COMPLETE JINHSI GUIDE! Best Jinhsi Build - Weapons, Echoes, Teams & Showcase | Wuthering Waves

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hey what's up guys today we're going to talk about jinc the newest Fest star resonator in weathering waves jinc is a spectral main DPS broad blade user who has huge instances of burst damage and is a character who I'm going to help you guys build and play efficiently in this video we're going to cover everything you need to know about Jin C giving you her best Echoes stats weapons teams rotations and also explaining what she does and including a showcase before we begin I want you guys to know that I do stream most nights on Twitch Link in the description if you're interested let me know if you enjoy this type of content and want me to keep covering weathering waves and with all that out of the way let's now talk about gin C our so starting things off let's talk about what jiny actually does and then talk about why she's so good and how to play her efficiently well first of all it's worth mentioning that her kit does seem quite complicated there's a lot of depth to it but it can be simplified relatively easily and so that's what I'm going to try to do first of all let's talk about a resonance skill this is an ability that has a few different forms with the first base one being pretty straightforward it's a dash that deals spectro damage with that in mind that's not how you should be using your skill as you can actually get access to a much better skill called resident skill overflowing Radiance though will deal spectral damage and send jiny into her special Incarnation State the way to get this skill is by either doing four basic attacks and then you'll notice your skill will glow you'll get your special skill and you'll enter Incarnation or by using your intro skill which is typically going to be optimal where you get conserto energy on another character swap into your gin C triggering her intro skill and then getting access to your special resonance skill which you can use and enter Incarnation after you do that giny will start to float in the air being able to deal damage from midair and be in an Airborne foreign State all of her attacks and skills can be cast this way it does make for more unique gameplay which I find fun but also making it a bit more difficult to get used to and Dodge efficiently as you enter Incarnation you'll immediately have another skill Crescent Divinity which you can use right away all of these different skills you're using as well as your Basics that are all listed on your Forte circuit are all considered resonance skill damage which is important to understand after doing four basic attacks inside of incarnation you will unlock your third skill which is called illuminous epiphany this one will have a big dragon shooting down at enemies and will be a massive nuke of spectro damage this is your biggest total scaling when you add everything up dealing a large amount of spectr damage and being a huge source of your overall damage on gin C she is somewhat of a nuke DPS in that regard because yes her Basics do damage and so does her Echo and her residence Liberation but this powerful instance of damage is nothing to scoff at and a large chunk of her DPS the way this effectively third skill cast will work is while yes you unlock it after doing four basic attacks inside of your Incarnation it will also deal much more damage based on how many incandescent Stacks you have in fact when jiny is in your party all of your other resonators gain eras in unity what this means is that as all of your other resonators are doing attribute damage meaning just any damage of any attribute jiny will gain one incandescent stack additionally she will also gain two incandescent Stacks when resonators in the party deal coordinated attacks this can be triggered through multiple characters and we'll go over this in the team section but characters that can do coordinated attacks include Yan Wu yinlin mortify and Vina and as they do joint coordinated attacks alongside your active character jiny will gain two incandescent acts with both of these effects being able to be triggered up to once every 3 seconds with jiny's outro skill however this will be changed to once every second to help you gain Stacks more rapidly now the maximum amount of incandescent Stacks you can get are 50 and your third skill press the big dragon nuke will deal much more damage based on how many incarnation Stacks you have as you can see by this additional multiplier on your Forte Talent now to make these Stacks easier to understand all you need to know is that every instance of attribute damage will give you one incandescent stack up to once per 3 seconds or per second with your outro active on top of that if you do a coordinated hit you will also gain another two and so if you do a coordinated attack and it's also attribute damage which they all are you will gain up to three stacks for your gency off of just that one coordinated attack now if the coordinated attack is spe for example with Vina you may only get two if your jinc is already giving you one of spectro because there's internal cool down on how many stacks you can gain from a specific attribute it's once every three or 1 second again depending on if you used or didn't use your outro but to not make things complicated just know that you'll gain Stacks as you do coordinate attacks and also as you just do attribute damage if you're running a coordinated attacker think of someone like yanu or yinin whenever they'll do a coordinated hit of Electro damage you will gain three stacks of incandescence effectively for free up to once every 3 seconds or 1 second with your outro skill additionally as Jin's attacking she will passively gain incandescent stacks for herself just by dealing spectral damage this is the same with her Echo for example J Who's constantly dealing damage and also applies if you swap to another resonator and are doing attribute damage on them jiny will gain one stack from that as well tldr you stack up your skill by just doing damage and even more so by doing coordinated attacks stacking up your incandescence is essential and I'll give you guys an example rotation coming up shortly but for now know that you just stack this up passively by attacking and by having a coordinated attacker ideally on your team although you can play jiny without it will get into that later and then doing as much damage as possible with your skills nuke lastly worth noting that after you use your third skill illuminus Epiphany jiny will gain Unison which allows her to trigger her outro skill which is her sort of equivalent of conserto energy meaning that at the end of your rotation after using your giant dragon nuke you can swap to your next character triggering their intro skill and jiny's outro skill moving on for the rest of her kit has a solid resonance Liberation that is another instance of burst spectral damage pretty solid not quite as strong as your skill but a nice bonus although it does have a high resonance cost of 150 and a long coold down of 24 seconds outside of that jiny's intro skill is pretty straightforward and she also gains spectral damage bonus and an intros skill multiplier on her kit if you unlock these passive skills additionally she also gains attack percent and crit rate as bonus stats that you can unlock once again regarding her level priority be sure to maximize your 40 circuit as While most of her damage is considered skill damage the scalings are all on her forte circuit so be sure to maximize this as your number one priority after this level your residence Liberation and then after this you can level your intro skill and your resonance skill at a lesser priority but still worth leveling and lastly your Basics now for a quick example rotation while this will heavily depend on so many things what I like to prioritize is being able to start my rotation off by using an intro skill this sets everything up very efficiently allows you to use your supports first and not have to do four more or less useless basic attacks on jiny to enter her Incarnation state if you have to though you can it's no big deal you can do four normals and then press your skill to enter her Incarnation State ideally however you can CYO through your other characters your supports or sub DPSS use their abilities and ideally build up your conserto energy on one of them before swapping into your giny using their outro skill and jiny's intro skill her J Echo you can then use your ultimate if you have it available to start your rotation off with some burst damage and then immediately using her skill to enter Incarnation using her second skill and then four basic attacks then her third skill pass which is your nuke damage and then swapping out of her triggering her outro and your next character's intro afterwards you can sort of rinse and repeat by cycling through your characters and doing it all over again keep in mind that you will be passively gaining stacks for your jiny's skill as you do damage on other characters through coordinate attacks and also through just playing them it is very important to keep this in mind and maximize the way you are building and playing your team to get the most stacks and therefore the most damage on your jiny's skill press with that in mind even if you don't have a coordinate attacker you can still get a decent amount it won't be quite as good but it can still be viable if for example you have strong Support options but don't have a coordinated attacker available to use in your team although there is a good freeo playay option so everyone should be able to build a solid coordinated attacker for their jiny because Jin's nuke scales on how many Incarnation Stacks she has it is important to use your team and your rotation efficiently make sure you're using all your abilities having good up time and triggering your coordinated attacks as often as possible to make sure that when your jincy's skill is ready and you use her her Dragon nuke it is doing as much damage as possible by consuming as many Incarnation Stacks as possible we'll cover her best teams later in the video to help make this as simple as possible and keep in mind that throughout your rotation you can use your ultimate basically whenever you have it all right now moving on let's talk about how to actually build your gen C starting with her best Echoes well first of all for the echo sets or Sonata effects that you're looking for it should be no surprise that the celestial light or the spectral damage set will be your go-to the two piece will give you 10% spectro damage bonus and then the five piece will give you another 30% for 15 seconds after using your intro skill since jiny's intro skill is very good and something you should be using at the start of your rotation or at least trying to get it as fast as possible this set overall will be your best and will help you maximize your damage giving you up to 40% spectral damage bonus in total and being your best goto set overall with that in mind it is also very viable to mix and match two pieces of the spectral damage set with either lingering tunes for attack or even moonlit Cloud if you need energy regen for the most part though just go for Leal light going for the standard spectro set on the spectro character now for the active Echo you should be using I highly recommend using the brand new Jo who you can unlock after completing the story and who's also very easy to farm because you are guaranteed an echo every two runs and you can do the lower difficulty ones provid it's not too low of a difficulty compared to your level so you can still claim the Echo and you can Farm it a lot easier than if you were to do it at Max difficulty now the reason why this active Echo is good however is because of its pretty insane effect first of all it will deal multiple hits of spectro damage which is good bonus Spectra damage is always nice and it will do this with virtually no cast time you can just press your Echo skill and then do literally anything else you don't have to swap cancel it you don't have to go through an animation it comes out virtually instantly and will just start dealing damage if that wasn't enough however it will also give you a pretty considerable buff called the blessing of time this blessing of time will last for 15 seconds during which you gain 16% resonance skill damage bonus which is great because jiny's damage primarily comes from her skill and then on top of just that it will also for 15 seconds once your skill hits a Target constantly deals spectral damage once per second this is really good not just for the spectral damage it deals but also when you consider the fact that it can constantly stack up your incandescence giving you Stacks to increase your skill damage through the effective spectro damage over time that you're gaining and helping you just get Spectral Stacks effortlessly even if your jiny isn't constantly attacking giving you bonus damage and stacks for free now while there is a cool down between how often you can get stacks of the same attribute and both jiny and J are spectr this this does greatly help for consistency helping you get fast and easy stacks on top of just giving you skill damage bonus and a ton of bonus Spectra damage which really does add up and so I highly recommend farming this new echko but if you don't have it you can use something like the morning aches as a placeholder or even the mech Abomination if you are running 2pie Spectra with twopiece attack as a fast and quite powerful Echo overall though J is definitely the best and what I recommend farming for now moving on for the stats you're looking for here is what I highly recommend first of all I believe going 43 through 3 1 one on your Echoes is the best way to go and then you will prioritize your most efficient stats on your for cost you want to go for either crit rate or crit damage whatever helps balance your ratio the most to get a 1 to2 crit rate to crit damage ratio now keep in mind that in weathering waves your base crit damage looks to be 150 but this is actually just the multiplier it's 150% which if you're someone who plays either genin or Star rail this would mean you effectively have 50 crit damage it just looks to be 150 so don't get baited by this you want a 1 to2 ratio kind of subtracting 100 from your crit damage just trying to make it as balanced as possible what this means is for your main stats look for either crit rate or crit damage whichever one you need more of depending on your build for your three cost you are looking for spectral damage bonus primarily but keep in mind that attack percent as a main stat on one of your two three cost or even both but ideally just one is really not far behind running double spectro in fact it's only a few percents behind and because it's so close this means that if you have better substats on an attack percent main stat versus a spectr damage one it's really not a big deal and you can absolutely run one attack percent piece and one spectro damage bonus piece to help make your farming easier if your substats are better that way running double attack percent is viable as well but will be a bit more noticeably worse and less recommended for the most part though running either double spectro damage bonus on your three cost or one spectro one attack are both perfectly viable with double spectro only being slightly better for your one cost you obviously want attack and for your sub stats or just stats you're looking for on every piece look for crit rate and crit damage to help increase all of your kits damage followed by attack percent and resonance skill damage flood attack is okay and so is resonance Liberation damage but it's less good more of a bonus and lastly energy regeneration is a good stat to have and one that I recommend going for while you don't need a specific amount of energy regen because a lot of your damage comes from your skill and not just your ultimate being able to use your ultimate as often as possible is nice and is definitely a good chunk of your damage but because your alt costs a high amount of resonance energy you typically will try to use it either whenever you can or maybe every other rotation so personally I recommend getting energy regen on your sub stats wherever you can trying to get between 25 and 40% to be able to use your ultimate more often to recap the main stats you're looking for are crit rate crit damage energy regeneration attack percent and resonance skill damage bonus followed by flat attack and the other slightly beneficial substats now with that out of the way let's talk about jiny's best weapons first of all ages of harvest her signature weapon is definitely her best weapon this broad blade gives you crit rate attribute damage bonus and also a ton of skill damage bonus which is great for jiny's Kit overall the crit rate and generic damage bonus help for all of her kit and then the tremendous amount of skill damage bonus is really strong for her skill obviously which constitutes the majority of her damage making it a great stat stick for her it is typically around 15 to 20% better than the next best options and is a solid stat stick for your gency with that in mind it is not a weapon that you should feel forced to get as there are solid Alternatives first of all the other five stars verdant Summit Gan signature and lustrous razor the standard Banner one that you could get from your five-star selector or choose to try to go for with your standard pulls are both solid stat sticks Jan's weapon is solid because it gives you crit damage and attribute damage which already make it a strong stat stick while the heavy attack damage bonus is mostly wasted on Jin C because she's not really spamming her heavy attacks the other stats you're gaining make it a solid stat stick even though it's worse than your signature similarly lustrous razor just gives you a lot of attack percent as well as energy regen and resonance Liberation or alt damage bonus which make it a solid option the ton of attack and energy regen are very useful and the res Liberation damage bonus is a nice bonus making it a similar stat stick to verd and Summit two solid five-star options personally since I have gan's weapon because I play gien a lot I can just use it on my geny when I'm using her as the main DPS instead and just balance this weapon around my broad blade characters and overall any of the five star options are great with ages of harvest her signature being the best if you choose to go for it now outside of just the five star options your next best options will be the broad blade 41 and the Helios Cleaver broad blade gives you attack and energy regen and the Helios Cleaver gives you a ton of attack percent both of these options are pretty similar and the broad blade 41 is one that you can craft making it an accessible free-to-play option outside of those options the Autumn Trace is usable although it is more inconsistent to stack because your enhanced basic attacks are considered skill damage and not basic attack damage so you can't really stack its effect up too consistently and the broad blade of night is a viable three star but overall as you can see from the rough weapon ranking I'm putting on screen a five-star stat stick is your best option followed by broad blade and Helios Cleaver additionally regarding her first resonance in in case you're wondering it is a pretty strong one that will passively allow her to gain resident skill damage as she's doing her unique Basics and skills this bonus skill damage will be for your illuminous Epiphany also known as the one where your dragon nukes everything and you will gain up to 80% damage bonus for that hit it's 20% stacking up to four times and you can do this very easily so usually it'll just be a free 80% resident skill damage bonus for your last big nuke hit which is a big portion of your damage making this a solid early stopping point if you want to get one want another copy of G but it definitely isn't needed as without residences at s0 or whatever jiny still nukes very highly and is a very strong DPS all right now moving on let's talk about jiny's best teams and her best synergies the first thing you need to know as we covered in the video is that jiny is a character who synergizes incredibly well with coordinated attackers while I'm sure there's going to be new ones in the future that will synergize well with jiny so if a future coordinated attack user comes out keep that in mind for now here are the characters that synergize the best with her first of all yinin is a very strong coordinated attack sub DPS support burst damage dealer whatever you want to call her was not just good damage from her abilities both her skill and Liberation but also has a really strong Mark through her forte that she can apply to enemies and will constantly fire off a coordinated attack of Electro damage as your geny is on field hitting enemies this will help you gain incandescent attacks very fast and yinin is definitely a premier coordinated attacker who you can also use as a sort of sub DPS in your rotation with that in mind there are other coordinate attackers in fact to name all of them it is yinin Yan Wu ify and also to a lesser extent Verina in her ultimate because of this you typically want to make sure you're running at least one coordinate attacker with jiny in her optimal teams the first one as I mentioned is Yin for the reasons I just explained but you could also use Yan Wu and in my opinion he's a very underrated option that synergizes really well with the giny while his personal damage and scalings aren't the highest what he does have going for him is the fact that he requires almost no fi time to just press his skill and then he will constantly have coordinated attacks through his field firing them as your jincy is on field damaging enemies and helping her Stack Up efficiently I even managed to clear some Tower floors with a level one yen Wu literally like no investment in him so he can be a good option at low investment he's also a free character that was given away through I believe the event page and he can help you get some stacks for free mortify is also another option you can use and he's a really solid fourstar the only drawback is that his outro skill is really solid for heavy attack damage amplification which doesn't really synergize well with jiny at all for those reasons I prefer mortify Synergy with someone like GN and would use him in that team instead but if you don't have another coordinated attacker then mortify especially with his fourth resonance can definitely be a solid choice for jincy as just an off field sub DPS and coordinated attacker overall though just pair jiny with your best coordinated attacker and your last SL is flexible usually a Healer for your healer options it's mostly Vina or B with Verina being the best not just because she provides you with a ton of Buffs and healing but also has a bit of bonus coordinate attacks in her alt I highly recommend building some energy regen on her to try to get her alt back a bit more often and outside of that she's just pretty solid and so you can build your team accordingly outside of just coordinating attackers you can also run jiny with a strong sub DPS just another good character a support character someone like Havoc Rover who has good damage through their skill and ALT and doesn't need to spend much time on field because of this jiny's teams can be a bit more flexible although I still recommend running a coordinated attacker generally speaking Also regarding taoi I want to mention that she has a good outro skill that will increase your skill damage and it's especially nice for a big screenshot number damage per screenshot just to kind of flex a big number but for the most part her kit doesn't C ize well with Jin C and you'd rather have a coordinated attacker with that in mind this outro skill is definitely really good for Jin C but other than that I do recommend running as I said a strong coordinated attacker and then a Healer or a flexible last slot if you don't need a Healer in your team yinin mortify or Yen Wu are all solid choices for a coordinated attacker and Verina is the best healer but not a mandatory one all right now I'm going to include a quick Showcase of my genin C getting a three star clear in the tower of adversity in the last floor of the middle section this was against the monkey and this is a clip taken from my stream because I got it live and I figured it'd be best to just use that one where I managed to three start it for the first time JY definitely leveled up my account and my build on her is not the craziest in fact I don't even have her signature weapon I'm just using gens that I'm sharing across my broad blade characters I am running the spectral set with joy as my active Echo and my ratio is 62 253 or 153 if you ignore the extra 100 with pretty low energy regen but it's okay still decent stats and Performing very well still more talents I could level and obviously no residences unlocked no signature weapon although I am using gen's and overall this will be a good clear keep in mind that this won't be a perfect rotation or anything I was kind of just playing how I normally would and this was also recorded before I made this guide so I've also improved by playing her more and for exact rotation stuff check out the rotation section earlier this is just going to be me using her in practice in the tower of adversity keep in mind also that the tower's blessing makes my Liberation damage stronger when I use my skill and my skill stronger when I use my Liberation and so that's why sometimes I was trying to use my skill right before my ALT or vice versa with that in mind I hope you en the guide and I hope you'll enjoy the Showcase let's go should okay 437 I don't know how we got 447 but whatever 437 assuming we got like a few good numbers it's probably fine okay I thought that would Parry hello outro skill I was like minus 10 seconds that's good damage I'm actually not going to go to Reena just because I want to be able to just do as fast rotations as I can even if they're not fully buffed for a bit I want to just get an extra Ian cuz like my ALT even like this helps me get my Al back and then Al Buffs me with the Abyss busting yeah I think this was correct no Al though going to save my ALT use it this should be a big rotation where's my e please wait isable oh that doesn't time stop does it fine I Waited For Joy so we got a buff here please grit I hate you oh I got it and so yeah overall I've been pleasantly surprised with jiny I think she's an incredible and really strong almost borderline broken unit very powerful very solid main DPS that I think you can go for if you like her or want a solid main DPS option if you don't want her or don't like her don't feel forced to get her obviously but I think she's really good and very satisfying if she's a character you're interested in thanks so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this video excuse the slight delay and the fact that I'm not a my home setup I'm traveling around trying to get back home and get settled in but let me know if you like this type of content if you want more weaing waves videos or guides and I'll try to be earlier in the next one thanks so much for watching and as always I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 120,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, jinhsi, wuwa, guide, build, jinhsi build, jinhsi guide, jinhsi guide wuthering waves, wuthering waves jinhsi, wuthering waves jinhsi build, jinhsi build wuthering waves, jinhsi gameplay, s0, jinhsi s0, weapons, jinhsi echoes, jue, jinhsi teams, zy0x, zyox, new, dps, wuthering waves showcase, gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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