The Wuthering Waves Hate is Ridiculous [WUWA]

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welcome to the very first video that's going to be a weing waves Yap Fest about the game or the state of the community things like that figured I wanted to just kind of share my opinion and talk a little bit about woa and where the future of it's going to go and stuff like that because I've been playing it a lot I'm already ul41 I've got a ton of God R Echo sets and stuff like that and a pretty good team I've also played gench in HSR so I have some experience with those games as well and I've just heard a lot of debate about the game so I wanted to talk about it a little bit in this video okay so the main point that I want to talk about today is basically the hatred that some people have for weing waves in like Rai scotcha gaming for example so if you're not caught up basically rash scota gaming which is one of the worst subreddits on the entire website seriously you can just avoid it all together and your life will be a lot better basically there's been a lot of people talking about these posts on R scota gaming that are basically talking really negatively about weing waves and saying it's going to fail and different things like that because that subreddit is invested into a lot of other gacha games and for that reason they don't really want weing waves to take off because it means that they are kind of being left behind essentially and unfortunately the gacha Gaming Community has essentially just kind of got to this really terrible point over all these years the community that kind of came out of the Woodworks and cropped up around genin impact was one of the worst communities on the entire planet obviously it's not all bad there are some people from the genjin community that aren't terrible people but a lot of them are but you don't need me to tell you that there's been countless amounts of Articles and tweets and Etc over the years that have very well proven that today though what I want to talk about is the stupid logic of wanting weing waves to fail just because you're invested into other gacha games even if you don't play weing Waves or you don't like it and you want to stick to your other Goa games like genin impact or honkai Star rail you can just totally do that like that's not a problem you can stick to those games and you don't have to play weathering waves but weaing waves existing is actually good for you because the existence of weaing waves drives competition see one of the major problems with gench and impact is that there was not really anything to even challenge it Tower of fantasy came out and that game was kind of a big deal on release but now it basically never gets talked about you never hear someone say that they play Tower of fantasy it's always like they play genin or HSR or whatever so that game really did not create a big enough competition for genin impact I personally played Tower fantasy myself felt like it didn't really have like a good coherent theme it sort of just felt like this mangled version of a gacha game with a bunch of random Parts stuck together just a bunch of like random references and random parts put together genin is a lot different than this and one thing I can praise them for is the game really feels like it has a theme to it the characters are very iconic and recognizable and the overall art style of the game is just something that you can instantly notice so basically my point is Tower of fantasy was never really a big piece of competition for genin and so it never really caused them to actually have to do anything as a result of tower fantasy existing and of course honkai star rail isn't the same type of game as genin and it's also owned by the same company so again not really any competition there so for all these years genin has kind of just sat at the top of the throne with absolutely no Challengers and for that reason they've treated their game pretty badly again this isn't really something I have to talk about it's already been said a million times before but for example we can look at the first anniversary where there was an insanely low amount of Primo gems offered which is completely contradictory to like every other gacha game's first anniversary ever and I can almost guarantee that weaing waves's first anniversary is going to have like probably multiple free 10 Poes the reason genin actually did that for their first anniversary is because they see you as a number they don't really care about their consumers or who's playing the game they just care about you playing the game and them making money off of you and when they have zero competition whatsoever there's no incentive for them to provide or to try and retain your attention to the game they can give you that lackluster number of polls because they know you're going to keep playing gench and impact there's no other game like it for you to play or for you to have your attention distracted by and that's exactly where weing waves comes in weing waves has done so well and has had so much positive reception that has created an actual sort of competition for gench and impact and the effects of this we're probably not going to see for a little while as genin sort of has to plan and get everything ready but I guarantee a lot of the practices that people are not very happy with with Hoover are going to be kind of phased out going forward because genin wants people to play their game not weing waves now a game exists that directly competes with genin and does a lot of things better so a lot of people that were dissatisfied with genin's bad policies and bad practices can now move over to weing waves where a lot of those practices are changed like the stamina system for example one of the biggest complaints with genin impact was just how clunky and how bad the stamina system kind of felt to play with next up is Barbara and she's on a whole different level than Amber the loudness of the moon has a much Fuller resonance but weaing waves changed this massively and made it a lot more fun and a lot more fluid allowing you to scale a lot more walls and do a lot better parkour which was not something that was possible in genin and a huge Improvement in weathering waves and these sort of things are all things that genin impact can improve on and different ideas that they can actually just take after all weaing waves did definitely get inspired by genin you can see it in a lot of the different characters you can see it in the stylization of the game and the way that like Echoes work but simply put the base version of weathering waves that we currently have is just a much better version of genin impact one thing that I wanted to touch on that I don't think a lot of people have talked about was the fact that in genin Impact when it actually first released there was no new character for quite a while if I recall correctly the First new limited character to be released was tartaglia or whatever his name was the spear guy I remember that because I primarily played genin on release and I really wanted the tartaglia guy but it was really annoying because every time I would log in genjin over that like first two weeks he was just never out and he took quite a while to actually come out too if I remember correctly but weing waves did something completely different and they had this character yinlin who a lot of people wanted and they released her very early into the game being out so it felt like there was this actual content update that came to weathering waves after its initial release so there was like actually new stuff to do and new characters to get after like a week of playing wethering waves which is a lot better feeling they're also being extremely transparent and telling us that even more characters are going to come on June 28th and things like that and that's also very important for a company and so that kind of transitions us into the next part of this video which is basically the future of weaing waves so obviously I think there's going to be a lot of vitriol and people just saying that weaing wave sucks right now because they are invested in other gotcha games and they don't want a new one to become successful because they're going to feel like they have fomo but I think this problem is sort of contained into the release time of weaing waves and I don't think these people are really going to persist after a long period of time it's going to feel like there's so much more content in the game that the fear of missing out kind of just ends up phasing out entirely because they're so far behind in the first place there's no reason to complain about another gotcha game that you feel like you're missing out on if there's just so much content in it that it's going to take you an extremely long time to even get caught up in the first place at a certain point you've already missed out that's actually how I feel about honai star rail a lot I played star rail on release I got to like Trailblazer level 30 or something like that and then I kind of just quit and dropped the game entirely but now after looking into a lot of the honai star rail stuff and seeing the cool new bosses and all the great characters and all the things they've done like giving out the free five-star limited unit I feel that I missed out too because I didn't play this entire time so I didn't save up a bunch of the resources that I need I didn't clear a lot of the story and things like that I didn't get my characters leveled up I can't do some of the cool endgame content and now there's so much content in honkey star rail that my only option is to just play it and grind through everything to get caught up if I want to be part of the honkey star rail gameplay Loop so I have no fear of missing out and I don't have any negative feelings towards honk star rail because there's so much content in the game that there's no way I'm going to catch up anyway so yeah I think in the future cycle of weathering waves' existence I don't think these people that are talking negatively about it on like RCA gaming are going to continue doing that it just doesn't really make sense one of the main complaints I'm seeing about the game of course is its performance but I think this is always just a really stupid complaint especially about weaing waves because they've already made it very clear that they know about the performance issues and they're working on fixing them they've literally already sent compensation to us for the performance issues like they know the performance issues exist they're completely aware of it complaining about the performance at this point is just really stupid because they already know and they're already working on it over time those are going to get ironed out as the game makes more money and they're able to put more development towards that kind of thing as far as my memory serves me I don't think there's been any game that has gotten worse over time in terms of their base performance arcs rival evolved is a good example that game had terrible performance on launch but over time and after the game made a lot more money they were able to iron a lot of those issues out and now you can play RX rly evolved on decent settings on a lower-end machine machine obviously some performance issues still exist with ARX rival evolved but it got a lot better over time because they were able to allocate more resources towards fixing that that's just kind of the cycle of how performance issues work in general what we don't want is a company that doesn't acknowledge the performance issues at all and never tries to fix them that's something that is kind of happened with hongkai star Rail and genin where on a lot of the sort of mid or kind of older devices on mobile you're still going to have the device heat up like crazy like my iPhone for example heats up like crazy and drains my battery when I play hongkai Star Rail and this is largely just because Hoy over didn't really address the issues and never really tried to fix them to be completely Fair it's an extremely demanding game for a mobile device but it could be improved and just isn't being improved because again there's not really any competition and no reason for them to do any of that but weing waves does have competition they're fighting one of the biggest giants in the gacho category in general so fixing these performance issues fast is one thing they've really prioritized and obviously they are working on it and even though its performance still sucks I'm not going to act like it's perfect it has improved significantly and I have felt that the game has got a lot more fluid and a lot more playable my PC is pretty old but it runs wethering waves like butter it's like very very smooth there's not really any issues I have problems with like the first 5 minutes of startup sometimes it'll like kind of lag and load in all the assets but after it does that it's just completely smooth another big complaint has been like camera issues camera acceleration and things like that personally I don't share that complaint I have not had any problems with the camera and I don't really know why people are talking about that but of course that's just my anecdotal experience if you guys are having issues with the camera then that obviously sucks but again they're going to fix it in the future in fact they already were notified about camera issues with morning IES the boss they are aware that the issues exist so again it's a stupid complaint to have because they're going to fix them and finally the last complaint that I've seen is that there isn't going to be enough free PS in weing waves for free-to-play players and to be honest with you I just don't really agree with this point at all weing waves has already given out so much free stuff and so many free polls just to anybody vastly more than get should impacted on their launch I've played with a lot of characters in wethering waves already including a lot of the four stars I mean I'm building Alto right now who is a character character that is kind of just overlooked by a lot of people and honestly he's pretty good and he can finish a lot of the endgame content as long as I build him correctly which is all very very possible my main complaint with weing waves in general would just be the fact that you have to farm all of these random forgery systems it just feels like there's too many different materials and that feels like it can be streamlined a little bit better I don't want to have to spend my wave plates on a whole bunch of different Forge challenges when I need them for other more important things and I feel like the resources that you actually get from doing those Forge challenges are just too minimal you just don't really get enough resources at all but anyway that's going to be the Yap session about weaing waves you don't have to hate on weaing waves just because it's the big new thing you can keep playing gench and impact I guarantee the game is going to get significantly better now because they actually have a competitor in the space and they can't get away with just giving you 200 Primo gems for the 50th Anniversary you don't have to knock other games just because they're new go drink some water it's the elixir of Life be kind to each other have a good day see you [Music] oh
Channel: NaloTwo
Views: 3,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuwa, wuthering waves, genshin, genshin impact, hsr, honkai, honkai star rail, honkai starrail, starrail, robin, boothill, calcharo, jiyan, yinlin, verina, encore, klee, gacha, gacha game, gacha pulls, pulls
Id: t6cGc3In1RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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