0 compression boots on I can't lie I'm on like that verge of like cramping but not quite cramping I'm still in disbelief how I haven't cramped and that is thanks to Luke's nutrition for me he's absolutely smashed it like without being too deep like I ended it and my pee was still clear that's how much I was hydrating overall 6 out of 40 was my time very very very happy with that I just felt really confident like the more I swam the better I felt the one thing I will say is that I put my goggles under my swim cap highly recommend it because I went past someone whose goggles had flown off because they were obviously warm over their swim cap and it was having to breaststroke like head up the water and honestly I couldn't think of anything worse but I got a PB In The Swim 45 minutes I couldn't believe how fast I swam that's so so gassed um the bike I just went Twitter's on the bike I just went as hard as I could and I was the whole my whole plan was go as hard as you could on the bike feel the pain for the last 15K Sam you all know I was in hell for that last 15K but yeah the plan was to go as hard as I could on the bike did it in like 318 I think it was um and I was just hoping that I had enough in the tank to complete the run but that it would end up being a two Loop course in my word that's long that's the longest two-looped course of my life that start of the Run was absolutely horrific added like six minutes onto my time because I had to go to a proper toilet um and obviously I stopped for like water and to get sprayed down which is really really nice overall I'm so happy with my time I did so much better than I thought I was going to do like it just shows you no matter how much you trained your body will always go that one step further whether that's up in the mind or in the Lakes this round my head is yeah it means everything and uh what next that's the question I guess we'll have to find out a full Iron Man is like you don't train for a full Iron Man like it's a it's a life it's a life you know what I mean like an Iron Man you have to change your entire life you're doing like 25 hours of training a week how anyone does an Iron Man is is insane but it's actually insane and then again or if you start training the distances for a full Iron Man you become accustomed I don't know it's gonna count to me [Music] foreign
Channel: Theo Baker
Views: 838,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theo baker, theo baker football, theo baker sidemen, sidemen charity match, triathlon, ironman, theo baker ironman, theo baker triathlon, ironman 70.3, ironman tips, i raced my first ironman 70.3, how to train for an ironman
Id: VrsD8N3bFEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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